Lykan Invasion: The Last Hope Chapter One

Story by Alex Wolfheart on SoFurry

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#1 of Lykan Invasion: The Last hope

A reupload text version for better reading options.

I highly recommend reading the original Lykan Invasion here at

Disclaimer: The following spinoff story series gave permission to write will later involve the interaction of males coupling in a sexual nature, transformation from human to an anthropomorphic canine humanoid, the growth and expansion of muscles and the overall adoration of the male body.

In short: This spinoff story series will contain M/M sex scenes, muscle growth, canine transformations and lots and lots of hyper canine equipment below the belt! There will some additional kinkier themes but they are yet to be mentioned and planned.

If any of these themes do not appeal to you or you are not of legal age in your country/state or continent, please turn away now.Also note that while following story does not explicitly contain the above themes yet but future instalments certainly will.

On with the story enjoy :3

(Epilogue: Questions and seeking the answers)

In our vast universe we humans find ourselves to be both fascinated and scared by the unknown, we like to think of ourselves as the apex predator in our so called top of the food chain status quo. But what if one day that all ceased to be our point of view and actual role in life?

Could we still continue to be ourselves and live our lives as nothing changed or would we have to adapt to change once again just like our distant ancestors did countless centuries ago? Well we now face a time of unavoidable change filled with questions like.

How will humanity as a species continue to advance when the day we will find ourselves no longer the dominant life form on the planet? Can we truly ever accept we are no longer the only ones in the universe to have evolved into sentient life forms? How will we deal with the fact we are no longer in charge or the apex predator we've come to be known as?

Will this so called reunion amongst two intelligent species be what wipes humanity from the very face of existence as we all know it or will it it become something that makes us realize a greater truth to existence of life and the secret meanings behind it?

Maybe the answers we seek lie in not what form of intelligent life a species takes but rather who we choose to become as a intelligent species.

(Chapter one: Realization and beginnings)

The year is 200 AU, After reunion. It has been one year since the first contact between these canine aliens called Lykans and the human race. Not much is known on how the two species met or why they even did to this day, but one year ago the president of earth took a huge gamble and revealed the discovery of a all male canine race to the public and everything we thought we knew about the universe and its nature simply became much more harder to grasp.

On the day of this shocking news reveal people found that there was no avoiding the event, as every channel in existence was broadcasting the same live news footage.The constant video feed of that presidental broadcast shows a peaceful meeting between both the leader of earth and the leader of the Lykan race. Both of which were discussing various plans and peace treaties amongst the millions of shocked viewers.

The public event the president launched was originally ment to be seen as a he had nothing to hide from the general public and wanted to be someone the people of eath could trust and continue counting on. But his attempt to ease the mind of the public was not entirely viewed in such a positive light by everyone. Soon after the fear of millions quickly rose and urged the insane need to create an anti Lykan organisation resistance.

By the end of the year a numerous uprising of followers that sided against aliens and their claims for peace and enrichment for both species became a organisation to be reckoned with. This organisation fuled all sorts of negative media about these mysterious extra terrestrial life forms.

Public hate ads and anything about the Lykans were soon being streamed viral on the web and television. Ad statements like your cock will fall off if the aliens even so looked at a human funny and other crazy made up shit like that.

No one really knew what to believe anymore ever since a year passed and nothing more was shed to light about the Lykans or the presidents agenda. Nothing save for rumours that a underground experimental facility existed that was floating around the web. Most rumours became fuel for creating erotic fanfics to fap off to and a list of developments that began to piss off the anti Lykan organisation desperately searching for answers and its existence.

(Location unknown date uknown)

I found myself in an unknown place fast and couldn't recall how i ended up wherever i was. All i knew was that i had been striped of all my clothes and was handcuffed next to a wall. Before i could gather anymore details i found a strong musky odor filling my cell and the sound of clawed feet slowly making their way in my general direction. The smell was similar to wet dog and had me thinking about my pet back at home until a god damn eight foot tall anthromorphic wolf stood in front of my door looking down at me and said "Get up you fucking anti Lykan organisation scum."

I scowled at this wolf and said "Or what?" This reply made the wolf angry and he countered "I'll make you thats what"

"You canine freaks spew lies of peace and mother fucking rainbows one day and the next your out kidnapping humans from their civilization like your god damn.." I said stopping mid sentence before i was interrupted and brought to eye level by my captor. "Like what scum, property? Like claiming our rightful breeding grounds from you humans and moulding the very planet into our very own image?" It asked me angrily with its obvious two foot canine erection already completely free of its sheath and twitching hard against the beasts highly defined eight pack abdomen.

"Yes just like that you sick disgusting animal, now tell me why the fuck are you even turned on by this discussion if your supposed to be messengers of peace and prosperity?" I had the Lykan right where i wanted as my question caught him off gaurd. I waited for the inevitable answer that would expose the Lykans for the lying beasts they truly are, however what i heard the muscle bound wolf say next made me confused.

"I don't know why okay! Look we Lykans are still trying to wrap our heads around a lot human concepts that president taught us already along with those damn erotic stories you humans continue to portray about us having some huge gay agenda to take over your planet. It doesn't exactly make it any easier for an entire race of...? What was the word the president used again? Oh right i remember now. virgins."

The revelation about their entire Lykan race being completely devoid of having any sex or knowledge about sex before the two races had interacted was the biggest mind blow since the president had revealed their existence to the human race. "The hell you just say beast?"I asked the beast while my mind kept picking up the mental puzzle pieces that just didn't seem to be possible no matter how hard i tried to make them fit. Had these beasts been telling the truth since the beginning or was this wolf trying to break my brain. "I said we are virgins who are being wrongfully accused of having plans for global domination."

It was then i reached the my next question. "Ok lets say that i believe your race is as innocent as a newborn puppy for a second and then you tell me why the fuck you are kidnapping people for?"

"We only kidnap humans who have dormant @$%#@ in their blood" The wolf said ending the sentence with a unknown language that sounded like a angelic melody. "Your part of the @$%$, your different from regular humans and can't sense it yet" It replied again with its angelic melody, suddenly i found myself in a world of pain and my vision fading straight to black and it was then i realized that the fucking mutt had just hit the back of my head with his paw.

"I'm sorry, my @$@%." (End of chapter one)

Afterstory funfacts: The story you just read was an upcoming series written by Alex wolfheart with the permission of Nex Anima Canis. Yarf ;3

You just actually read the work in progress for a trilogy spinoff series for Nex Anima Canis's Original Lykan Invasion story. My Lykan Invasion trilogy spinoff will not take place alongside the original Lykan Invasion, it will be a completely new retelling of the original series and delve deep into the history shared between human and Lykan that was eventually lost to the seas of time.

The story Lykan Invasion: The Last Hope actually takes place last and is in the far flung future of the series time spectrum. If you liked this then please look forward to reading the never before told origin story that spans entire centuries to tell.

@$@% translates to Mate

@$%#@ translates to Traits

@$%$ translates to Pack

Lucky reader who now knows a little of the Lykan language please tell me what you think? Yarf :3c