Coyote and the Wolf, part 6

Story by Eloe Elwe on SoFurry

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Only one more part left of this story is completed,I hope to get the time and will to finish it soon.

Coyote and the Wolf part 6

High above the gathering clouds below, a metallic figure glistened in the deep blue sky, it's wings spread to catch the thermals that kept it aloft. Aside from the rushing of the wind, there was complete silence up here. The clouds from above, were blinding white from reflecting the bright sunlight. A tiny figure burst through the clouds, flapping it's wings strongly, gaining altitude. It's direction changed after a moment, heading straight towards the approaching silver flier. Spotting the smaller avian, the huge silver dragon corrected it's path, and flew down to meet the new arrival.

"Argent! There seems to be trouble at the inn, I saw smoke and fire engulf the building and came to warn you!" The eagle called.

"Fire! Very odd. Very well, I shall investigate, you head back to the lair and tell them I will be delayed." replied Argent, "I may be awhile, but I should be back by moonrise."

"Yes my lord, it will be done!" the eagle began the circle, finding an updraft, he gained altitude once again.

Adjusting his flight path again, Argent began to glide in the direction of his inn. Just before entering the building clouds, he vanished, leaving only a dragon shaped hole in the clouds to mark his passing. Emerging again under the clouds, Argent scanned ahead to see the thick black smoke rising from the forest floor. Sure enough, he could see the bright orange flames licking out from the smoke. Increasing his speed, he searched the surrounding area with his sharp eyesight, only to find a group of wolves traveling alongside a small ox drawn cart some distance away. It was obvious that this group was responsible, as they were only two hours away from the inn. Dropping down to just above the tops of the trees, Argent prepared to land, becoming visible just before touching down. Amid the swirling dust and leaves, the dragon made some sort of hand sign and spoke a word. The dragon vanished again, and in his place stood a small cloaked figure who started walking towards the raging fire that was once the inn. Stopping a few yards from the fire, the cloaked being stretched it's arms wide and shouted at the fire. Instantly, the fire disappeared, leaving the inn intact with a few smoldering torches guttering on the ground. Lowering it's arms, the figure walked up the path and into the inn. Reaching up, the being pulled back the hood, reveling long white hair and a smooth fur less face. Seeing Snow and Ku'o bound up near the central fire pit, he walked toward them and knelt down near Snow.

"Snow? Snow! Wake Up! Come on, snap out of it!" shaking her shoulder.

Moaning, she opened her eyes and searched for the source of the voice. She looked up, and locked onto the glittering crystalline eyes of her lord. "Ar...Argent?......My Lord! Oh. forgive me, I think we were hit by a paralyzing poison of some kind!"

"How did this happen?" Argent asked as his powerful hands parted the thick rope around Snow's wrists.

"They attacked before dawn as we slept."

Highly unlikely, I doubt even I could sneak up on Ku'o undetected." sniffing, his look of concern changed to a frown. "You forgot to take that potion I gave you before you left the lair, didn't you?

Looking down, Snow replied, "Yes my lord, I did not feel the urge yet, so I kept it in my pack. In their presence, I let my guard down, and by then it was too late. Next thing I knew, Ku'o was throwing me off of him, it was then that they attacked. Ku'o never got a chance to react in time." Looking around the room, she added, "The wolf! Where is Lupo? He left the inn before I went up stairs!"

"They captured him I'm guessing, I saw him tied to a post mounted on a wagon as I flew in." answered Argent. "Come, help Ku'o while I take stock of what still needs to be done." Rising to his feet, Argent started out the door, "Oh, it would be a good idea not to tell Ku'o about Lupo, just tell him you haven't seen him."

Snow moved to Ku'o's side and untied his ropes, checking for the darts that had poisoned him. Once removed, she searched through her pouch and pulled out a tiny bottle, witch she opened and held under Ku'o's nose. Deftly she moved it away as Ku'o tried to knock it from his face. He opened his eyes and started coughing, trying to clear his mind, he rolled onto his hands and knees shaking his head.

"What the hell happened, why am I down here?"

"Take it easy, your head will clear in a moment. We were poisoned by these darts" Snow stood up and showed the darts to Ku'o.

Struggling to his feet, he took one of the darts from Snow. Looking at it through blurred eyes, he tried to force his mind to start working. "Blow darts? These are used by the wolves! Wolves?......I remember now! Lupo is in danger!" Looking directly at Snow, he asked, "Where is Lupo? Is he here?" Looking up the stairs, he ran up to the second floor, calling out to Lupo. Minutes latter, Ku'o bounded down the stairs, fully dressed and armed. "I must find Lupo!" he shouted and ran toward the entrance.

"No, you must not, you can't help him!" Snow yelled after him.

Ku'o stopped and saw the signs and markings in the dirt the wolves made, telling him all he needed to know. Immediately, he ran in the direction the wolves had gone. Looking at the tracks as he passed, he estimated the wolves were about an hour ahead of him at the pace he was moving. If he could get ahead of them, he might be able to set up a trap or distraction that would allow him to free Lupo. They would probably have to fight their way free, but he no longer cared, he couldn't permit them to take his wolf from him. Not now, not ever! Pushing his pace, he sped down the path the wolves had taken.

Minutes later, Ku'o saw the gigantic form of Argent, sweeping around from the south toward him through the trees. The dragon crashed down heavily on the road ahead of him, spreading his wings to block him from continuing down the path ahead. Skidding to a stop in front of the dragon's lowered head, Argent bellowed "STOP Ku'o, you can not help Lupo now! There are twenty solders in that group, and you can't hope to defeat them all!"

"Then help me free him! Just your presence alone will be enough to make them flee. Then I can free Lupo, and we can take the rest down! Replied Ku'o.

"No, I can not reveal my presence to the wolves, it would destroy all I have worked for!"

"Then I will do it myself! I must not let those beasts take him away and kill him. I have to try! Now move aside, so I can continue my pursuit!" With that, Ku'o jumped atop Argent's head and ran down the back of the dragon's neck, resuming the chase. Hitting the ground, he sprinted down the road, the wind whistling in his ears. He felt a huge gust of air at his back as Argent took to the air again.

Roaring down at Ku'o, Argent threatened "Go no farther Ku'o, or I will be forced to stop you!" Ku'o continued running head long down the road. " Then you leave me no choice, I am sorry to do this, but you were warned!" Argent dove down toward Ku'o, and blasted him with his powerful ice breath.

Above and behind him, Ku'o could here a loud blast of air, all around him frost started to form on the ground. Then it hit him, knocking him off his feet to the dirt. He felt burning cold all over his body, then instant darkness as consciousness left him.

Around two hours down the road from the inn, Lupo had cried himself out, he felt numb to all that surrounded him. Thinking of the past week, and all that had transpired. In all his life, he had never felt so close to anyone, more than he had become to Ku'o. He was a perfect match to him, both in talent and skill, each filling in what the other lacked. Ku'o had opened his eyes to the possibility that the Federation and the Free Peoples could get along and help each other to survive and prosper. Now though, with Ku'o gone, there was little chance of that ever happening. The two nations will continue to fight, until one or the other was destroyed, losing the best of both in the process. 'Oh Ku'o, I would have gladly spent my life with you.' He thought, looking toward the sky. He thought he could almost hear Ku'o's name on the wind, like a deep roaring cry. Again he heard it, like an echo from afar. Many of the wolves heard something too, turning their heads to look behind for a moment, before continuing on. Lupo stared at the horizon for a long time, thinking he caught a glimpse of a shining reflection, only to disappear before he could look at it. Could it be Argent? Would he come and take revenge for the destruction of his inn, and the death of Ku'o? He would be grateful if he died here as well, with nothing more to live for. Minutes passed, and nothing, not a sound or sight. No quick death to put him out of his misery. The wagon kept moving along relentlessly, his hope withering with each passing mile, till all was dark again.

Days later, Ku'o found himself in the back of a wagon. He tried to sit up, but he was tied down to his bed. Looking down his body, he saw that he was well tied and would not be able free himself without a knife. Even his hidden knife was missing, probably discovered when he relived himself while unconscious. All he could do was lay there and wait, wait for an opportunity to escape.

Hours later, the wagon came to a stop. The outside light had begun to darken, so he was sure the stop was for the night, with luck he would be freed long enough eat. He could smell Snow's scent around him now, so he knew that there would be little chance for an easy escape. He began to think it would be best to gather information from her first, before deciding what to do about her. If he had to, in order to rescue Lupo, he would kill her if need be he decided.

Shortly, the door to the large wagon opened in the rear, allowing Snow to enter. "Well, it's about time you woke up! Five days driving these wagons alone, has taken it's tole on me. You must have been moving very fast to make Argent hit you with such a strong blast of his breath weapon! He might have killed you if he hadn't used his magic on you, to save your life." Snow said.

"Five days? I have been unconscious for five days?

"A week since you were frozen by Argent, we have been on the road to Argent's lair for five." answered Snow. She saw him fall into sadness and pain as the thought of never seeing Lupo again crossed his mind. Before his anger started to show, she put a warm hand to his chest, and added. "Fear not Ku'o, all is not lost! Lupo was captured by a unit from the Federation main force, and because he is a wolf, will be taken to the nearest Federation city to be questioned and investigated before any judgment is made. Knowing the Federation as I do, this will take months. Even now, Argent's spies are ready to council Lupo about what has transpired. You can rest easy in the fact that he will know you still live, and I have no doubt, what you did to try and rescue him." Bringing her hand up to scratch behind his ear, she added,"Trust in Lord Argent, Ku'o, he is wise beyond all measure. There are happenings in this world that you know nothing of, things that threaten both the Federation and The Free Peoples, perhaps even the whole planet!" She looked into Ku'o's eyes,"Now, do you think you can behave, so I can untie you? I'd rather not have to hand feed you like an invalid again!" She smiled.

Ku'o closed his eyes, allowing the tears filling them to fall, nodding his acceptance to Snow. "Thank you Snow, I thought I might have to do something I would regret to to save my love. You have my promise that I will behave myself and listen to Argent in the future.

End Part 6