A World Far Away

Story by TheGMan on SoFurry

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A kindhearted doctor with a monstrous father falls for a slave and their future is uncertain.

Clutching the bandages and the glass bottle of antiseptic, I peered through the barn door and there he lay upon the hay-covered floor. His body was sprawled out, face down, and the bleeding ribbons of skin across his muscular back oozed. All of it was my fault.

As a doctor, I heal the sick. It doesn't matter who or what they are, just that I can help them. My father on the other hand believes "beasts are beasts" and "Humans are not beasts." Then it's no surprise that he paid little attention to his slaves, all of them beasts.There was an outbreak of the dots in the slavehouse here, and I stole the money from my father to pay for the treatment. Leo, a doberman, a slave, and a loyal friend, knew what I did and took the blame. My father gave him a brutal whipping. It would've been a single slash across my back, but he was as protective as he was loyal.

I knocked lightly on the door frame.

"Who's that?" He muttered into the hay.

"It's me, Leo. I have bandages."

"Help me up."

Crossing the floor, I grabbed his extended paw and he gritted his teeth as he sat upright, his black fur flowing over his muscles as he displayed his back. I applied the anti-septic to a square of cloth I tore from a fresh bed sheet and knelt beside him.

"Fuck," he growled.

"You know there's a chance this could become infected and you could die?"

"Hasn't killed me yet."

That was true. Leo had more scars than skin. I grabbed the bandage roll, "Put your arms up."

"Beaten and robbed? It's just not my day."

"Quiet." I pressed my palm against his lat to hold the strip of white bandage in place, and handed the roll around to him, and then he handed it to where I held him. The number of times I had to wrap his wounds made the process almost automatic between us. Finishing, I pinned the pieces together with a brass safety-pin.

"You need to stop." I said as he faced me, "I make my own foolish decisions and I deserve the punishment. Not you."

"You know I'll protect you. After... everything."

"That night, I was drunk. We both were." I could still taste his lips and feel his strong hands pulling me closer, into the dark stall.

"Were you drunk while I was bathing two days ago?"

"How'd you--?"

"Someone else saw you and told me."

"What I said, what we did," I shook my head. "If my father found out..."

"I know you feel something for me, and I do, too."

"I know." It was time to tell him. "My father left today to go finalize a dowry for one of the Callister Daughters."


"Leo, if you move to much--" I reached out to his chest, and he grabbed my wrist. "Leo--" He snatched the other. He pinned me on my back and I let his torso maneuver between my thighs.

"Mate with me, and we'll run." He spoke frantically, "I know the mating rituals require some roughness but it's worth it."

"That's not it." The thought of him controlling me had my heart throbbing in my chest. His tall ears perked up at the sound.

He pressed his crotch against me hard. "Mmh. Leo," I groaned.

"Just say it. Say you want me."

"Leo. I can't-- AH!" I felt his hot breath wrapping around my neck; the sharp points of his canines pressing into my skin, leaving trails of saliva as they slid along my exposed skin.

I could feel his dick getting harder under the fabric, right next to mine. "This is a bad idea."

"Compared to the Callister Daughters? Have you seen them?"

I laughed.

He leaned in; our lips touched but didn't quite lock together. He turned his head and our lips finally sealed, his thick tongue pushing into my familiar mouth. The kiss broke, a string of saliva connecting our lips, and seeing that, he grinned. I leaned forward into another kiss, hugging him closely. The wet exchanges were punctuated by occasional bites to my neck, or stifled chuckles at one another, and the final kiss was followed by a bite so hard it drew blood.

He slid off of me, his blanket of warmth lingering, and I eyed the cock pressing tightly against the fabric of his pants. "Wanna help me out?" He grinned on his spread knees, his thighs bulging under the tan fabric of his pants.

I crawled through the hay, my eyes fixed on his trapped dick, and his grin widened. My fingers trembled with lust as I reached for the button. After the night I jerked him in the stall, I couldn't get the sensations out of my mind. The way his cock shudders and shoots like a cannon and the sounds of him snorting, I wanted to hear it all again, but inside me.

I unbuttoned his pants and grasped the brass zipper. I was always his, since the day I met him, and he deserved to smear his scent and cum across my body, my bare ass, inside of me and every inch outside. I yanked down the zipper. The sides of his pants peeled away; his cock was free. It sprung up and my eyes followed the small string of pre that jumped from pointed tip, somersaulted in the air, and landed wetly on my nose. The warm fluid ran down around my nostrils, into my mouth. Salty and thick. My tongue swirled over my lips.

"Like my taste?"

I smiled and took a hold of his balls, the warmth radiating into my palm, and above I watched his chest expand sharply with a gasp. His musk grew thicker and I drank it in, moving closer to his crotch. "What do you think?"

He shuddered at the rush of my breath. "I think I'm gonna fuck your brains out."

Sucking and curling, my tongue slipped along his fur, the silky texture tickling my lips. He gazed down at me, watching my approach. I locked eyes with him, kissing his inner thigh. My hands crawled over his thighs and around him.

I buried my lips where his balls met his thighs, and my tongue rolled out. His whole body trembled at the sudden passion I showed. I slipped down to where my tongue lapped past his balls and against his taint. I teased every inch of him but avoiding his balls.

Pulling back, I turned my focus on his orbs. They were thick with his marking scent, and I licked... then slurped them into my mouth. He made a noise like a surprised, snarled groan, and my mouth filled with his oily taste. I curled my tongue around him, swirling and savoring his balls until they were dripping with spit.

A clear droplet of warm pre landed on my cheek, running down to my chin. His cock hung over me, almost unable to hold up its own towering length. Past it, I could see his red tongue lolling out of his panting maw.

"I never sucked a canine before..."

"Just rode a lot of cocks?" He teased.

I blushed and he seemed to understand. My gentle, tough Leo stroked my cheek, lowering his lips towards me. I put my hands on his muscular thighs, lifting up, and our lips brushed together. "Grab around the base and pay attention to my tip," he whispered.

I went back to the thick heat and musk, down until his knotted cock pointed to my lips. I wrapped my mouth around his head, my fingers circling his knot - he squirted pre at the sudden pressure and I swallowed - and then I cupped those balls. I wanted every inch of his manhood to be touched.

"Oh fuck," he hissed in the sudden heat and wetness.

Every time I bobbed on his length, his thighs would quiver. I could feel the squirm of his orbs in my palm as his taint contracted hard, feeding me more of his seed. I smacked my lips together with a slurp as they left his cock, and he kissed my salty lips.

"You look like you're enjoying yourself."

"Canine dick tastes pretty good."

"Maybe I could taste some human while you enjoy mine. Roll on your back."

I laid out on the floor, listening to him kick off his jeans above me, just out of sight. I watched in awe. The thick slabs of muscles that adorned his waist crawled over me. There was something primal about the way he moved, the way his abs rippled, and his triceps exploded, and it made my whole ache with need.

With a single claw, he sliced off the white button and grasped the open flaps. The cold air rushed between my naked thighs as he exposed me. I gasped. His warm paws cupped my balls, and held my length. I felt the rush of his breath, the wet heat curling around my head. Closer. Wetter.

My cheeks blazed with heat, my lips parting, my eyes shutting, and a long moan rising and falling with his lapping tongue. He stopped; I parted my eyes. Glistening streams of spit ran down my shaft. His long tongue hung out from his sharp-pointed maw, cradling my head and down I went without feeling a single tooth. My lungs were breathless as I tried to cry out. He shoved his nose into my balls, and then tore his maw off of me. "I'm not gonna do it if you don't."

I'd do anything to keep that pleasure going. I flicked my tongue over his tip, then took him into my mouth. He returned the favor and our quiet slurps alternated in the dark. He was so focused on me and my pleasure that I had trouble knowing if he liked what I was doing. He found what I liked with ease, every movement making my thighs twitch.

I wrapped my hands around him, resting my fingers in the valley of muscle on his lower back. The muscles shifted under my fingertips. He held so much power. My whole body ached for release from his attentive mouth, and I could tell from the twitching of his tailhole his orgasm was coming.

I grasped his waist and guided him forward, bringing his ass down to a good angle.

"Wha-- Ah. Fuck." He froze. A single brush of my tongue across his silky black fur hinted at my intentions. I pulled my hand through as the other grabbed his rod. Squeezing and licking his naked ass-cheeks felt so decadent, and I couldn't help but bury my teeth lightly into the muscle. He whimpered in pain and pleasure.

His powerful scent grabbed me by the mouth and throat, pulling me closer to the brown fur that ran along his crack before curling out underneath his wagging tail. Every darting lick of my tongue got closer as I got bolder. I licked along the cleft, my eyes half open looked down into the forbidden area I had been working towards.

His whole body shook as he panted. I was barely aware of it as I licked the edge between the two colors of fur. And deeper. And deeper. I closed my eyes, slightly afraid, and lowered to his taint.

He cried and moaned and panted. His ass squeezed around my tongue and I fought through his resistance, his whole body jerking in pleasure as I got closer. The soft wrinkles shifted under my tongue, and I was relieved that it had no taste other than sweat. My eyes closed; I paused over it, feeling him shudder in lust, and then I lapped around the circle. The noises he made betrayed his bestial lust.

With a wet slck!, my lips parted from him, hovering over his hole. "Something else we both enjoyed." My breath rushed up and down his crack.

"Take off your shirt." He commanded.

I gasped as he took my throbbing tip, just holding me in his maw. He started to bob on my head, I wrapped my lips around his tip and he pulled his cock out of my mouth. "Shirt," he barked. I writhed under him as I rode along his tongue. My fingers climbed down to each button, slipping past one of them as he took a pawful of my balls. I tried to keep my concentration, but he would crank up the stimulation each time. Grabbing both flaps of my shirt, I tore the rest of the buttons off and they clattered on the wood flooring.

My balls started to lift and he pulled them down, stroking them with his palm. I felt the heavy weight in my chest, then the rush down my body as a tickling, border-line painful sensation started to grow in my balls. He could smell it, too, and his whole body got into it, turning it into a pushup-like blowjob. Every pump had my abs tightening. He pushed farther, then stopped right on the razor-thin edge of my orgasm.

"Finish me," I begged as my body ached for release.

"I own every inch of you now," he growled. "Don't tell me what to do, bitch."

He started on me again, agonizingly slow, his paws pinning my hips to the floor. It was to prove to me who was in control, who was the bitch - I got off only if he wanted me to. The more I resisted the more respect he'd have for me as his mate. It was their way.

He rolled back onto knees, holding his cock: "Who's your Alpha?" He growled quietly.

"Who's yours? Does he--" I gagged. I never knew he could move that fast! His dog dick speared into my mouth, the tip just at the back of my throat. Knowing what would be next, I struggled and he pinned down my wrists at my side.

This wasn't gonna be fun.

"You are a slut. My slut. For my cock. And only my cock!" He snarled, looking at me with contempt.

It took every ounce of my strength to not automatically agree. He licked his maw. I felt the cock brush pass my tonsils, the tapered shaft growing thicker, and I gasped for air around his manhood. The wet gargle of air escaping as he penetrated my throat was too much and I gagged and choked around him. He pulled back slightly and I managed to stop; then he started, again. Deeper.

I focused on my throat trying to not gag around the dobie dick. It speared down into me and his balls rested upon my nose. The air I managed to snort down when he pulled back dripped with his powerful scent. He went balls-deep again, panting hotly. "Last chance."

I shook my head and regretted it immediately.

He pounded my throat like a fuckhole. I gasped and choked for air between powerful thrusts that had his knot bashing at my lips. Swallowing with each pump, I crushed my urge to gag on his length. Spit came gushing up as he pulled back. It spewed wetly around his girth and gushing out and down my face. I watched his knot, timing it...

He cried out in wild pleasure, his hips freezing in place, and I flicked my tongue around his trapped dick. "Aw, fuck." He gasped and crawled back, yanking his cock from my mouth. "You're a Dobie's wet dream."

I noticed the blood splotching around his lats, and rolled over. "Leo, you're bleeding."

"Didn't expect you to be so resilient for a human," he said as I checked the damage.

"I don't think you're gonna be able to continue." Most of the cuts were over the upper portion of his back; the thoracic vertebrae were my father's favorite spot to hit. The asshole. The cuts were all torn and I was such an idiot for letting him talk me into this.

"I guess that makes you the Alpha, huh?"

I rolled my eyes, stepping back and slipping my pants off in front of him. He watched closely as I approached and took me into his maw as soon as I offered him my semi-hard cock. I put my hand behind his head, "You're still my Alpha," I whispered as he worked me. "Guess you're just gonna have to treat your bitch as your equal."

I closed my eyes, riding the sensations of his maw. His paws crawled up the back of my thighs and he pulled away to look up at me. "I'm fine with that. Now turn around, Brett."

His paws grasped my cheeks, spreading them, and his tongue lashed along the smooth crack. The long canine tongue wasn't shy like mine. It flexed against me, his black nose snorting air just above my hole as his tongue lapped. "You're amazing..." I groaned.

This made him work twice as fast and hard against my puckering hole. I was loosening up with his encouraging tongue. My whole body quivered as his paws wrapped around to hold me in place. The strokes slowed, but the pressure built up.

I cried out. The worming sensation going into my depths and I squeezed around him. He started to jerk me and I felt the electric pleasure shooting down my back into my balls. His head was bobbing as he fucked me with his tongue.

"I'm gonna cum," I cried. He flipped me around and plunged me into his maw, into the heat, into the wetness. My back arched and I felt him thrust a digit into my hole fingering my ass. I unloaded, my knees threatening to buckle under the intense pleasure that we had been building.

"Fuck yeah." I muttered. He kept sucking and stimulating me until the pleasure was borderline painful. "Leo.."

He yanked on my balls, applying pressure deep inside, and I served his mouth another load. The orgasm twice as pleasurable and I pushed away at the end, fearing a third might have me collapse from a heartstop.

"Now, ride me," he grinned, licking his lips.

I straddled his massive thighs, sliding my finger along his spit-covered shaft. He groped me hard, and I wrapped my arms around him as he lifted me up with a simple flex of his massive bicep. He clutched around the knot and I felt the pointed tip sliding along my ass, searching for a hole to shoot his seed in. I gasped as he found it.

Even with the copious amount of spit, it burned. My ring of muscle clenched to hold off his dick, but it weakened and my hole widened. The support beam behind him creaked as he leaned into it. Looking over my shoulder, I could see his length invading me. Both his hands went to my cheeks spreading them, displaying the hole swelling around his length. His cocktip rammed against the spot he milked me with, and then passed. His widening cock gradually put more pressure on it, but it was going so slow.

"This is fucking amazing," I moaned. The pain melted away and I pushed down on that cock like a bitch in heat. Leo cried out and my ass swallowed his dick. My knees went limp and we both moaned into each other as I stopped at his knot.

My thighs pushed me up his pulsing shaft, my hole trying to close, before I relaxed, gliding down his shaft. He moaned into me, trying to keep them muffled. At that point, I didn't care. I wanted to hear him pant and moan for me. I could feel the pulse of his heart from my anal ring. I rose up, again, clutching him tightly, then slammed myself down. He cried out.

I went faster and down harder into his thighs. The rhythm grew steady, his snorts and gasps louder. He groped my ass with encouraging growls and I worked harder. I wanted him to cum in me. I wanted his seed to mark me as his. Most of all, I wanted him to keep hitting that fucking spot deep in me.

"Fuck me," I cried out.

"Take it, slut!" He growled and his paws squeezed my sides.

With his help, I was fucking his cock at dizzying speeds. My ass shot pleasure throughout my body each time it was spread and his huge thighs felt like paddles against my bare cheeks. I wanted his seed. I wanted to be filled.

He snorted, his body shifting in my arms, and he gasped. I felt him shudder deep inside. My exhausted thighs kept pumping him. At the very top of his cock, his hands pushed me down hard and I slammed into that knot with all my weight. A thunderous pop echoed in the barn and he swelled inside me. His seed ran down his shaft and the sticky, wetness coated my ass.

We gasped and panted into each other, both smiling. I pressed my forehead into his, "I'm glad you talked me into this."

"Even though you're father will come after us?"

"He would've found some reason to get rid of me sooner or later. So, how long until you...?"

"Fifteen minutes. Gotta make sure everyone knows your mine." He kissed me.

"Okay, well. I'll grab a few valuables from the house to sell and you'll need a weapon. So --"

"Brett. You think too much. Just enjoy this moment." He pulled me close.

"You think too little."


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