
Story by B3atFr3ak on SoFurry

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#1 of Champion of the Universe

After reading many wonderful stories by awesome authors on this site, I have decided to write my first story! Now with that being said, I have to thank Celeblu because after reading his stories he basically became my inspiration for my story. Also, this story will contain some smut but towards the middle and end of the story. And since this is my first story, I expect reviews; let me know what you guys think...

Chris sighed as he leaned back on the sturdy sofa. He looked around his apartment, the one he lived in ever since he moved to college 2 years ago. He smiled as he reminisced about how excited he was to begin living his own life, and so far he was doing pretty good even though he hasn't changed much since high school. He had black hair, brown eyes, slightly big ears and nose. He stood at 5'09, weighing 160 pounds. He worked out but he wasn't rippling with muscles like those guys you see in ads; he had a lean frame. All in all, he wasn't drop dead gorgeous but some would say he was a handsome, short, skinny, and definitely smart male.

Just as he was enjoying the simple silence of his living quarters, a shuffling noise resonated from the doorway. Chris turned his head and was greeted with the hulking frame of his roommate, Benny, at the door. Benny was strikingly different than Chris. Standing at 6'3 weighing at about 200 pounds, he was definitely sturdy and strong . He had chiseled features, blond hair, and green eyes. He played for the college football team but surprisingly wasn't like the stereotypical dumb jock. He was well on his way to getting his Bachelor's degree in civil engineering, while Chris was working towards getting his toxicology degree. Somehow, to Chris's endless confusion, Benny always had time to party. In fact, he would make time to go out, get wasted, get laid, and be sober in time for his next class. He also had a knack for charming his way out of things. Benny grew up in the town the college was located at, it was only natural for Benny to be Chris's 'guide' to the town since he moved there from out-of-state

"So, there's this party down on Hoover street", Benny said, "you wanna go?".

"Hmm... I don't know", Chris just shrugged.

"Come on man. Didn't you say you wanted to relax after taking your finals--which you said this morning that you were taking your last one today."

"True, but we live in Miami. Isn't there a party like everyday?", Chris asked.

"More or less, but come on dude. You have to come with me. You're a Texan!", Benny groaned.

"What does me being Texan have to do with anything?", Chris chuckled.

"Because you don't know how we Miami people party", Benny grinned, "Now come on dude. Who knows, you might get lucky tonight".

Chris pursed his lips. "You know what? Fine. Let's go have a wild time"

Benny smirked as he grabbed his car keys and jingled them in Chris's face.

30 minutes later, they were at a local club on the southeast side of town known as Mekka Nightclub. It was one of the many clubs that dotted the city. Immediately after stepping foot within the club, they were met with the loud house music of the place. If that was disorienting enough, perhaps the flashing, colorful party lights would do the trick.

They say at the counter and soon enough a female bartender approached them.

Benny put on his most charming smile and spoke in his warmest voice "My friend here has had a stressful day and needs something to unwind. Do you think you can help with that?"

"I could", the bartender send in a sly tone, "but I'm going to have to check your IDs, to make sure your legal".

Benny feigned a tsk. "Are you sure we can't find a way around that?", Benny innocently asked, working his charm.

The bartender smirked and gently placed her hand on top of his. She then grabbed a pen out of her pocket and proceeded to write her number on his skin. "I expected to be picked up after my shift is over, which ends at 1", she purred.

"You can count on it babe", Benny winked.

She then left to get Benny and Chris refreshments.

"Wow", Chris uttered.

"Some people are just born talented", Benny replied.

"Keep telling yourself that", Chris smirked.

"I will", Benny smirked back.

Just then, the bartender came back holding two beers.

"Here you guys are", she smiled.

"Great...and I hope you're worth losing my job", she added, looking at Benny.

"Trust me, you losing your job will be the last thing on your mind when you're with me baby", Benny said seductively.

"The name's Brandi", the bartender grinned.

"Benny", the blonde smirked.

Brandi rubbed the counter with a finger aimlessly before she left to go take care of other people.

"Well it looks like I'm not gonna sleep tonight", Chris groaned.

"I promise not to be too loud", Benny laughed.

Chris just smiled sadly.

"What's the matter?", Benny asked, "I brought you here so you can have fun".


"You're not shy. Last time we partied you were owning the dance floor. Where's that Chris?", Benny questioned, taking a sip of his beer.

"It's just that, I'm worried if I passed or not", Chris answered.

"Well you can worry about all that after you enjoy this night. Now come on, you ain't leaving until I see you with arms around a girl... Oh I'm sorry, a guy", Benny grinned.

Chris narrowed his eyes and scoffed. "You're lucky you're my friend".

"Or what? You gonna beat me up?", Benny grinned.

"Don't tempt me. I have these guns right here", Chris exclaimed as he flexed his muscles.

"God, you work out for barely 2 months and you think you're some type of strongman", Benny stated.

"Well I have been getting stronger", Chris mumbled.

"Well, come talk to me when you are on my level", Benny stated as he flexed his arm. Pure muscle stretched tightly against his skin as it was put on display for all to see. Chris couldn't help but marvel at how big Benny's muscles were. Chris shook his head, snapping out of his stupor and looked Benny in the eyes.

"Well excuse me for not working out everyday since I was like 5", Chris asserted.

"Calm down Chris. I only started working out since I was 13 and every other day", Benny chuckled, taking a swig of his beer.

Just then, two blonde woman approached the two.

"Hi, so we couldn't help but notice that you two are lonely sitting there, and my friend and I wanted to know if we could join you guys", one of them said, twirling her hair.

Chris was about to speak but Benny cut him off. "Sure, but how about we take our party out on the dance floor. I'm sure it will be more fun over there", Benny said beaming.

"Alright!", the other one said gleefully.

Benny nodded his head at Chris towards the dance floor. Chris looked at it then back at Benny and shrugged his shoulders. All 4 of them then snaked their way through the crowd to the center of the dance floor.

Quickly that plan went awry. Instead of all 4 of them having a good time, it seems that both of the women were only interested in Benny, leaving Chris the odd-man-out.

"Go figure", Chris thought out loud.

It's not like Chris could blame the girls. Benny had more muscle, was funny, and had a charming personality. He was basically the accumulation of all the qualities women want in men. Chris slipped his way out of the crowd and towards the door. Before he left he took one last look at Benny. He smiled, happy that at least his friend was having a good time. But Chris' smile turned into a frown as he realized what will happen back home soon after.

"Oh, I'm gonna be up all night", Chris exhaled.

He pushed open the door and exited the club.

The cool air brushed across his skin, sending a slight shiver throughout his body. As he walked, he glanced all around him, taking in the environment. Miami was indeed all that it lived up to be, yet, he wasn't happy. He finally went to his dream college, he is financially secure, has a good life, friends and family. He accomplished almost all of his life goals , yet he wasn't happy, Frankly, he was kinda let down.

It then dawned on Chris that his life, was tiring.

"But how?", Chris thought.

As he turned down a desolate street, Chris abruptly stopped in his tracks...but he didn't choose to. He wasn't in control of his body. A split second later, bright yellow light engulfed him. Chris was horrified as he slowly was lifted from the ground and levitated into the sky. He could barely move his limbs as he continued to ascend higher and higher into the atmosphere. Chris struggled to turn his head upwards and was terrified to make out a dark, long silhouette in the night sky. But he started to get light-headed as he approached the object even closer and the light got brighter. It overwhelmed his sense before he soon blacked out.

Chris was stirred awake by the pain in his abdomen. He groaned, feeling the need to upchuck. He heard a slight ringing and his head throbbed. As he tried to soothe his discomfort, he realized that he couldn't move his arm that much. That put him on alert. He snapped his eyes open and realized that his right arm had been bound in some type of ethereal blue light. He panicked and tried to escape, but his attempts were futile as he quickly discovered that the rest of his body was restrained with the blue light.

It was then that he realized that he wasn't in Miami anymore. His gaze trailed down from his restraints, to the unearthly metallic floor and walls surrounding him. Thin wires outlined the room here and there. He noticed there was no door.

"What the-? Help! Somebody help me!", Chris cried out.

He pulled and thrashed against his bonds but the grip they had on him were unyielding. He continued to scream and shout to his heart's content.

After some time, Chris halted as he heard a quick hiss of air, followed by a clang of metal. Just then a rectangular section of the wall he was facing outlined itself in the shape of a door. It decompressed slightly and parted horizontally. What came out next baffled him.

Two anthropomorphic beings stepped into the room. They appeared to have yellow skin, with purple and red appendages protruding from their neck and arms. No hair adorned their body. They had a slender frame with skeleton-like arms. They wore simple brown garments that looked like a long sheet wrapped entirely around their torso and legs. But what really confused him was that both creatures had 3 eyes in the shape of an upside-down triangle.

"What the fuck...", Chris exhaled.

As he tried to process what in his right mind was going on, he had little time to react as the two creatures closed in on him. It was at this point Chris was truly scared for his life. His breathing increased and he shrieked as they moved ever closer to him. His heart pounded against his chest as the extended their arms out to touch him. All that was left for Chris to do was pray that his death would be quick and painless.