Crazy Kitty

Story by Drunken Rogue on SoFurry

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Ok for those who somehow don't know this story is for 18+ so if you are under 18 and get caught reading it don't blame me. Crazy Kitty is sort of a companion piece to my other story A thief's dawn But was written to stand on its own. As such reading A thief's dawn would be helpful but is not at all necessary to under stand and enjoy this one, hope you like it.

Drunken Rogue

Clair. How would one describe her? On could start with her physical appearance. A calico colored feline. She had one red eye and one purple eye. She had an exceptional figure and a row of earrings along her right ear. But that does not really describe who she was. Part of the problem is that she is so many things depending on who you ask. Some would tell you she was insane, a total screwball the world would be safer without. Others would tell you she is a sex fiend adored by many men and woman at clubs all over the dark district. And even others might say that she is a jockey, a console hotdogger, a hacker without peer. To the dealer in front of her however she was a paying customer, nothing more and nothing less. He slipped the bills into an old brass billfold before handing her a bag filled with a pale green powder. Her eyes gleamed as she pocketed her treasure before hoping onto her bike and roaring off homeward.

Home was an old warehouse that had been converted into apartments. The dark district glowed in the night like gems on a satin cloth pin pricks of reds yellows blues and oranges along with every other color imaginable. The front door had long fallen off and lay on the grimy black and white checkered tile inside. She quickly scampered past the drunks sleeping in the once grand lobby and entered the elevator pulling the cage shut and punched the button for the third floor loving the swaying floor as the ancient beast lumbered upward with its load.

She walked down the long hall broken tile lining the walls on either side the only light was a pale brown moon beam coming through a small chink in the boarded up window at the end. Pausing for a moment she reached into her coat pulling out her access card now a mish mash of burn marks and fresh digitape where she had modified it and sliding it through the lock pushing the door open.

Dust lay heavy on the wood floor the grey boards mixing well with the dust with only a few spots clean though more from use then housework. Letting the door close behind her she walked towards her chair hearing the doors lock buzz for a moment tinting half of the room in flickering red light before the lock light died. Her chair was an old leather swivel/rocker recliner now bolted to the floor and patched and covered by so many scraps, blankets and scratch marks the original color could only be guessed at. She tossed her coat onto or rather into her bed which consisted of a queen sized bed frame devoid of any mattress or box springs though a few dozen blankets pillows and throws draped over and inside the frame served as her bed.

Throwing herself into her chair at a run she giggled girlishly as she spun finally slowing and stopping staring at her answering machine on her desk. She punched the blinking button and sat back as the small cracked old LCD view screen came on. "Clair I got some work that might interest you but I need it done as soon as possible so give me a ring when you get this." She smirked leaning back in her chair purring as she rubbed her cheek against one of the few patches of remaining leather. "So pumpkin needs my help does he? Must be very important for him to come asking little me mmmhmmm? Heheehemmmmurrr lets see what pretty playpen he has for me." Leaning forward she rapidly punched in the sequence of numbers blinking on her screen and sat back once more an old security cam turning to follow her. Her screen came alive blurred then quickly focused on a handsome feline with dark fur and gorgeous green eyes. He was seated along the melise river in the upper district a black jacketed waiter walking off with his order. "Hello Andy. She giggled knowing he hated that nickname. What can I do you for pumpkin?"

He sighed annoyed and appeared to debate his answer for a moment before speaking. "I need you to do a security run-down for me. I need a backdoor into the Romandiril's network. "The Romandiril! I was thrown out of there once. She interrupted. I guess they didn't like the way I was looking, or looked. I thought they would like my art, that guard had such pretty blood all red and warm." she broke down into giggles giving Andrew a chance to interrupt. He continued, ignoring her tangent. "In the last month or so they have rebuilt security also adding a standing unit of Meho Dnn HKs. I would rather not have to deal with them if you could do anything about it. She leaned back in her chair pushing off and spinning for a minute enjoying the look of annoyance on his face as the view screen flashed by. Finally she came to a halt and grinned seductively. "You used to like me, remember that night all those water falling so pretty have I told you you're so pretty? Well you are I'll do the job for free if you spend the night pretty kitten."

He sighed "Five grand". "Nonononooo pretty pretty kitty I want you." She frowned pouting. "Six then, and not a cred more" She let out a sigh purring for a moment. "Alright, bye bye pretty kitty" She waved to the screen even though it had already gone blank. Grinning from ear to ear she hoped off the chair and walked over to a workbench nothing more then a few boards and planks slapped together and cleared a space among the circuits drink containers and other brick-a-brack pulling a sleek stainless steel tube over.

It was only two inches long, rows of groves ran along it's length one end was rounded though the other had a cap with a small hole in it. Reaching into her pocket Clair pulled out the small packet of green powder her eyes lighting up once more as she used a spoon to transfer a small amount onto a scale adding a pinch more before closing the bag and carefully placing it off to the side. Taking the thin layer of plastic off the scale she held the tube in the other carefully tipping the powder inside. She then reached for a bottle of water adding a few drops slowly before screwing the cap back on and crimping the tube she shook it for a minute listening to the bats as they made their nightly migration from the sewers past her blacked out window. She poked around in the mess for a few seconds then found a small plug with a needle thin hole in it and attached it to the end of the tube grabbing a few straps as she headed back to her chair. Carefully she set the tube down on her desk and opened a draw pulling out a pair of gloves the fabric long worn off and only the mesh of mettle remained along with a pair of high end vidgoggles.

The vast majority of people used the net through consoles and vid screens though the military authorized government officials and a few licensed citizens accessed the nets raw data through virtual rigs. While they provided much more freedom and ease of usage, due to the mind/machine interface needed it was hazardous and unlicensed use was strictly forbidden. Urban folklore was riddled with legends of lethal defenses, military run security and sentient free roaming A.I. whose alien thoughts none could decipher. More than one careless jockey had been found dead still tied to their consoles their reasons of death many and varied.

Clair pulled down a few cords from a rack above her head and connected the goggles and gloves careful to make sure they were tight before reaching for the tube, securing it along side her head wrinkled her nose as she inserted the plug. Grabbing the goggles she pulled them over her forehead before pulling on the gloves. She extended a claw into a small crack in the tube and pressed a switch a soft hum filling the air as a green mist flowed up the tube and into her nostrils. She murred as the drug hit her instantly her body engulfed in the flaming caress of a fiery demon passion Her tail flicking from side to side behind her. Pressing a button on each glove at the same time she felt a momentary prick as each of her paw tips was pierced nano-bots forming unimaginably thin strands of wire along her bloodstreams all the way to her brain Murring as her pupils dilated.

She heard herself giggling and opened her eyes to see what was so funny. The room around her was covered in purples and reds. Velvet covered every surface and the hazy pink light sparkled. She clapped her paws delightedly "Oh I remember you". she said to the room around her. "Your such a fuzzy wuzzy gooshy portel you ish." She was standing in her systems virtual gateway an empty doorframe at one end opened to blackness and a small trail of floofy clouds. Giggling again she turned and skipped to the lopsided wardrobe now in front of her one door hanging opened and outfits in every color spilling out onto the pink floor. Pawing through the different cloths she came across a floppy hat in red white and black pompoms at the tips. "Hello pretty little me, would you like to come out and play with us?" She placed the hat on her head and turned to face a floor to ceiling mirror. Her nude form was covered in paint. Red black and white diamonds covered her fur still glistening wet the jesters cap sitting crookedly on her head. "Oh we look handsome don't you?" She laughed and picked up a blood red purse in the shape of a heart and spun a few times wet gobs paint flying in all directions vanishing before it hit anything turning back to her reflection. "We have to go shopping and slaying for the pretty Andy kitty yesh. We will be back very late so don't wait up." hoping over to a table in the form of a golden apple covered by purple velvet she picked up the scythe that lay there it's white bone blade glinting in the low light. Running towards the open doorway she jumped through quickly vanishing among the clouds under a black sky.

She was ghosting, invisible to all as she bounced through networks and systems like an ethereal pinball making her way to the Romandiril's network. Clair burst into the network Shooting down hallways in the virtual maze representing the security net her feet never touching the floor. Clair laughed as a klaxon began to blare and reached her arm out touching the wall with her scythe setting off a trail of sparks and half a dozen more alarms. Ahead a form popped into existence, the live security operator coming online to see just what the hell was going on. Clair reached into her purse and pulled out two playing cards, both Queens of harts. A flick of her wrist and they morphed into hearts beating fast blood dripping from open veins. She snapped her wrist and sent them hurtling at the operator, they struck him in the chest and face sticking for a moment before exploding in a rain of needles and blood the operator shattering into tiny cubes of melting code as she speed past heading to the networks core.

She hit the door at full speed stopping in the middle of the room concrete walls blank. A second later an amorphous blob appeared quivering for a moment before molding itself into a knight of old times holding an oversized double bladed axe his black mail polished to a shine. For a second she paused frowning. A military A.I. she had not expected one to be guarding a simple museum. Clair flipped standing on the ceiling a smoking crater where she was. A smile returning to her face she spoke to the A.I as much as to herself. "It's so nice to have a capable playmate again." She bounded around the room avoiding fireballs and trying to get a good angle of attack. Finally she found an opening and dove at the knight his axe coming around to slice her in half. She twisted in midair seeing herself reflected along the head as it passed inches under before she twisted again catching the handle and tearing the axe away the knights hand coming off as well. Bounding off the ground she swung her scythe and the knights axe slicing him into three neat sections before his hand' ever hit the ground. "Nighty night knighty man."

She tossed her weapons aside and sat in the chair that had appeared grinning at the keyboard and view screen in front of her. She flipped through security cameras stopping for a moment to admire the wolf slumped over his desk in a pool of blood net gloves almost falling off his paws. "Now remember you can't drive for at least an hour". Flipping through cameras once more she finally found the HK's. With the controlling A.I. dead they had gone into standby and had to be accessed manually. She pecked at the keys quickly giggling as the power light in one came on. "Wakey wakey mettle dead, time to work workish." She guided it out to the older security frame of the museum itself hardened from outside access. She punched it through and spun around in her chair walking out the brick entrance that had just appeared.

The museum net was quiet as the museum itself a small carped living room awaited her as she padded across a think white carpet past an old cherry maple desk stopping at a wall of light pink stucco. Giggling quietly she reached into her bag and pulled out a can of spray-paint and gave it a good shake before beginning to spray the wall. A few minutes later and a stone archway overhung with creeping vines glistened in the wall. Looking around as if to make sure no one heard Clair whispered to the painting. "Now remember, be very very quiet and be on your p's and q's for pretty kitty." She turned and walked out of the room the archway vanishing as if it had never existed.

She purred as the gloves slid from her paws pulling off the goggles and empty tube sending a quick message to Andrew before drifting off to sleep for a couple hours.

The Demon's Goblet was alive tonight causing Clair to grin as she felt the bass reverb ate inside her. She walked across the club barefooted Half a black miniskirt revealing a side tie black silk thong Her breasts held in by two strips of red silk looped around her neck in a crisscross pattern erect nipples denting the smooth surface. Quickly she had rounded up three others and let herself be led to one of the many back rooms. As soon as they entered the dingo grabbed her from behind squeezing her breasts through the think fabric as she murred and ground back against him feeling his erection through the tight jeans he wore. The female a mink pressed herself against Clair's chest tilting her head back slightly to receive her kiss reaching down to slide her paw into her silky black thong fingers plunging into Clair's already dripping snatch. The other male a brown furred fox leaned over kissing the minks shoulder his paws sliding downward along her flat tummy.

Clair reached down behind her paws quickly finding the bulge in the dingo's pants rubbing it for a moment before unbuttoning them bending down as she pulled his boxers along with them pulling up the edge of the minks body hugging black slip revealing a naked cunny. Murring gleefully she pressed her tongue into it loving the musky scent as it filled her nose as she dug deeper with her rough feline tongue. The dingo behind her pulled her breasts out of their silken wraps and was continuing to fondle them while the fox had unzipped the mink's dress which now lay in a heap with his own cloths as he licked her tail hole.

The mink let out a quiet squeal and a small gush of liquid filled Clair's mouth along with a scent that sent her wild. Standing and stepping away from the mink she slid out of what was left of her clothing before turning towards the wolf lowering her mouth over his gorgeous cock. Behind her the mink had lain down on a few pillows while the fox continued tonguing her tail hole his own cock now erect and dribbling precum lightly. He slid his paws down along her sides taking as much of a breast as he could in each paw massaging them roughly as the mink moaned in pleasure. her paws digging deeply into a pillow as she squeezed another between her legs soaking it as she came again.

Clair continued to suck on the wolf that had lay down on his back with her kneeling between his legs sucking hard on his sack while a paw slid along his erection. Her other paw Slowly slipped in and out of her tail hole her hips rocking gently in time with her thrusting. She whimpered and slid onto the wolfs chest rocking his hips against her own for a moment then sliding back down slowly working his cock into her tail hole. She moaned as she pulled her body up rocking her his as she rode his cock pumping it in and out of her tail hole her paws slipping onto her chest squeezing her nipples and massaging her breasts. She shuddered as she came wetness dripping onto the wolf as she continued to slam herself down on him. Coming down a bit she climbed off him and lay down next to the mink who turned hugging her tightly breasts meshing and tongues twining as the kissed paws roaming over each other. The dingo slid behind the mink sliding his cock into her dripping snach beginning to pump away. The fox positioned himself behind Clair and slid his own cock into her now slightly stretched tail hole pumping quickly his erection biting deep. The males came at roughly the same time the feel of gooey cum shooting into Clair's tail hole causing her to come once more along with the mink their juice mixing as it dribbled down their thighs.

An hour later Clair sat with a drink watching the entrance from a booth when Andrew walked in. His black dress pants penny loafers and grey knit shirt standing out. He spotted her and walked over not sitting down. "Did you get it?" He asked surveying the scene. She giggled knowing the place made him uneasy. "Do you have the money?" He reached into the shopping bag he carried with him and handed over a leather folder. "Six thousand hard credits". Clair grinned at all the bills before pulling a small card out of her handbag. "There is your back door pretty kitty, wont you stay and play?" "Maybe some other time." He slid the card into his pocket and walked off out the door. Clair frowned at her reflection in her drink. "Maybe pretty kitty will play another day, maybe pretty kitty wont. Her eyes lit up as she spotted a tall black wolf across the room and leaving the drink scampered off to say hello.

A thief's dawn.

He sat up his maw opening wide as he stretched his arms behind his head glancing out the floor to ceiling window. The first light of dawn painted the sea of glass towers with crimson as he watched for a minute allowing his mind to wake a bit. He slid...

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