Between a rock and a hard place.

Story by Runakei on SoFurry

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The moon light up the street in an soft, white light, casting shadows from any and every possible nook and cranny. A freezing wind was blowing, wrapping its icy fingers around everything in its path. Trash rattled against the metal mesh that made up the sides of the cans in which it lay, startling anyone who ventured too near them. What few poor figures that were caught outside in the frigid winter air would quickly run to the shelter of their apartment buildings, which often left the street deserted. 'Where is he?' the watcher thought.

"Holy shit it's cold," Jake muttered as he climbed out of the taxi, "At least I'm home."

Jake stomped across the snow-covered street and up to his apartmant building's door. Setting down his briefcase and reaching a gloved hand into his pocket, he clumsily searched through his pocket for his keys. At last finding them, he went to stick them in the lock when he dropped them. Cursing his stupid luck, Jake reached down to pick up his keys, but soon realized that with a glove on, this wasn't going to happen.

"Fuck" the wolf muttered as he pulled his glove off and thrust his hand into the snow. Finding his keys, he picked them up and unlocked the door. Wasting no time, Jake stepped inside and closed the door. Being outside for too long just didn't seem like a good idea. Temperatures that low would freeze his fur to his body if he was exposed for too long, and for some reason, Jake kept getting a creepy feeling that someone was watching him every time he left the building.

Making his way up the narrow staircase, he wondered how his neighbor's kid was doing. The poor girl had disappeared a few nights ago. Though the police were trying desperatly to find her, not a single clue was to be found that might point out what happened to her. Reaching his door, he stopped for a second, staring at the door next to it. 'I hope she's all right,' Jake thought as he unlocked his door and stepped inside.

The apartment that belonged to Jake Benson could have been described as "comfortably untidy". For the most part it was kept clean, but it was clear that its owner didn't care too much about daily cleaning. The living room was small, but with the few pieces of furnature Jake owned, it looked roomy. A couple pairs of dirty socks littered the floor, which were kicked to the side as the weary wolf made his way to his chair. Flopping down upon it, Jake smacked his head against the wall. Normally this would have triggered a small chain of swear words to be uttered as the wolf clutched the back of his head in pain, but tonight Jake just closed his eyes and sighed. Besides, this happened every day, he was used to it.

Quickly getting tired of staring at the reflection of his shaggy grey fur, his dark green eyes and his equally shaggy brown hair that came down to his shoulders, Jake picked the remote up off the floor and turned on the t.v. Finally starting to feel truly relaxed, he leaned back and watched the news for a few minutes. Nothing ground-breaking was going on at the moment, only a story about a local bakery having been reopened after remodling and a warning to stay bundled up in the record-breaking low temperatures.

"I suppose I should get to work, don't want Marty bitching at me again." Jake said outloud, reaching down for his briefcase. Not finding anything, he came to the realization that it must have still been downstairs outside the front door. Cursing his stupidity, Jake leapt to his feet and dashed out the door, not bothering to put a coat or shoes on. Desending the staircase two steps at a time, he couldn't help but worry that the damn thing was gone. If it was his ass was probably fired, for the briefcase held all the notes he had taken durning the day's interviews. Losing these would mean that the Newspaper tomorrow morning would be missing a major story about a political scandal involving the mayor and one of his secretaries.

Reaching the bottom and throwing open the door, Jake gave a sigh of relief when he saw that the briefcase was still there. The only wierd thing was that it was in the middle of the sidewalk.

"I was sure that I had put it down on the steps..." Jake started to say as he made his way over to the case. "I guess it doesn't matter so long as it's still-"

Jake was cut off by a sudden cry from behind him. Spinning around, the wolf ran face-first into a fist. Staggering backwards, he was hit again, this time in the stomach, and dropped to his knees. Jake managed to get a brief glimpse of his assailant, a vixen, before he was knocked out.

The vixen dragged the unconcious wolf through the snow and into a waiting car, quite satisfied with her catch.

Jake came to his senses in complete darkness. He had no idea where he was, what he was doing there, or, to his surprise, why he was completely naked. Jake started to panic. Whereever he was, he was quite certain that he didn't want to be there. He wasn't bound or chained to a wall, so he got to his feet and started to feel his way around his prison. Jake's hand made contact with a wall, and immediately he snatched it back. The wall was made of metal and was freezing cold. 'And come to mention it, the air in here is kinda cold too,' The wolf thought to himself. Jake quickly started to realize just how cold it was in the room.

It wasn't a life-threatening cold, but it was cold enough to make his nipples hard and cold enough to have the frigid air play with his exposed privates, coaxing a pink tip to begin to emerge from the wolf's sheath.

Jake reached out and touched the wall again, this time following it to a corner and another wall. The room seemed to be like a giant freezer, and it probably was, he thought. The room wasn't very big though, as Jake soon found another corner and wall at the end of this one. Following this third wall and growing used to the fell of the cold metal, Jake was caught by surprise as his had suddenly brushed over something warm and round. Puzzled by this, the wolf started to examine the mystery objects through touch. They were encased in some kind of covering, fairly soft, and, seemed to be moving?

Jake realized too late what the "mystery objects" were when one of his fingers brushed across a nipple. He snatched his hand back and tried to step back, but wasn't quick enough to avoid the swift kick planted between his legs. Jake hadn't been kicked in the balls since he was seven, and that had been twenty years ago. So having them struck quite forcefully and at the same time having them crushed against his pelvis was a feeling he wasn't prepared for.

As Jake screamed and dropped to the floor, another kick was aimed in the exact same area as the first one. Followed by another one, and another one, and yet another one. Each time Jake screamed in pain as his poor balls were crushed into the floor, the cold metal only intensifying the pain. The woman wasn't giving him any time to defend his malehood. 'Is she trying to castrate me?' Jake frantically thought.

Jake was at the point where he thought the mystery woman was going to end his chances of having children when the attack stopped just as suddenly as it started. He placed his hands carefully ontop of his throbbing orbs and lay there in the fetal postion for a while, groaning in the pain that just wouldn't go away. Tears were running down his face and freezing on the floor as he rocked himself to sleep.

Jake awoke to find himself in a different room, in a bright glaring light. Shielding his eyes, Jake blinked several times, allowing his eyes to adjust to the sudden light. He found himself in a different room, but it was still made of metal. Looking around the room, Jake saw two things that surprised him. One was that there didn't seem to be a door, raising the question of how he got into the room in the first place. The other thing was the girl on the table.

Seeing her, Jake's first impulse was to cover himself and turn away, but as he did so he could hear a slight snoring coming the girl. She was fast asleep. Jake slowly, carefully tip-toed over to her to get a better look. Upon closer inspection he saw that this was the neighbor girl that had gone missing! What was even more surprising was the fact that she was completely naked and had her arms and legs chained to the table, her legs being spread enough to expose the sleeping cat's pussy.

The fact that she was naked and in a position to get raped wasn't the only thing that surprised him though. There was a note pinned to table just below the girl's left arm. The note itself wasn't frightening, but the knife that was pinning it there was. The blade was as long as his hand and looked sharp enough to cut through bone.

Knowing the note was for him, Jake picked it up and read it outloud in a whisper.

"Dear Mr. Benson. We have been keeping watch over you for the past week and are pleased to inform you that you are a perfect candidate for our experiment. Your past decisions you have made have marked you as an interesting subject that should yield similar interesting results. As you are no-doubt aware, this is Jennifer Niema, one of your next-door neighbor's children. The experiment is to see if you are capable of making a sacrifice or not..."

Jake's heart skipped a beat and his blood started to run cold. Whoever had written this note was sick, he was quite sure of that. They wanted him to either rape Jenny and leave the room unharmed, or they wanted him to castrate himself with the knife.

"...the choice is up to you, but remember there are consequences for either one." Jake finished reading the note and sat down on the table. His whole body was shaking. What the hell was going on here and why were these people doing this? This was wrong on every level, and yet he was in a position where he could do nothing but follow directions. A mask was on the floor next to the table that would hide his face, should he choose to do that option, but Jake knew he couldn't live with himself if he did.

The alternative wasn't looking very attractive either though. It was a hard thing to ask of a man, to castrate himself, and seeing how his balls were still sore from the earlier beating, Jake was certain the process would be all the more painful. It was at that point that Jake figured out what the cold room had been for. They were trying to make him tender and swollen, in the hope of pushing him toward the other option.

And Jake knew that he had to pick one or the other, because the note said that neither of them would leave the room until one of the choices had been decided and acted upon. On the one hand, if he raped Jenny, she wouldn't know who he was and the two of them would be able to leave. But on the other, by cutting his balls off he would make sure Jenny would get to leave safely, and he wouldn't have the thought of him raping her haunting his mind for eternity....

After what Jake guessed was a few hours, he stood up. He had given it great thought and now knew what he was going to do. Picking up the knife, Jake took a deep breath. He was really going through with it. Gently grabbing hold of his balls, he carefully pulled them away from his body, a difficult task to do with one hand. Jake admired his balls one last time. They were fairly big, and he had always been a bit proud of them.

Closing his eyes, Jake lifted the knife up so that he could get it over with in a single, quick cut. He started to slowly count down.


Jake was interupted by the sound of metal scraping against metal. Opening his eyes, he lowered the knife. Jake stared around the room trying to figure out what had made that noise. Unable to detect any change in the room, he walked over to the table to see if the racket had woken Jenny up. 'Man that girl is a heavy sleeper,' Jake said to himself. Taking a deep breath, he looked up at the ceiling for a second, and was intrigued by what he saw. A small gap had opened up at almost directly above Jenny's neck. Setting the knife down, Jake carefully climbed onto the table to investigate.

The gap gave off no light, it was almost as though light was being sucked into it. Against all the logical reasons of why it wasn't a good idea to do so, Jake carefully stuck his finger into the gap, only to have it come to a stop against an edge. A sharp one. As in, guillotine sharp. Jake was startled by this, almost to the point where he would have lost his balance and fallen.

'A fucking guillotine?!? What's up with that?' Jake thought, though the answer made itself clear. If he castrated himself, Jenny wouldn't be raped, and he wouldn't have the thought of it plagueing his mind, but she would be beheaded.

"This is no fucking fair!" Jake said, almost shouting, "How am i supposed to choose with you sick fucks changing everything!"

The wolf's raised voice caused the girl to stir. Jake quickly shut up. If he woke the girl then everything would become impossible. He knew now that he couldn't castrate himself, not with the threat of Jenny being killed lurking behind the gap in the ceiling. There was no other choice of what to do next. He had to.

Jake picked up the mask and put it on. It was essentially a white circle with eyeholes, and it covered his face perfectly. Walking down to the end of the table, Jake paused for a second, to think things through. Jenny seemed to be a pretty heavy sleeper, so it might be possible to rape her without her waking up. He hoped that was what was going to happen.

Jake started to rub his sheath, trying to coax it out of hiding. He tried to think of every sexy thought that he could to get an erection. He thought of girl on girl porn, the first time he had sex, the series of dreams he had that involved him being with a hot celebrity, and even thought of the sexy otter girl that worked in the office. Nothing was seeming to work. Finally Jake started focusing on Jenny's body, as much as the thought of doing so disgusted him.

The cat had white fur that felt like silk when you touched it. She had black hair that ran down her back and seemed to shine in the light. The girl had no breasts, seeing how she was nine, but she did have pale pink nipples that stood out against her fur. Her slim body looked so helpless in its bondage, so fragile, so attractive...

Jake was horrified that he had thought that, and immediatly looked away. 'I'm a monster!' he thought. But disgusting as it was, those thoughts were doing their job, his cock was starting to harden. Looking back at the sleeping girl's body, he couldn't help but stare at her chest, imagining what kind of breasts she would develop. They would probably be small but perky, like her mother's, he thought.

That was what did it. Thinking of Mrs. Niema's breasts finished the job. He was fully erect now. All nine inches. Gently placing his hands on Jenny's hips, Jake positioned himself to start. He took one last deep breath and closed his eyes. This was it. Now or never. Pulling his hips backwards, the wolf positioned himself to start. All it would take is a slight push forward...

A small gasp caused Jake to open his eyes. He was met with the stair of a pair of blue eyes, eyeing him fearfully. They scanned his body, from the top the mask all the way down to the large cock that was about to penetrate her body. The poor girl seemed to be too scared to make a sound. 'Fuck!' Jake thought, 'This can't be happening! Why did she have to wake up!'

Telling himself that it was for her own good, Jake took another deep breath and thrust forward.

If he had thought that she was too scared to make a sound, he had been poorly mistaken. Jenny let out a blood-curdling scream that shook Jake's body as he molded his thrusting into a steady rythem. It was a scream unlike anything the wolf had heard before. This was the only time Jake had ever regretted his size.

Each thrust inward caused Jenny to scream, but another problem was starting to make itself apparant. He was starting to like it. It disgusted him but he couldnt' help it. Each thrust into the smaller creature's body caused it to clamp onto his cock, each scream exciting him, giving him the energy to pull himself free and thrust in again. He started growling, and increased his grip on the girl's hips, pulling her with his arms toward himself with every thrust.

Jake was trapped inside his own mind as his body started to give in to it's desires. He had been a fool to consider this. 'Why did I let myself do this?' he thought.

Though his mind told him to stop, his body wasn't paying attention. He started to thrust harder, growing ever closer to blowing his load, and Jenny's screams had started to scream louder. Jake started to scream to, his cry becoming a howl. He started to feel dizzy, and his vision started to blur. He was losing the feeling in his body. What was happening?

"What's happening to him?" asked the vixen.

"Nightmare, he has these every once in a while."

The vixen looked through the glass at the sleeping wolf thrashing around in his bed. Backing away, the window looked like nothing more than a mirror, showing her the look of terror that was crossing her face. Her expression hardened after she looked at the moniter on the wall adjacent to the mirror/window. Being hooked to a few wires attached to the wolf's head, the moniter was displaying what was happening in his head as the nightmare raged on.

"And do you think he would have done something like this," she asked, watching as the wolf started to dig his claws into the dream girl's skin, "if we hadn't picked him up?"

"Most likely."