One Week

Story by TerraMGP on SoFurry

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#3 of Ester Series

One Week:

By TerraMGP

((This is the third story in the Ester series, Preceded by Game day and followed by Chaperone. Ester, Diana, Lillian and Jamie are all my creations and copyrighted to me. Please do not use them or repost this story without my prior consent. Criticism and comments adored))


The lunch bell would find Ester behind the desk of the school library as it did every day. Considering all of her AP classes Ester was all but forced to take something in order to cut the otherwise stressful load the school would give her, and the obvious choice had been as student aid sorting books and helping other people find things in the schools library. Best of all it was an escape from the constant barrage of harassment that seemed to follow her though the rest of the day. In fact Ester was probably the only girl in the school at this point who could sit though the task without even a hint of boredom. Unfortunately the one major drawback to all of this was the fact that Ester had to be in the library after home room but before the cafeteria opened for breakfast resulting in the poor mousette being quite hungry.

Distracted by her hunger, Ester failed to notice the hand slowly reaching up behind her and wrapping around her shoulder, quickly spinning her around to see the athletic frame of her girlfriend standing over her. Brushing a few strands of her own Purple-streaked chestnut hair from her face. "Well now I figured I'd find Mousie here. Haven't run off to one of those Egg-head classes of yours yet? Such a nerd." Ester looked down at her shoes and blushed deeply showing up the freckles in her fur. Normally any girl in the school would be utterly petrified to have Diana so close to her considering the Chipettes reputation. Fortunately for Ester she knew better. That was not to say Diana was harmless, Ester was not foolish enough to think that. What she did know though was that no matter what Diana loved her and in the end that was what counted.

"So did you manage to get something to eat twerp?" Diana held her little girlfriend tight between the rough grip of her Leather jacket and gave her forehead a kiss before reaching into her pocket. As if anticipating the answers Diana produced two of the PB&J bars from her coat pocket and shoved them into the girls hands with another forceful hug. Ester looked down at the food and meekly pushed her head against Diana's shoulder as they leaned against the old oak desk in the middle of the library. It took only a split second for the wrapper to disappear from the first bar as Ester quickly began to nibble it down taking tiny bites with her front teeth and chewing each one savoring the taste of gram cracker and peanut butter from the first third of the convenient little snack. "You know I may like you skinny Ester but that's no excuse not to eat. I'd hate for you to lose what little figure you have."

A sharp yelp pierced the quiet of the small room as Diana started to slowly massage the soft little flesh of Esters rear. "Diana please not... not here. Were in public. What if someone walks in Mmmph."

As usual The punkish young Chipette silenced her loves complaints with a deep, hard claiming kiss. The strong pink muscle slipped into esters mouth and began to run itself slowly down into her mouth as she used that long braid to hold the trembling frame of her frail love firmly in place. For a long moment Diana just held this position and felt the feeble trembling struggles of Ester against her strong firm frame. It wasn't until the struggling stopped that Diana finally shoved her lover off to the side and licked her lips in obvious enjoyment. "Yummy... You know I need to get you those little sandwich things more often. I do so love peanut butter." Ester stayed silent and reached one timid, shaking hand back to her snack. She didn't dare to look up at Diana after that little display of dominance. Diana smirked and just brushed a few crumbs off of her tattered black T shirt and watching as Ester finished up her snack.

Finally Ester nibbled down the last one and started to clean her muzzle with a napkin giving Diana one of those affectionate glances just over the rims of her glasses. "T-thank you for the snack. You really didn't have to buy me anything you know... I know you usually don't have too much on you."

Diana smiled and moved up to cup her loves muzzle giving her nose a soft little kiss. "Oh silly Mousie, Who said I actually bought them?"


Another loud crash rang though the empty hallways. Try as she might Ester could not push away as her body was painfully mashed into the cold metal of her own locker, unable to pull away from the strong paws that held her in place. "Please... d-don't do this. I'm sorry." Esters pleading fell on deaf ears as again the larger girl behind her twisted her slender arm back almost between her shoulder blades, legs already forced apart to the point where she was supported entirely by the crushing pressure of an elbow digging into the small of her back. Every muscle in her body was screaming for it to end somehow, screaming for a relief from the awkward position her tormentor held her in.

Unfortunately for Ester Diana would have no such thing. With a wicked grin she pushed her body off to the side further wrenching her frail loves body at an even more awkward angle and leaving her totally at the mercy of her cruel girlfriend. That harsh fact only became more apparent a moment later, a strong slightly cold paw suddenly moving its way under the poor girls skirt and into the white cotton panties giving one of the small half-globes of flesh and fur a bruising squeeze. Tears started to run down her cheeks, her legs gave out. "Oh Poor little cheese eater. Can't even stay standing up without help can you?" Diana whispered. The athletic girl ran her tong around the rim of Esters ear as she continued to roughly grope at the soft innocent body. "Thata girl Ester. It feels nice huh?" the wicked bully laughed before smashing her love once more against the locker row with a resounding thud.

It was clear just who was in charge in this situation. Ester lay against the locker seeking whatever fragment of relief she could get from the pain. For the longest time the two sat just like this, powerful fingers massaging and bruising soft flesh that was totally at her mercy. "You know I always have wondered... how much does Mousie like this huh?" Ester went rigid. For the first time Diana's hand began to move slowly around her loves thigh. Inch by inch she tugged her way around the panties until finally the poor girl felt Diana cupping her slightly moist nethers. This was the first time, the very first time anyone had touched her there. A sense of panic washed over her for a moment, a growling fear that all but paralyzed the innocent girl in place

She was quite aroused and they both knew it. As those strong fingers began to run their way along her flesh the Mouse girl began to cry. In part it was simply because she was so helpless in what really was her first true sexual experience. No matter what she wanted she knew that Diana was going to have her way and nothing Ester said or did could stop it. The blunt fact was if Diana wanted anything from the girl, at this point she had only to take it. Still what seemed to make it worse in Esters mind was not that she was so vulnerable so much as her bodys response. The Mousette was totally and utterly aroused. For at least a half hour Diana had been calling her names, Hit her, felt her up. The whole time the sweet and innocent girl had been feeling things growing inside of her. Now Diana threatened to wrench them all from her in one instant and totally change everything Ester thought she was without even trying.

Weeks ago Ester would have given anything to given out of this situation. The waves of fear and pain that gripped her. The shame of being held in place as another girl so easily abused her was almost more than she could take. If it had been any other girl, anyone else to do something like this to her Ester would have felt so broken and hollow inside. For some reason though when Diana did it she felt a rush, a surge of adrenaline as her girlfriend threw her around like a rag doll and roughed her up. It was beyond any sort of explanation she could muster but the cold hard fact was that she loved this. She loved the abuse, and she wanted Diana to give her more.

"Now listen here you squeaky voiced, cheese eating church dwelling rodent." Diana spat each slur right into her loves ear as her hand moved harder against the sensitive flesh surrounding her privates. "This belongs to me, you understand? I own this little cunt of yours. Say it."

Choking on fresh sobs of shame Ester began to close her eyes tightly and mumbled out "It belongs to you.." quietly as she could. This simply got her a firm slap as Diana held on to Ester harder.

"What belongs to me you bitch? Say it just how I told you" Diana moaned holding on harder and licking the girls ear, refusing to let her go until she got the answer she watned.

It took a while for the poor girl to regain her composure but finally she managed to stammer out again "M-my filthy cunt belongs to you?"

Diana pulled her hand up and started to trace the fingers along Esters lips, looking into her eyes as she nodded. "Very good... now you damn well better remember that because if I find out anyone has touched you there besides me, and I mean anyone, I swear to god you'll regret it. You got that?" All Ester could do was nod as she bit back on her sobs again and staired fearfully into Diana's eyes for a long moment. Without warning Diana forced the mouse girl into a hard, savage kiss and moved her knee up just hard enough to send a new jolt of pain into the poor trapped girl. They both knew the score. Ester knew perfectly well that Diana would make good on her threats if she so chose. But most of all Ester knew that in spite of everything that happened the main reason she wasn't scared was that she loved Diana and knew that Diana loved her.


Ester Tapped out out all of her red mana and two of her blue, grinning at the girl sitting across from her in a wicked, maniacal manner. "I tap my Isochron Scepter to trigger the first lightning bolt. This triggers my second lightning bolt and both Cerebral vortexes that are in the storm. Then I will replicate the Lightning bolt ten times...... I think we can agree I win." Every other girl at the table groaned as Ester began to divvy up the damage among them. It wasn't too surprising that she managed to win a game of rouge but that did not make it any less annoying. Everyone else started to pick up their decks again and pack things up and make their way out of the cafeteria with mumbled and frustrated goodbyes. Soon the large room was emptied save for Ester, the young feline girl sitting at the other side of the large cafeteria table, and a brooding figure leaning against the nearby corner.

"Damn it Ester are we going to get to go soon? Seriously You've just been though eight fucking games. Do we really have to start a new one?" The normally shy Mouse girl smiled a bit as she nodded eagerly to the question. This was what Diana hated most, when her normally shy and meek little love got into this game it seemed she turned into a totally different person. Ester was cruel, cunning, almost sadistic in the way she would toy with opponents. Most of all though it was the one time Ester would talk back to her if told to do something. That more than anything seemed like a slap in the face for the domineering girl but in truth she simply had to accept it and wait until the game got out of her system so Diana could have her shy and meek little love back.

The feline girl looked at ester for a moment and then pulled out a metal deck case from her pocket while looking across at the Mousette with a grim air of determination. "Allright Ester I just put together a brand new deck. Its just you and me now. I've been waiting all week to do this."

Ester chuckled and pulled out another deck just chuckling again shuffling and looking across the table like a champion chess player. "Oh don't worry Jamie I promise you a good game. We both know this is going to be a hell of a game."

The first few turns seemed quite uneventful to the untrained eye. Ester managed to play a Dash hopes on an Isochron scepter and then A Migrim. At the same time Jamie put out A slew of Mana-producing elves such as Llanawar elves and a wirewood channeler. By turn four Both girls had the same exact confident smile on their face looking down at their respective hands. "Sorry to say this Jamie but from the looks of it I'm going to win it this time." Putting down a second Island Ester tapped one of her black mana and grinned a bit. "I cast blackmail. You reveal three cards from your... Hay!" Diana looked up to see a Collie girl in a Basket ball jersey standing over Ester holding a card over her head.

"Well now what do we have here? One little runt dressed up like that one sad girl from TV and some intellectual dork in an anime shirt. God its like an anime convention in here." Ester let out a wimper as she saw the girl holding up the card and reached up to try and grab it, the girl in the Jersey just started to laugh and pushed her backwards a bit.

Jamie quickly stood up and narrowed her eyes angrily. "You know just because you aren't smart enough to understand a game that's no reason to pick on her. Just give the card back and grow up." The Collie walked over slowly while straightening her jersey in a menacing fashion.

She started to lean down looking at Jamie with her eyes narrowed. "What did you say bitch? You think I Care what some brown-furred little tabby has to say to me? Hell at least I don't hang out with little miss strap on over there." At this point Ester went rigid, looking in shock and embarrassment as the mean girl just stared back at her from across the table. "Yeah that's right. We all know what you do with that pierced piece of trailer trash. Let me guess the two of you are playing a game to see who gets to go between her legs fist huh? Can't even settle your squabbles properly?" Ester was looking at the floor in utter shame as the girl made slur after slur towards her and her love. She really was on the verge of tears as she tried to move around the table and get her card back getting more embarrassed and frustrated all the time.

Jamie puffed herself up now and started to approach the tormentor as well, eyes narrowed in anger at the way this girl was behaving. "Look just give her the card back and I won't have to go to the principal about all this. Put down the card and walk away now before it gets worse." For a moment the collie simply shook her head and kept dangling the card in the air, lording it over them.

A split second later the scene had totally changed and both girls looked on as the bullying collie was laying on the ground with Diana on top of her landing blow after blow without stopping. "Whats the matter little bitch? Can't take someone who fights back?" All too quickly the scene passed by. The blows falling faster and faster until they finally stopped. Jamie and Ester both looked on in horror. The simpering Canine girl was laying there with blood coming from her nose. Dark rings started to from over her eye and it looked like her muzzle was slightly askew.

Without a single word Diana stood up and cleaned her hands off on her shirt before grabbing the card. She totally ignored the feline staring on in horror at the sight of the battered crying girl curling up on herself. Ester just walked off with her girlfriend holding card in hand looking at Diana in absolute shock, not exactly sure what to say after that display.


Ester and Jamie started walking out of Mijer and into the surprisingly empty parking lot. The feline girl smiled and gave her friend a nudge as the two of them started to walk around to the side of the store and over to the Home Depot parking lot. "Hay Ester come on. You need to cheer up. Diana will be ok. You know that." Normally booster box day was the best day of the month. The two girls would spend all month scrimping and saving their allowances, lunch money or anything else they could scrimp and save together and for each of them it almost always added up to the cost of two new booster boxes. Unfortunately the events of the previous day had rendered the Mousette uncharacteristically depressed and fatalistic.

The whole incident had spiraled downhill fast. Before classes even started that morning Diana, Ester and Jamie had all been called in to the principals office to explain what had happened. It seemed that Brenda, the girl who had been harassing them was going to be in the hospital for another day and required a bit of plastic surgery. In fact the only reason Diana had not been prosecuted for the event was the simple fact that Brenda's actions had constituted sexual harassment. Frankly Jamie felt a bit satisfied by how the events had transpired even if she was still a bit cautious about Diana. The two week suspension was probably going to be rougher on her poor friend than on Diana, and to make matters worse it seemed that Esters mom really got mad about the situation after hearing about what was happening.

Jamie was still hopeful that a night of Booster packs, card trading and Esters favorite shows would finally snap the poor girl out of it. Not that she had any plans to simply sit there and watch her best friend sink further into this funk. "Hay Ester. How about after we get the cards sorted out I break down and let you teach me D&D huh? I promise I won't even try to compare it to any Whitewolf stuff. Cross my heart." Jamie was rewarded with a small and rather unintelligible mumble as the two girls wound their way though the Home Depot parking lot and reached the small broken section of chainlink fence that separated the stores lot from their apartment complex. "Ok well how about this then? I'll give you Sarkhan Vol. Give him to you outright, no strings attached. Come on that has to do something for you."

Ester simply maintained the dispassionate mask of frustration she had worn though the day as she slipped though the small gap in the fence and started towards their apartment building without a single word. This was a bad sign, the one card that Jamie had been refusing to trade and the one card she knew her friend wanted since it came out. Yet now she didn't even get a flash of interest. As patient as she was it was starting to grate on her watching ester simply floating though the whole day without so much as a forced giggle. "Fine well if nothing else I'm spending the night, and no you can't stop me on this one. I'm putting my foot down. As long as you're my best friend I'm not going to let you go though all of this alone you understand? Now I'm going to put my bag in your house and I'm going to go upstairs to get my Pajamas then Right back down here. We are going to watch Alton brown and Deep space nine and Kitchen nightmares and trade cards and learn D&D tonight and tomorrow night and all the way though these two weeks if that's what it takes to get you to freaking crack a smile."

That seemed to be all it took for Ester to finally chuckle a bit. It was simply a momentary flash of amusement but it was enough to warm both girls hearts. Standing out in front of the large beige apartment building Jamie Hit the buzzer for Esters apartment and then put a hand on her shoulder. "You're a good friend Ester. But so help me god if you don't stop being so mopey all the time I don't know what I am going to do with you." The two girls hugged for a moment before blinking at the loud intercom buzz and quickly yanking the door open before they had to repeat the process all over again.

Without another word the two girls walked straight along from the door and opened it up just long enough for Ester to slip in along with Jamie's backpack. The small mousette smiled a little as she walked to the living room and set her things on the big comfortable beige couch and looked down the hallway to see the telltale silhouette of her mother in the kitchen. "Mommy I'm home. Jamie wants to stay over tonight... is that ok?"

Lillian looked out from the kitchen door and smiled a little to her beloved daughter with a small nod. "Its fine honey, just one second though. I think we need to have a talk." Lillian finished chopping the last onion she was preparing and strolled out of the kitchen in a half buttoned chefs jacket and matching trousers sitting down on the couch and looking at Esters backpack. "So its that day of the month already is it? You know your principal called me and told me about what happened today. I'm glad to see your feeling a bit better."

Quickly the mouse girl climbed into her mothers lap and looked up at her as she always did giving the loving woman a small kiss on the cheek. "It still hurts a lot Mommy, but Jamie really helped like she always does. I feel kinda bad that I don't get to help her more often though. Shes always looked out for me even before Diana showed up. I just kind of feel selfish you know?"

Ester quickly found herself silenced by a tight hug and a gentle kiss on the forehead. "Oh come now dear you should know better than that. You two are about as good of friends as I have ever seen. You make her very happy too, don't forget that. I am very proud of both of you girls and I always have been. I hope you can remember that." Lillian closed her eyes a moment longer and pushed her smart wire rimmed glasses up the bridge of her nose. Part of her hated to see this little darling growing up, but she loved the fact that as time went on Ester seemed to need her more rather than less. It wasn't the same need. Gone were the days of home schooling and constant doctor visits and supervised play dates. Her baby girl was becoming a woman and Lillian had to guide her though this as best she could.

She held on to her daughter only a moment longer before laughing and watching the door quickly opening without so much as a knock. "Hay Ms. Peterson sorry about this all being short notice. Esters been real down. Mom said to ask if I need to go back and eat something or not but I don't think she really plans on making something." Lillian had to laugh at how in spite of her worries some things just outright refused to change.

It was like Ester was five again with little Jamie coming over unannounced and forcing Ester out of her shell by hook or by crook. Reluctantly she set her daughter down and smiled at the girl who was an almost constant fixture at their little apartment. "You know by now you don't even have to ask. Just lay out your things and I'll have dinner finished soon. Ester why don't you go get your Pjs on and then you two girls can dig in. Just remember to wash those grubby paws before you do it. I don't want any complaints because you got your new rares all smudged."

With that Lillian started to walk back towards the kitchen as Ester headed to her room, but not before she felt a paw wrapping around her wrist and turning her around. Before Ester knew what was happening she felt a sleeved card being placed into her hand. Looking down The mouse girl noticed instantly what it was and looked back up at Jamie. "You know I can't just take this... I mean seriously you..."

Without giving her even half a chance to speak Jamie shook her head and turned her friend back around. "Just go put it in your room and get your trading folder. I may be willing to give up a card tonight but that doesn't mean I won't be taking it out on you in the trading.


The last day of school for the week felt more or less like the first, and yet it was so different. Ester was still depressed over Diana's suspension and the possibility of her being expelled. Sadly the books of the school library did little to sooth her frustration at the situation. Still by now at least she had managed to push the frustration to the back of her head and replace it with an outline for her days school work so that she could avoid having to do home work over the weekend. When that stopped working Ester would switch and start working on filing away a few books that people had decided to get out on yesterdays lunch break but not check out or start working on what deck ideas stuck out in her mind. Sometimes she even managed to find a way to occupy herself by thinking in depth about these little quick transitions she attempted to help distract her from being upset, though the distractions over distractions really did get old after a while.

Mercifully though her shift for the day in the school library was coming to a close and with it she was one hour closer to being at home where moping and frustration were both valid options. After this all she had to do was go off and find herself some lunch from the cafeteria, sit though a few more AP classes and then walk home with Jamie who still seemed bound and determined to make sure Ester was going to be out of her funk before weeks end. Unfortunately planning this little fragment of her day out ended up reminding her once more of how Diana used to come sneaking though the way she always did and offering her some little snack to tide her over and help Ester get though the day. That was the crux of the problem in the end, everything around her reminded her of Diana. The book shelves, the tables, the cafeteria. This school was where they spent their time and no matter where she went in it Ester was forced to think about her girlfriend and how the two of them could not be around each other because of the incident not two days ago.

It really was a vicious cycle, One Ester was getting tired of repeating so often. Putting the last couple of books on the shelves she walked back over to the librarians desk and started to pack up her own things in a huff. "Ok Ester, just try to shut it out of your mind for the next few hours. You'll get to see her again soon, hopefully. Just have to suck it up and be a big girl for once in your life." Each sentence was emphasized by a hard shove as another item was placed into the book bag. Finally once it was full she gave a hard tug to sling the bag over her shoulder, only to wince as the zipper came undone and in a split second her entire course load was littered about the library floor in a disjointed mess.

That really was the last straw. Dropping to her knees the mouse girl just buried her face in her hands and started to weep savagely. It was all far too much for her to manage anymore. The frustration of feeling so alone at school and the absence of that support she always used to enjoy just kept piling up and piling up over and over again until it felt like the weight of it all was never going to go away. At this point the sobbing girl on her knees in the school library was simply too broken hearted to even move anymore. She was simply tired of getting back up knowing that the only thing in store for her was to once again be knocked down to the ground by a blow even harder than the last.

"Oh come on you cry baby, suck it up will ya?" Ester looked up though her tears in shock as she saw Diana crouched down in front of her, picking up the papers and stuffing them into the backpack with relative gentleness. The punkish Chipette flashed her girlfriend a warm smile before leaning over and giving her a small kiss on the lips.

"But... how did you get in here?" Ester asked with a quick wimper. Diana shrugged a bit at the question and gave a quick nod towards the far wall.

"You of all people should know the locks on those windows suck. I really need to tell them about that at some point. Any old crazy person could bust into the school totally unnoticed..." Without even a moment more to reflect on the situation Diana found herself plowed into by the smaller girl who simply kept her arms wrapped tight around her neck refusing to let go for anything. "Shhh come on twerp relax. Its ok. You really think that I was going to leave you high and dry? What kinda girlfriend would that make me anyways?" The only answer Ester gave was to place a flurry of loving kisses on Diana's cheek and hug even harder, stopping only at the mumbled gasping of her love trying to blurt out "Can't... breath.."

The next few moments Ester simply held on as hard as she dared in case her fears were true and this was all some dream. The two girls hugged tightly and stayed close but otherwise said very little both out of fear for being caught and from the simple lack of anything to say. Finally though the silence was broken as Diana reached into her coat pocket and pulled out a small bar in a brown and purple foil wrapper placing It firmly into Esters paw. "So.. What happned? I mean from the sound of it they were thinking about... I mean they were going to talk about.."

Diana shook her head "Kicking me out? Yeah they were kicking that idea around. For a little while. I have to admit for once I was a little worried, which pisses me off in its own right. I sure as hell shouldn't be worried about getting banned from this hell hole. You do way too much to me I hope you know. All this emotional stuff kinda makes me mad."

Ester looked down and nodded softly just happy that Diana was so close to her. "So they aren't going to expel you? I was really scared."

Diana just held the girl closer and smirked a bit, doing her best to look the tough girl still without giving her too much. "Nope, your not getting rid of me that easy. Thankfully not everyone in this town is a self righteous scumbag or pompous ass." She then looked up at the clock again and let out a sigh of exasperation giving her love one more kiss on the cheek. "Look sweetie, I gotta go before I get us both in it deep. But I figured I should at least make sure your taken care of before I do. I promise that I‘ll be back before you know it... Do me a favor though and say hi to your mom in the mean time huh?" Diana smiled and pulled one last long, loving and tender kiss from her girlfriend. Breaking it only reluctantly she gave a small wink and stood up preparing to go. "And don't worry, this time I bought it."


For the first time in ages Diana felt a knot forming in her stomach, and she did not like it one bit. Sitting on the edge of the couch a whole cushion length away from Ester she simply watched as her girlfriends mother paced back and forth in front of them arms held behind her like a drill sergeant from one of those war movies her dad always watched. "Quite frankly girls I was apprehensive about this from the start. Part of me was screaming to end this the second my little girl came home with a black eye. Hell I was ready to call this whole school experiment off and have Ester finish her work here at home where I knew what was happening to her." Lillian shot a blood chilling glance at Diana as if to drive the point home before she continued, again causing the normally tough girl quite a bit of discomfort.

"Now I understand that your not hitting her anymore from the sounds of it, which is good because quite frankly that was one of the conditions I had for not having you put in juvi for abuse. I also understand that you were doing this to protect Ester. I have spoken with the parents of the girl you... attacked.... And found out that she was admittedly the instigator. That being said this behavior is unacceptable and there will be consequences for it." Ester was squirming into the back of the couch as much as she dared by now to escape the harsh tone in her mothers voice. She didn't get in trouble herself and so was unused to any sort of strictness or anger coming from her loving and caring mommy.

Had this been anyone else talking to her right now Diana would have probably put a pencil though her head joker style, regardless of who it was. Yesterday though Lillian had managed to earn the girls respect in a way nobody else had before. Both the principal and VP were ready to expel her, and worse yet there was talk about finally calling in the cops, even being tried as an adult. Not that she had not expected the bum rap from people like that, but for once Diana had something to lose. That alone left a bitter taste in her mouth and it infuriated her that some dumb shit pencil pushers were going to try and take that away for defending her girlfriend. Even Esters Uppity little friend Jamie had put herself into the line of fire and given her twenty cents on the matter. What had saved her though was Lillian, coming in from what she understood was an important job simply to speak with the principal and VP on her behalf. To her that was something worthy of respect, something that demanded she treat her girlfriends mother with at least some level of dignity. Not that she wasn't pissed at having to sit here because of it and listen to that same woman tear into them both.

"Now then for your punishment. I have decided against keeping you two from seeing each other all together, but I still think that the access needs to be restricted until you can both prove to me that this kind of situation won't happen again. That means until further notice neither of you will be allowed to see the other without some sort of supervision. The school will be on notice after Diana is off of her suspension to tell me if the two of you are caught alone. You will be expected to go to each class as soon as possible and the hall monitor will be keeping an eye on the library. Diana you will still be welcomed at our games and I have already talked to your mother about letting you stay here for the game tonight, but this is on the condition that you both behave and only because I will be here to supervise. Any dates you wish to go on I will need to know about ahead of time and Either I or Aunt Ruth will be chaperoning for you two whatever the date may be. Phone time will be restricted and Ester you will either be walking home with Jamie or waiting for me to pick you up on the days I'm not in the restaurant. Do I make myself clear girls?"

Both Ester and Diana nodded almost in unison as they looked back up at the enraged parent staring at them coldly for a long moment before finally turning and walking over to her large green recliner to sit down. It was a long moment before anyone else moved. The tension in the room was thick as steel and seemed to have an almost paralyzing effect. Finally though Ester managed to slowly slide herself down on the floor and pulled the players handbook out of her bag setting it on the coffee table while casting a glance at Diana. Diana followed suit and looked over as Ester started to work on leveling her loves character sheet under her mothers watchful gaze. To say the situation was awkward would have been a gross understatement to be sure. Yet the hours passed and Lillian finally turned her attention from the girls and turned on the TV, watching her favorite show as Ester explained some of the finer points of proper sneak attack utilization. The situation was not ideal in the least but at the same time it did make them all feel that a small bit of normalcy was finally returning. The painfully slow seconds turned to minutes, and then to hours. Finally the buzz came from downstairs as Ruth and June showed up for the game. It wasn't Ideal but it was a start.


Ester and Diana stood on the small foot bridge overlooking one of the busier streets in the city. As they waited for her mother and Jamie to get the car Ester took a moment to lean closer and place a small kiss on Diana's cheek. The sun was setting right in front of them sending up tendrils of pink and orange spiraling into the sky. After a few moments Diana wrapped her hand around her girlfriends shoulder and let a smile start to cross her lips. For all the hell this week had put them though, for how fast it had slammed itself into the ground and left them both high and dry Diana still had to admit that she was happy. Standing here, with the girl she loved, she was happy. "Diana... Do you think things are going to be this crazy all the time?" Ester finally managed to pipe up now finding herself tucked firmly under her loves arm for warmth.

After a few moments to think about it the larger girl simply shrugged. "I don't know, but to be honest as long as I have you Ester I don't give a damn."