Linked Through Bond: Ch. 2

Story by Mega Absol359 on SoFurry

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Alan was running, running fast, and closer to the voice that sounded in his head."Help! Someone please!", the mysterious voice pleaded for a savior, to help it escape. Rounding corners and jumping shrubs, he ran through the tall grass. Then, through all his running he realized, that he was risking his own well being for someone or something he didn't know and his heart raced at the thought of getting attacked by a wild Pokemon. For he was no trainer and he certainly doubted being able to fend one off himself, but he kept running toward the voice that rang in his head."HEELLPP!!", Alan winced at the loud piercing cried and ended up in a clearing. An empty field surrounded by trees, but what caught his eye was something that reminded him of his past: A horde of Poochyena surrounded a Ralts, a wounded one at that, with a large gash on it's side, slowly oozing blood. Alan fell back into his mind, remembering himself in school. He was bullied, and he never liked it. Being surrounded by such rude, inconsiderate, bastards just pissed him off and now he had to save Ralts. Alan reached out and grabbed a dead tree branch from the ground and marched up to the Pokemon and announced,"Hey bitch, pick on someone your own size!". And with that, he swung the branch, like a staff, and smashed it across the startled Poochyena's face.Rolling in the grass, the dog scrambled to it's feet, whining, and ran into the trees beyond. Two came this time, fangs bared, hackles raised, and just as one lunged for his face, Alan swatted it away with his forearm, with a snap. Not looking back he heard a whine and paws patter away at a rapid pace, leaving him with three. With their back haunches elevated, they all came at him, as he sidestepped past one, jabbing it in it's hind leg, leaving it bleeding to the ground. One of it's friends tried to help it, only to be Spartan kicked across the field, allowing the last one to be left with Alan, but with a couple of pleading cries from it's compatriots it left with the remaining Dark types.With the Poochyena gone Alan swooped forward and scooped up the injured Ralts, sprinting back to Petalburg, and the Pokemon Center. Upon arrival he yelled," Nurse Joy!", and with that note she came rushing down the hall with open arms. With Alan handing over the Ralts, blood stained his shirt, and he felt a sense of relief. As the nurse went around the corner with Ralts he heard a voice,"Thank you" it said, then Alan's legs went limp and he blacked out on the floor.