The Plan: Part 1

Story by IanWolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Ian and London - Main Story

The Plan is a story about a devious fox and his best friend who also happens to be his secret crush. What is his plan? And what will happen next?

*Click* *Click*

The small clicking emanated from my camera. It wasn't big or anything, but damn did I like it. I had gotten it as a Christmas gift a few years back and since then had become quite adept at using it.

Who knew this little camera would help me get into the pants of my long time crush?

It all started on an innocent Sunday. I had been invited over to play some video games and hang. My friend, who was a medium sized black wolf, wasn't really into sports or anything like that. The most he did was run each day as well as the occasional swim in the ocean or town pool.

But damn he was toned.

Anyway, we would normally hang out for a little bit. We would order some pizza and play some Brawl or something. I can't really usually remember as I'm usually too busy watching him as he played the game rather than actually paying attention to what I was doing or even playing for that matter. I think he came to the conclusion that I just suck at videogames.

Sometimes I would insist that he play one of his much liked single player games. I don't mind watching... him, that is.

He was so cute all concentrated on the game. He'd be so focused and determined to beat the level or something. Like I said, I was too busy looking at him to care what game he was playing, or even what he was doing.

He'd make the occasional comment, and I'd have to quickly look at the screen and scramble to either look at what had happened or to at least look like I was looking at what happened.

I had gotten pretty good at being sneaky.

Anyways, back to this fateful day.

It was pretty hot out, being the Summer and all. It was nice that we lived so close to the water, just 5 minutes away. It kept the temperature down slightly. Nonetheless, it was still pretty hot... that is, his body as he came back from his run.

I had arrived slightly earlier than expected. It didn't really matter though, being his best friend he had made me a key to his flat.

After getting settled, I waited outside for him to finish with his run. I was practically drooling waiting for him to turn that corner.

My God. My jaw, mentally, was at my feet. He was stunning. Even better, it seemed that he had gone and taken a swim. Normally he'd just be covered in sweat, but today he was soaked straight through.

His fur hung heavily, giving him a wet puppy dog look. Although his fur was a mess and concealed much of any distinguishing features, I could still see the faint outline of his toned stomach and beautiful thighs. He had a sexy belly button too!

I tried not to seem obvious, although I admit, it was pretty challenging.

Sitting on the stairs to his building, at first, he didn't see me. However, as he was about to climb up, startled, he said in a shocked, but cute high pitched voice, "Oh, Foxy! I didn't think you'd be here yet."

Foxy's not my real name, obviously. You don't name your children Humany, do you? That'd be just sad.

No, it was just a nickname, but one that got me turned on, so I didn't complain.

No, my name is Ian, and his, well big sexy over there's name is London. He goes by the name Ludo though. I think his real name's quite sexy though. Maybe being named after a city is just a turn on for me, but who knows? Though all the rest of his friends call him Ludo, I still call him London. It gets him angry, which gets me hot. Although after all this time it doesn't really have the same effect anymore. Oh well, at least his name's still sexy.

"Oh hey London," I said nonchalantly - In reality though, my heart was doing a double back flip-, "Yeah sorry about coming early, I-" fuck! I couldn't stop looking at his chest, rising quite noticeably from his run, "I got out of class early. The teacher's kid got sick," I lied.

Although I did go to this school for digital photography/art, I didn't have class that day.

"Oh, ok," London said, shrugging his shoulders, "Well, come in then, I'll make you a snack or something."

London walked up the steps and passed by me. Being tall and sitting, my head was at his waist level as he passed by.

I couldn't resist taking a whiff, smelling the various scents on his body. Salt, dampness, sweat, and maybe something else...

I breathed him in heavily, then stood up in a daze and followed close behind him, not once taking my eyes off his muscled ass, although sadly they were currently hiding behind a loose pair of running shorts.

I was determined to get into those pesky shorts, but I'd have to play my cards right. I couldn't rush, in fear of scaring him away. No, I had to be smart about it. Luckily I had a plan.

I followed that midnight coloured wolf up several flights of stairs. I'm not going to lie, I always get a bit winded when climbing these stairs. I'm not fat or anything, just a little out of shape. I can't say I run every day like my wolf here.

Well, eventually we got to his floor. He lived in an old mill which they had only recently renovated. It was actually really pretty in a rustic way. From London's flat you could see this moderate sized river which had a bike and walking path on the other side of it. There was this bridge that crossed to the bike path. It was nicknamed the Bridge of Love as couples would lock locks onto the railing to signify their unbreaking, eternal love for each other. They would then throw the key over the side into the river. I had always dreamed of doing this with London.

As we reached the 4th floor landing, London remarked, "Wow! It smells great in here," he said referring to the hallway which ran the length of the 4th floor, "One of my neighbors must have been hungry!"

I just smirked, "They must've been very hungry," I remarked back.

London walked down the hall a short ways to his door, number 143. The numbers reset each floor, which could be slightly confusing. I always wondered who's bright idea that was, but had never said anything to London.

London fiddled with his key chain for a second, which only contained 3 keys, 1 to his apartment, 1 to my house, and 1 to his car which he never used. Living in the city suburbs, it wasn't hard to walk or bike everywhere.

After a second, London placed the key in the lock, turned it, and walked in.

I could only bask in the glow of his reaction when he walked in. His flat, which was on the top floor of the mill, allowed the renovators to add a loft due to the high ceilings. Thus, the bedroom was placed up in the loft area. The downstairs was an open concept living area, with the kitchen and dining room directly in front of the door.

The living room was to the right, with a large bathroom running along the side of the hallway.

Thus the first thing London's eyes landed upon was a fully covered table with all of his favourite foods.

London, who was carrying nothing, walked right up to the table, "Oh my God! This looks amazing," London exclaimed, turning to look right at me.

"You didn't have to do all this for me!" he said, quickly hugging me.

Briefly shocked, I hugged back tightly, curling my finger's into the damp, black fur on his back. I enjoyed that moment, determined to have many more.

Although tempted to grab his tight ass, I had to withhold myself. I had to do this as planned.

London, broke the embrace, looking around the room, "You cleaned too!?"

"I had a bit of time," I lied. In reality I had been slaving over the stove and cleaning since right after he left, some 4 hours ago.

"Thank you, Foxy, you didn't have to do this," London said, still facing me. I just smiled. Suddenly, I had an idea.

"It was no big deal. Actually, I just remembered, I still need to do one more thing. Want to go get dried off while I get it?"

"Yeah sure," London said, walking into the bathroom.

Knowing I had little time, I took the matchbook from one of the drawers, quickly lighting some candles.

I then went into my backpack which I had brought to make my story seem believable, and took out a bottle of vodka.

I set it onto the table when I heard the water turn on. "Good," I thought, sneaking over to the bathroom.

Seeing he had only closed the door slightly, I peeked in. There he was! In full glory! His shower was made of see through glass, but the fogginess had concealed his view of the outside.

I was ecstatic. Taking a risk, I got a little closer. Also lucky for me, he had turned on some music, which he liked to do. I walked up to a foot from the glass. He was turned around, lathering some shampoo into his fur.

I knew I didn't have long as I was sure he was only taking a 5 minute shower at most. He did like to eat after all, and I had made him his favourites: Knish, Pirozhki, Solyanka and Lymonnyk for dessert.

From my obscured perspective, I saw what I could, knowing I would be seeing much more later tonight.

After my craving was partially fulfilled, I quietly left, walking back to the table. The table, which was rustic looking and made out of wood, only had 4 chairs but I knew which one was his favourite due to careful observation. I sat directly across from his seat, waiting patiently, the whole time thinking of all the dirty things I'd do to him.

Suddenly, I heard the water turn off. My heart started racing again.

"Foxy!" he yelled from the bathroom.

I leaped up, almost knocking over the chair, which I quickly steadied.

I ran over to the bathroom, "Yes, London?"

"I seem to have run out of contacts. Could you get some from my room? They're in the top-middle drawer," London called through the crack of the door. I was tempted to peak knowing his vision was temporarily impaired, but I was actually more excited about being able to have an excuse to snoop through his dresser.

"Of course!" I called back. Just as I was about to turn, he called again, "Could you also get me a new change of clothes. In the hurry to eat, I seem to have forgotten to get them."

"Sure. Anything for you!"

I must admit, although I like being the dominant one in a relationship, there's something hot about being commanded what to do. It's like you surrender yourself to someone entirely. 100% mind and body.

Nevertheless, I walked across from the bathroom door to the spiral staircase that led to the loft. Although the flat was done in a modern style, with white plastered walls, several old, rustic things were kept, such as a brick accent wall where the windows were, and old wooden posts, holding up the loft. The floor was a complimenting dark wood.

I climbed the black iron spiral staircase with ease. I actually have one back home about 10 minutes north of here. I guess you could say the town of Twin River where we both live is famous for three things, brick buildings and mills (many of which contain cast iron fixtures), tree lined rivers and roads and a fabulous ocean front. Being just 30 minutes south of the capitol was also a bonus.

Reaching the top of the staircase, I looked around. I had never ventured into the loft by myself before. I had always been accompanied by London, and we had never stayed up for very long.

I walked two feet to a railing that overlooked 3 of the 6 windows in the flat. They reached from the first floor up to the ceiling of the loft uninterrupted. They were quite impressive, but a bitch to clean.

At the end of the set of windows was a small sitting area set against the wall which contained a half bath and walk in closet.

A half wall separated the bedroom from the staircase. After a short walk around the half wall with its signature wooden support beam going to the lofted ceiling, my eyes befell upon HIS bed. It wasn't really anything too exciting.

I'd have to say London has a more conservative taste than I. The bed was a King with a wooden base. The covers were cream coloured and neatly tucked in. A Southwest themed blanket was laid out at the bottom half.

Then, my eyes fell upon the dresser. It was so innocent looking. A mirror was set into a frame above it. I looked at my reflection for a second.

I wasn't really too impressed with what stared back. I was your standard fox, about 6 foot, lanky. The colour of my fur and eyes is what I like best. My eyes are a deep emerald which many people have complimented before. My fur on the other paw is like a burnt orange that you see on trees during Fall. Besides that I just have a few simple ear cuffs of various colours.

After that second, I walked up to the dresser. Middle drawer. With fingers outstretched, I reached for it, however I must have misjudged the reach as my fingers stumbled upon the one below it.

Biting my lip in anticipation, I slowly opened the drawer.

I was quickly disappointed, seeing only boxers and socks. Carefully, I lifted them up. Nothing.

I quickly shut the drawer, moving down to the one below it. Inside was simply shirts and pants. I searched the rest to no avail. Giving in, I went to grab a shirt and pants for London. However, as I reached in, my fingers touched something cold and hard.

I furrowed my brow in confusion. The object was very far back, behind the shirts. Reaching in almost up to my elbow, I slowly pulled out the object. Shock registered across my face as I was looking down at what could only have been a toy.

All of the implications of what this could have meant ran through my head, "Was he gay? Was this for someone else? Did he want me to find this?"

I quickly put it back. I grabbed the contacts, eye drops, and a pair of underwear. I quickly ran back downstairs, my mind still racing. Why would he hide it like that?

I had seen London with girls before, but they were always one night stands. He had never had a serious relationship during the time I had known him, which was about 3 years now. We had met at the end of Senior year in Highschool. And now that I think about it, I cant recall him ever talking about his past relationships which makes me question if he had ever had any to begin with.

Besides his one night stands, I'm not really sure if he had really shown any tendencies to suggest he was straight.

Normally, I don't think people would too often read into this _this_much. But considering I had had a crush on him for nearly the whole time I've known him, the question of his orientation had always been on my mind.

No matter how outgoing or bold I am, I had never worked up the courage to ask him in fear he would ask why I wanted to know.

As these thoughts raced through my mind, I reached the bottom of the stairs. Hearing the clanking of the stairs, London called, "About time!" he said teasingly, "My fur could've dried by itself," he chuckled.

Still in somewhat of a daze, I said nothing as I handed him his clothes and other belongings through the crack of the door.

"Thanks?" he said, noticing something was off. People have often described me as having a bubbly personality, not often being quiet.

And around London, I could never seem to shut up.

Luckily, London seemed to like this. He was always so quiet that I think my outgoingness complimented with him quite well.

He seemed to reserve words for important or intellectual conversations, which I enjoyed as well. Although conservative looking and sounding, the inside of his mind was as colourful as my personality.

He was an artist after all. Well, at least I had thought he was just that.

Breathing deeply to try to calm myself, I walked over to the table. Considering this whole exchange had really only taken 10 minutes or so, the food, which I had just taken out of the oven before he arrived home, was now at an edible temperature.

After a few more moments, I composed myself; putting on my usual goofy grin.

So, when he walked out of the bathroom, damp but clothed, most of his suspicions faded. Instead he simply commented, "You acted like you had seen a ghost or something."

"Nah, nothing like that," I said, shrugging my shoulders, "Just a bit tired I guess."

Wanting to distract him, I moved my hand toward the vodka, "Want some? I know Pyatizvyozdnaya is your favourite, so when I was in the market, I picked some up."

"You didn't have to do that!" London exclaimed.

"No worries," I said with my crooked grin.

He started to reach for the bottle, but I grabbed it before he could, "Don't worry, I'll pour you some."

Using tongs, I put some ice from a bowl I had set on the table into a 10 oz glass mug. Tilting the vodka bottle on its side, I began pouring and continued to pour.

"That's good," he said, at about half way full.

I continued to pour, as if I didn't hear him, "Oh! Sorry," I said, lifting the bottle vertical, however I had already poured the vodka right to the top.

"That's fine," London said nervously, "You trying to get me drunk or something?" he said teasingly again.

"Maybe," I said jokingly, however I was never really good at sarcasm.

The rest of the meal went fine. Like I knew, London enjoyed every bite, wolfing down at least 2 helpings of everything. Although he isn't too big, he does burn a lot of calories from his running, so I wasn't surprised at this. What I was surprised at was that he actually ended up drinking all of his vodka, and then some! Was he trying to get drunk? I was fully expecting him to just drink half, but he must have drunk at least 12 shot glasses of the stuff. I know he could hold his weight in liquor but damn. By the end of it, he was completely smashed.

I ended up helping him to the couch.

I actually felt bad for him. For me too. How was he going to enjoy himself later?

Taking advantage of the moment, I sat next to him with my hand on his shoulder. I guess he assumed I was just trying to be comforting, which I was. I mean, I don't just want him for the sex. If I wasn't satisfied with my sex life I could easily find the solution elsewhere and not work half as hard as I was at this point.

No. I really did want an honest for God relationship. I was just kind of afraid of starting one, is all. I had been rejected once before, so those memories didn't help. And when I say rejected, I don't mean like I asked this guy to go out and he said no. It was more like I asked him out and got pushed and spit in the face. Let's just say I guess I wasn't very good at judging people back then.

Who thought my once friend wouldn't be _at least_bi, let alone homophobic! I mean come on! You don't wear _those_pants in public and expect people to think you're straight. Even if that is a stereotype!

Anyway, I sat with London for a little while. My plan wouldn't take effect until 8, so at this point I still had 5 and a half hours to get him at least a little less drunk.

Not being a very heavy drinker, I was forced to recall ways of becoming sober fast. All I could think of was black coffee and water. I also remembered that food absorbed alcohol. At that point I could only hope the effects of all the food he ate would eventually help. Until then, I got some cold water and made several glasses of black coffee. Luckily I knew he liked it black, so I wouldn't have to force it on him.

After I brought the coffee and water over, I told him to drink it to help him get sober.

"Nah," he murmured, "I lik it lik this (hic)," he slurred.

Slightly curious, I asked, "Why?"

"Make it (hic) so," he paused, maybe getting nauseous, "don't have ta tink."

"Why is that good?" I asked. I honestly didn't drink a lot for that very reason.

"I have too many tauts," he sighed. At this point he was sprawled out on the couch with his left arm over his eyes.

Realizing this, I dimmed the lights slightly.

After I came back, he had lowered his arm. I looked deep into his stunning ice blue eyes, "Like what?"

"Bout me. Bout ma life," a small pause, "Bout you."

At this, I picked up the coffee, "Please drink this, for me." I actually really felt guilty about what I had done at this point. Although I didn't want him to get this drunk, I did buy the vodka for him. And, I didn't stop him from drinking more. Although curious what these "thoughts about me" were, I felt like I was taking advantage of him while he was in this state. I only wanted to get him a little buzzed to loosen him up, not to cripple the poor guy.

I continued to hold the cup of now lukewarm coffee until he took it in a paw. He slowly sipped it. Eventually, he finished it. Then I made him drink some water to combat the dehydrating effects of the coffee.

After that, I sat with him for a little while. Eventually he fell asleep. I found a blanket and covered him. Although it was swelteringly hot outside, his AC unit was turned all the way up to combat the heat of the oven. I also knew alcohol naturally lowered the body temperature, so I was a bit worried he was too cold.

After I had gotten him as comfy as possible, I busied myself with cleaning up the table and doing the dishes.

I took the vodka and put it back into my backpack. No way would I ever let him get this far gone again while I was around. It was blatantly irresponsible. He could have been poisoned for all I knew!

After I was done with that, I made a few phone calls, then went back to sit with him. I still wanted to go on with the plan, but I promised myself if he wasn't any better within an hour of the plan, I wasn't going to go through with it.

After half an hour of just watching him sleep, oh how peaceful he looked, I got up and gingerly walked over to the spiral staircase which was no further than 5 feet from the couch.

I tiptoed up, not wanting to wake sleeping beauty.

At the landing, I walked over to the railing which surrounded a 1 foot gap in the floor that let the window stretch from floor to ceiling.

I looked out the window for a second, quickly finding the lover's bridge that led to the bike path on the other side of the river.

I stared at that bridge for a while, tracing it in my mind, from the old metal posts that had oxidized, to the intricate swirling patterns that made up the railing, to the pure green trees which gently swayed in the calm Summer breeze.

After about 10 minutes, I walked over to his bed and gently got up into it, not wanting to mess up the covers.

I really only wanted to relax for a few moments, but at some point, I must have fallen asleep...

To Be Continued...


This is the first story of this content I have ever written, so let me know what you think. :)

I intend to have the next part of this *hopefully series* up by the end of the week. I just started my second semester of college so things may get busy on my end. If you like the story, feel free to comment, like and rate, and even if you don't, I'd greatly appreciate the help :D

Ian and London I think will be my main characters I work with, but if you have any suggestions for what I should write next (be it different characters, a different location or a different story entirely) please tell me in the comments and I'll see what I can do.

Sincerely, IanWolf

P.S. If you see any mistakes structurally, please let me know. This is the first time I'm using this system so I might have made an error I didn't catch. Some examples of mistakes (Obvious missing sections of the story, differences in text size or colour, extra spaces, etc.).

Thanks. XD
