Apocalypse, Ch. 3

Story by horsewriter on SoFurry

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A young man volunteers for a sleep study, and wakes up in a strange lab transforming into a wolf-girl....

I awoke the next morning curled up with Greg as he snored lightly. His arms where around my belly, his hips against my butt, his head against mine. I could feel his regular breathing, the warmth of his body, smell his scent....

I yawned: my mouth tasted like hell. And my head hurt. Oh God, was I hungover. So I just cuddled closer to Greg. He sure was warm and soft....

And that though brought me back to what I had done last night. And the reality of my situation.

What had I been thinking? I had let this wolf-guy fuck me! I couldn't believe I had had gotten laid. By a wolf-man!

That's when I got angry with myself. Sure, being turned into a girl was erotic at first (I remembered masturbating back in the lab), but having unprotected sex when your a female made no sense at all.

How had I let it happen? Oh yeah, the moonshine. And my own damn horniness.

I was an idiot.

Please God, I thought, don't let me be pregnant!

That thought made me depressed. What if I did get pregnant? And have a baby? Or rather, a puppy-baby? I didn't want to get knocked up.

I shivered. Greg snorted a few times. He moved his right hand and cupped my right breast. I sighed, and pulled his hand away.

Getting pregnant was exactly what was going to happen if I had sex with Greg.

I sighed again. I was going to have to get used to this body, and playing by new gender rules.

Then Greg licked me on the back of my head.

He yawned, got up on his elbow, and licked me on the nose. "You're up early, Samantha", he said. Then he rubbed my soft, furry belly.

"You ready for breakfast?", he asked.

Oh God, he's awake, I thought. What was I going to say to him?

I yawned and said yes.

He got up, got out of bed, and pulled his old trousers on. Trying not to look at him naked, I went to my backpack and got out some clean clothes.

Breakfast was bread, strawberry jam from a preserve jar, and water from a jug.

We ate and drank in silence. I must have looked pretty miserable, all hung over. Greg, on the other hand, practically wolfed his food down.

Outside, the sun still hadn't risen. Only we, and the birds, where up.

Then he put his hand on mine. "Come fish with me", he asked.

I said sure.

So he gave me his spare fishing rod, grabbed the bucket of fish guts from last nights meal, and we started out to the river.

We walked out of his cabin down to the river. The night air felt wonderful on my fur, and the air smelled fresh and damp. As we walked up to the river, I noticed the moon, half full, crossing a river of brilliant stars, far more than I could recall being able to see from before my transformation. And on the dark half of the noon, which I could plainly see with my wolf night-vision, I could make out a cluster of red lights.

I had to ask: "Greg, what are those red lights on the moon?"

"You don't know?", he looked at me. "Those are the Lunar cities, though they where all supposed to have been destroyed back in the war. I'm not sure why their lights are still on."

Lunar cities. Of course. I desperately needed a history lesson or something so I didn't seem so out of place.

"This is my favorite fishing hole", Greg announced, leading me to a small jetty off the bank. We walked out onto it, baited our hooks with fish-gut, and cast.

Almost immediately I got a bite. We started reeling in fish after fish. And they where huge, far bigger than any river trout I had ever seen before. By the time the sun came up, we had a dozen.

Finally, the fish stopped biting around mid-morning. "We have quite a catch for the market", Greg said. And then he looked at me: "Do you think you can drive me up to Solarville? We'll get a much better price for them there."

Solarville. "Sure, where is that?"

"It's across the bridge, about 30 klicks down the road."

Klicks. He meant kilometers. About 18 miles. "Sure", I responded. The battery on the van was almost full.

So we picked up the fish, put them in a couple of burlap bags, and loaded them into the van. I pulled out from the cabin, and drove down the side street to the main road, then over the bridge that spanned the river and went down the main highway.

We passed a number of carts drawn by people, mules, and horses as we cruised down the road, making good time on battery power. Merchants, I guessed.

The road was lined with orchards and wheat fields, and the occasional farm house. Ahead was a giant spire with a brilliantly gleaming pinnacle - a solar collector.

By then, I was starting to wonder why this futuristic car had no self-driving feature, no computer, and no on-board navigation system. Also, I noticed, it had no radio. Because a map or the news would be really enlightening....

Just my luck, I thought, I got the cheapest van on the lot.

But at least it had a heater and an air-conditioner,.

Solarville turned out to be a pretty big town. Homes clustered around the circle of mirrors that surrounded the solar tower, and some of the buildings where multi-story and looked quite old, covered with creeping ivy.

A couple of times we passed electric vehicles, and saw maybe half-a-dozen electric mopeds hauling packages.

Greg gave me directions to the free market, and we pulled into a shaded spot next to a bunch of other merchants. Mine was the only van - everybody else had hand-drawn carts, mule-carts or horse-carts. I opened the back of the van, and Greg started calling out "Fresh fish! Fresh fish for sale!"

Right away people came up to us to buy fish. Most where the same type of disfigured mutants I'd seen in Riverside, but a surprising number where animal-people like me (cats, dogs, rats, mice, wolves, foxes, a lion), and some seemed downright human. They paid in copper coins, and we sold half the fish in under an hour.

At that point, Greg took the coins and asked me to stay and sell the rest of the fish while he shopped for supplies. He came back in an hour, almost when the last fish had been sold, with a burlap bag stuffed with bread and fresh fruit. He tossed it in the van and kissed me on the nose. "Let's go, Samantha", he said, and we got in the van and we started driving back.

It was mid-afternoon when we finally arrived at his cabin and parked. He took the sack from the van and we went in.

Inside, Greg made us a lunch of bread, cheese, pears, apples, and oranges. I was glad to know that as a wolf-person, I could still eat those things. So we had a full meal, and then he asked me to come outside and sit on the back porch with him.

He brought the sack with him, and sat next to me, crossing his tail over mine. He produced a corn-cob pipe, and stuffed something green into it. He lit it with a match, and took a long drag, then passed it to me. It smelled like pot.

I took it and from him and took a drag - it was pot! I almost coughed, but exhaled cleanly.

"Where did you get this?", I asked, handing the pipe back to him. He took it from he.

"The free market", he replied. "They grow the best reefer in that town. Electric irrigation, you know."

He took another drag on the pipe, and handed it back to me.

I took a drag and coughed slightly. I was starting to feel slightly buzzed. I handed him back the pipe, he puffed on it, and knocked it out.

We sat there in silence, high, and I couldn't help but to lean against him and rest my head on his shoulder.

Then Greg reached into his pocket and pulled something out. "I want you to try something", he said.

"What's that?" I asked, looking at his closed hand.

"It's sim-cycle", he said, opening his hand and showing me a red pill.

"What's sim-cycle?", I asked.

"It puts you in heat for a few hours", was his answer.

I stared at him. "In heat?!" Oh, God, was he serious?!

"Yeah". He touched his nose to mine. "I picked it up when I bought the reefer."

I looked away. I can go into heat?!

"Greg, I...."

"Don't worry, you won't get pregnant or anything. It's only a simulated cycle."

I stared at him. I didn't know what to say. He wanted me to go into heat?!

He rubbed my leg with his hand. "It'll be better than last night", he said, looking me in the eyes.

I thought of last night. He had made me orgasm during sex for the first time as a girl - twice. And it had been so much fun....

He was serious.

I stared at the pill, unsure. But if I couldn't get pregnant, why not? Maybe it was the pot talking, but I reached out and took the pill from his hand, and swallowed it.

"So how long until it starts working?", I asked.

"Give it a few minutes", he said, and licked my ear.

I grinned. We sat and watched the river flow for a few minutes. Then I had a hot flash, then a cold flash, and I shivered and rubbed against him. "I think it's starting to work now", I said, and rubbed his furry belly.

"Good", he replied. "Let's go in and take our clothes off."

I nodded in agreement.

So we went into the cabin, and undressed in front of each other.

I took down my blouse and panties while he took of his trousers, then he helped me out of my shirt and undid my bra.

We stood there, looking at each other naked. Our scents filled the air. He reached out and cupped my tits, and warmth flooded though me, making my nipples come erect.

"Yeah, I think it's working", I whispered as his penis started to grow out of its sheath.

He buried his muzzle between my tits and licked my chest. Tingles poured through me, settling in my underbelly. My whole body started to feel hot, and I started to pant a little, breathing rapidly, and I felt my pussy grow wet.

Then he took my hand in his and led me to the bed. By now I was pretty damn horny.

I hoped onto the bed and laid down, spreading my legs with my knees up. I beckoned to him to come over.

He leaned over the bed and buried his muzzle between my thighs. "Greg, what are you..." I blurted, and then he licked my pussy.

I kicked as an electric bolt of pleasure shot into my brain. Then his nose was rubbing my clitoris as his tongue spread my lips and found my vagina. "Oh God, Greg!", I gasped as he licked, sending waves of pleasure rolling through me.

I reached down and grabbed his ears as he ate me out, his nose rubbing my clit as his tongue flicked inside me. Oh God, the sensation... it was so worth it to be a wolf-girl....

Then suddenly my pussy spasmed and I creamed, yelping as I had a clitoral orgasm. It faded as fast as it came, leaving me with an aching empty feeling in my vagina, a need to be filled.

"Oh fuck me", I gasped, and he looked up at me. "Okay", he replied, and climbed atop me.

Greg lay down on me, and I could feel the tip of his erect penis against my hot, wet pussy. Then he found my opening with his tip, and slid the length of his shaft into me. I gasped and cried out as I felt his manhood fill my vagina, hot and hard and long....

Then he was thrusting. I moaned and cried out as he fucked me, feeling his cock sliding back and forth inside me, his balls bouncing against my cunt. "Oh Greg, oh yes...", I managed between moans of pleasure.

As I writhed and moaned beneath him, I could feel a red knot of pleasure building up in my pussy. Oh, God, I thought, he's going to make me come again. And finally it happened.

I howled as my pussy spasmed around his cock, and suddenly I felt weightless, floating, as I was carried away in ecstasy. I saw white light and shooting stars, I couldn't feel my hands or feet or tail-tip....

I dug my claws into the fur of his back as I howled. It must have lasted only ten or fifteen seconds, but it seemed like forever as I came....

"I'm going to spill, Samantha", Greg breathed into my ear, and then he came. He pushed his penis as far up into me as it would go, and then I felt it pulsing inside me as he shot his sperm into my womb.

Then he laid down atop me, his warm breath hot against my cheek, panting. And we just laid there for awhile as he rested.

Finally, he pulled out of me, leaving an aching, empty feeling in my vagina, and rolled over next to me. He took my hand in his, and looked into my eyes. "How was that, Sam?"

"Wonderful", I breathed. But I just wanted him back in me....

I knew what to do. I let go of his hand, and started rubbing his belly lightly. Then I moved up to his chest, back down again again to his belly, and down to his sheath and balls. He looked at me, grinning, while I gave him a rub-down. "Mmmm...", he moaned.

Back when I had been a guy, I had always had girls rub me down after sex - it gets you hard again in no time. And my vagina and womb felt so empty, I needed his cock in me....

Slowly, he started to come erect again. "Take me", I whispered to him, and he got up and got behind me while I rolled over on all fours. I swished by tail aside, and he found my vagina with the tip of his penis and pushed. His cock slid all the way into me!

"Aaaahhh!", I cried out in surprise at the sensation, the electric friction. His cock was in me, deep in my belly, filling me again. Then he moved his hands to cup my tits, and my nipples felt like hard little fingertips jutting out.

And then he was thrusting. "Oh God, yes!", I cried out in ecstasy. "Ah ah ah ah!" I managed as he fucked me, waves of pleasure shooting through me from my pussy. Minutes passed in pure bliss as he thrust, his balls bouncing against my groin, his hands working my tits, until the need to orgasm started to build. I could feel it coming, feel it building up, and then it broke. I howled in mad pleasure as I came, floating of into bright lights and sparkles....

He continued fucking me for what seemed like forever. Oh God, having his cock in my pussy felt so good. Only my womb felt empty....

Finally, he came. Finished, he pulled out of me, leaving my pussy aching with emptiness again. So this is what it's like to be in heat, I thought.

He collapsed on the bed beside. I flopped down beside him. "I love you Sam", he said, looking at me.

Something in my heart melted at that, looking into his sincere gaze. I didn't know what to say to that, except the obvious: "I love you too, Greg". He smiled at me.

And strangely, it didn't feel like a lie. He had been so good to me....

And I needed him in me again already.

More, I needed something in my womb, like a baby. I flashed on a mental image of myself with a swollen, pregnant belly, and rubbed the fur over my womb. And I thought of how much I'd wanted to start a family back in my old life, but couldn't find a serious enough girlfriend.

Now I was the girl, and the decision was in _my_hands.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a little baby to nurse, I thought. And to teach him, and watch him grow up? A baby with Greg....

I knew it was the sim-cycle talking, but I couldn't help but wish he would get me pregnant. After all, he did say he loved me....

I went back to petting his fur while he rested, massaging him, and in a few minutes he was erect again....

He rolled over on me and penetrated me again, and fucked me until I came again and again, howling....

Then laying beside him, I asked him "What would you think if I had our baby, Greg?"

"That would be wonderful Sam", he replied, rubbing my cheek. Yeah, I thought so too.

As a guy, I had always wanted kids. I just never thought I would be giving birth to one....

It was a warm, delicious thought. When I go into heat for real, I thought, I'm going to get pregnant by him.

I rolled over on top of him, and rubbed my tits against his furry chest. My dripping pussy ached to be penetrated again already.

I kissed him, and he kissed me back, and I frenched him, entwining our long wolfish tongues. After a few minutes of this, and wondering what it would feel like to nurse a baby, I asked him to suck my nipples.

He rolled me over on my back, and put his muzzle to my right breast. He licked my nipple and aureole, making me whine and shiver in delight, then he took my nipple in his mouth and sucked for all he was worth. I felt a pleasant electric sensation shoot from my nipple to my pussy when he sucked, and then he was working my tit like a newborn, and I moaned and squirmed as it felt like an electric cable ran from my nipple to my pussy.

Then he put his hand to my pussy, and began to rub it as he sucked my tit, finally finding my clitoris and making me yelp and gasp and pant, thrashing around in bed, until my vagina ached horribly to be penetrated....

And then he was ready again, and we had sex again.

And again, and again, and again.

Finally, the penetration ache started to go away, and I came out of heat. Exhausted, we slept together, cuddled up against one another on the bed.

Apocalypse, Ch. 4

_A young man volunteers for a sleep study, and wakes up in a strange lab transforming into a wolf-girl...._ I was asleep and I was dreaming. In the dream I wore a white wedding gown, and people where throwing rice. Beside me was Greg in a fancy suit....

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Apocalypse, Ch. 2

_A young man volunteers for a sleep study, and wakes up in a strange lab transforming into a wolf-girl...._ The roadside was lined with farmhouses that looked like they came from the 1850's. Some had glass windows, but most didn't. Firelight and...

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Apocalypse, Ch. 1

_A young man volunteers for a sleep study, and wakes up in a strange lab transforming into a wolf-girl...._ I awoke on a strange hospital bed that looked like one of those hibernation chambers out of the movie Aliens. The room was dark and barren,...

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