Surviving Solitude part 11

Story by Enur47 on SoFurry

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The morning sun shone over shadowed horizons, sweetening the slick, slippery fields of sown soil. Today felt like a day of change, perhaps good, or bad? Either way, there was no doubt something was of to come. Rubbing my neck, I remembered what had happened last night with Shane. The way he was so rough, yet dainty with me. Now, I held him in my arms while we watched the morning ebb into day from behind a window. I nuzzled my snout close to his, which he responded back by pushing back. We fell back onto the bed holding evidence of our activities last night. But through it all, I couldn't shake the image of Aiden freaking out. Of all the people here, he's the one been suffering the most. Him and Daniel have both been, but since they have each other, they can help each other, like the friends they are. I still think of the times when we all were young, and ignorant of what we are now. When we'd ride our bikes to a meadow and hang out, or playing in the street with a ball. Even going to school was fun, since we all went and met there. The most memorable thing we did, and was the funniest, was when we all used one urinal. That was the first and last time we saw each other's premium packages. At the time, we were starting puberty, and the curiosity got the best of us.

Now, we are being broken apart. For the past three years, we were as fine as could be. Until the others came. Things didn't go south until Liam and Shane came. If Shane is the reason why we are in a bad situation, maybe it's best to try and take their advice.

"Hey Shane," I asked, but he kept on kissing my neck, "I've been thinking. It seems relations with my friends and you have been causing them to dislike me."

"Are you saying you are breaking up with me?" He said, pushing my shoulders in the mattress. His eyes were cold and lifeless as ice, piercing through my eyes and into the heart of my soul. He meant no funny business.

"Well, maybe some time off?" With a swift movement, he grabbed a knife from the nightstand, and held it to my neck. When did he bring that?

"Break up with me, and I'll break you. Just like how I broke Aiden off of you so I can have you all to myself." Well, there goes my freedom. Now, I'm not to say a word to revolt, for I can go on his death list in an instant.

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The rest of the day went by without much conflict between anyone. We've been lazing around time to time, but not much to do since it was nearing winter. Sitting by a window, I looked out into the darkening sky. Sometimes I'd wish I could be as far away from Shane as possible, mainly of his newfound intimidation.

"I got to go to the bathroom." I whispered to the evil fox as I got up.

When he got up to follow me, Chase asked, "Why do you follow him all over the place?" Everyone stared at the beautifully seductive fox. He looked at me, then back at them. "Sit." Said the husky, patting a spot on the couch next to himself. Hesitantly, he went to sit, his tail slightly tucked in. I wanted to use this blue moon as my ticket aboard the freedom train. When I got upstairs to the bathroom, I slipped in a shaving knife I use. I remember once, I didn't know how to shave, so I asked Aiden to help. That moment was a good bonding time, because he showed me how to do it with his own.

The emotions began to come up like vomit, my chest fell to my gut. What have I done? Blinded by his charisma, he led me astray from ones I loved, only to find them turned against us. I paced back and forth, thinking of how to get out of this mess. I walked to the window facing outside the front of the house, when I saw small lights scattered across the field, closing in on the house.

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[pov will change to 3rd person limited(to the ten characters) for the rest of the chapter, and next. Like a narration.]

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Rushing down, Nate leaped into the living room with a frightened expression. Everyone was having fun talking to Shane, except for both Daniel and Aiden. Soon, everyone was quiet to listen to what Nate had to say.

"We got people around the entire house." He said, everyone looking out the window.

"Turn off the lights!" Said Grant, Nate flicking the switch down. The room was dark, only the soft glow of fire slowly lit the house more and more.

"We demand to speak with the owner of this home." Said a man, gruff in voice. Grant looked up, fear stricken. Daniel, with a plan in mind, said, "I'll distract them so you guys can make a run for the forest to the east, just in case things go south." Then, he got up to the stairs. Everyone else went past him to the side door in the study nook. Their eyes fixed outside the windows.

Aiden took Shane's arm, looked him in the eyes, and said, "take care of Nate for me." With his crowbar in hand, he left in a flash, leaving Shane perplexed. Billy grabbed his shotgun, and followed the big bull. They both turned along the west side of the house, creeping towards the front. Roughly twelve men watched Daniel on the balcony, as he asked his question.

Groggily, he said, "What is it you want that disturbs this hour?"

"Are you the owner of this farm?" Asked a cardinal. He looked like the devil in this lighting.

"Yes." He lied.

The group below had begun to slowly move out of the house before the bird spoke again,

"Ok, then. This is nothing personal." After that sentence, five torches flew into the house.