Apocalypse, Ch. 4

Story by horsewriter on SoFurry

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A young man volunteers for a sleep study, and wakes up in a strange lab transforming into a wolf-girl....

I was asleep and I was dreaming. In the dream I wore a white wedding gown, and people where throwing rice. Beside me was Greg in a fancy suit. At first I was hugely pregnant, and then I was holding a wolf-child in my hands, and I put him him to my breast.

I snapped awake, in Greg's arms. Oh God, I thought, but it was just a dream.

I was laying in Greg's embrace, his muzzle against the top of my head, my tits against his chest, our hips together. And my body ached from all we had done last night. Hell, even my pussy hurt. And my groin fur was encrusted with dried cum.

I thought about the dream I had just had.

I couldn't get pregnant on sim-cycle, I told myself.

Oh God, being in heat had been horrible. I had actually begged Greg to get me pregnant. What had I been thinking of? The drug had caused me to loose all control....

And I had told him I loved him. And he had told me he loved me!

Tears started to run from my eyes. I was crying!

I wanted to hit him, pound on him. He had tricked me into taking sim-cycle, and I was not at all happy at what it did. The last thing I wanted was to have a wolf-baby with Greg....

And suddenly Greg's embrace felt like a prison.

I sobbed, and he began to stir.

Not now, I thought. Please don't wake up. I'm too mad at you to deal with with you right now, I thought.

But he woke up. And seeing my tears in the dim pre-dawn light, he started licking them from my eyes.

"Why are you crying, Samantha?"

God, I wanted to slug him. Instead, I said "Just leave me alone."

He hugged me.

Then he got up, went to the side of the bed, and pulled his trousers on.

"God my balls ache", he muttered.

Tell me about it. My pussy is sore, I thought.

"Get up, sleepy-head", he told me. "The fish are biting."

"Right", I muttered. What I really wanted was a hot bath....

"Greg, do you have any soap?", I asked.

"Sure do", he replied, going to his footlocker to get it. "But don't bathe in the river until after sun-up, or you might loose a few fingers or toes."

Yeah, those where big fish.

"All right", I got out of bed, and from my backpack I took out a skirt and shirt. I left off the panties and bra.

So we took our fishing poles and went outside, down to the river, and began fishing. The hours passed in silence until mid-morning as we caught fish. I took the time to calm down and cool off - it wouldn't do to scare the fish by talking. But I was still upset at Greg for giving me that pill.

Finally, the fish stopped biting, and I took off my clothes and got in the river. Greg took off his trousers and joined me. He watched me curiously as we soaped each other down.

"Sam, aren't you going to say anything?", he asked.

"No", I replied. What could I tell him? That I was mad at him for giving me that pill? That I was mad at myself for taking it? That I was embarrassed by what I had said and felt?

We rinsed off, and went to the shore. He shook himself off like a dog, so I did too, making my tits bounce, sway, and jiggle uncomfortably. He pulled his trousers on, and I went in to the cabin to get my panties and a bra.

He met me inside while I finished dressing.

"Sam, I upset you. I'm sorry", he told me, and tried to kiss me.

I pushed his muzzle away. "Let's just go sell the fish", I replied.

So we drove to Solarville, passing the usual assortment of carts and wagons, past the irrigated orchards and into the free market.

After we had sold our fish, I asked Greg if there was a library in town: I was tired of being uninformed about my body, and the world. It was time to get some education.

He took me to a white plastic building covered with ivy, and we walked in to air-conditioning and climate control. It was stacked with books on shelves and small pyramid-shaped computer terminals. The librarian was a young fox-woman, a vixen. I asked her for a book on wolf-people, and she led me to a shelf on "uplifted animals".

Books hadn't changed much in three hundred years, except that all the pictures where now holograms. I found a book entitled "Uplifted Wolves".

Next I asked for a history book on the world since the year 2000 or so. She found me a big thick one called "History of the 3rd Millennium".

I asked her what it would take to check the books out. She took my picture, and printed me a small plastic library card with my name and photo on it. I used Greg's address.

I thanked her and checked the books out, and we left.

On the way back, Greg was visibly upset: his ears where laying flat. He turned to me and said "I'm really sorry I gave you that pill. I thought you would enjoy it...."

I sighed, and put my hand on his shoulder. I found it in my heart to forgive him. "It's okay, Greg, I'm mostly angry at myself."

He licked me in the ear. "So all is forgiven?"

"All is forgiven."

When we got back, Greg made us dinner - fish, bread, cheese, and fruit. We ate, and then I cracked the books.

"Uplifted Wolves" was pretty enlightening. It turned out that uplifted animals had been made after WW3 to replace lost workers and soldiers in a badly nuked America. They, or rather we, where the product of a science known as di-genetics. I remembered the notes on the computer I had found in the lab, and thought: that's how I was made!

Then I found the section on our breeding habits.

It turned out that female uplifted wolves shared the estrus cycles of their original wolf fore-bearers, which I had already suspected. A bitch went into heat twice a year, once in late December and once in mid June, a summer and winter cycle. But at least I didn't have to have periods....

I asked Greg what day it was. "It's May 3rd", he replied. So I had about a month and a half until my estrus cycle. And if sim-cycle had taught me anything, it was that I needed to be far away from Greg when that happened....

While I read, Greg sat on the back porch and smoked his pipe. The scent of reefer filled the cabin. Finally, darkness settled, and it was getting hard to read.

I joined Greg on the back porch and we smoked for awhile, listening to the night insects as the curious red-dotted half-moon rose. Then he got behind me, sat me on his lap, and cupped my breasts with his hands. Warmth flooded my tits as my nipples came erect. "Let's make out", he whispered in my ear.

I flicked my ear and sighed, smiling to myself. Why not? It wasn't like I could pregnant. Thank you, library.

He began licking the back of my neck and head. It felt good, and I let him. Finally, I stood up. "Let's go and get in bed", I suggested, tail wagging slightly. Greg's tail waged. We went to the bed and took off our clothes.

We stared at each other, eyes gleaming in the darkness. God, he was a handsome wolf. Athletic and trim.

Greg got close to me, and we kissed, then frenched, entwining our long wolfish tongues. The he put his hand between my legs and cupped my groin, making me gasp as warm tingles poured through my body. He rubbed my pussy lips, making me moan.

We made out for a few more minutes, kissing and rubbing noses. I rubbed my tits against his broad chest while he rubbed my pussy until I was damp.

Then he picked me up and carried me to the bed, laying me down. I rolled over and got up on all fours, looking back at him. His penis had grown erect, a big red rocket poking out of it's sheath.

Greg got behind me and put his hands on my rump. I swished my tail aside. I felt him spread the lips of my pussy with the tip of his cock, positioning it over the opening of my vagina. I whimpered.

Then he slid it into me, electrically parting my flesh with a wave of pleasure. I moaned as I felt his cock deep within me, filling me, long and warm and hard, sticking up into my belly.

Then he leaned over me, and cupped my breasts, his fingers around my nipples. And he started to thrust. "Mmmm... uhmmm... uhmmm" I managed. He fucked me for several minutes, the pleasure I was feeling growing with each thrust, until I was moaning and panting and calling his name. Then I started to feel the familiar need to orgasm building in my pussy, and finally I came, creaming around his dick as my vagina spasmed, carried away in white light and pleasure.

So what if I have a puppy, this is worth it, I thought, and in that moment, I wondered if he really loved me. Greg filled me, made me feel complete, and he was handsome and caring. And I was really starting to love being a girl. The orgasms and the sex made it all worth it.

Then it was his turn. "I'm going to spill, Sam", he said, and pushed his penis as far up into me as it would go, and I could feel it pulsing inside me as he let go, shooting his seed up into me. And that's when I realized that I didn't care if I did have his baby. I was a woman now, and he was a man, and I wanted him, and that's the way things where....

And having sex in this body was just so damn good.

Finally, he pulled out of me, and laid down beside me. I cuddled up into him, and we kissed, and we slept.

I awoke to Greg moving beside me, opening my eyes to the pre-dawn gloom. He licked my ear. "Sam, are you awake?", he asked, shaking my shoulder lightly.

"Yeah, I'm awake", I managed.

"It's time to go fishing", he said, and got out of bed. So I got up, and we got dressed, grabbed the net's, bags, and fishing poles, and headed outside to the river.

The morning air was cool and damp, and the sky was ablaze with more stars than I had ever seen before, the waning moon shining like polished bone. My ears pivoted and twitched to follow the songs of the early morning birds.

We fished until mid-morning, then took our catch to Solarville and sold it for for about two-dozen copper coins. I noticed that the coins all had different marking on them, as if they had all been minted at different mints. Some had the names of banks on them, some held the faces of what I assumed to be important figures (none of whom I recognized), and some had the familiar pyramid-and-eye of the currency I was used to.

Greg was more than happy with our haul, and took me to an outdoor BBQ place where we spent ten copper coins on brisket, spare ribs, bread and sauce. It was delicious, and we ate like wolves, especially since we had skipped breakfast. He also bought a small bag of beef cuts to take home.

On the way back, Greg asked me to show him how to drive, so I briefed him on the controls, and let him slowly take the van down the road, dodging the merchant wagons drawn by mules and horses.

We finally arrived at his cabin, and he pulled up, and I showed him how to turn off the van, and put the keys in my purse. We went in.

I grabbed "History of the 3rd Millennium", and Greg took his pipe, and we sat on the back porch, our tails across each others, and I read while Greg smoked.

It opened in 2001 with the election of President Bush to the White House, then covered the Great Recession, the recovery, and then WW3 started in 2030: the United States and the Pacific Rim nations against China. The war went nuclear in 24 hours after the entire American and Japanese surface fleet was sunk, and then Japan, China, and most of Australia and the United States where blown off the map with nukes.

Then came years of nuclear winter, and fallout. The power grid had failed from Chinese EMP attacks, and along with it went electric irrigation for the bread-basket. Starvation set in, and the population of America was reduced by 90%, and man became eater of man.

But the government survived, unlike in China and Japan which where almost completely sterilized. And it began to rebuild.

Greg got up, disturbing my reading. "I'm going to make dinner", he told me with a kiss, and he walked inside. I went back to the book.

The radiation cloud shrouding the Earth spawned mutations and deformities everywhere on Earth, and some of the mutants, a tiny fraction, possessed bizarre abilities, such as telepathy or precognition.

By 2070, civilization started to return as the last of the marauding bandit armies where brought to heel, and Federal authority returned to the land.

Genetic science made vast progress over the next few decades, as the mutant population of America overtook the human population in size. And from that science came Uplifted Animals, designed to be the workers and soldiers of the future in a greatly reduced United States. And they had no rights.

Another product of genetic engineering was the Inheritor: a human made immortal, resistant to radiation, and packed with genes for superior intellect and ability. They where seen as the replacement for a dying human race.

The Singularity came in 2135, as man-kind invented the first true artificial intelligence. Robots became the dominate form of labor, as unemployment became widespread, people starved in the streets, and crime skyrocketed all while a handful of entrepreneurs became the richest men in history selling the robots.

Then came a charismatic Inheritor named Ben Wallace. He promised a monthly stipend from the earnings of the robots for everyone, and rights and the vote to the Uplifted Animals.

He ran on the Reconstruction party ticket, and became President of what was left of the United States. He quickly passed all his reforms, and four years later was re-elected with more than a two-thirds majority, mostly with the help of the grateful Uplifted Animals. And then he used his super-majority to change the Constitution, making himself President for Life and eventually dissolving the rubber-stamp Congress.

By 2170, America was a dictatorship in the hands of an immortal super-being.

My stomach grumbled, reminding me it was time for dinner as the sun set, and I closed the book and went in.

Inside, Greg was stirring a large pot of stew. I could smell beef, onions, potatoes, and carrots. "I pulled some vegetables from the garden", he said with a smile. "We're having beef stew."

I sat down, and Greg poured me a bowl, then himself, and brought out two copper spoons. We wolfed down dinner. It was very good, in fact.

Dinner over, Greg poured us some moonshine from a jug, and we smoked his pipe. I got really buzzed.

Then Greg walked around behind my chair, and put his hands to my breasts, cupping and lifting them. He began to lick the back of my head. I smiled to myself: here we go again, I thought.

I let Greg fondle my tits until my nipples where erect, and then I stood up, turned to face him, and kissed him. He kissed me back, and soon we where making out again. Then he put his hand up my skirt, and down my panties, and started to rub my pussy lips. I put my hand down his pants and started to caress his sheath.

By now my heart was racing, and I was starting to feel warm and tingly. I suggested we take off our clothes, and we got naked in front of each other. I walked up to Greg and rubbed my body into his, kissing him. Then he took me by the hand and led me to the bed.

I climbed in, taking the missionary position, and Greg got into bed next to me. I looked over at him, wondering what he was going to do next, when he leaned over me and took my left nipple in his mouth and began to suck. I felt jolts of pleasant electric sensation pass from my tit to my pussy with each draw of his mouth. Oh God, it felt good. I moaned, tossing my head: God, it just drove me crazy!

Then his hand was between my legs, rubbing my pussy lips, and his finger found my clitoris and he began to rub. Bright bolts of sensation shot to my brain and I bucked and writhed, starting to pant, my tongue lolling as he sucked me and rubbed me. My pussy became very wet....

Then he stopped, got up on his knees, and got between my legs. I could see his erection, a huge red rocket standing at attention. He leaned over me, found the opening of my vagina with his tip, and pushed it all the way into me, up to his balls, making me squeal in delight.

He put his arms to my shoulders, and started thrusting, fucking me. I started crying out as wave after wave of pleasure crashed through me, my tits bouncing and jiggling to his thrusts. I put my hands to my tits, fondling them as the waves of pleasure grew more and more intense until I came, howling. A few minutes later, Greg came in me, then collapsed atop me and we rested.

God, getting fucked felt so good, I just couldn't get enough of it! I had never had so much fun having sex as a man.

Greg's penis went flacid inside me, and he pulled out of me and lay down beside me. He took my hand in his, and told me "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, Samantha."

I smiled at him in the warm afterglow of sex and began rubbing his belly. The feeling, I thought, _is mutual._And I massaged him until he was ready again, and we made a love a second time.

Apocalypse, Ch. 5

_A young man volunteers for a sleep study, and wakes up in a strange lab transforming into a wolf-girl...._ I awoke from a frantic dream I couldn't remember, suddenly confused as to where I was. There was pale white moonlight shining through the open...

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Apocalypse, Ch. 3

_A young man volunteers for a sleep study, and wakes up in a strange lab transforming into a wolf-girl...._ I awoke the next morning curled up with Greg as he snored lightly. His arms where around my belly, his hips against my butt, his head against...

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Apocalypse, Ch. 2

_A young man volunteers for a sleep study, and wakes up in a strange lab transforming into a wolf-girl...._ The roadside was lined with farmhouses that looked like they came from the 1850's. Some had glass windows, but most didn't. Firelight and...

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