Spring Cleaning: A Talespin Fanfic

Story by 2tfx on SoFurry

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"Okay you two," Rebecca said "Stay out of trouble," the cubs looked at their mother and smiled cutely. Rebecca looked at her fourteen year old adopted son Kit Cloudkicker Cunningham. "And Kit," she said "take good care of molly today." Kit wore a sleeveless green shirt and shorts. " he looked at his mother with his innocent brown eyes "don't worry mom," he said " I can take care of my sister." Rebecca picked up her purse fro the desk. "I'll be in town all day running errands for the company," she said walking out the door, She stopped in front of her son. "I want you both to stay here until I came back." Kit answered with a boyish smile "everything is under control mom." he said. One more thing Kit," she said "I want you to remember to answer the phone and take messages."

"I won't forget," Kit said. Rebecca removed his baseball cap and kissed him on his head. "See you both tonight," Rebecca placed his cap on his head. Kit turned it around "Mom," he said "navigators wear it like this." Rebecca smiled as she looked at her son. she waved as she walked our of the office. "Bye mommy, " Molly said watching her mother getting into a cab and driving away. Kit went over to the window "Okay pigtails," he said "I have to wash the Sea Duck before Wildcat comes home." Kit walked outside with his eight year old sister following behind him "Can I help?" she asked. Kit picked her up and lifted her in the air. "Okay sis," he said "lets wash the Sea Duck together". Molly raised her arms and shouted "YAHOO!"

Kit removed his shirt outside. His long brown fur shined in the warm tropical sun. He took his baseball cap off then he took out a pair of swim goggles from his pocket. Kit placed his beloved baseball cap on a post while he put the goggles on his head. A gentle wind blew his hat into the water "Oh no," he said trying to reach it but Kit fell in with a splash. Molly stood laughing at her brother. Kit swam to the surface holding his wet baseball cap. he climbed out of the water. Kit put his wet baseball cap back on his head. "Your all wet Kit," Molly said with a giggle. "Ha ha," Kit said "here's water in your face," he said splashing her. Kit climbed out of the water.

"You can clean the inside of the duck while I wash the pontoons," He said Molly looked at her brother. "Why can't I help you clean the pontoons?" she asked. Kit tried to shake the water off his fur.

"For two reasons," he said with his arms stretched out "I'm bare chested and wearing my swim trunks." Molly put her head down "And your not wearing a swimsuit." he said. Molly stood with her hands on her hips.

"And I'm a better swimmer than you," he said folding his arms across his wet chest.

Kit dried himself off with a beach towel Molly brought to him from inside Higher and Higher. Kit rubbed sunscreen on his bare chest and shoulders. Then he put sunscreen on his sister's face, arms and legs "Go turn on the water," he said picking up a green garden hose . Molly skipped to the faucet. Kit picked up the hose "Okay turn it on. Molly turned the water on full. Kit couldn't hold onto the hose. water was sprayed everywhere and Molly was soaked. "Turn it off!" he yelled trying to hold on. Molly turned the faucet off, she stood dripping wet. Kit put the hose down and ran to his sister "Are you all right?" he asked. Molly stood dripping wet "I'm fine," she said. "I better take you inside and get you dried off," he said taking her hand. The cubs left a trail of water behind them.

Kit went into the bathroom, he took two towels from the rack. Kit wrapped his chest with a blue towel. Kit was able to dry Molly off inside Higher and Higher. He dried her hair with a pink towel . "Now you better go remove those wet clothes," he said "In the bathroom." fortunately Rebecca had Molly's swimsuit inside her office. She removed her wet shorts and shirt in the bathroom. She came out wrapped in the pink bath towel he gave her. "Here,' Kit said giving her some dry clothes "I'm glad mom brought this for you today." he turned around while she put on the purple swimsuit. Kit went in the bathroom and placed her wet clothes in a laundry bag.

Several teen age girls who were passing Higher and higher stopped to watch the fourteen year old cub. His chest muscles were clearly visible. One girl called out "You are hot do you work out?" they giggled looking at Kit's well built chest.

Another girl called "Will you wash me next?"

"Nice legs" another girl called "And cute chest."

Kit blushed from hearing these comment but continued to scrubbed the plane while Molly swept inside with the broom and dustpan. Dust flew everywhere. He washed the windows. it was so hot both cubs were now bone dry. Kit was so sweaty his armpits were like waterfalls. Molly took some old newspapers out of the plane and dumped them in a big green trash bag. Kit wiped his forehead. "Okay now I will clean the pontoons while you finish dusting inside". Molly could smell her brother, not that it bothered her because she loved how her brother smelled.

Kit took an empty bucket from the faucet. When he bent over he got more comments from the girls "Cute little tush." they said giggling making sure he heard that. A girl called to him "let me wash your chest." Kit blushed a deep red.

Kit went back to the plane. he left the bucket on the dock and dove into the water. Kit took the bucket and a bag of rags and swam to the pontoon. "Finished,"' Kit said wiping his sweaty head and chest he slid off the pontoon into the cool water,. He took a deep breath and dove underwater,. Kit took a deep breath an dove under swimming under the pontoon he surfaced on the other side. Kit spit out salty water." He climbed on the pontoon and began wiping the dust off. Then he slid back into the water and finished wiping the pontoon clean. When he was finished cleaning,he swam around the plane with the already wet rags and washed the other pontoon. "What we need is a self cleaning plane." he said.

When he was finished, he left the bucket on the pontoon and floated in the warm water. "you'll never finish if you just lie on your back like that," Molly said. Kit swam over and grabbed her feet pulling her into the water with him. "Kit!" she yelled She splashed water in his face. Kit and Molly floated on their backs watching the sky

The cubs finished washing the plane. The Sea Duck shined like gold. "We better get out of the water and get dried off," Kit said "Mom will be coming for us soon." The cubs swam to the dock then climbed out off the water. Kit helped his sister out of the water. "We did a good job," he said with pride sticking his well built chest out. Kit wrapped a towel around his waist then put his arms across his chest. Molly smiled. Kit wrapped a towel around his sister. The cubs sat on the dock. both yawned. Molly snuggled into her brother's furry chest and fell asleep.

Rebecca came back after sunset and smiled when see saw her children sleeping on the dock. She smiled when she saw how shiny the Sea Duck was and how hard they worked. "Come on," Rebecca said picking Molly up. She took Kit's hand. He was still half asleep. "It's time to go home and take your baths."

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