My Saviour, My sister

Story by Vulupus on SoFurry

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"After many if and what and how, I finally decided to continue on my writing. It has been a long drought for me and I am sure several people are annoyed as I post work promising a continuation then nothing... well, I write when I can and now I need to write. It's just a short one but more to come, it's gonna grow into a larger series if I get it the way I want so it's just a teaser. So, for all of you who waited patiently... have fun, please comment."

My Saviour, My sister

Her bosom lay naked before him, his small paws gently clutching her breasts and caressing them, teasing her nipples with his tongue, moistening the fur on the domes of flesh, so smooth and tasteful. His nimble paws lifted her breasts a bit, pushing and tugging like the sweetest Casanova, caring for nothing but her pleasure. The creamy white, thick fur hid his face completely, spreading the warmth from her to him.

Their arms wrapped around each other tightly, his body thrusting against hers, him entering her over and over again with well endowed member, her legs wrapped around his hips and back against the wall, pushed against it tightly. Wrapped together so tightly the blood flow in feet and hands almost ceased completely yet nothing could stop them at this point, their energies seemed limitless...

Brett, a young skunk at the age of 12, stumbled for the source of the noise, that very common beeping he heard almost every morning on weekdays. Despite his morning-condition he found the source and with a quick slam on top silenced it for another 24 hours. For a minute he tried to open his eyes but they seemed more or less completely glued shut, either that or he was still very tired. But with enough force and will things usually go your way.

Again he stumbled but this time out of bed then looking down to realize the dream had been a very recent one, his not very large manhood slowly shrinking back to a pitiful, limp condition leaving a dark, wet spot in his boxers. He rubbed his forehead and sighed then turned his head to look at the wall behind the bed, the wall he knew separated him from his six year older sister Elena. Separation was tough but it was just a brief one and he knew. All he had to do was go out in the hall, step a few feet to the right and he'd be right outside her door.

He didn't need much encouragement to venture out and he found the house oddly quiet, usually his mom and dad were up rummaging about unless... Thinking a bit further back he realized it was Wednesday, both his father and mother were off to work early. Usually it didn't mean much change as he made his own breakfast and got off to school on his own, perhaps with some help from his sister from time to time.

But since she had the great luxury of late lessons she had those nice, warm mornings in bed to herself. Although she probably wouldn't hesitate to help her little bro in the morning, he didn't want to wake her up. Usually she left the door slightly ajar and this gave Brett the opportunity to every morning stand just a minute or two in the hallway looking at her in silence, admiring her beauty.

It hadn't been very long since the two mated in secret, a month tops but they had not been together sexually since. They both promised to never skip school or anything for it, to always be careful and never take their privacy for granted. To Brett it was torture. He didn't know how Elena could stand it, to every day seeing the person they loved so much. Some times they kissed and perhaps touched but it was brief, short because they were afraid to be separated for ever if caught.

Tempting as it was to just go in there, lie down next to her and coax her into sex, he let her sleep. In a way, seeing her sleep was almost better, it filled him with a strange serenity, rather than enticing him it calmed him. Because he had been doing this far longer than a month and it only showed that things weren't too different and that was the way they wanted it outwards.

Even though he had at first endured some pretty depressing jokes about his guardian sister at school, most kids stopped teasing and bullying him shortly after the incident a month ago. Jack had more or less been avoiding him, the few occasions they did run into each other it was usually lowered heads or a weak nods in greetings. Although Brett suffered from another kind of isolation now, that of almost fear, he enjoyed it for the moment. He didn't need to be afraid every day.

No more set of clothes in his locker, no more long detours home and the secret washing at home really helped him save time. His mood had improved dramatically too; he dared smiling at the lessons and once even cracked a joke. Though his classmates did assure him he shouldn't be a comedian it felt good, at least he didn't end up seeing the bottom of the trashcan.

So close against her, her scent filled his nostrils to the brim, intoxicating him to push harder, faster. Her breath gently rolled against his cheek quickly, her ragged panting increasing in strength and warmth, chest heaving under as he shot his hips against her over and over again, penetrating her to the depth each time before pulling out almost completely, driving himself into her just as fast again.

She whispered gently in his ear:

"Oh, my love, don't stop. You're so good... so big... you're like a god!"

His body trembled at her words and lured him to push himself harder, sweat glistening in his black and white fur, breath more rapid and heavy, breasts rubbing against his chest as he continued to rub himself against her, up and down... up and down... in and out.

A week later, Brett repeated his regular morning routine. Beating the alarm half to death, getting up only to find his underwear soaked to a point, shower then breakfast and then standing in the hallway outside his sister's bedroom, just watching her. Obviously his dreams were growing more intense, he needed her physically soon again. Kisses and touches weren't good enough anymore.

Watching her turn in her bed he tilted his head and smiled.

"I love you..."

He whispered it softly to himself, the smile growing wider. Then he quickly turned and headed towards the stairs, leaving Elena to her sleep.

Covered in covers and pillows, Elena pinched her legs tightly together and buried her face in the pillow. She had heard him, his whisper as sweet as the cherries that grew in the summer. Outside the snow was getting thicker and heavier but somehow she only grew hotter and hotter inside, toes curling and fingers trembling. And as soon as she heard the door shut she did to herself a most pleasant act that saved her day although she definitely needed to change the sheet.