Wolf King Ch. 6

Story by Kendrick on SoFurry

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#8 of the wolf king

I'm sorry its taken me so long, but its here! The next chapter wont take as long.

We begin to see parts of Cedric' past. We also begin to see some small hints into what Aiden and Cedric' bond entails.

Aiden Pov

'THUMP THUMP' Aiden groaned and pinned his ears to his head. He was tired and just wanted to sleep. 'THUMP THUMP' the noise was louder, and Aiden gave a short growl. He slowly opened his eyes, 'THUMP THUMP'. His eyes shot open and he glared at the door. What did they want at such an un godly hour?

Aiden made a move to get up but a weight on his chest stopped him. Looking down Aiden saw Cedric's head resting on him. The smaller wolf was still asleep. Aiden's eyes softened when he saw this, the black wolf looked so peaceful. 'THUMP THUMP THUMP' Aiden's eyes jumped to the door and he gave another growl.

Aiden gently moved Cedric off his chest, and slowly got off the bed. Making sure the mattress did not shift and wake his mate. Once he was on his foot paws Aiden made his way to the door. The whole time his foot paws stepping on the old rose pedals.

Aiden opened the door just as a guard was about to knock again. "What is it?" Aiden said in a partially annoyed tone.

The guard a man who was in his human form looked nervous but after a moment said, "My lord, Red wants Alpha Cedric in the training room." Aiden stared at the guard and gave a slight growl. This morning was going go to be very taxing.

Aiden moved into the hall still naked and closed the door, so not to disturb Cedric. The moment the door shut Aiden's stare fixed upon the guard once more. The guard shuttered, "Does Red know that Cedric has spent most of the night greeting his subjects?" Aiden asked in a level tone. It was not the guard he should be mad at.

Guard nodded, "He said he wanted him there in ten minutes." Aiden just nodded. "He wanted him so he may prepare him for battle." Aiden quickly glanced up, there had been talk of attack on the vampires, but the recent events of finding Cedric's aunt near the border had hushed them. The guard stood his head bowed as he waited for Aiden to say something.

"Tell Red that Cedric will not be coming, if he asks why simply tell him that I gave the order and if he has a problem with it, he can speak to me." The guard nodded and made a move to turn around. "Wait, what is your name?"

The guard paused and turned to Aiden again. "Hunter my lord, my name is Hunter."

Aiden starred for a moment, the name was familiar. After a moment though he smiled and clapped the guard on the shoulder, "Thank you Hunter." With that Aiden turned around and quietly walked back into Cedric's room. He was not going to let Cedric be dragged into battle, he needed time.

He was careful to close the door gently, he was not sure how but he felt that Cedric was not awake, but not fully asleep either. With that in mind he turned around and a smile touched his lips. Cedric was grasping at the sheets were Aiden had just been lying. Moving quietly over to the bed, careful not to disturb the wilting rose pedals; he climbed in and lay himself within Cedric' reach. After a few more grasps Cedric' paw touched the side of Aiden chest. With a whimper he moved closer and curled up next to Aiden, his head resting in the crook between Aiden chin, and his chest. Aiden' smile only broadened as he leaned down and gently ran his tongue over Cedric' ear. He did this for a few minutes as Cedric slept. It was nice to be able to hold Cedric this way. Aiden shifted and felt something hard push against his chest looking down he smile grew as he moved his Banlu from between Cedric' head and his chest. As he leaned down to lick Cedric again the Banlu shifted and lay next to Cedric', the glass claw on his Banlu laid next to Cedric' and looked like they were forming a heart.

With a sigh of contentment Aiden laid his head down on one of the pillows. He wrapped his arms around Cedric and closed his eyes, wanting to enjoy the morning for as long as it lasted.


Cedric felt like he was dreaming, but at the same time it felt real. He could feel the coolness of the stones beneath his feat. His fur shifted as a small draft blew toward him. He was in the hallway outside his room. There was a short guard knocking at his door. It took Cedric a moment to realize that the guard was a human. The guard stood and after a moment knocked again. He had to knock a few more times before the door opened and Aiden came out. Cedric blushed realizing Aiden.... no his mate was not wearing any clothing. It still was wierd to think of someone caring for him in such a way, but he was happy Aiden did.

Cedric brought his mind back to what was happening before him. Just in time to hear Aiden say, "What is it?" The tone he used made Cedric cringe, but he somehow knew that Aiden was just annoyed at being disturbed.

"My lord, Red wants Alpha Cedric in the training room." Cedric could see the guard was nervous, and the reaction Aiden gave to the words did not help. The wolf looked more than annoyed at this point, and Cedric could... feel a bit of anger coming from Aiden.

"Does Red know that Cedric has spent most of the night greeting his subjects?" Cedric cringed at the word that Aiden used. Even if it was true he still did not like the idea of having others referred to as his 'subjects'. He didn't even like being the alpha, he was sure that most would be a better alpha then him.

The sound of armor clinking brought Cedric out of his thoughts. The guard had just nodded and said, "He said he wanted him there in ten minutes." Aiden just nodded. "He wanted him so he may prepare him for battle." Battle? That took Cedric by surprise. Normally he was told he had to be trained in order to change back into his human form. Red has said that he would never learn anything else until he could change. Once more the sound of Aiden' voice brought Cedric out of his thoughts.

"Tell Red that Cedric will not be coming, if he asks why simply tell him that I gave the order and if he has a problem with it, he can speak to me." Cedric blushed, he watched as the guard bowed, and began to walk away. It was only after a few steps though until Aiden's voice filled the hall once again. "Wait, what is your name?" Cedric cringed despite his... mate's calm demeanor. He knew Aiden would never do anything to the guard, but he still didn't know why Aiden wanted the guard's name.

The guard halted. He seemed as if he didn't want to say, Cedric thought he stiffened, but it was hard to tell under all the armor. After a moment the guard took a breath and said, "Hunter my lord, my name is Hunter." Hunter? Cedric felt like he should know the name. Some memory in the deep recess of his mind stirred.


Cedric ran down the hall of shattershield castle. He was laughing and trying to catch up to another grey, white, and brown wolf running ahead of him. They had been running and playing tag for the better half of an hour. As Cedric rounded a bend he ran face first into what he thought was the other wolfs back. The speed at which he was running caused him to fall to the ground in a heap. With a groan Cedric shakily got to his feet, rubbing his muzzle. "Why did you stop?" Cedric looked down at where he thought the other wolf would be, but only saw a large pair of white paws. He followed them up to a white she wolf covered in blood. He stared at her and watched as she started to reach out to him with a bloody paw, a small glow beginning to emanate from it. As he starred he started to feel dizzy, and his head began to hurt. He suddenly heard his name being called. For some reason it was not his name but the voice that made Cedric look to his right, looking to his right he could see a familiar brown wolf running down the castle hall. He had some blood on his shirt which frightened Cedric. He was brandishing a sword and his face was a mixture of hate, sorrow, but most of all worry. Cedric turned back to the she wolf but to his surprise she was gone. As Cedric started to turn back to the brown wolf a blinding light obscured his vision, then everything went black.

End Of Flashback:

"Cedric!" A light breached the darkness that enveloped Cedric. It was different then his own ability's, this felt... wrong. "Cedric please wake up!" The light grew in intensity; he could feel its warmth beginning to spread over him. The voice echoing through his mind made him feel like everything was going to be alright. "Cedric! Cedric please just wake up!" He could feel his heart ache at the desperation in the voice. The darkness suddenly vanished and Cedric found himself looking into the eyes of a very concerned Aiden a few tears running down his muzzle. "Cedric thank God!" Cedric suddenly found himself pushed into Aiden's chest and the air rushing out of him as Aiden practically crushed him in his embrace. Just as Cedric was going to tell Aiden he couldn't breathe, he felt the pressure let up. Aiden pulled him back so that their noses were touching and they could look into each other's eyes.

As they stared Cedric thought he could see a bit a fear in those golden eyes. Aiden shifted and his paw wrapped around the back of his head. He then pressed their lips together; even before they touched Cedric could feel his heart racing. He closed his eyes and parted his lips, allowing Aiden' waiting tongue enter his mouth. Cedric lapped gently at Aiden' tongue, feeling as if the whole world had stopped; leaving just the two of them. Aiden pulled away causing Cedric to whimper. Chuckling Aiden released the back of Cedric' head and licked the space between his eyes. Then he pulled back and looked at Cedric with concern. "How are you feeling?" Cedric was a bit taken aback by the question.

"I'm feeling fine... Why?" Aiden looked at him for a while, the look up concern only deepening.

After a while Aiden moved his paw up to Cedric' muzzle and began to gently tickle to fur along the side as he brushed his paw back to between Cedric' ears. "You were sleeping, I was going to wake you up when you started to convulse." His voice was low and filled with worry. "I got worried, for some reason I felt like you needed me." He pressed their foreheads together, and gently nipped Cedric' neck. "I tried everything I could think of to wake you up... I even poured water on your face." His voice choked as he said the next part. "I thought you were dying." Cedric felt warmth in his chest; even though Aiden was upset it still made him feel loved. The fact that Aiden feared for him when he might have just been a heavy sleeper made him feel important. Something that like being loved, he wasn't use to.

Before Aiden could continue Cedric pressed their muzzles together and closed his eyes. He wanted the moment to last and to stay and Aiden' arms forever. 'THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP' Aiden pulled away from Cedric slightly and cast a glare at the door. Cedric let out a slight whimper as Aiden pulled away. He grabbed Aiden as his arms released Cedric from their embrace. "I'm just..." Before he could finish the thumping of the door came again this time with enough force that Cedric thought the door would come breaking down.

With a growl Aiden moved to the door and opened it. The moment the door began to open, a fuming Red pushed his way into the room. His eyes fixed on Cedric. "Get to the training room." The malice in his voice frightened Cedric, but it was nothing compared to Aiden's anger. As he sat trying to figure out why Red was so angry he had a moment of sudden realization. The dream he had, was it really a dream? "GO NOW!" Reds voice shook Cedric from his thoughts, before he could react Red was in front of him and grabbed him, and then practically threw Cedric at the door.

"RED!" Aiden' voice ripped through everything Cedric was feeling. He turned just in time to see Aiden grab Red by his shirt and slam him into the wall. "What in the fuck do you think you're doing?" His voice was so low that Cedric was afraid Aiden might kill Red. Without even looking Cedric could feel the anger coming off of Aiden. It actually made Cedric back toward the door.

"What am I doing?!" Red growled. "What are you doing?! You know very well that he..." Reds finger pointed toward Cedric. "Must master his skill, there is a battle coming and I will be damned if he is not ready to fight in it!" At this the anger that Cedric felt pouring off of Aiden turned to pure rage. The air around Cedric felt as if it was choking him. He wanted nothing more than to run. And that's just what he did.

As his paw hit the door handle Cedric gripped it so hard that the metal actually contorted around his hand, and then he ripped the door and open and bolted from the room. He ignored the yells from the guards and continued at full speed down the hall way turning left and right. He didn't care all he wanted was to get out of the room and as far away as possible. The fight the image of Aiden pinning Red against the wall, it all began to bring back memories of his step father. How he had pinned him in that same position, the only difference was that he was holding a bloody butter knife and a Cedric was screaming in pain and not anger.

As his mind continued to conjure up memories of what he was forced to go through, Cedric couldn't sop himself and he felt tears begin to run down his muzzle and mat his fur. With every memory Cedric began to feel the pain from each beating. And all he could do was run.

It was not long though before Cedric felt his body start to weaken. He tried to ignore it, and kept running. He knew that he was pushing his body past its limits but he didn't care. As he continued to run he noticed that the edges of his vision was beginning to blur, it wasn't too much longer after this that Cedric reached the end of his run. He had turned into a small alcove with which their where a pair of double doors that led to a balcony. Without even thinking Cedric stumbled onto the balcony and collapsed on the bench that was on the right of the balcony, just out of view from the rest of the hallway.

His breath came out in heavy pants and he struggles to stop the flow of memories that were threatening to overwhelm him. He began to let out soft sobs as the tears continued to flow down his muzzle, staining his soft fur. His vision was starting to turn hazy, and his eyes started to drift close.


Cedric stood in a rent room on the upper floor of a pub, the room was rather run down, there were some holes on the floor boards, and there was no fire place. The only thing that was actually in the room was a bed, and a small night stand. It was all rather familiar to Cedric, but he didn't know why. The door to the room suddenly opened and Cedric was shocked to see a younger version of himself be shoved into the room by his stepfather. It was at that moment that he realized why this place looked so familiar to him.

"I fucking tolds youz... that when I t.. telh yuz to do somn you do it... you little shit!" His stepfather slurred at him. Cedric watched as his younger self managed to catch himself on the bed only to be kicked in the back by his stepfather. "stay theyr..." He stopped as if trying to figure out what he was doing, and then he shook his head and vomited on Cedric. After that he grabbed Cedric by the back of his shirt and dragged him over to the wall opposite the bed. He then grabbed Cedric by the neck and shoved him against the wall. The vomit on his back splattering on the wall around him, with his other hand he groped himself. "Your my bitch." Suddenly he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a rusty butter knife.

Whimpering Cedric covered his eyes trying to block out what he was seeing but he could still see what was happening in front of him. His stepfather brought the knife up to Cedric's face and dragged the rusted piece of metal along his bare skin. Hard enough to leave a mark, "Youze deserve siz." and with that he suddenly shoved the knife right into Cedric' stomach. Cedric screamed in pain, as the shirt he was wearing was stained red.


Cedric suddenly jolted awake as he felt his head hit the ground, hard. He let out a yelp and instantly reached for the back of his head. He knew before he even touched his head that there would be blood. As he reached he heard heavy foot paws running in his direction, and for some reason Cedric felt that it was Aiden.

Soon enough Aiden rounded the corner and nearly crashed into the wall at the speed in which he was running. The moment his eyes laid upon Cedric laying in the stone floor with his head bleeding his eyes went wide and he ran forward. In less than a second he was kneeling beside Cedric and cradling his head. "Cedric." The heart break that he could hear in Aiden' voice caused Cedric to feel a strong sense of guilt. As Cedric tried to tilt his head up to get a better look at Aiden, he felt Aiden' paws move to either side of his head and keep it in place. "No! Don't move your, at least not until its finished healing. And so they sat in silence, with Aiden gently stroking the side of Cedric' muzzle. After a few more minutes Aiden bent down and began to lick the matted fur around Cedric' eyes.

"Please don't ever run off like that again." Aiden whispered. Cedric quickly sat up and turned to Aiden.

"I'm sorry... I... I couldn't be in their... I..." Before Cedric could finish Aiden grabbed the sides of Cedric muzzle and kissed him, and Aiden' tongue invade his muzzle. As they kissed Cedric could feel his pain, and his worry melting away, all he felt his Aiden' tongue against his, and his strong arms holding him close and shielding him from the world. That stayed like that, and the silence was only broken when Cedric had finally calmed down.

"What happened to you?" Aiden asked, the worry in his voice was clear. Cedric looked up and found himself looking into Aiden' golden eyes. He stared into their golden depths and saw nothing but love, concern, and worry.

Cedric tried to find a way to explain to Aiden what had happened to him, but all he could think of where two simple words. "It's... complicated." Aiden stared at him for a few moments before giving a heavy sigh.

"Cedric I don't want to push you, but if you aren't going to trust me then I can't help you." Cedric's eyes went wide, how could Aiden think he didn't trust him!

"But I do trust you!" As he said this Cedric began to feel tears well up in his eyes, they hadn't even been mates for a full day, and he had already made Aiden question how he feels about him. "P-please Aiden... I'm s-s-sorry!" He then buried his muzzle in Aiden's chest, letting out soft sobs.

Aiden began to gently stroke the back of Cedric' head, he had to be careful around his mate. Cedric was sensitive, but he still needed to know why. "Shhhh, it's going to be alright. I'm sorry love; I just want you to open up to me." He brought Cedric' head up to look into his eyes, and began to wipe away the tears. "I know you trust, and I trust you. But last night when you got upset over dinner, this morning when you were crying in your sleep and I couldn't wake you up; and now when you ran off. I just want to help." He then leaned in and gently kissed Cedric while gently rubbing his back.

They stayed like that for a while but they still needed to come up for air. As they broke apart Aiden bumped his nose against Cedric'. As Cedric looked into his mates loving eyes he knew that he needed to tell Aiden. He looked down and gave a small nod, "I love you Aiden... Which is why..." He looked up and once more saw the love, and concern in his mates eyes. "Which is why I promise to tell you everything... But p.. please I need you."

Aiden smiled and gently pressed their lips together, "I love you to Cedric, and i swear. No matter what happens, no matter what we do. I will always be there for you." He then scooped Cedric up in his arms, making Cedric let out a whoa as he felt all Aiden' muscles bulge. "But lets do it in our room where we can lay down, all right?" Cedric nodded gently, a blush forming in his cheeks as he realized Aiden said 'our room'. As he was carried down the hall he pushed his muzzle into the crook of his mates neck, and steeled himself for what was to come.