Contractual Obligations

Story by Vortex of Genius on SoFurry

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Hope you enjoy this -- I certainly enjoyed writing it. Let me know what you think, feedback is much appreciated.

"Thank you for being here today, Mr. Connelly," the man behind the desk said smoothly. Well, "man" might not be the best description - the face that stared at Mike was that of a bull, complete with horns, and the hands that shuffled papers had only four fingers and ended in hard, black tips. Impressively enough, his suit seemed perfectly adequate for his immense bulk. "We have finally arrived at the last step of the procedure; however, before we take that step, I am required to confirm that you are still willing to go through with the process."

Mike managed a weak smile. "Well, I've come this far, haven't I?" It was more than that, but the two months of preparatory examinations (both physical and psychological), injection regimens, and information sessions added up to a hell of an investment, especially in his precarious financial position.

The bull smiled in return. "Of course. But you do understand that you can withdraw now and suffer no penalties whatsoever, either financial or in terms of further interactions with the company?" Mike nodded, and he continued, "Good. Now, allow me to lay out the exact terms of the contract.

"The client is a wealthy equine male, early thirties. He is paying for an extensive and impressive contract - a full physical and mental transformation, with a duration stipulated to be either two pregnancies or 30 months, whichever comes first."

Mike blinked. Two pregnancies? And a full transformation? That was at the extreme limit of what the company offered - and worth a fortune. He made the connection, and couldn't help but let his jaw drop. The bull notice, and chuckled.

"I thought that might get a reaction. You're one of the few candidates who have indicated a willingness to serve to such an extent, and you have the best personality match which is actually relevant in this particular case. As you can imagine, the cost of this contract is incredibly high, which means your twenty percent commission will be considerable."

"How much?" Mike asked eagerly.

He paused for a moment, as if for effect. "1.2 million."

"Jesus!" Mike felt almost dizzy. "Are you..."

The bull nodded. "Shit," Mike swore softly, the very thought of it setting his head awhirl. He'd never imagined getting so much.

"But, as I said, the changes are fairly extreme. If you'd prefer to take a different contract, I do have several other offers here."

Mike shook his head. "No, that's...I think that'll, uh, be okay." He'd said he was willing to go that far, and even when confronted with it he still felt that he would. Especially with that kind of payout. He looked the bull square in the eye. "Can you give me the exact details?"

Clearing his throat, the bull pulled out a notepad. "Let's see, I already mentioned the duration...full transformation to match species, with details specified by the donor. His plan is for someone highly attractive, I can tell you that much - exaggerated sexual characteristics, increased fertility, and high libido. But the mental changes are not nearly as severe; when I said your personality mattered earlier, it was because he's not just looking for a mindless sex toy." The bull chuckled. "Really, he's looking for a mindful one."

Sex toy. That was pretty much it, Mike knew. A response to the low percentage of females in the hybrid population was to temporarily create some to make up the difference. Contracts were sometimes taken out for male subjects, but the openings were few and far between and the wait list was years long. Mike didn't have that kind of time. Fortunately, the gender you entered with didn't have to be the gender you left with for your contract. He'd heard some clients even specifically asked for males who had made the swap - apparently it gave them a special something.

"More specifically," the bull continued, "he's looking for someone who will absolutely adore and obey him, but who can also carry on a conversation - you might consider it the difference between an escort and a prostitute. You will be receiving submission and imprinting programming, but also a minor boost to intelligence and knowledge in a few areas I imagine you don't have at the moment. Contracts like this, where mental capacities aren't severely diminished or at least completely submerged by lust or worship, are exceedingly rare."

He cocked an eyebrow at Mike, who nodded in return. He was aware of just how fortunate he really was with this - it was almost too good to be true.

"If you don't mind me asking, Mr. Connelly," the bull began cautiously, "why are you seeking to take on a contract?"

Mike shrugged, avoiding his eyes. "Financial difficulties," he said carefully, and it was true. He was very short on cash, having been unable to find a steady job since graduating college.

"Forgive me for being forward, Mr. Connelly, but those who come here due to financial difficulties are almost always the ones who put the strictest limits on what they are willing to do. You have almost no limits, which suggests there is another reason."

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, weighing things, then decided he had no real reason to hold back. "Look, it's not exactly...unattractive to me. Repulsive, whatever. In fact, I...well, I may just consider myself lucky to be able to experience something like this." He looked the bull straight in the eyes.

For his part, the bull nodded slowly. "I thought so. If you're worried about judgment, you'll find none of it here - from me or anyone else. Those who enjoy this type of thing make our best subjects - both for us and for our clients. We change everyone so they'll enjoy their time spent under contract, but those who go into it eagerly still come out better, for whatever reason. That's why you're getting the offer for this contract, above anyone else."

Mike absorbed that for a moment. "Thank you," he finally said. "I mean it. This is...well, it means a lot to me."

"Of course," the bull replied, smiling broadly. He slid a sheaf of papers across the desk. "If you'll initial each page and sign and date the last, please. Then we can get started."

Mike skimmed the document - he already had a good idea of everything in it from the information sessions he'd been required to attend. As soon as he'd signed, the bull stood and took the papers. "Thank you, and good luck," he said, showing Mike to the door. A young woman stood just outside, and at a nod from the bull she introduced herself as Sandra and asked Mike to follow her.

The room in which he'd be undergoing the procedure was empty, save a low bed up against one wall, a sink and a mirror in one corner, and a plush rug covering much of the floor. Sandra had retrieved a wheeled cart while Mike had changed into nothing but a hospital gown to preserve his privacy; from it, she was picking up and double-checking several syringes as she addressed him.

"This particular procedure consists of three injections, administered one after another. You'll be undergoing extensive physical and mental transformations, estimated to take anywhere from thirty minutes to one hour. After the serums are injected, you'll experience a delay of approximately two minutes before the changes begin; that will give me time to leave and you time to undress, which you are required to do for this procedure. The physical changes will feel strange but not painful - in some cases they may actually be pleasurable, in fact. They will precede the mental changes, which may include slight headaches. The changes are entirely safe, so you have nothing to worry about on that front. Once they are complete - and you will know when they are - you will put on the clothes located underneath your bed and alert the orderly outside your room, who will instruct you from there." She smiled at Mike. "If there are no questions, and if you don't want to take this last opportunity to back out, I will administer the injections now."

Mike, who was seated on the bed, did his best to ignore his shaking hands as he replied, "No questions. Go ahead." He didn't trust himself to say anything more.

Sandra swabbed his upper arm with disinfectant, then gave him each of the shots. Mike barely felt the pricks. After finishing, she touched him reassuringly on the opposite shoulder and said, "Good luck. I know you'll do great." And with that, she replaced everything on the cart and wheeled it out, shutting the door behind her.

Hesitantly, Mike removed his gown, fumbling for a moment with the knots. Then he sat on the edge of the bed, trying to count just how long it'd been since the injections. Fear and excitement coursed through him in equal measure - excitement at finally experiencing his greatest fantasy, and fear at the unknown that lay before him. He didn't know what to expect, of the transformation or what came after, and that worried him. He stretched, trying to dispel some of the nervous energy - and noticed his limbs had gotten a little longer.

It was starting. Mike realized he was taller now, by a few inches. Then he noticed his hands were changing as well - two fingers melding together, his nails blackening and hardening as the spread out. They looked like the bull's hands, though in this case the fur that started sprouting was tan rather than black.

He scooted backwards on the bed to give his elongated legs more room, his feet going numb as they melded into hooves. The changes - and the fur - spread up his limbs, his arms slimming and becoming more feminine even as his legs thickened with muscle mass, becoming impressively toned. Before long, it had reached his torso, where the real fun started.

His hips widened, material from his slightly-pudgy stomach seeming to flow away and into them. At the same time his ass swelled up considerably, giving him an impressive cushion to sit on. A tail of black horsehair sprouted from the base of his spine. But the most radical changes, of course, occurred at his crotch.

Mike had already been erect from the changes - in fact, it took an effort to avoid pleasuring himself, though the bizarre sensations helped keep that at bay. But though his arousal - and his erection - didn't fade, it still shrunk all the same, from an average length down to almost nothing. Jolts of pleasure ran along his dick during the process, and this time Mike gave in, stroking his increasingly sensitive length while the other hand fondled his shrinking balls. The sensations were driving Mike absolutely crazy, even as he helped push his entire package back into his body. They increased far past the point where he should've blown his load all over the room, yet nothing came, driving him to unknown heights of pleasure. Once it was gone, he found himself - herself, now - stroking a sensitive feminine slit, thrilled but at the same time hesitant to go any further.

But the changes didn't stop there. The rest of her torso slimmed down, until she appeared fit but not particularly muscular. One hand found her chest as her breasts began to fill in, larger nipples capping mounds of flesh that swelled out to incredible proportions. The sensations felt amazing, and soon both hands were massaging her breasts and pinching her nipples as she moaned in ecstasy.

Moans which were steadily increasing in pitch as her neck smoothed out. The changes accelerated as they reached her head, and within a couple minutes her face had pushed out into a snout as her ears migrated to the top of her head. Her hair darkened to black and spilled down her back, reaching almost halfway to her waist. And when her moans quickened and reached a crescendo, it was a loud and lustful whinny that issued from her mouth.

Mike fell back against the wall and looked down at herself. She was gorgeous - fit and trim, with an incredible hourglass figure and breasts that had to be at least E-cups. Idly, she wondered how long it had been since the changes started - it seemed like maybe a few minutes, but surely it had to have been longer. Had the mental changes started yet?

She took stock of herself, or tried to, at least. It was hard to think past the still-throbbing need between her legs. What sort of changes should she be looking for? Before too long the throbbing in her crotch had moved to her head, pulsing in a mildly painful manner. Headaches were supposed to be a sign of the changes, right?

Amanda shook her head. Why was she worrying about that, again? There were much better things to think about - like finding a nice stud to calm her down. Now that was a nice thought, getting bent over and taken from behind by a powerful stallion, the simmering fire of her need extinguished in a torrent of virile seed -

Not just a stallion, she realized. The stallion, one who stuck out in her mind and glowed like a beacon. Who - Jacob, of course. Her Jacob. The name came unbidden to her, and with it a rush of pleasure. Of course it did; she loved Jacob, for his strength and kindness and intelligence. He was handsome and caring and amazing in bed. Amanda would do anything for him, she would do whatever he told her, she would have his foals - she had to have his foals! That was all she wanted in the world, to please Jacob and carry his children. Where was that amazing stallion when you needed him?

With that the mare stood, with difficulty ignoring her immense arousal. She knew when she got like this only Jacob could satisfy her, even as a part of her mind said she'd never even met the stallion before. This apparent contradiction caused not a moment's hesitation, however, as she bent and retrieved the clothing from under the bed - a pair of tight jeans and a low-cut blouse, along with matching bra and panties. She pulled them on expertly, her mind wholly focused on the goal of finding her stud, not even noticing the new oceans of information she had on topics she'd barely even heard of an hour ago. Jacob filled her mind.

Finally dressed, and with her panties already dampening from her juices, Amanda eagerly swung the door open and happily declared, "I'm all set!"

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