London Entry #1 - First Date - Part 4

Story by IanWolf on SoFurry

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#4 of Ian and London - Our Dates

Did you see that one coming? Probably.

London Entry #1 - First Date - Part 4

"Can I wait a few more seconds," I said, staring at his well formed body.

"No. Strip," Ian said firmly.

Without taking my eyes off of him, I bent down and pulled off my boxers.

I could see him suck in a breath, "Fuck," he said under his breath.

"Your turn," I said.

He walked up to me, kissed me while simultaneously pulling down his pants, not giving me the chance to look, which I think was somewhat unfair. I enjoyed the kiss though, and I also enjoyed him shoving his crotch into mine and rubbing it.

"Why are you so good at this?" I whispered into his ear.

"A lonely life," he said a bit sadly.

"Soooooo, porn?" I asked, breathing heavily at this point.

In response he kissed me again and pulled me closer to the water.

I felt my feet sink into the wet sand. It was low tide, so I attempted to avoid the minimal amount of seaweed that had been deposited.

Ian, pulling me now by the hand, ran into the water which was pretty calm. Beside an occasional small wave, it was almost like paradise.

A few gulls circled overhead, squawking every now and again.

Soon I was in the water. Due to the air being incredibly hot, the water, which was slightly cooler, felt refreshing and relaxing.

We both splashed out a little ways until the water was up to mid calf.

He spun as best he could, throwing himself into my arms, almost throwing me off balance.

I hugged him back. His fur already smelled of salt and sand. I inhaled his slightly damp hair, partially from sweat, but also partially from the splashed water.

He broke the embrace, pushing a foot away from me, looking into my eyes.

He bent slightly awkwardly which made me give him a curious look.

Suddenly I understood as I had a handful of water covering me.

"Oooh, two can play at that game!" I said playfully, submerging both of my hands into the water.

He braced himself, turning half sideways.

I stopped, pretending to feel bad.

Seeing I wasn't going to splash him, he relaxed, but just as quickly, I put my hands back into the water, splashing him greatly.

He opened his mouth in awe and shock, "No fair!" he said shrilly, "You cheated!"

"And what are you going to do about it?" I said, wading further and further out into the ocean until the water was just up to me waist.

"Oh, you don't want to know!" he said, charging at me, although due to the water more like shuffled toward me. I pretended like I couldn't get away fast enough.

He put out his two paws and playfully shoved me. I fell backwards, partially from the shove but mostly because I lifted up my feet so he wouldn't feel bad.

I felt my head hit the water. I wasn't too far above it so breaking the surface tension didn't really hurt. I went under, then quickly got back to the surface, shaking out my fur furiously. The fur around the scruff of my neck and on the top of my head was significantly longer, so it hung heavily.

The fur on the top of my head fell forward, creating temporary bangs which Ian laughed at, pointing.

I grinned, happy that Ian was enjoying himself.

I made a gesture signifying for him to follow me as I slowly waded out backwards. I was skilled swimmer so it didn't really bother me, but I soon realized Ian wasn't behind me. I re-oriented myself, looking at Ian who was still standing on the shelf, about 10 or so feet from me. I swum back, using my powerful arms to propel myself forward.

"Come on, " I said as gently and reassuring as I could. I held out my paw, which he took slowly. He was clearly nervous, but I could tell he trusted me.

Like a child, he walked to me and put his hands around my waist.

"All you have to do is kick," I said, demonstrating by walking off the cliff. I lifted my hands free for a second.

"It's all in the legs. You use your hands to stabilize yourself."

"Come on, I got you."

Taking a deep breath, Ian walked off the shelf, temporarily getting submerged.

After a split second, he came back up. I said firmly, but reassuringly, "Kick, kick!"

Ian smiled, laughing, "I think I got it!"

"Good, but let's not get carried away. If you want me to teach you advanced techniques, we can do it in a pool. Until then, try this," I said, breathing in very deeply.

As if magic, my legs floated to the surface and soon I was lying on my back. I still had my hands out to stabilize myself though.

I looked over to Ian, my cheeks puffed out. I wiggled my wet eyebrows to signify for him to try. He laughed, then took a deep breath.

Soon, he joined me, floating together some 15 feet from the shore, just 5 feet from the shelf. Luckily there really wasn't any currents nearby. If anything, the water pushed you back to the shore slightly.

I oriented myself so the top of my head was up against Ian's.

I lifted my hands behind me, touching each of Ian's shoulders. He understood, taking my hands with his.

I moved them to our sides so that we were connected.

We floated like this for the most peaceful 30 seconds of my life. I just stared up at the darkening sky. A few stars could be seen here and there, faint, but definitely there. There wasn't a cloud to be seen.

Eventually, I heard the characteristic deflating of a furs lungs.

I felt Ian let go as he took a normal breath, righting himself so that he was vertical.

I did the same, looking into his emerald eyes, "That was amazing," he said euphorically.

I smiled, knowing it was time.

"Come on," I said, swimming that extra 5 feet to the shelf.

I made sure he got over good, then led him back to the sandy shore.

After a few seconds of struggling against the pull of the water, we both walked over to the rocks. He began to go for his clothes.

Seeing this, I grabbed his wrist from behind. I turned him to face me. I walked in, grabbing his lower back, kissing his wet, salty mouth. We kissed like that under the setting sun for a few minutes.

He grabbed at my shoulders, wrapping his arms around my neck. Eventually I let go, knowing he would enjoy the next part much better.

I stared deep into his soul, "I'm ready."

"For what?" he said a bit giddily. Then he realized, "Oh, really?"

I could see his tail start to wag a little in excitement.

I walked over to the wall of rocks. I reached into a crevice and removed a backpack. I had secretly came over here and planted it this morning so he would have absolutely no clue where we were going.

I zipped it open and pulled out an extra large beach towel.

Expertly, I opened it up with a whip and gently let it flutter to the still warm sand below.

The sky at this point was awash with multitudes of colours ranging from deep red to violet to the pinkest pink.

Ian, with the most amazing face, walked over to me, and then sat down, lying on his back. We didn't have to speak. The gesture said it all.

I kneeled onto the towel, indenting it into the warm sand which could be felt right through the fabric.

I climbed over him, like we had done on the couch; me above, him below.

Still being soaked, I dripped onto his beautiful body.

I lowered my head, passionately kissing him. We really didn't do much tongue stuff, just a traditional kiss.

Just the feel of his mouth on mine sent shivers down my spine.

Knowing what I was going to do next began to get me aroused. My bone began to slip from its home, now much wetter than the last time he had been out around Ian.

I rubbed my quickly erect bone into Ian's wet fur. The sensation was exhilarating!

I dry humped him slowly as I watched him open his maw in several cute whimpers.

I moved one of my strong hands from beside his neck onto his chest, signaling I was ready.

Almost effortlessly, Ian rotated himself so that his rump was facing toward the sky. I stared at those beautiful white moons just as much of the sun set.

I looked at Ian, who had his hands spread out in front of him, ready to grab the blanket for support. His knees were dug firmly into the towel and soft sand.

I took my hand, pinning his tail up against his back. Although I couldn't see it, I assumed Ian was equally as hard.

With my other hand, I aimed my red meat for that glorious orifice.

I lowered the tip until it was just touching that twitching, pulsing hole. Using my pre, I rubbed around the opening to allow for easier entering. I was 8 inches after all. Ian would need all the help he could get.

"Are you ready?" I asked, already breathing irregularly.

Ian quickly nodded his head, grasping tightly at the towel.

"Ok. But stop me if it hurts," I said gently but firmly. I wanted him to know I wanted him safe more than I wanted to get laid.

He nodded his head again.

I looked back down, re-aiming my pole. I slowly lowered it until the tip was once more resting on the surface.

It was so warm! I stayed like that for a second before pushing in. The tip, breaking the surface, caused Ian to groan audibly.

I was barely in and I could already tell this was going to be a challenge.

I pulled out, rubbing more pre onto his hole, then pushed in again, this time, breaking the surface about an inch or so.

I applied pressure, making sure to go in as slow as I could.

I was so hot by this point that it was hard to concentrate on both what I was feeling and making sure not to hurt Ian.

Slowly but surely, and to the pleasure/discomfort of Ian, I finally managed to drive in half of my penis. I pulled it out much easier this time.

Very quickly, I thrust back in. The amount of pre I was excreting was finally enough to have lubed up the surface of my penis as well as the inside of Ian.

I pushed in further, the whole time being constantly squeezed by Ian. It was like he was fighting me. I knew he'd want me to fight him back so I used all my strength to plunge all 8 inches into him.

Ian, now arching his back like a cat, moaned as I pushed my already swelling knot up against the outside of his warm ass.

Needing some extra support, I grabbed at his stomach, accidentally clawing streaks down the sides of hi stomach.

I could feel myself beginning to loose my control.

I started to thrust in and out like a was mating a bitch.

The whole time, Ian moaned in a mixture of pleasure and discomfort, although even the discomfort was mildly pleasurable.

I on the other hand only felt a mixture of euphoria and this sense of being alive, young and strong.

I continued to thrust into that pretty butt, occasionally hitting his pleasure spot, creating a gasp from Ian each time.

After a few minutes of this, I could feel myself reaching my breaking point.

I dug my nails into his fur even more now, unwilling to let go. I didn't want our mating to ever end. I just wanted to feel like this for the rest of my life.

Knowing that was not realistic, I did the only thing I could think of.

I forced my penis in as far as it could go. With all my might, I pushed as hard as I could. After several seconds of Ian's hole clenching as hard as it could, it gave and my knot audibly popped inside of him.

Ian screamed, partially in pain, but also in pure unadulterated pleasure.

With that, I could wait no longer.

Arching my back, I dug my nails into Ian, drawing blood.

I climaxed.

Hot seed erupted from my swollen tip, 8 inches inside of Ian. The hot rope shot deep into Ian, running along the walls as deep as they could go, desperately searching for an egg to fertilize but finding none.

I shot load after load into that cute fox butt.

Ian, who had been groaning loudly, howled as he too reached his climax, shooting his loud, which was significantly smaller onto the beach towel.

As my claws dug into him, so did his into the towel, his nails piercing straight through into the sand.

Shooting my few last ropes, I fell sideways exhausted, pulling Ian over as well. I released Ian from my primal hold.

Panting, we both laid there, him on the right side of the towel, me on the now cooler sand.

We laid there like that for a few minutes before our breathing turned from ragged to a more normal tempo.

"My God!" I said, still panting slightly, "Foxy! That was amazing......" I let out a breath.

Ian took a second to respond, "I've never seen this side of you. It was amazing!"

Slightly embarrassed, I encircled my paws around Ian, this time making sure not to cut him.

"You were amazing too," I said into the back of his neck, smelling the sweat that had come off of him.

After about 10 minutes of laying there, my knot finally started to shrink. Within another minute or so, my member pulled out of Ian, making him groan one last time.

We laid next to each other for another minute, just cuddling. Eventually, I stood up painfully. I heard Ian sigh. I knew he probably never wanted to get up, but I pulled him to his feet.

I took the towel, slightly sandy and brushed it off. Although covered in cum, I folded it in half so both sides were dry.

"Need to clean yourself?" I said, offering him the towel.

"No actually, I think it all went on the towel," he said, gently chuckling.

Taking the towel, I put it back in the bag.

By this point we were both basically dry.

I looked for Ian's clothes, and handed them to him, but he was focused on the sky.

I looked up and sure enough there were thousands upon thousands of twinkling stars. It felt almost surreal, still enveloped in the afterglow of sex.

It had gotten slightly windier, causing slightly larger waves to crash onto the beach, making a calming splashing sound.

A seagull squawked from somewhere in the milky darkness.

I hugged Ian gently with one hand, holding my backpack with the other.

I dropped it onto the sand, taking my other arm and enveloping Ian completely.

He did the same as we both looked up into the vastness of space.

Suddenly, a bright light shot across the sky creating a silver tail made of diamonds.

"Oh!" Ian exclaimed, hugging me tightly, "A shooting star!"

Together, we watched the tail quickly dissipate into the charcoal sky.

"Did you make a wish?" I whispered.

"Hm-hm," Ian whispered back, "But I can't tell you or it won't come true."

"Fair enough," I said, as I thought about my wish.

"I wish for Ian and I to always be together."


After holding each other for another minute, we got dressed and began the 15 minute walk back to my flat... our flat.

We didn't talk much, just held each other as we walked.

Eventually we went through the two tunnels and made it back to the bridge that crossed over to the mill.

Still holding each other, we began to walk over the bridge, but I stopped half way up.

Ian turned to look at me. Luckily, there were four lamp posts on the bridge so I could still see ok.

I looked into that fox's eyes and said, "I have one more surprise."

"Oh?" Ian asked, moving closer to me.

I took my bag from my back and opened up a small pouch on the side. I pulled out a small object that I cupped in the palm of my paw so that Ian couldn't see.

"Put out your paw," I commanded softly.

He did as I said, putting out his open paw. I took mine and placed it on top of his, letting the object touch both of our paws at the same time.

A look of shock and recognition lit up across Ian's face as he felt the shape.

I pulled back my paw, revealing a red lock shaped like a heart with a key hole right in the middle.

Ian, grasping the lock tightly, lunged forward, embracing me in the tightest hug I had ever experienced. It was also the best. I hugged that fox that drove me crazy back as tight as I could.

Eventually he pulled away.

"Wanta' close it, and then we both can lock the key?" I asked.

In response, he grabbed my paw and placed it on top of his which was holding the lock, "We both can close it too," he said.

With that, I let Ian choose a spot, right at the very top and right in the middle.

With both of our paws on the lock, we closed it around the skinny railings which were at this point, covered almost completely with locks.

Taking the key, we locked the lock shut.

We both let go of the lock, but continued to hold paws.

Ian and I, with tears in his eyes, placed the key into our entwined being, permanently sealing it shut.

Together, we lifted the key over our heads and threw it as far up river as we could. Hearing the key hit the water, Ian looked at me. I could tell he was blushing as I knew I was.

"London, I love you," he said with all his heart.

"I love you too," I responded, with all mine.

It was just as I had always dreamed. The whole day had gone perfectly.

Together, after taking one last glance at our heart lock, walked back to the stairs that led to the fourth floor and to our flat.

I don't think it's necessary for me to say where Ian slept that night, and all nights afterward.

End. Or, Maybe It's Just the Beginning...


I think this was my favourite story I've ever written. Because of my good mood I am going to give you all a present and release this slightly earlier than I had planned.

I'm feeling grateful.

Sincerely, IanWolf
