Stories from Lockwell 5. The Slave Part two

Story by Zion_Ortella on SoFurry

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Ar'kesh and the feline left the warehouse where the slavers had set up shop, he knew them well enough to know that they will most likely be gone by tomorrow. He watched the feline as he followed her deeper into the heart of the town, she stopped before turning around to look up into the jackal's golden eyes. "My name is Anastasia, I am your mistress and you shall be joining my household" Ar'kesh looked backed at her and said nothing while the thought of overpowering this small girl and running into the desert outside the city walls but thought better of it because despite how well he knew these deserts, the slave convoy has enough men to hunt him down and execute him on site for being a runaway slave, Instead he just nodded and continued to watch her as she turned and walked away before following a few steps behind.

They walked through the alleys while walking along the edge of the town careful not to enter the main road or to be seen by any of the townsfolk. Ar'kesh thought it was weird that in a town that allows slave auctions, a person had to be careful as to where their slave could be shown in public, looking back at Anastasia the jackal it could be possible the Siamese female was from a family that openly loathed the practice of slavery in which case what she is doing would probably get her stripped of her family name. The pair came to a wall which was about an inch taller than the top of the canine's skull, in the center of said wall was what looked to be a set of black metal double doors. Looking around he did not see much in the way of buildings but he did see more of these walled off areas, guessing this was the more extravagant part of town he toward the cat who had opened the door that lead onto a paved courtyard.

Anastasia walked into the courtyard her dress fluttering slightly in the small warm breeze that blew through the area, she smiled to herself "ah home sweet home" she said as she turned around "jackal, get in here and close the door". Ar'kesh gave her a dirty look not caring whether she noticed or not, but she seemed oblivious to the fact, Ar'kesh wandered into the courtyard shutting door behind him and looked around, the jackal thought to himself as he looked at the sand-worn courtyard "this place is old, i'm guessing this feline's ancestor's was one of the founding families of this town that arrived here about four or five generations ago" he walked into the middle of the courtyard and placed his hands on a large, dried up, derelict well "I'm guessing this family gained their fortune through selling water, quite a commodity to have stumbled especially in a desert place like this" he thought to himself again. "As you can see, the water here dried up decades ago and with that most of our revenue, if it wasn't for a few well placed investments by my great- uncle we would have been broke by the time my father was in his fifth year" Anastasia said sounding sad as she stared into space before shaking it off. "Come on inside my new acquisition, it is getting dark out" she said.

The feline walked across the worn sandstone court-yard to a large faded red double door with brass knobs that was attached to a large three story white washed, wooden manor house but as Ar'kesh looked on he could see the place had started to fall into a state of disrepair, the white paint had started to fade and peel, some of the wooden cladding was cracked and it looked as though a few of the red window shudders had fallen off the hinges so when the sandstorms hit it broke a few windows which had been boarded up rather haphazardly. Anastasia opened the door and went inside before turning and looking back at him making the jackal reluctantly follow, once inside Ar'kesh closed the door and entered a sparse looking vestibule with a small wood framed red couch and a low round wood table in the center of the room, opposite him was a large double staircase that lead to the second and third stories and on either side of the room were hallways that lead to east and west wings. As no one else seemed to be around he assumed they were the only ones in the residence which, he thought, was weird for a big estate like this

"This way", the Siamese feline said as she lead Ar'kesh down the west hallway to large and surprisingly ornate (at least when compared to the rest of the house) drawing room with polished hard wood floors, a large marble fireplace and a couple of large bookcases pushed up against the wood-panel and red wallpapered walls, also surrounding the room were hung draperies of fine material and on shelves were statuettes of varying degrees of rarity . On a large carpet in the middle of the room the male jackal saw two black velvet couches with studded backs and brass ornate framing facing each other, he looked around amazed at the extravagance of the room,even on his occasional journeys into the city of Oasis he never saw extravagance like this.

Anastasia pointed to the couch "sit there" she said while somehow sounding both authoritative and gentle at the same time, he sighed starting to get bored of this slave charade but he nodded and sat on the couch "wait" she said as she walked from the room her white and blue dress swaying as she walked with her tail flicking side to side. The canine male sat there thinking of plans to escape and shook his head as one popped into his mind, "No" he said aloud to the empty room " I need a plan that will not leave me as a murderer, perhaps i could sneak out when she is asleep or overpower her and run away hmmm". Ar'kesh was deep in thought and didn't see the siamese cat come in, she had changed out of her white and blue dress and into something more seductive, Anastasia now wore a black lace corset with matching black lace panties and a pair of black thigh high stockings held up by a garter belt while in her paws she held a riding crop, the jackal looked up from his thinking and saw the feline standing there in her underwear "oh, um...that is nice" he said really unsure of what he was supposed to do at this point although he had to admit, what she wore clung to her body and showed off her nice figure.The word "No" cracked across his mind like a whip forcing his thoughts to focus back on his goal, getting out of here and to the city of Oasis and his brother.

That was when Anastasia smiled, "I think it is time to break in my new jackal boy" she said playfully as Ar'kesh saw the riding crop in her hands. "No" he said shaking his head as he looked at her, "Oh come on, just a little" she urged waving the riding crop at him as she stepped closer, the canine sprung from the couch and into a command roll across the room as she brought the crop down where he was sitting just moments before. "No" he said again as he got to his feet "but it is only a couple" she said in a tone that made it seem like she was trying to bargain for something, turning she came at him making the fleet-footed male dive into another roll before springing to his feet on the other side of the two couches. Anastasia smiled with glee "this is going to be fun" she exclaimed before chasing the canid servant around with the crop like a child playing tag, Ar'kesh ran around the edges of the room a few times with the brown and white feline hot on his heels. When his pursuer did not slow down or give up he ran out of the drawing room and back down the hallway taking a right just before he got back to the entrance of the once great manor, going up a narrow flight of stairs and ending up in a room that was in surprisingly good nick in spite of the minimal amount of objects it contained: against the far wall beneath a large double window where one of the glass panes had been boarded up was a iron-frame double bed perpendicular to that was a large three-person couch and on the opposite wall was a large free-standing oak wardrobe.

The canine male quickly glanced around the room but was unable to find an exit outside of where he came in, he thought of jumping out the window but guessing this room was on the second or third floor he could not be sure he would be survive if he did. He heard the excited footsteps climb up those narrow stairs a few seconds before Anastasia jumped out of the door and shouted "found you" in almost child like awe and tried to whack him with the riding crop resulting in Ar'kesh twisting out of the way but this did not deter her as the feline tried again and again each time ending with the jackal twisting out of the way of the crop. The Siamese female tried to whack him a forth time but by now he had grown tired and annoyed by this 'game' so as Anastasia went to whack the canid he grabbed hold of the riding crop stopping it an inch before his nose. "Hey, no fair" said Anastasia slightly disappointed, the taller male pulled the crop out of her hands "that's enough" was all he said in a strangely soothing tone that seemed to calm even the wildest of souls. "I'm sorry" she said with slight apprehension in her voice as she looked down at her feet, her feet twisted in and her paws on her groin making her look like an innocent schoolgirl "I have been bad i need to be disciplined" she said before looking up and grinning hard "maybe you could spank me", "I'm not spanking you! He said taken aback his voice rising slightly. The feline wiggled her hips "I bet you want to" Ar'kesh looked the cat dead in the eyes before saying sternly "no spankings and that is final". the female pushed her lips into a pout as she made her bright blue eyes as big and as sad looking as possible and the jackal twitched, "those eyes" he thought to himself "gods, nita always pulled that face when she wanted to get her way" the jackal stood there and steeled himself determined to resist. "Please...." Anastasia half whispered and the jackal's will melted sighing he walked over to the couch and sat down before patting his lap "come here then" he said and she squealed in joy and just about jumped half way across the room before lying across his lap "you know, you are way too eager for this". The siamese cat raised her tail exposing her lace panties on her tight rump "please don't spank me, i promise" she said in mock fear Ar'kesh smirked a little at her acting before raising his left paw and brought it down on her rear causing her too moan happily and stroke her tail on his face, he twitched as he placed his other paw on the small of her back and brought his paw down on her backside again making her cry for more and start to claw the couch cushions, he did this a third time letting his fingers linger along the pubic mound between her legs and she cried out in ecstasy. Ar'kesh knew she was getting around by the change of pitch in her moans and the moistness he felt when he touched her, grabbing the crop from the floor he nodded to himself knowing if he did not finish this quickly she will be likely to try and ride him, he lifted the crop and brought it down across both cheeks "oooo" was all she moaned as she clawed the couch roughly leaving marks and began to rub herself against his leg. He flicked the riding crop across her posterior making her squeal in pleasure mixed with pain and the jackal had to pretend he was not enjoying the feeling of intimacy between them, the third time he whacked her rear was the hardest still making her release a blissful moan before it turned into a playful growl and quick as lightning she had shifted herself around and was now straddling his lap her hands on his shoulders she grinned and looked into the golden pools he called eyes, "I want you to make me feel good" Anastasia said as she started to grind on his lap knowing he was getting aroused "no" was all he said before he shoved her off him onto the floor and stormed out of the room.

Anastasia picked herself off the floor in a huff before she to walked out of the room and went to find where the jackal she brought ran off to. Five minutes late she found him the kitchen taking food and placing it on what looked to be a sheet "what are you doing?" she asked slightly annoyed at being denied her pleasure, the jackal gave her a quick glance and continued to put food on the sheet " leaving, I'm done with being your plaything the only reason i came with you was for the sole purpose of escape" he said the rage building inside him. The lingerie clad feline gave him an icy stare so cold one might think it could put out a fire "yeah and where do you think you are going to go, if the slavers catch you they will kill you as a run-away" Anastasia yelled at him, her hand shaking in rage as she clutched the end of the counter-top. Ar'kesh ignored the hysterics she was going to before replying oddly calm " the slavers are gone by now, even if they say they will leave in the morning they would have left long before then and me, well i am heading off to Oasis, i have many contacts there with many connections" he said as he tied the sheet into a make shift sack. "Your going to Oa-" she half said as her eyes went wide and her face dropped, the jackal looked at her "what is with that face? finally realizing your not going to get your own way" she shook her head and looked at him, her blue eyes glistening with sorrow "y-you don't know do you?" she asked "know what?" the jackal asked and she walked out of kitchen making him stand there confused for a few minutes before she came back with a newspaper and handed it to him. On the front page was a picture of smoking rubble with what look like people searching through it, above it was a headline that read: _DEATH AND DESTRUCTION _"" he asked through gritted teeth unable to remove his eyes from the image she bit her bottom lip nervously "five months ago the city of Oasis was destroyed by a series of explosives planted by a group of anti-imperialists" she said meekly as he dropped the paper his shaking hands balling into fists "tell me, did anyone survive the attack?" he asked rage clearly plastered on his face "a-anybody who s-survived the explosions died later on from their injuries" she said softly, clearly scared by what he may do if she says the wrong thing. He let out a scream of anguish and slammed his fists down onto the counter cracking the wood a little and almost making Anastasia feint in sheer terror. "A-are you going to be alright?" she said going to place a paw on his shoulder but stopping half way and putting her hand down, Ar'kesh closed his eyes and breathed in deeply before exhaling, he did a few times before opening his eyes as he reclaimed his composure "yeah, I will be okay, death's whispers are heard by all eventually, it is natural fact of life and no one can change it no matter how hard we try".

Ar'kesh sighed and picked up the makeshift sack and put it over his shoulder "your still planning to leave?" Anastasia half asked as he walked to the doorway of the kitchen making him turn and look at her, his golden eyes darkened with renewed purpose "yes, before i ended up in my current predicament my village and my family were attacked and killed by what i thought was an ancient death cult. Now i find out Oasis was destroyed by a group of anti-imperialist radicals, there is way too many coincidences for this to all be pure happenstance, someone out there is systematically hunting my people to extinction and i want to know why but more than that i need to get to the other villages and warn them before it is too late" he said, a shard of hope in his voice as he clutched the sack tighter. The feline mumbled something and looked at the ground "what was that?" he asked sounding angrier than he was, she looked up at him, her blue eyes quivering "you-you can't" she choked out almost on the verge of tears Ar'kesh narrowed his eyes at the Siamese feline "what do you mean i cant" the cat moved passed him and gestured for him to follow her. He followed the female down the east hallway to a small drawing room no more then about five foot wide but the room itself was quite long, on the wall opposite two small windows was a wall covered in newspaper clippings and pins tied to each other by a series of red strings. "what is this?" he asked looking the wall over "you are right in thinking this is more than just simple happenstance" Anastasia said as she stared intently at the wall "sickness, fire, bandit raids, all these things ravaged the villages one by one until it ended five months ago with the bombing of Oasis. Anyone with half a brain can see through the newspaper cover-up anti-imperialists... really?" the jackal stood there listening and nodding as he tried to piece together what happened as she continued on " who would be against being in the empire? too much time has past, I thought it might have been Sideenians still sore from the war thirty years ago but what motive would they have, one of their own was made king".

Ar'kesh stood there reading the newspaper clippings for a few minutes before speaking "yes i see what you mean" with that he turned and walked out of the room with Anastasia following, he got to the stairs and started walking down them before he started speaking again "that leaves only one option i need to speak to the queen and get to the bottom of this" she frowned as she followed him "are you sure that is wise idea" she asked as she got to the bottom of the stairway. "I don't see i have much other choice in this matter,those few of us who remain have to band together and gain retribution for the genocide inflicted on my people so their spirits may be at peace" he said with a cold edge to his voice. She looked at the back of the jackal's head feeling sorry for the life he had taken from him "do you think your lover would want you to walk the path of revenge" she said softly and he swung around and struck her across the cheek so quickly that she had no time to brace herself for the impact and as a result was knocked to the floor. " Don't you there talk about my wife" he growled as he stared at her form on the floor with his now darkened gold eyes for a moment before he turned on his heel and strode towards the door, he had his paw on the door handle when she started to move "w-wait do-don't" go she whimpered as she looked at him, her cheek was red from where he struck her and her blue eyes became cloudy as tears pooled in the corners of her eyes. "why shouldn't I?" he asked bitterly "because..." she said quietly, he turned and looked at the cat "well...spit it out i don't have all day" he shouted, she hesitated for a moment "because... because i don't want to be alone" she said as a tear broke out and streamed down her swollen cheek stinging her a little bit the comment made the jackal look at her in surprise "what?" he said a little taken aback. She looked into his eyes, tears thoroughly streaming down her face now " I don't want to be alone" she cried "it has been five years since my father died and the emptiness inside is killing me" Ar'kesh blinked several times unsure of what he should do so he simply asked a question as calmly as he could "wouldn't a pretty thing like yourself have many suitors lining up to help fill the void in your heart". She wiped one of her eyes as her ears perked up "y-you think i am pretty?" she asked a slither of happiness in her voice, the male canine sighed "i admit i find you attractive" she smiled weakly as she heard these words "aww thank you" she said, a bit of sadness still in her voice "but no, it isn't that simple despite what you might think this place is greatly divided, those that live on the side of town won't have a thing to do with me because i live in the estates and those who live in the estates won't have a thing to do with me because i have no money". Anastasia looked down at the ground sadly and Ar'kesh contemplated leaving but a voice rang in his head saying he would be breaking one of the tenets if he left someone who was in dire need of help regardless of the type needed, he sighed as he removed his paw from the door handle and let the sheet-sack slide off his back before walking over and kneeling in front of the Siamese feline. The movement in front of her made her look up and recoil slightly from the jackal "hey, it's okay i won't hurt you...and i am sorry for hitting you" he said softly and Anastasia relaxed a little only to make a noise of surprise when she was pulled into the jackal's embrace.

She buried her face into his shoulder and let out a happy sigh as she wrapped her arms around the jackal and held onto him for a few moments before letting go and looking into his eyes, it was only now that she realized how striking his gold eyes actually were and she found herself unable to look away. A smile spread across his lips and he placed his right paw on the cheek he hadn't hit before wiping away the last of her tears with his thumb making her murr softly and smile back at him, only to be greeted by a kiss. "what was that for?" she asked when he pulled away "a woman such as yourself is too young to harbor such sorrow, I wanted to take that away even if it was for just a fleeting moment" he said as Anastasia blushed hard and with that he leaned in, kissing her again, this time she moaned as he did so and melted in his paws before she kissed back. He deepened the kiss as he ran the fingers of his left paw through her brown hair pulling a moan of content from her throat as she wrapped her arms around the back of his neck. Anastasia lay back pulling the male canine back with her, she looked up at the golden eyes that seemed to be alive like fire and gave him a kiss on the nose before she ran her paws up his neck and through his hair that was as black as the night. "Meow" she said playfully as she gave a small tug at the end of hair, Ar'kesh smiled as his eyes brightened with lust before he retorted with an equally playful "growl" before he began to nibble on her ear. The feline bit her lip in a bid to try and hide how much what he was doing was arousing her but she didn't think it worked because he nibbled more, making her let out a low moan as she squirmed under him.

Ar'kesh let up on her ear so he could migrate to her neck and started kissing it gently, "h-hey that tickles" she giggled, the jackal smiled against her making her giggle a bit more before he kisses down from the bottom of her jaw along her neck to her shoulder then he decide to kiss along her shoulder as she shuddered in pleasure and started to rub the male's ears as he rubbed her chest through the corset. She pushed him away a little and he looked at her slightly confused "take me to the bedroom" Anastasia said giving a mock order, Ar'kesh moved onto his knees as he held out his paw and looked into her sapphire blue eyes "you sure?, often the hard ground can make it more pleasurable" he asked, the Siamese female grabbed his paw with her chocolate brown one and he pulled into a sitting position. "Yes, it would make me feel less paranoid" she replied trying not to jump his bones right then and there, "six months of built up urges is having its toll" she thought to herself as the canine male pulled her to her feet and led the way upstairs to which she happily followed. The pair ended up in the room they were in before, Anastasia smiled and broke away before wandering over to the couch, where Ar'kesh had left the riding crop, and looked over shoulder towards him with a devious smile and almost puppy dog eyes as she stood there her tail swayed from side to side "oh master, i have been a naughty little kitten and i think i may need to be punished" she said in the most innocent voice she could muster. Ar'kesh smirked, this time he did not hesitate as he walked over towards her and picked up the riding crop "yes, you have been a very naughty kitty" he said as he bent her over the arm of the couch, she let out a small gasp and instinctively raised her tail as he did so before he grabbed the top of her black panties and pulled them down to her knees exposing her cream-coloured furred rear.

Her tail moved side to side slowly as she felt his gaze on her pert rump and smiled to herself, Ar'kesh rubbed the girl's rear gently before dragging his finger along her moistening slit and tailhole at a teasingly slow rate as he felt his loins start to stir. Anastasia's ears went flat against her head "don't tease me like that she whimpered in half pleasure making the jackal smile as he lifted the riding crop before he brought it down on her bare butt, she let out a surprised gasp which halfway through turned into a low moan as the crop left a red mark on her behind. The jackal pulled it up and brought it down again this time on the other cheek, Anastasia gripped the arm of the couch roughly as she let out a squeal of pleasure making no apology of what she had done. He smirked as he rubbed his index and middle fingers against the felines pink slit making her moan slightly, pulling them back he saw the tips were more than just a little wet, he gave them a little lick as he smiled " we have barely started and already you are dripping wet" he commented making the feline go bright red before she quickly rolled off the couch arm into the seat and looked at him. "No slave of mine will be seen in that tattered loincloth so let's remove it shall we" Anastasia said as she grabbed the small garment that was supposed to contain Ar'kesh's decency before she all but ripped it away exposing his red, erect, ten inch long jackal cock and the black furred scrotum, she looked at his meat, hungry with lust "oh my, that is a nice one" she said as she leaned towards it.

Anastasia gripped the base of the jackal's rod and gave his tip a gentle kiss as she looked up at him with her blue eyes before licking down his underside to his base and back up to the tip causing him to moan out slightly and grip her shoulder. She smiled quickly before moving off the couch and kneeling on the floor in front of him, she twirled her tongue around his sensitive tip making him flinch a bit as the waves of pleasure run through his nerves like lightning. The feline sucked the tip into her mouth and began to bob her head up and down his manly scepter slowly making slight slurping sounds as she reached forward and fondled his furry sack , Ar'kesh panted as he raked his fingers through her hair as she slowly sucked more of his length into her wanting maw. He closed his eyes and let out a little moan before Anastasia started to move up and down his jackalrod as a quicker pace making him pant and moan louder in enjoyment from the fellatio, she looked up at him swirling her tongue around his meat again and again before taking her paw of his balls and pressing her finger up into his tailhole making his eyes snap open due to the sudden intrusion of his backdoor. "whoa, there" he exclaimed looking down at her, she smiled as what she did made his member grow stiffer in his mouth, moving her other paw of the base and placing in on his hip she began to deep-throat the jackal passionately making more loud slurping sounds as she did before pulling back and flicking her tongue across the slit of his tip, he let out a long loud groan feeling he was gonna blow but before he could his cat companion stopped then she pulled away and looked at him a string of drool linking her more and the head of his penis "tease" he said. "I know" she said playfully.

She smiled softly as she undid the front of the corset and pulled it down, her perky C-cups jiggled a little as they pulled free of their material restraints she looked up at her jackal partner as her smile grew wider "you like these don't you?" she teased as she groped her left breast with her paw while slowly stroking his meat with the other. Ar'kesh smirked "maybe i do, maybe i need more convincing" he said cockily before going to sit down on the couch. "Oh, is that so?" she asked as she shuffled around and leaned against his legs while giving his pole a couple of gentle strokes as he sighed contently, The cat grinned at him before leaning forward and slipping his red rocket between her breasts drawing a uncontrolled moan from her canine partner. Anastasia drooled onto his phallus a little for lubrication as she pressed her breasts together with both her paws and started moving her body up down, feeling quite aroused she watched his tip poke out through the top of her mounds before disappearing back down between them again and again. She looked up at her companion to see he was griping the back of the couch with both paws, his head was thrown back with eyes closed and he was panting rapidly, she knew he was enjoying this immensely and decided to up the ante. Leaning down she gave his tip a kiss as she made her movements more shallow making the jackal moan in bliss, the sound urging the feline female on more and so she began to flick her tongue across his head and every now and then she would gently poke her tongue into his slit. Ar'kesh cried out in ecstasy as pleasure resonated from his tip and through his loins, he knew he wasn't going to last much longer but he was determined to hold out as long as he could. Anastasia gave a couple of licks to the jackal stick before it started to throb wildly, he was at the edge and she could see it and as determined as he was to hold out she was just as determined to push him over so she pressed her breasts together more and started to do thrusting motions with her breasts faster than before. About a minute later the jackal made a small groan before he spoke "I think i am go-" he didn't finish that sentence as the last word turned into a grunt and the first spurt of seed hit the female in the face, quickly she sucked his meat into her mouth and she let out a loud moan as the next spurt of hot seed hit the back of her throat. He placed his paw on the back of her head and held her there as he finished his release as she swallowed happily and pulled away lickcking up the mess on her face "mmm that was quite a load but i hope there is still more in the tank?"

Ar'kesh smiled as he stood,picking up the cat and sweeping her into his arms before carrying her over to the simple bed before laying her down she looked up at him with her shining blue eyes as he planted a kiss on her lips,she kissed him back for what seemed the longest of times before the jackal broke the kiss and pulled her panties all the way down and off. Anastasia sat up and undid the back of the corset before taking it off completely exposing her belly of soft creamy fur and leaving her stark naked except for her black thigh length stockings, the jackal climbed onto the end of the bed as he kissed the exposed parts of her thighs causing her to moan cutely. The jackal smiled at this and decided to move up a bit and gave her wet, wanting lips the long awaited kiss "ohh" she went as another moan escaped her lips, Ar'kesh knew he was on the right track and pushed his tongue up inside her as he raked his paws along the tender parts of her thighs causing the feline to react by clawing the mattress and to buck her hips slightly. Smiling against her he twirled his tongue around and around inside her moist passage as she cried out in pleasure and panted loudly, he pulled his tongue out along the underside of her clit causing the aroused Siamese feline to buck more and squeal in pleasure before he flicked his tongue across her sensitive spot a few times before he decided to suck on it gently. Anastasia gripped the male's head fur as her loins ignited and he gripped her thighs harder as the fire began to build inside her, she was glad that there was no close neighbors because her moans and screams got very loud and wild as she succumbed to the pleasure of riding the high of an orgasm brought on by the jackal's dexterous tongue. He licked up her mess and looked up at her with his golden eyes that looked alive with a mixture of lust and playfulness "well,well it seems someone enjoyed that very much" he teased.

She panted hard as he kissed up her body from her womanhood to her neck then he kissed her gently as she caught her breath and slid her arms around his neck. "I'm ready" she said softly unable to stop staring into those golden eyes of his, "okay" he nodded as he placed his hands next to her head and pressed his no longer placid tip against her petals. "Mmm" she moaned, biting her bottom lip as her body slowly began to be invaded by the jackal's manhood. Once his tip had passed Anastasia's threshold he gave a thrust with a grunt as he slid all the way into her warm and inviting passage all the way to his hilt causing her to cry out in bliss "oh, I had forgotten how good it feels to be intertwined like this" she said, half whispering into his ear fearing that if she spoke too loud she might break the intimacy of this moment. Ar'kesh smiled and kissed her nose gently before he started to nibble on her ear as he slid his paws down the side of her body then her legs before hooking his hands behind her knees and pulling her legs up around his waist allowing for deeper access, she made a slight pleasured sigh as she played with his thick black hair while tightening her legs around his waist in an unspoken gesture of: your mine now. The jackal didn't seem to mind as he pulled out to the tip of his love sword before thrusting back into the female, Anastasia's eyes rolled back and her head hit the pillow as she cried out no longer able to stifle herself. His partner's moans egged him on as he repeated this action again and again before falling into a steady rhythm, she grabbed hold of his hair as she started to move her hips in time with his. The sound of his hips smacking hers only served to further his arousal and he increased his pace,plowing away happily as the feline moaned and panted with each thrust while she slowly started to grope her own breasts. Ar'kesh started thrusting harder as he gently nibbled along his companion's neck while she gripped his shoulder with her left paw as she moaned hard, he smiled at her pleasure-filled outbursts and started to caress her hard pink nipples with his tongue as the thrusting motion of his hips got harder and faster. Anastasia let out a low, loan groan as the waves of sensitivity shot through her body like lighting and she started clawing the jackal's shoulder roughly but he didn't seem to mind as this just made the intensity of his thrusts increase. He was panting hard now and he could feel his knot start to build and the familiar feeling of impending orgasm followed, a thought crossed his mind that he should probably stop but this female's scent was intoxicating and his nostrils were flooded with it making his mind hazy with lust, all he wanted to do right now was breed her like she was a canine on heat his mind kept repeating that line over and over and he got rougher and faster still as his knot became full size. The feline raked her claws down his back as tears pooled in the corner of her eyes she would have been angry at how rough he was going, if she wasn't on the verge of orgasm, she felt his bulging knot pressed against her lips waiting for entrance into her prize she gave his hips a quick squeeze with her legs "knot me hard" she said in between shaky shallow breaths. The canine needed no invitation and gave a deep, hard thrusts pushing his knot beyond her opening making her scream out as the jackal's hard knot pushed her far over the edge and she squirted all over him and the bed, Ar'kesh groaned as he felt her body tighten around him and knew he was about to reach his climax, so did she as she tightened her legs on his waist holding him against her before looking up at him with now glazed over blue eyes, he kissed her as his tip once again spewed out wave after wave of jackal seed this time, though, into the feline's womb.

They Lay there intertwined, riding the afterglow of each other's climax for what seemed the longest time before Ar'kesh stirred, he looked down at the feline on his chest "I'll stay", "mmm, what?" she said sleepily. "I'll stay if you want me to but you have to promise me you will help find out what happened with my people" he said softly, the cat stirred before moving onto her hands and elbows and looking up at the jackal with her blue eyes now darkened with determination "oh, don't worry i want answers as much as you do. Ar'kesh smiled and kissed her forehead "good" he said as he lay back down to enjoy the presence of his new found company.