
Story by MattieSinclair on SoFurry

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My fursona and a friend of mine's fursona :3

The library was blissfully calm as I perused the romance section. I had finished my studying for the day and decided that I might as well check a few books out while I was here. I saw a title that interested me and went to grab it, but instead pushed it and another book through the other side of the shelf, flinching as they both fell to the ground.

"Fuck," I cursed under my breath as I circled the shelf, my face tinged pink from embarrassment. That pink turned tomato red as I turned the corner and saw someone there, bending down to pick up the books I had dropped.

"Oh! Did you drop these?" asked the wolf in front of me. I was mesmerized by him. I couldn't help it, he was so beautiful. I shook myself mentally and reached for the books, my ears dropping slightly from embarrassment.

"Yes, I'm so sorry! They didn't hit you, did they?" I asked. He shook his head and smiled, his ears perking and tail flicking lightly.

"No, it's totally fine! I'm bruise free," he chuckled as I grabbed the books from his paws. We touched and I almost jumped, feeling something like electricity between us. I looked up at him wide eyed, wondering if he felt it too. My whiskers twitched as I put the books back before turning back to him, my tail curling around my feet shyly. He reached out a paw towards me.

"I'm Axcel. It's nice to meet you," he said, a goofball grin on his face as his tail began to wag. I tentatively took his paw in mine, shaking it slowly.

"I'm Mattie. It's nice to meet you too," I said shyly, my own tail beginning to swish happily. I looked over at the books next to us and noticed the titles. "Poetry?" I asked. He smiled and nodded, his tail wagging a little more.

"Yup! Didn't really find anything I was interested in, though," he said with a shrug, before looking down. I gasped quietly when I realized we were still holding paws, and quickly pulled away, my face hot.

"Sorry! I didn't notice..."

"It's fine," he said. "To be honest, I didn't either! It was cute though," he said with a chuckle and a wink. "I gotta say, I like you Mattie!"

I smiled and flicked my tail so it touched the tip of his. "I like you too," I said quietly. He smiled even wider, his ears, perking.

"So what are you up to after this?" I shrugged and looked toward the table that held my purse.

"I was just going to go home and cook dinner." My ears perked as I got a crazy idea, and blushed as I asked, "Would... would you maybe like to join me?"

"Really?" he asked, his tail wagging excitedly. "I'd love to! Thanks!"

I giggled and shrugged. "No problem!"

I walked past him to grab my purse but accidentally brushed his shoulder. My fur stood up slightly, my tail flicking and whiskers twitching as I felt another spark. "Sorry about that..." I shook my head and grabbed my purse, slinging it across my left shoulder so it rested against my right hip. "Um, anyway! I hope you like Italian," I said.

"I do!" he said, his ears twitching slightly, before he smiled wide. "I just have to say, I love your fur. It's beautiful.."

I giggled and shrugged, going a little red. "It's just my fur! Nothing special," I said as I opened the door to leave the library, holding it open for him to follow. I was thankful that my apartment was only a block away.

"I've never seen a pelt like yours. It's really pretty!" he said as he walked next to me, his tail still wagging. I blushed a little more, my tail curling.

"I like yours too! It looks super soft."

"I do my best to keep it taken care of," he said as we arrived at my apartment building. I opened the door for him and walked across the lobby to the elevator, pressing the call button and stepping inside when the doors opened, pressing the 4 button once the doors closed. I leaned against the railing inside, gripping it tightly. Axcel tilted his head curiously, his tail flicking.

"Are you okay?" he asked. I shrugged.

"I'm not a fan of elevators..." I whisper shyly, my ears drooping. Suddenly his paw was on mine, his grip reassuring.

"It's gonna be okay," he said, his eyes holding mine. My paw tightens around his.

"Thanks.." I said quietly. Our eyes held for a moment, and a buzzing chemistry filled the space between and around us. Suddenly we jerked to a stop and the doors opened, our paws falling away from each other.

"This is my floor," I said, stepping away from the railing. He smiled and followed me to my door, waiting patiently as I unlocked it and stepped inside.

I plopped my purse to the floor as I walked through, turning the lights on in my living room and kitchen. I surveyed the living room, which seemed decently clean, before spotting one of my nicest, well sluttiest, bras draped across a chair. With a squeal I grabbed it and flung it into the bathroom, praying that Axcel hadn't seen it. I turned and saw him blushing lightly.

"Um, would you like something to drink?" I asked, trying to get our minds off of the embarrassing incident. He nodded and smiled, and I went to the kitchen to browse the contents of my fridge. "We haaavvveee some juice, some milk, some water, a couple of soda choices, aaannnnddd oh!" My ears perked and my tail swished. "Wine!"

"Wine sounds great!" I heard him call from the living room, and I poured us a couple of glasses as he walked into the kitchen. I handed him his glass and took a sip of my own.

"I hope you like spaghetti," I said with a smile as I put the water on to boil. He smiled back and nodded, his tail wagging a little.

"I love spaghetti! Anything I can do to help?" he asked, and I shook my head, taking another sip of wine before pouring the noodles into the now boiling water.

"Just keep me company while it cooks. It shouldn't take long," I said as I leaned against my counter. "So why would you agree to come to a complete strangers house for dinner?" I asked with a wink and a chuckle.

"Well I thought we got along pretty well when we met, and I was 100% sure that you weren't bringing me here to murder me, so I figured why not?" he said, taking another sip of his wine. I shrugged as I finished my glass and fixed another one.

"You never know! I could have poisoned the wine," I said with a wink as I took a sip and playfully hissed. He winked back and finished his own glass.

Instead of refilling his glass I simply handed him my own, smiling as I did, before turning and draining the spaghetti. "Get ready for something tasty!" I said, my ears and whiskers twitching happily. He smiled wide.

"I can't wait!"

"Go sit in the living room! I'll bring out the food," I said as I began plating the spaghetti. After I had a plate in each hand I went into the living room and sat on my knees in front of the coffee table, placing his food in front of him. He smiled and took a bite, closing his eyes.

"Oh my gosh, it's so good!" he exclaimed. I blushed as I munched on my own food.

"Thanks," I said, taking a sip from the glass between us. He smiled, and I guess he didn't mind sharing. Axcel took another big bite, slurping his noodles. He went wide eyed and blushed bright red.

"I'm so sorry! That was really rude..."

I giggled and took a huge bite before slurping my own noodles, winking at him. "It's pretty good, if I do say so myself!"

"It's delicious," he complimented. I grinned and took another sip of wine, polishing off the glass, before going red.

"I'm sorry! I should have let you finish!"

"It's fine," he said, shaking his head as he grabbed the bottle and poured more before lifting the glass. "Here! A one glass toast. To friends!" I giggled as he sipped and reached for the glass, my paw touching his, making me almost drop the glass.


"Stop apologizing and drink up" he said with a chuckle and a wink. I grinned and took a big swallow.

"So tell me about yourself!" I said with interest. He shrugged.

"What do you wanna know?" I shrugged.

"Tell me anything!"

"I don't know what to tell you!" he said, laughing lightly. I picked at my food and gave him a sly look.

"Won't your girlfriend be curious about where you are?"

"Girlfriend? I live alone," he said with a chuckle. My ears perked but I tried to hide my excitement.

"Oh! That's cool I guess." I blushed and finished off my plate. He still had a little, so I got up and turned on the radio.

"I guess, but it can get pretty quiet," I heard him say. I nodded as I looked for my favorite station.

"Totally. I wouldn't be able to live without my music," I said. A familiar song began to play, and my tail swished happily as I turned it up. "Oh my god I LOVE this song!" I exclaimed.

As the music began to fill the room I closed my eyes, swaying lightly to the music, humming along with the tune. After a couple of minutes I opened my eyes to see Axcel staring at me curiously, his head tilted, a smile on his face. I blushed and reached for the wine.

"Sorry," I said as I took a swig. He shook his head.

"No! It's fine! It was actually kinda cute," he said with a grin. I blushed brightly and saw his empty plate.

"Be right back," I said as I grabbed both our plates to take them to the kitchen, my ass and tail swishing a little provocatively as I walked.

I turned on the water and began to rinse the plates off, losing myself in my task, so I didn't notice when Axcel came into the kitchen. One minute I'm elbow deep in soapy water, and the next I felt a warm presence behind me. I slowly turned around and looked up into his eyes, feeling something pulling me to him. Suddenly, without warning, his lips were on mine.

I gasped, surprised, then felt myself melt into his embrace. I closed my eyes and kissed him back, going up on my tiptoes to circle my arms around his shoulders, tilting my head to get into the kiss deeper. After a minute we pulled back, both of us panting and staring at each other.

Without another thought I kissed him again, deeply, as I began to paw at his clothes. He seemed to be in the same frame of mind I was in, because he began to do the same, plucking at my t-shirt, trying to pull it off my slender frame. I lifted my arms so he could lift it off, not feeling a bit shy as I began to unbutton his own shirt, walking forward as I pushed off the fabric to pin him against the fridge, licking and kissing his neck as my breathing sped up.

"Oh my god.. Mattie..." he sighed as he reached behind me to practically tear my bra, pulling it off and immediately covering my breasts with his paws, squeezing and pinching my nipples, making me squeal and moan.

"Ah! Oh god! Axcel..." I whimpered as I pulled him to me again for a deep kiss.

I was pushed back into the counter and suddenly picked up and plopped on top. I spread my legs wide, wrapping them around his waist and pulling him close into my pelvis, gasping and blushing as I felt his arousal. I pulled away and looked up at him, panting hard, my ears twitching and tail flicking fast, before reaching down to start un-buckling Axcel's belt. He pushed my hands out of the way to finish the job, kissing and biting my neck as he pulled his hard member out of his boxers and flipped my skirt up, pulling my panties to the side, and lining up with my wet core. He pulled away briefly to look in my eyes, the question evident in his own. I nodded, and moaned loudly as he entered me.

My claws dug into his back and my eyes closed in absolute pleasure. His thrusts were slow at first, in and out at an incredibly sensual and teasing move. I growled and tightened my legs around his waist, reaching up to nibble his ear. He must have loved that, because he picked up his speed, grabbing my hips and pulling me to him in time with his thrusts.

I couldn't help but moan loudly with each thrust, panting and groaning and whimpering in absolute pleasure. I could hear him moan in my ear as he peppered kisses on my shoulder in time with his thrusts. I leaned up and began to whisper into his ear.

"Oh my god I'm... I'm gonna.. I'm gonna cum... Oh my god... AXCEL!!!" I screamed as I began to orgasm hard around his cock. Axcel continued to pound into me harder and faster, making my voice shake as I moaned, before he suddenly groaned loudly and stilled.

"Oh fuck Mattie..." he gasped as I felt his cock twitch as his cum pumped into my tight dripping wetness. I whimpered and bit on his shoulder, twitching and shaking as I came down from my orgasm.

I felt Axcel relax, and I did the same, resting my forehead against his chest, before looking up at him and blushing brightly.

"Um..." he began. I blushed impossibly brighter.

"Uh... that was.." I tried to speak, but was feeling incredibly embarrassed. He chuckled and kissed my forehead.

"Yeah, it was," he said before pulling me in for a warm hug. I smiled and giggled and hugged him tightly back.

I didn't know where this was going to go, but I hoped I would see him again soon.