Alessandra's Journal- Part 3

Story by Serafoxxy on SoFurry

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#2 of Alessandra's Journal

Part 3 of the continuing adventures of Alessandra DuMourier.

Well my lovelies, I promised you we would revisit the rest of this strange scene when I recovered my senses and so I keep my promise. Let it not be said that I am less than a woman of my word.

....but first you must surrender yourself to me.' The woman's words rang in my ears, echoing temptingly but no. I am Alessandra DuMourier! I surrender myself to no one, man or woman! My own thoughts of rebellion drowned out the woman's voice but yet I still found my voice whispering to her, the traitor! My own voice whispering yes, accepting her offer! what madness was this?

Luckily for me, my voice's hesitant treachery did not spare me the woman's wrath. It seemed she did not in fact want me to surrender! My mind spun with the possibilities, her words urging me to submit, to give in, winning over on some level my subconscious as her actions willed me to rebel. Her hand flew faster than my bound body could dodge, striking at my exposed skin and raises angry red welts. Well my lovelies I could not have this! My eyes roared to life, flashing the color of liquid quicksilver in my rage as a low growl rang out from my lips.

'Where is the fight in you? My touch can steal the strength from your limbs but not from your spirit. Curse me, threaten me but tell me you're not yet broken.' The woman's harsh voice was once again ringing in the space between us as she grabbed my hair, slamming my head back against whatever surface she had bound me to as a roguish grin spread across my face.

"It seems you know me better than most, i had assumed if i played along with your little game you would release me, giving me to opportunity to teach you the error of your ways" my silver tongue was once again under my control, my voice losing its rebellion and picking up my familiar growling cadence "If i ever get out of here I swear I will make you pay tenfold what you've done to me" . Once again baiting my strange captor, I growled and spat and struggled against my bonds, her assault renewing my will to fight her at every turn.

Suddenly the stranger is smirking at me and the urge to grab her throat and strangle that look of her face is rising in my throat like a bad taste. "That is more like it. 'However, you do not entirely convince me. I could sense your moment of hesitation, your willingness to yield, and that tells me you are not entirely inflexible, which is also useful to me. It means I only need find that point at which you will be obedient without becoming subservient.'

Subservient? Me? Surely this woman must be insane, there is no chance of that in a million years. As someone once told me, one can keep a tiger as a pet, but it will never be a pussycat. Even if this woman managed to beat or drug me into submission, I would always be looking for a chance to turn the tables, to make her pay for her actions.

'As for repaying my trespasses, then I must make the most of this opportunity to convince you to serve me. I have work for you.' Seriously woman! I am a bandit not a mercenary! Are you mad? My mind can't possibly process what she's saying as my rebellious spirit answers her strange offer with a threat.

"I'll never obey you! No one tells me what to do especially not some pretty rich girl from who knows where. Just because you have me tied up and with a blade to my flesh doesn't mean you'll ever break me, I will fight you until you steal the last breath from my body or until you admit defeat. I'm not some poor peasant who fawns at the sight of a pwerful woman. I've stolen more than you'll ever have no matter how long you live and I'll never share it.You might as well put that knife through my heart now for all the help I'll be to you!" Well my friends, I tell you those drugs she gave me were something else, this had to have been the second time in as many hours that I had told her to kill me, my usual sense of self preservation failing to do its job. On any other day, with any other traveller, this is probably where my adventures would end, with some peasant stumbling upon my corpse. But this woman was stubborn! Almost as hard headed as myself!

'You will obey me and not because I force you to do so. You will obey me because I will give you riches beyond your dreams, the opportunity to earn more and this pretty rich girl in your bed and all of it I will give to you willingly in exchange for your obedience," I swore when i undertook this writing that I would omit nothing and yet here I stand, about to leave out the true nature of our encounter that night. Then again, even a woman such as myself must keep some cards played close to her chest. 'I shall make it so worth your while you won't think twice about following my suggestions."

It was then that the woman made a potentially deadly mistake, driving the knife into the wood between my bound arms, whether intentionally or not, giving me the means to free my arms from her ties. As she spoke I began working my arms free, although I must admit, the promise of riches was slowly beginning to win me over. As my hands slide free, I feign my continued imprisonment, letting the woman speak. Surely she must know by now that I have freed my hands at least.

"I'm listening but if i do not like what you say i will free myself and leave" My words fall from my lips faster than I can silence them, the blade now secreted in my hidden hands, still feigning helplessness as the woman outlines her plans for me. After all, I've never been one to turn down relieving a rich woman of her treasures.

'I am Avila Ravus of the Sangiovanni,My family is very wealthy, though I personally have little interest in their affairs. However, of late, I have sought to change that and this is where your assistance is vital. I wish you to steal for me. They owe me a great deal but I shall settle for the smaller share if only that my displeasure be known to them.' Of course the woman's name means nothing to me, but she offers me the opportunity to put my talents to use and from the sounds of things be generously compensated for my efforts, along with a few...fringe benefits. What woman in her right mind wouldn't consider such an offer?

'Your assistance is all I ask,' she says softly, 'and it is my body I'm offering to share with you. You need not claim me by force or by sword. For a beauty and fire as yours, I would willingly give myself, if only to feel the heat of your touch on my flesh.' she...flirting with me? Now dear readers, I'm by no means a stupid woman, but I must admit I was taken aback by her words. 'You've unbound your hands by now and you could wield my own knife against me, slice my throat, steal my amulet and then pilfer the pittance of coin in my carriage. I ask only that you allow Brayburn to leave peacefully with his horse. He has not wronged you.'. Okay, readers, surely something was wrong here for the woman slipped to her knees in front of me, knowing that my hands were free and I had a weapon in them. She had to have been crazy. ' Perhaps I should have not have given you the means to sever your bonds so soon. I think part of you liked being bound and helpless before my touch.'

Your allegiance, Madame Alessandra!' she growls, with her body pressed against mine, tempting me to both accept and deny her offer. By this point, the concealed details of our encounter have left my body wracked and trembling beneath her. 'My name is Avila Ravus di Sangiovanni but let us keep this business formal, shall we? You shall not call me mistress as that title is so oft used as to be meaningless and my noble blood is long since thinned to the degree that I should not be considered a lady.There is an old Roman title by which you shall address me that encompasses the concepts of both. You shall address me as Indomita!' Again with her name, as though it mine mean something to me? Perhaps I am missing the point, but with the last ounce of my strength I manage a cry, confirming what she surely already knows, the truth as to the nature of my allegiance.

"Yours Indomita!" The strangled cry is ripped from my throat, as i fall to my knees before her, still trembling from her tortures."A-always yours" Well my dear readers, now I've gone and done it, pledged my services and possibly more to this strange Avila. What will become of me?