Nathaniel's Mission - Part 4

Story by Minsc9 on SoFurry

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And finally I'm submitting the next part of Nathaniel's Mission. Nathaniel finds a surprising couple of newcomers aboard the ship. After that, he's given the chance to maybe actually finally do the mission all this micro sexual fun started with! Hope ya like it ^^

A couple of hours had passed, and Nathaniel had been squeezing his way under each of the other doors in that corridor, intent on actually completing the mission he'd been tasked with, obtaining valuable information from the Bouldershots. Unfortunately for him, his search only yielded sleeping crewmen, crewmen in the midst of some 'alone' time, or in one instance, a pair of massive lions! Still relieved to have gotten out of -that- particular cabin in time, Nathaniel couldn't help but worry about what his superior would do to him should he not successfully bring back any news on the crew's activities. Admiral Tompkins wasn't known for his leniency, a true forsaken through-and-through in that regard.

His steadily-building panic though was soon interrupted by a firm pat on his back. The rogue though didn't turn straight away, frozen in place in pure bewilderment at just -how- he'd felt a pat on his back in the middle of The Stacked Coffer at -his- current size.

"Dere ya are, been lookin' all ovah fo' ya."

Nathaniel slowly turned, only to find of all people, Ruk'ti, one of his fellow Duskrunner Bandits, joined as always by his imp minion, Rin'lop.

"R-Ruk'ti?! What are you doing here?!" the swabee had to do a triple-take to make sure he wasn't going crazy, and that the troll actually -was- standing before him.

"Ah be 'ere ta fetch ya, da boss figured ya been onboard fo' long enough, so Xinzok worked 'is shrinky voodoo on me and ah was snuck aboard back at da last port. Been lookin' around fo' da last hour o' so fo' ya," he nodded firmly, his dark-blue hair, which consisted mainly of two bangs and a large braid, shifting about as he did so.

Panic quickly returned for poor Nathaniel as he'd realised his time had run out, and the troll could easily see the rogue's unease.

"Ya -did- get some prized info, didn' ya?"

Nathan shifted about uncomfortably, not really wishing to admit it, but the truth was plastered across his face in his worried expression.

"Ooooh, ya -know- da boss ain't gonna be 'appy about -dat-, 'e be bankin' on ya comin' back wit' somethin' -big- on da Bouldershots. When ya tell 'im ya didna get no info, oooooh 's gonna be -no good-," Ruk'ti tutted and shook his head, his imp wagging a finger to heighten the impact of his master's words.

"I know, I know, I mean I tried to get some, I really did, but all these guys do all day is sleep and have sex, it's not -my- fault they're not talking about all their secrets," he furrowed his brow, looking about the hall quickly, as if some golden nugget of information would magically appear before him.

It was then that a deep, bellowing, baritone voice would fill their ears, resonating through the ship and likely reaching every pair of ears in a hundred-yard radius.

"Meeting in the dining room! There's a meeting in the dining room about our next adventure!" it called out, Nathaniel immediately recognising it as Tharyn's. After a moment of letting the giant's words actually settle on his mind though, his eyes widened considerably, and he shot a hopeful look toward Ruk'ti, who gave a knowing nod back in response.

"Ya be a lucky one, Nat, mebbe ya not be walkin' da plank after all," the troll smirked as the swabee belted down the hallway toward the stairs that led up to the dining area, Ruk'ti gestured for him imp to follow as he sauntered behind.

The three soon reached the bottom of those steps, only now realising just how much taller they stood compared to the men. It would take an age to climb all of them, and they needed to get up there -fast-. Nathaniel peered back at Ruk'ti, who just gave a shrug in response. The rogue though would soon spot a large shadow enveloping the troll, as well his imp and he himself. All three stared upwards to see an absolutely-gigantic green foot filling the sky overhead, and descending upon them with frightening speed. Being more used to such occurrences, the swabee didn't immediately move away, but both the Ruk'ti and Rin'lop tried their best to scarper, Rin'lop flailing his arms in the air, screaming, but ultimately falling over himself. It was of no use though, their attempts came far too late, as soon the immense foot slammed down into the ground, squashing the trio. Thankfully their enchantment would protect them from any harm, and all of them were picked up as the foot lifted again, carrying the tiny bandits as the orc climbed the stairs.

"Ngh, gah! Wha's goin' on?!" the troll yelled at Nathaniel, who gave a calm response.

"Relax, I've done this before, it's actually a pretty efficient way of getting around, Takrin should take us right to the Dining Room," he explained, quite pleased with himself, as if he'd meant for this to happen.

Ruk'ti though, along with his imp companion, didn't look amused in the slightest, both males quickly covering their noses.

"Coulda gotten us a nicer smellin' way ta get dere," he grumbled to himself.

"Yeah, I've smelt fel pools fresher than -this-!" Rin'lop quickly chimed in, his voice much higher-pitched in comparison to his master's. Despite Takrin keeping his feet clean, it didn't seem to help with the overwhelming stink they still made.

Soon though that titanic foot would come to a stop, and the three would take the chance to prise themselves free from the bottom of it, succeeding, but tumbling over each other in a heap as they tried to move away.

Squirming his way out of the bundle, Nathaniel got to his feet and peered around, welcomed by the sight of quite a few pairs of gigantic feet, either booted or bare; and with the massive wooden pole nearby that led skyward, and the fact that far above them was a the underside of a giant table, it was easy to surmise that they were -right- where they needed to be.

"Well, 'ere we be, ah guess catchin' a ride on the bottom of an orc's foot wasna such a bad t'ing ta 'appen aftah all," the troll looked about, his gaze fixating on the various other pairs of enormous feet for perhaps a moment longer than necessary, before he looked upwards and tried to listen in on the meeting. Unfortunately due to their position and size, all they could hear was low murmuring and mumbling coming from above them. If they were going to successfully eavesdrop, they'd need to be on that table.

"Looks like we be needin' ta get ta 'igher ground," the warlock nodded sagely, walking over to the colossal table-leg not too far from them, Nathaniel and Rin'lop in tow.

"It's pretty high, I mean I'm a pretty fast climber, but it'll probably take quite a while for the two of you to get up that thing," the swabee commented, the troll smirking at the human and raising a hand, it glowing with a dark magic.

"Jus' you watch," the winked, before his entire body was enveloped in a cloud of shadows. A moment later it dissipated, the troll now sporting a pair of huge, dark-purple demonic wings! Next Ruk'ti would gesture downwards, his feet then erupting with fel-magic, fel-fire blasting out of the bottom of them and propelling the warlock upwards at a shocking speed. Nathaniel, who was just watching all of this dumbfounded, very quickly saw Ruk'ti reach the top, using his great wings to fly around the edge of the table, disappearing on top of it.

"Hey, hey! Master! Don't leave poor Rin'lop down here!" the imp cried out as he immediately began climbing after him, though clearly struggling with his diminutive size and lack of athleticism. Nathaniel followed on behind, but it soon became painfully obvious that by the time the imp would reach the top by his own means, the meeting would be long over. The human just climbed right on through him, Rin'lop yelping as his legs were slipped over the rogue's shoulders, the imp piggy-backing on him as he climbed at a much more admirable pace. It didn't take all too long before Nathaniel reached to top actually, slightly-awkwardly climbing around the edge and onto the upperside of that giant table, not made any easier by Rin'lop screaming and grabbing desperately onto Nathan's head with both arms and legs at the slightest jostle.

All three finally now on -top- of the table, a rapidly-panting Nathan looked about for Ruk'ti, soon spotting him standing perfectly still and gawping shamelessly at the mountain of green breast-flesh towering over them all. Now standing at Takrin's right-hand side, the outer-slope of his monumental bosom would fill their eyeline, the warlock clearly -very- happy with the view, and after safely reaching his side, his imp too would merrily take in the sight. Of course the human ogled a bit too, but he was far more used to such scenes that he could at least control himself around them.

"I still can't quite make out what's being said. Perhaps Takrin's... ehh... perhaps Takrin is muffling the sound?" the rogue suggested, though it was quite clear the other two men weren't listening in the slightest. He sighed softly and tapped both men on back of their heads, which seemed to break the spell over them, the troll and imp turning back to face him, "I think we should make our way around to the front, should be able to hear the meeting there I hope."

Well, both Ruk'ti and Rin'lop practically sprinted around to the orc's front, whether because of the rogue's words or due to some ulterior motive though was anyone's guess. Nathan just made his way after them, his gaze peering back at that immense green breast, barely bound by a harness. It truly was enormous, if the swabee had to guess, he'd say it was about ten-times his height, but that could have been an underestimate.

Fairly soon he'd reached the front, expecting his two companions to be mindlessly ogling both goliath hills now, but actually finding them just looking ahead, and when Nathaniel did too, he could see why. Now standing in the middle of the table, looking down the length of it towards the other end, he could see many more pairs of utterly-humongous melons, of similar scale, all similarly under-clothed and threatening to burst the confines of whatever attempted to contain them. Their sheer size infact meant what almost the entire table was covered by them, those tremendous tits only inches away from fighting for dominance with whoever's pair was set opposite. The only 'safe' area of travel was a fairly narrow 'gorge' that ran down the middle, and at the end, the swabee could make out both Baelek and Blake, standing before the crew, speaking and gesturing to a large map behind them.

Ruk'ti though was simply mesmerised by the various mammoth bosoms, the warlock drooling profusely, "Ya be a -vereh- lucky 'oomon ta be chosen fo' dis mission, an' -ah- be one lucky troll ta be sent ta fetch ya." The troll immediately ignored his orders though as he and his imp abruptly ran over towards the nearest pair, Takrin's colossal globes, hands outstretched and groping at the air as they sprinted.

Nathan though, despite being -very- turned on, decided it was best if he stayed to listen to what Baelek was discussing with his crew, he'd had his fill of fun already aboard this ship, and he -really- needed to get some intel for the Admiral. He headed across the table a bit, listening intently at what the dashing night elf had to say.

"So these are the possible targets, we'll want to head to each of them at some point anyway, but we'll need to decide which one we're going to first," the hunky kaldorei informed his crew, gesturing to various points on the map, before Blake began giving more details on the geography and history of all the different targets.

The tiny bandit tried desperately to focus on their words, but was all-too-are of the towering tits all around him. He peered back toward Ruk'ti, seeing that he and Rin'lop had already reached those massive melons, and had actually already climbed up those huge, thick leather straps that criss-crossed the orc's mountainous chest. Both were positioned atop where both straps crossed each other, right above that literal canyon of cleavage separating the vast, green landmasses. With a surprisingly-graceful dive from the troll, and a haphazard trip from the imp, both men descended onto the hunter's rack, landing deep in that canyon, a look of pure bliss on both their faces as they slowly sunk out-of-sight.

Nathaniel blushed deeply, painfully-hard in his pants as he turned back again toward Baelek, trying his absolute best to block out the huge mountain ranges either side of him. To further try and distract himself, he fished out some parchment and a pencil from his pack, readying to take notes and listening in again.

"Right, so it's either Uldum or this one," the captain pointed to a n 'X' on the map, "I can't stress how much treasure Uldum is home to, I mean it's a treasure-hunter's paradise with how many old tombs they have there, and with it only having been recently uncovered, there'll be barely any competition," he nodded firmly, Blake quickly butting in.

"While it's likely that there's a lot of treasure there, I think word's already gotten out about it, I've already heard about quite a few groups of bandits operating in the area, not to mention the tales of many would-be treasure-hunters meeting rather grisly ends deep in the sands," the navigator shook his head and pointed to the other target, "This place is near-unheard of, it took quite some work getting the info, -and- we already know there's a time-limit before the goblins return to reclaim it." It seemed they'd narrowed their choices down, but there was still disagreement, the swabee inwardly begging for them to decide though and give him some information about it.

Nathan heard something massive moving about to his left, and absent-mindedly turned to look, his eyes widening as he was now staring at Rurik's gargantuan globes looming before him, having been recently shifted closer. Even in the engineer's (admittedly low-cut) dungarees there was nothing left to the imagination, stretched taut by that ridiculously-voluminous bust. Even the draenei's giant nipples tented the thick fabric perfectly around their mass, and it was all the rogue could do to avert his gaze back to Baelek.

Ruk'ti meanwhile was having the time of his life, lost somewhere deep between two deliciously-gigantic mountains of green flesh. Never in his life had he thought he'd be as lucky as -this-!

"Enjoyin' yaself Rin'lop?" the troll asked his minion, who wore a dumb grin just as wide as his master.

"Oh yeah! I mean I've been between my fair share of huge breasts, but nothing on -this- scale!" he squealed happily as he lapped his tongue across the relatively-tiny area he could reach of those acres, groaning as he tasted the slightly-salty flesh.

Ruk'ti just chuckled lewdly as he began stroking and groping at whatever was in reach, which wasn't much more, moaning as he grabbed hugely handfuls of Takrin's firm globes.

Back to Nathaniel, who was staring firmly toward Baelek, his focus really wasn't helped any by a couple of the men between him and the captain adjusting their mammoth jugs, whether attempting to make them fit better in their scant clothing, or intentionally trying to get their massive mounds to rub up against the pair opposite, so much shifting breastflesh only served to distract the young rogue even more. He managed to just about keep his mind on his work though, filling his head with fears of what Garret was likely to do to him if he came back with nothing. Thankfully those fears won out over his massive attraction to the Bouldershots, just about.

"Come on, come on, just -one- nugget of information. Where are you heading next?" he muttered under his breath, and as if his prayers had been answered, Baelek soon spoke up.

"So it's decided! We'll be heading to the abandoned mining operation on Jarada Island," the night elf sighed softly as his crew unanimously-voted against heading to Uldum, despite his enthusiasm. Nonetheless he was a fair captain, and was still fully-behind his crew's decision.

Blake quickly continued, filling the men in on the specifics of the mission, "Jarada Island was chosen by the goblins due to it's rich deposits of... I'm not sure what ore it holds actually, apparently it's an incredibly-rare and valuable ore though, hence their eagerness to set-up operations there. It may well be that Jarada is unique in terms of it's ore, which certainly would bump up the value enormously." At the mention of enormous value, the men's ears perked up, listening much more intently to the first-mate than before, who continued on, "Unfortunately, reports of strange happenings in the lower levels of the mine cropped up, I wasn't able to find out what these were exactly, but they were serious enough for the goblins to flee. Apparently they didn't even have time to make off with much of the priceless ore they'd already excavated, and a lot of it is still there just lying around."

Taerik would then chime in, a rather serious expression on his face, "Must be something -very- serious if -goblins- of all people would flee without even keeping hold of something so allegedly valuable. Are you quite sure it's wise for us to even consider going?" he questioned, addressing his concerns more to Baelek than Blake, who answered.

"I had my own concerns too, aye, but the sheer magnitude of what we could possibly plunder there was just too much to pass up. Don't worry though, I've got some safe-guards in place. For starters I'll only be sending a fairly small group into the mine itself to scout it out and grab what we can. Should anything happen to that group, there'll be plenty back at ship to mount a rescue operation. If a rescue operation -is- necessary, then we'll abandon the mission after we're all safely back onboard, sound good?" he gave a charming smile to the sin'dorei, who mulled over Baelek's words for a moment, before nodding in response.

Well, the rogue had been rapidly scrawling as much of this information down as he could, already onto his third scrap of parchment. Relief washed over him as he did so, he'd -finally- gotten the info he needed, and when Blake filled the men in on the coordinates of the island, as well as the exact date they were set to arrive there, his mission was complete. The swabee couldn't help but beam to himself as he checked over everything he'd written down. This was pure gold, and he was sure the Admiral would be ecstatic to learn of it all, a location, a date, and what sounded like a treasure trove of priceless ore. -And- Nathaniel had gotten it all by himself, without the help of that troll who by now was who-knows-where. He wondered if his efforts would even please Garret so much that he'd be promoted from just 'swabee'.

The human's thoughts though would melt away instantly as he absent-mindedly glanced to his side once again, gazing at that goliath draenei chest looming over him. His gaze paid special attention to those immense bulges that Rurik's giant nipples created, a light redness crossing his cheeks, but a slight smirk appearing on his face.

"Well, I suppose I've earned a little fun," he licked his lips, walking over to one of those immense teats, utterly-massive compared to himself. He reached forward and pressed his hands into the thick fabric, his brow furrowing though as he quickly realised he wouldn't be able to do a thing to those enormous nubs with these dungarees in the way. He'd need to go an a mini-expedition to get at what he wanted, and with that thought he grabbed tightly onto that strong cloth and began to climb the engineer's behemoth bust.

It seemed that Ruk'ti had had a similar idea to Nathaniel, the troll having squeezed his way back out from betwixt those heavenly globes, and peered over to where the orc's huge nipples would be, soon remembering that those delectable teats were guarded by the hunter's thick harness. Never one to be deterred though, the warlock quickly cooked up a rather ingenious plan. It looked as if those straps were under such intense pressure that they could snap at any moment, thus if he were to blast even the smallest hole through one of them, the pressure would surely make the hole grow until the strap snapped clean off, releasing one of Takrin's wondrous mountains.

Grinning wickedly, the warlock strutted over to a strap, conjuring a fel flame in his hand. Then, placing the palm of his hand flat against the leather, he grunted as he strengthened his spell tenfold. It took some time, but eventually the corrupt flame tore a small hole through the giant orc's harness, the sheer size of Takrin though ensuring all he felt of it was a pleasurable warmth.

At first nothing seemed to happen, but just as the troll had predicted, soon the small hole was being forced wider under the strain of the greenskin's jumbo-sized jugs, Ruk'ti giving a wide grin as the orc gave an almighty groan, and that strap tore cleanly, the hunter's gargantuan breast bursting out, much to the delight of not only that tiny troll, but many of the other giant crewmen, judging by all the hoo-hawing that soon followed.

"Bwahaha, that's got to be the third harness this month, 'ey Takrin?" Rurik asked him, giving the orc a grin as he shamelessly eyed over the exposed mountain, a smirk on his lips.

"Hah, guess I'm just too big for my own good," the hunter responded, giving a deep chuckle as he leered back.

"Now now, let's try not to get distracted, we still have things to go over," Blake sighed, a blush over his face as he tried to get the meeting back on track. Clearly this sort of thing happened a -lot- at Bouldershot meetings.

Ruk'ti meanwhile was gazing in absolute awe at that utterly-mammoth, and enormously-thick orc nub before him, and at the plentiful, bumpy areola surrounding it. He wasted little time in wrapping his long arms around what he could of it's generous girth, doing his best to actually 'pump' the massive thing. It wasn't long though before he simply -had- to mash his face against it, rubbing it side to side against the monstrous nipple and licking it ferociously, his blunted tusks only adding onto the pleasure all this was causing the titanic orc, who groaned in response, drawing another lewd grin from the engineer beside him.

Whilst all this was going on, Rin'lop had actually managed to scale the hunter's other breast, strategically sliding down the front of it and squeezing himself comfortably between the remaining strap of his harness, and his other goliath teat. He too would begin fervently licking and lapping at whatever he could of that humongous, now-throbbing nipple, though he quickly found the large hole in the centre of it, and made sure to give it special attention. It was only after he'd attemptted to grope at it and lick over it though that he'd realise just how big it really was, finding that not only did his tongue easily slip inside, but that if he applied even a bit of pressure, his face and actually his entire head could be pushed inside as well! Well, needless to say the imp did just that, slurping about wildly inside that nub as he tested just how much of himself would fit.

All of this had naturally made the giant orc much, much hornier than he usually was, and soon he'd turned to Rurik, leaning in and whispering huskily into his ear, "Ngh, don't know about you, but I'm feelin' just about ready to flood this whole room, wanna go somewhere more private and 'help me out'?" he shot a coy wink at the draenei, who licked his lips and nodded back. He himself had been feeling particularly-amorous too, since Nathaniel had finished his journey, having scaled that blue mountain and having slipped his way beneath those overalls in a way similar to Rin'lop, the rogue now humping that gigantic blue and madly-pulsating teat frantically.

"I'd love to, my cabin? I don't really fancy fightin' over your milk with those lions of yours," he gave a knowing grin to the orc, who nodded, clearing his throat.

"Uhh, cap'n? Me 'n Rurik are gonna head off, he's gotta umm... check on the milker in my cabin, 's been playin' up lately," he was already getting to his feet, Rin'lop safe but Ruk'ti giving a yelp, having to quickly cling onto that massive nipple with both arms and legs as those godly globes were lifted off the table. Rurik soon did the same, though Nathaniel was reasonably-safe.

Baelek just scoffed, a wide grin on his lips, "Really Takrin, can't even wait until the end of a meeting before you go off and plough poor Rurik senseless? Well, alright, but I want you in my cabin later for a private briefing, -both- of you," he gave the draenei a cheeky look as well. Both crewmen just nodded firmly and were off without another word, heading down the stairs and charging towards Rurik's cabin, unaware of the trio of males that they were bringing with them.