The world in the life of a grey husky. Chpt. 4 The fox's surprise.

Story by Uniden on SoFurry

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Waking up to the rock station preset on his radio, the little fox wondered how he had gotten home. Letting his radio play on he got up and flicked on the Saturday morning cartoons.

Still thinking of how he got there he remembered something. He remembered was burying his head in the husky's chest after kissing him. He could remember the husk's strong musk, which must have overwhelmed him. Taking off the clothes he had worn last night, the seventeen year old Fraddas got dressed for the day.

Sitting down in front of the television, he began to watch a new anime show.

Right before the fight scene, a bulletin flashed onto the screen. Staring in disbelief, the fox saw a female skunk reporting from in front of a tree. Leaning up against the tree was a car that had been badly damaged.

"Thats mark's car!" he said loudly in the small room. As tears welled up in his eyes, the reporter began to talk.

"This morning at around five a.m., the Grear county sheriff's department was called out on a terrible accident involving a tractor trailer and a single vehicle. This police officer was the first on the scene."

The camera went to a rather imposing male german shepard officer dressed in full police garb. The ticker at the bottom of the screen read Officer Brown.

"At approximately 5:30 this morning, a car was traveling down State Road 213, was forced off the road by a runaway 18-wheeler. The driver, a twenty year old husky, whose name is yet to be disclosed, is in critical care at Sacred Fur Hospital."

Shutting off the television, the heart broken fox couldn't contain himself any longer. Laying his head in his paws, he let a stream of tears flow out.

"How could this be happening?" he thought.

Being the only one up, the heartbroken fox grabbed his guitar and ran downstairs. Leaving a note telling his parents that he was going out he ran to the hospital, luckily it was only a few blocks away.

Entering through the sliding door, the fox wiped his tears and went up to the counter. Not wanting the receptionist to see him like this, the fox asked what room Mark Uniden was in.

"Room two fifteen" noticing the young fox's sadness, "second floor hunny. Go down the hall and to the left is the elevator."

Thanking the kind receptionist, he began running down the hall. Tightening his guitar strap he entered the perfectly timed arriving elevator. Hitting the lighted up two button, he began crying again. As the metal doors slid open he didn't even bother wiping his eyes. Turning a corner he saw the room. Entering it cautiously he saw a large tiger in a doctors robe. Walking over to the crying fox, kneeling down he put an arm on his shoulder.

"He is going to be alright." The tiger said in a low voice."He had a light concussion and broke two ribs. He should be okay." Standing out of the room, he shut the door behind him letting the fox and his hurt friend.

Pushing a chair up next to the bed, he took off his guitar and began playing soothing songs. Ending his second song, living on a prayer the fox put his head in the paw of the sleeping husky and began sobbing.

Lifting his arm against the pain the husky moved a paw over to his other side. Letting tears fall down his face, out of pain but mainly sorrow for putting this guy through this, he patted the foxes head before returning it to the original side, never looking away from the fox, nor ceasing to cry,

Looking up trying to see through his teary eyes he could see the husky crying at him. Smiling widely he jumps on the bed and curls up next to his husky friend's side.

Looking down at his friend he asked him the question he had wanted to since he dropped the fox off. "Fraddas, why did you kiss me at the movie theater?"

Looking up at the husky he knew that this question would arise, but not this soon. Still a little tearful but this time mixed with joy, he searched for the words that would be best. "ummm... I umm.... am gay and i like you." he said as he looked down in embarrassment.

The shocked husky looked at the little fox. Well, there it was, the question was answered. But was it the answer he wanted, he didn't even know. Nudging the fox lightly caused him to look up, with watery eyes. "Look, it's ok i except you for who you are, there is no need to be ashamed."

Smiling as wide as his mouth would let him, the extremely happy fox jumped onto the the husky's chest making him grunt in pain. Hugging the best friend's neck he didn't really know he was hurting his friend.

Not wanting to hurt the fox anymore he just let him do what he wanted he let the fox nuzzle on his neck. Lifting up slightly, the fox pressed his muzzle onto the husky's. Trying not to let the fox feel the his growing bulge in his hospital gown, the husky brought the fox up higher. Letting go of the husky, the fox slipped down the husky's chest making him sigh in pleasure. Lifting the thin nightgown the fox lightly grabs the husky's exposed cock. Slowly stroking the growing cock, the fox gazed in amazement and lust at the growing mass of canine meat. This was the first time he had seen another males cock in real life besides his own.

Opening his mouth, water was slowly dripping off his jaw's, the fox began to lick the husky's cock already wet with pre. Liking the taste of whatever this liquid was, he opened his mouth wider and covered the husky's cock with his jowls. Bobbing his head up and down in no particular rhythm the husky couldn't believe what was happening.

Continuing on the fox began flicking his tongue on the back of the wonderful tasting cock. Hearing the heart rate monitors go up, the husky quickly called out, "Fraddas stop before they come!"

Taking the still throbbing cock out of his mouth, the fox came out from under the nightgown. Looking at the husky with a confused look he did what he was told. Covering the husky back up with the blanket, he plopped back down in the chair and waited till they could go home and fullfil what he had always wanted. Thinking about that he smiled.

Soon a nurse came in with some good news. "Sir, you will be free to go in a few hours." Hearing these word made the fox jump up with a smile and a tail wagging ferociously. He hugged the husky again but this time he did it without jumping on him, as bad as he wanted to.