Fun at Home

Story by Rowyin Darkwulf on SoFurry

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#1 of Fun at Home

Fun at home

By Rowyin Darkwulf

Rowyin© Me

Sandy, Makojin, and Mousey © their players

Standard disclaimer here... if your under 18, go somewhere else....

A pair of sky blue eyes watches eagerly as the clock on the wall across from them slowly ticks down the time. The owner of said eyes sat slanted backwards in his office chair, feet propped up on the large desk before him. A small nameplate on his desk reads 'Dr. Rowyin Darkwulf'. His tail swishes back and forth behind him as he waits eagerly. As soon as the clock hits 5 pm, the wolf hops up in his chair, gathering his things and placing them into his briefcase. He tosses his white doctor's coat onto a coat rack in the corner on his way out of the office. "Goodnight Dr. Darkwulf" A tigress behind the front desk says as she sees the wolf walk by. He waves goodbye, heading out into the parking lot. He hops into an SUV, fires it up, and heads out into the city, making his way through traffic. The bustling city soon turns to small suburbs, the SUV turning down a road cutting through a forest preserve. He turns the SUV onto a long driveway, pulling up to the garage and stopping the car in front of a large, beautiful house.

Inside the house the sound of running water and clanking pots and pans echo through the spacious hallways. In front of the kitchen sink stands a female skunk, lightly humming to herself as she cleaned the pots in the sink. The defining attribute about said skunk was the fact that she was sitting there without a stitch of clothing on. Her fluffy tail swaying back and forth as she scrubs the dishes. She leans forward lightly, then meeps suddenly, her tummy pressing against the cold metal edge of the sink. She runs her hand down across her midsection, straightening the fur on her swollen middle. The babies were kicking, like always whenever she was awake. It was nice to know that they were there, but it often got annoying with two pairs of feet pressing into your insides. She went back to the dishes, but perked her ears as she hears someone pulling up the driveway, a smile crossing her lips...

Rowyin hops out of the SUV, hitting the garage opener, sending the aluminum door to clanking as it raises He steps into the garage, stopping for a second to look over his project car. After his corvette was torched by one of his mate's ex-boyfriends he had to find something he could work on. He runs his hand across the fiberglass body of his new Vette, smiling to himself. 'a project for me and my future kids... hopefully' he thinks to himself. He hits the garage button, setting the garage door on it's decent back to the ground. He steps through the door, walking down the little enclosed pathway to the main house. He grins as he opens the door to the house, making sure to slide it silently open, then closed, then placing his briefcase down near the door. Sneaking quietly, he makes his way into the dinning room, adjacent to the kitchen, looking through the archway into the kitchen. He grins upon seeing the skunkette washing the dishes, stepping stealthy into the kitchen, rounding the island counter and moving right up behind her. She murred in delight as she feels his strong arms encircle her swollen waist, hands placed firmly on her belly as he hugs her from behind.

"Hello hunny..." She practically purrs, snuggling back into his chest and looking up at him, kissing the bottom of his muzzle. "How was work today?" She asks, putting the washrag down and placing her hands over his, moving them in small circles around the mound of her tummy. "Oh... like every other work day..." He replies, nuzzling his head against hers. He looks down at the full sink. "Let me help you out with those Sandy..." He says, kissing her forehead and moving her to the side. She nods and moves over, handing the washrag over to him. "Here... you wash, I'll dry..." She instructs, picking up a dry towel. He looks around for a second as they begin to work. "Hey, where are the other two?" He inquires, looking around for Mousey and Makojin. "Where do you think they went?" She replies, "They went shopping... they should be back in a couple of hours..." She says.

It doesn't take too long for them to have the dishes all cleaned and put away. Rowyin grins and scoops Sandy up into his arms, causing her to meep loudly again. She reaches an arm over his shoulder, clinging to him as he carries her over to the living room couch. He kicks the footrest from their recliner over next to the couch, sitting down and setting her across his lap, propping his feet up on the footrest. She murrs and cuddles against his chest as his hand strokes lightly over her back. He frowns to himself after doing so, feeling how stiff her back muscles were.

"Hun... your back seems really tense..." He says, getting a nod in response from Sandy. "Yea I know... been kinda stiff all day... "She states with a frown. Rowyin nods, patting the footrest after moving his legs so she can take a seat in front of him. She moves over, straddling the footrest and leaning forward slightly, leaning onto her arms and holding her upper body up. Her tail brushes lightly across his chest, enticing a chuckle from him. He moves up closer to her, placing his large hands onto her shoulders, smoothing her neck fur. He begins to slowly knead her muscles, a coo of pleasure escaping her lips as he works away the knots in her muscles. His expert hands slowly ease the tenseness out of her back, making her so relaxed she almost falls asleep.

After finishing her lower back his hands slip over her rump, giving her a light grope, bringing her back to full consciousness. She looks over her shoulder at him, batting his hands away with her tail "Naughty Wolf..." He grins and pulls her back against his chest, nipping her ear. "Look who's talking... I'm not the one walking around in my bare fur..." He retorts, tracing his right hand up her tummy, flicking a finger over one of her exposed nipples. He begins to rub her belly in slow circles, his finger pinching her nipple, rolling it between his thumb and forefinger as he continues to nibble on her ear. She moans lightly, reciprocating by twisting her hips in his lap slowly. He murrs softly into her ear, rubbing back as his boxers suddenly feel two sizes smaller. She grins back at him again, reaching behind him and fondling him through his pants.

"Now look who's being naughty... "He whispers into her ear, getting a giggle in response. He moves her back onto the footrest for a second, taking his clothes off so he could join her in being nude. She watches absorbedly, murring softly as he unbuttons his shirt and kicks off his pants, his hard shaft bobbling around as it is released from it's cloth prison. When he settles back behind her, she moves back into his lap, nestling the length of his shaft between the cheeks of her rump and wiggles her hips against his shaft. He wraps his arms around her again, this time one slowly rubbing the bottom of her tummy in an up and down pattern, slowly getting lower and lower, as the other returns to her breast, pulling and playing with the erect nub. A thin trickle of milk begins to leak from her nipple, running over her lover's fingers and dribbling on top of her belly. His hand slips between her legs, stroking over her already wet sex. She gasps loudly as a blunt claw flicks over her clit, tracing around it as he moves his hips against her rump.

She sits up, slowly pulling away a smile on her face as she moves, slipping her legs up under her. She stands up, butt in his face as she straddles his hips, her tail caressing his face. He murrs loudly, gripping his shaft, forcing a dribble of pre from the head. She grins again, slowly squatting down onto his shaft, the long, thick shaft penetrating deep into her. They moan in unison, her inner muscles clamping down on his wolf meat. She lowers herself until her wet lips kiss the top of his slightly swollen knot. He places his hands on her hips, twisting his own and gently thrusting upwards into her, teasing her with his knot. She begins to slowly raise and lower herself on his shaft, twisting her hips every now and then as she moves. Rowyin holds her steady, letting her put most of her weight on him as she moves. His hands guide her up and down his shaft, his head moving forward, nibbling on her neck.

She clenched her lower muscles down on his shaft, squeezing a groan out of him as her muscles grips his shaft tightly. She was getting close, he could tell by how badly his lap was soaked with their combined juices. He wasn't too far himself... he could fell his balls starting to tighten up, his knot pressing against her each time their hips met. Her hips thrust harder as his knot throbs against her, grinding down against it. She lifts herself almost all the way off of his shaft, then drops herself onto it. Rowyin gets the idea, thrusting upward, his large knot cleaving her sex lips apart as it penetrates into her. The bulb of flesh goes about filling even more with blood, stretching the base of her vaginal canal as it ties their hips together. The feeling of her sex being stretched out so much sent her barreling over the edge, her sex clamping down hard as she orgasms, releasing out a long, drawn out moan. The fluttering of sex muscles over his shaft finishes him off as well, his balls releasing their load deep into her, the warm seed painting her insides white. Her hips grind down on him through out her orgasm, his arms wrapping around her front, hugging her tightly to his chest as they both bask in the afterglow of sex.

"Love you... snuggelwolf..." She pants, nuzzling back against his neck. "Love you... too cuddle...skunk..." He responds, kissing her forehead. She turns her head towards him, pressing her lips against his as she kisses him deeply. He reacts with a content murr, kissing her back. Their little moment of privacy is broken as they hear the door from the garage open, two female voices chit-chatting back and forth breaking the silence in the house. They both were mice, one white, one grey, and both very pregnant, the grey looked even more so than the white one because of her much smaller stature. They walked by the front door, kicking off their shoes and placing their shopping bags by the stairs to the second floor, rounding the hall past the first floor powder room into the kitchen. They both spy the two sitting on the couch, the smell of sex thick in the air. They giggle to each other, walking up behind the couch, leaning forward onto the back.

Rowyin looks between the two after breaking the kiss with Sandy, a smile forming on his lips. He kisses both of the mice in turn, getting a murr from both of them. "Hello Mousey... Makojin... I hope you had fun splurging..." He says with a small chuckle. He gets a grin from both mice. "Well... looks like someone else had a bit of fun while we were gone anyway... I hope you didn't tire him out too much Sandy... we want our turn too..." Mousey, the white one, says with a smirk. Mako gives Sandy a grin. "We got some interesting things we want him to see... "She adds in. Sandy returns the grin, and wiggles her hips a bit. "Well... it'll have to wait a bit... we still happen to be connected at the moment..." She replies, tugging a bit at his imbedded shaft. "The other two nod. "Well, send him upstairs once you are free of him... and feel free to come too if you want..." Makojin says as both mice saunter off to the second floor...

The end for now...

Fun And Games

(ok... this is pretty much my first story of this kind... so when it comes to comments, go easy on me ^ ^) Fun and Games            By Rowyin...

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