2: Foxcar Falls

Story by ThumperBunny on SoFurry

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#2 of Arret & Rael

First Release 7/3/1998 (Print version only at AAC2)

Second Release 7/7/1998 foxcar.txt on Furry Pleasures

Re-Released in orignal format 11/28/2005 on Yiffstar

Foxcar Falls

by Thumper

It was impossible to sleep in the next morning. Rael was

the first to poke his head from the tent and take in the

crisp mountain air. A warm muzzle appeared under his tail

and with a quick lick made sure any hint of sleepiness in

Rael was gone. Rael gasped and disappeared back into the

tent tackling Arret and smothering him with kisses. They

were both quite a mess from staying up and playing so late

the night before. They quietly both snuck from the tent and

headed back behind their campsite trying to avoid being

spotted by the other campers in such a messy state.

They wandered a short distance down the stream back to the

waterhole where they had spent the evening before watching

the sunset. Arret led his canine love over to the side of

the waterhole that was a sandy beach rather than the rocky

shore where they had been before. They both waded into the

cool dark water and rubbed each other's fur for a while.

Rael noticed his bunny mate's ears turning back and forth

rather attentively, "Something the matter Arret?"

Arret simply shook his head, "Nothin"

The two went back to preening each other until both pair of

rabbit and canine ears shot up, both turning to the other

side of the waterhole.

Rael said without turing, "There's someone else here, I

heard it too."

Arret pointed his ear toward the opposite side of the

waterhole pointing out the small ripples still subsiding,

"I'm glad you did, I was beginning to think I was going


Rael turned to him, "Maybe we're both going crazy."

Arret laughed and smiled. They both surveyed the water for

several more minutes and saw nothing. "Yep. we're both

going crazy."

They turned to head for shore. Suddenly they both jumped

and laughed at each other. They each believed it had been

the other that just pinched their tail, but with both paws

in plain site neither of them could believe it when they

were both pinched again at the same time. They both turned

immediately pressing their backs to each other.

Despite the clarity of the water it was impossible to see

below the surface into the darkness and shadows. They were

in water just up to their chests now. Neither said a word

for almost two minutes when the silence was broken by

synchronous moans from the puppy and bunny. They each put a

paw back to hold each other as they both received the same


They both whimpered lightly and stroked each other's sides

as each of them was attacked by a warm tongue snaking down

into each of their sheaths. It only took a moment for both

of them to be sporting rock hard erections into the muzzles

of the mysterious lovers under the water. They ran their

paws back against each other's fur, sharing the intensity

of the ministering with each other through their touch. The

softness of the two small muzzles massaging their cocks was

two much for the pair. They gripped each other's fur tight

and whined out with delightful noises that echoed up the

rock walls on the far side of the waterhole as they both

gave their seed to their mystery lovers.

Just as quickly as they had appeared, the muzzles

disappeared and only a small ripple in the water was left

behind. Arret and Rael turned to each other and kissed in a

passionate embrace for several minutes. They smiled and

quietly made their way onto the beach. They both turned to

see a splash of water and the bushes moving, but not

turning fast enough to see the owners of the wonderful

muzzles before they disappeared into the dense woods.

They hugged each other and sat down on a nearby patch of

grass and let the rays of the rising sun slowly dry their

fur. Their paws curled together and soon they were both


It was late afternoon before they both finally woke up

again. Thoroughly cooked from the long nap in the sun, they

both ran into the waterhole again to cool off before

heading back to the campsite. If their evening was anything

like their morning, they would certainly be sleeping well


It was getting late, but the sun would still be up for some

time yet. They grabbed a few items for hiking and headed

off on a trail up the mountain. A climb to the top would

take a few days, but there were plenty of valleys off the

sides of the mountain that hid some of the most beautiful

features of the mountain.

About an hour into the hike they came upon what used to be

called Angel falls. Some of the most popular post card

pictures found in the northwest were from here, but few

took the long hike to get there. The nearest trail head was

almost seven miles away, but the secluded furry campground

was less than a mile away from the falls. Arret wished he

had brought his camera to capture his own image of the

falls now known as Foxcar falls.

The two danced down to the base of the falls. It was barely

a foot deep and since the snowmelt had been light recently,

the falls were only a light flurry of water falling from

hundreds of feet above. They both jumped under the falls

together and laughed and splashed about as the heavy water

fell upon them. Rael's silver fur glimmered from the light

shining through the falls. Arret's soft white form merged

with his canine mate. Arret's tall bunny ears layed back as

he took his mate into a slow kiss under the cascading

water. Neither of them saw the flashbulbs as they closed

their eyes into a kiss that seemed to last forever.

Their shining white and silver form disappeared behind the

falls as Arret pressed his lover against the rock wall

behind the falls. He lifted him slightly onto a small rock

ledge on the wall and leaned down, slowly kissing up his

belly and chest. He licked his mate's chin as the tip of

his bunnycock slid under his lover's sac and against his

tailhole. Rael leaned forward and slid slowly onto the

first few inches of his mate's cock. Their arms embraced

each other and their tongues twisted together as Arret

began thrusting against his lover who was holding him


Rael knew it was a flashbulb. He knew the shadows on the

other side of the falls were there. He just didn't care. He

whimpered and hugged his bunny as he rode the smooth

throbbing cock. He knew Arret could go on forever if he

didn't do something to help his mate along. He leaned

against him and sunk his teeth lightly into his mate's


Arret yelped and moaned loudly, turning and twisting his

throbbing cock inside his puppy. He leaned submissively

into his lovers jaw and moaned softly. His ears stood up,

his body began to tense up. His lover's jaw bit down just a

little harder. Arret yelped in extacy and pressed his mate

up against the rock wall again as his cock exploded into a

storm of hot bunnyseed. Arret thought for a moment he heard

someone cheer. Rael knew it was true as he saw the motions

from the shadowed strangers on the other side of the falls

responding to his mate's orgasm. A quick flashbulb and the

shadows ran off.

Rael slowly dismounted from his mate's dripping cock and

led them through a shower in the falls before they made

their way back to camp, keeping their paws all over each

other the whole way.

The mysterious eyes seemed to be watching them from the

dark woods when they returned to camp and disappeared back

into their tent for the night.

Written by Thumper

Comments are welcome, flames are not.

(C) 1998

A huge thanks and kiss to my wonderful mate FurryTool for

giving me the idea for the character names and for being

the world's most loving and supportive mate, I love you to

death sweety. Also a thanks to my yiffy friend Foxcar for

allowing me to slap his name on a waterfall. What more

appropriate for such a yiffy, spoogy fur, eh?