Misadventures Through The Woods

Story by Chibale on SoFurry

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#3 of Kel's Tales

Kel's first adventure - repost

Kel's Tales 1 - Misadventures Through The Woods

By Liam Rasui

I was in the woods, traveling along one of the less-used roads through the trees to my destination. I wasn't really feeling up to stopping every mile down the road to tell tales to other travelers, which, being a bard, is often expected of me, so I'd opted to take one of the quiet trails to move between cities that night. It's worked before, and often cuts hours off of my travel time.

It was night. Not really the best of times to be wandering alone through the woods, but I'd been walking for hours and still hadn't found the landmark that I had planned to reach by nightfall. I'm not saying I was lost, I knew exactly where I was. I just didn't know where the landmark was. A rocky protrusion somewhat resembling a draconic wing, I'd used it before several times as a guide as to how far I was along the road.

Considering the darkness, I decided to start searching for a place to stop for the remainder of the night, and see if I couldn't get a few hours rest and resume my search the following morning, when the light of the sun would allow me to see further. I could see fairly well at night, one of those cat things, just not perfectly. I pulled my blue cloak tight against my body to shield from the chill of the night air and headed a off the road, soft leather boots making very little sound on the grassy forest bed. It was early spring, so the last chills of winter still lingered during the nights. At least it wasn't raining.

I shifted my pack on my shoulder and leaned against the long stick I'd found to use as a walking stick, taking a moment's pause to look around at what little I could see. The woods were thicker here, and the leafy canopy above cut out most of the moon's rays, making sight difficult even for one with a feline's keen vision. During that moment of stillness, I heard something not too far in the distance, a faint crackling sound. Being the curious feline that I am, I cocked my head to the side, ears perked up to gauge the direction of the sound, then headed in that direction.

I approached the area slowly, the sound getting louder with each step. My black-ringed tail twisted about behind me, narrowly avoiding getting tangled up in a couple of bramble bushes nearby. Once I realized it was getting lighter up ahead, I balked. The first thing I thought of was that a horde of bandits had set up camp and that I'd gotten too close to their encampment. But there was an obvious lack of noise that generally accompanies such encampments, and the only sounds I could hear were those of the night animals of the woods and the crackling of the fire. At least, at first that was all I heard. As I paused, listening to the sounds coming from around me, I managed to catch some other, quieter sounds that came from the same direction.

I fought to keep control of my curiosity for a few moments longer, just listening to learn what I could. I then crept forward once more until I caught sight of the single, small campfire through the underbrush. The other sounds had ceased, and as I moved closer through the trees and bushes, I couldn't see the owner of the encampment. Only a bedroll near the fire, a pack resting beside it, and a few items, polishing stone, rag and some other necessities strewn about near a flat rock that, presumably, had been used as a seat before the occupant vacated. I couldn't help but wonder why they'd left, or where they'd gone.

Being cursed with intense curiosity, I entered the light cast by the campfire to look around for any signs of where the occupant had got to. That's when the unexpected happened. Though, really, one should expect just about anything when traveling through the woods on their own, in the dark, without any sort of guard. A hand reached around to clamp over my muzzle, pressing my whiskers to my cheeks, while another grabbed the hand that was on the walking stick and twisted the wrist painfully.

I dropped the stick, my pack sliding off of my other shoulder to land on the ground at my feet. I tried to break out of the wrist hold, twisting that arm in an attempt to hook the hand over his own wrist and break free. The grip was firm, however, and whomever had me was strong, and held my arm from moving too much as they pulled me back against them. I went still for a few moments as a low growl was uttered in my ear, the warmth of breath felt along the hairs of my ear. The sound of a low, gruff voice followed that growl, clearly male, carrying an underlying growl of its own.

"Why do you invade my camp?" he asked. After that, the hand covering my muzzle slipped away, though before I could turn my head it pressed up underneath my muzzle, holding it still and keeping me facing forward.

It took me a moment to get my thoughts sorted enough to respond, and even then all I was able to manage was a startled "Uhh..." This seemed to agitate my captor, as the grip under my muzzle tightened, lifting it to point upwards and pulling my head back. I splayed my ears and tried again to twist out of his grasp, though all I managed to do was shift my footing and set myself off balance, which gave him a better hold on me since he was now supporting my unsteady weight against him.

"I'm going to ask you one more time before I strangle the life out of you," he growled in that husky voice of his. "Why do you invade my camp?"

I stammered, "I was... just... looking around. I didn't mean to disturb anyone."

A loud grunt wafted into my ear, and before I could even register it, I found myself stumbling forward and trying to catch my footing after he'd shoved me away from him with his body, releasing both of his hands from my person in the same motion. I barely managed to catch myself from falling flat on my face and spun around to face him, my tail twisting and winding behind me. The light from the fire reflected off of his black pelt, and I realized then that he wore very little, though I hadn't noticed previously due to the cloak covering my back, and the fact that I'd been unable to catch a glimpse of any part of him with my head held still. Other than a brief glance, however, I looked him in the face, blinking my bronze eyes as his bright lavender gaze stared back at me. The scar running up the left side of his canid muzzle seemed oddly familiar for a moment, but as he moved to grab my pack up off the ground and start rifling through it, I shoved that thought aside and took a step forward, one hand raising forward as though to reach for the pack.

"Hey, that's mine," I managed, before realizing how silly it was, since the canid obviously knew it was mine.

He gave me a look that said he'd bite my hand off if I tried to get too close. I didn't, because I don't have a death wish, and his bulk was nearly twice my own, though he was only a few inches taller than me at most.

My hand fell to my side as I stood watching him helplessly, not wanting to risk my life trying to get back a small amount of worldly goods that could easily be replaced. I tended to travel light, only bringing what little I absolutely needed for the journey, since in the two cities that I frequently traveled between, I maintained rooms where I kept most of the clothing and baubles used in my costumes when story telling.

With how little he wore, being simply a leather loincloth draped by a cord around his waist and a long sword hanging against his hip, I felt rather silly in my travel clothes, the loose-fit leggings tucked into the brown leather boots, forest green tunic draping down to my upper thighs, leather belt cinching it tight about my waist. The blue cloak finished off the ensemble, with a cheetah's head clasp holding this closed around my shoulders, the head being the emblem of my father's family line. I worried that he'd go after the clasp next, since it was made of silver and had brown diamonds inset into the eyes, though most would probably assume they were just glass.

I coiled the end of my tail around my booted ankle as I watched him, and since I had time to think about it, I realized why the scar on his face seemed so familiar. I'd seen his face on a poster back in town. A wanted poster, to be exact. He was a well-known assassin, one of the higher ranking members in the local guild, popular amongst the sleazier members of society as having a reputation for never failing a job and never asking questions. I knew of his reputation, since I often frequented the less-hospitable pubs and taverns to tell some of my more raunchy tales and catch up on seedy gossip. Without the posters plastered about the few places that did allow them, I would never have known his face.

Of course, having found myself in the camp of a top-grade assassin, I couldn't help but worry about my fate. I seriously doubted he'd just let me leave without some sort of compensation for invading his camp and interfering with, well, whatever it was he was doing. I really didn't want to know. I did, however, start to scoot backwards away from him as he finished going through my belongings, though it looked more like he were sifting for some sign of my identity rather than stealing from me, since he didn't seem to keep anything and left my pack in pretty neat order when he was finished.

Then he stood, and I froze, watching him as the edges of fear started to sink in. I didn't value the thought of dying, and while I've come across thieves and assassins and the likes before, my less than adequate skills in the combat arts were likely no match against one with a reputation such as his. It occurred to me that such reputations could easily be exaggerated, but I didn't want to take that chance, really. I had the briefest of moments for that thought to cross my mind before he started towards me, and I watched without moving so much as a finger, but he wasn't looking at me. He just walked past me.

I blinked. All sorts of questions went through my head, then, such as what he was going to do to me, or if I were simply free to go since I seemed to pose no threat. I didn't turn to follow him with my gaze, just stood there looking at my pack, which he'd left on the ground where it had fallen after sifting through it. I flicked an ear back as I listened to him move about behind me, the campfire to my right, and took a tentative step towards my pack.

"Stop," he commanded.

I stopped.

He stayed silent for a long moment, seemingly having gone still, since I could no longer hear him moving around. Then he spoke again.

"This road isn't a safe place for one such as yourself."

We were a ways off of the road, but I knew which road he meant. I'd traveled it often enough, but never come across anyone else along it. Most people tended to avoid each other on this route, though, and I usually set up camp before it got too dark to continue walking.

I glanced over my shoulder towards him. He was crouching by the fire, a stick in his hand as though he'd just been poking at it, his gaze rather intently looking me over, watching me. It made me nervous. The end of my tail flicked against my boot, which attracted his attention and made his eyes flicker down to it for a moment before he turned his gaze to my face, staring me in the eye. With his proximity to the fire, I could see he was a wolf, his features more lupine than any other type. Of course, knowing that the assassin in question was labeled 'wolf' under the species tag in those wanted posters probably helped me to notice these, since some canid types look much alike to me. Having a good memory for such details comes in handy at times.

He must have noticed my hesitation to respond, because he spoke further, using the stick he held to point towards me.

"Bet you run fast," he said, making the typical cheetah-jab. It sounded almost like a challenge, though, the way he said it.

I blinked, glanced around, then looked back to him and blinked again, still only looking at him over my shoulder. He grinned rather broadly at me, a wicked grin that showed off a mouthful of sharp, predatory teeth. I wasn't sure how he became such a reputable assassin, looking at him now. He seemed more the type to storm in and bash someone over the head than to be secretive, though I suppose some people preferred that sort of style. He had managed to sneak up on me, however, and I like to think I have pretty good hearing.

He made a 'go ahead' motion with his hand as I stared at him, mouth slightly open but not saying anything, then shifted his position and made to charge at me. I stumbled away, half turning towards him, and he stopped.

"What, you think you can fight me?" he asked, smirking at me with his teeth still showing.

I shook my head and took another step away from him. That's when he charged at me full-out, and I almost yelped as I turned, spinning to the side and ducking out of his way. He must have let me get out of the way, because he hesitated before coming at me again, this time starting to pull his sword out of its sheath, the slender blade catching the light of the fire.

That's when I ran. Or started to, at any rate. I wound up ducking behind a nearby tree and stopping as he ran after me, waiting for him to go past. He didn't, though. He was smarter than he looked.

"Heeeeere kitty, kitty, kitty..." he called after me in a grating, taunting tone. I could tell from his voice that he was right on the other side of the tree, since it came equally from either side. I stayed leaning my back against the trunk of the tree, waiting.

He started to come around. Maybe he didn't think I knew how to fight, that I was just some lost wanderer who shouldn't be out on the road. Maybe he was slow from exhaustion. Maybe he just didn't know how to use a sword. Whatever it was, he wound up coming up beside me with the sword extended ahead of him enough for me to slap my palms against the flat of the blade, catching it between them, and twist as I rolled past in front of him, startling him enough to get the bladed weapon out of his grasp.

With that out of the way, I scrambled away from him and tossed the sword further away from the both of us. I knew how to use it, but it wouldn't have been weighted properly for my tastes, and I fought better in hand-to-hand combat, at any rate.

I started to turn to face him, but he snarled and came at me far more quickly than I could react. He was faster than I'd expected from someone of his size, which could be an aspect that worked towards his reputation, as it was working to his advantage during this particular encounter. Scrambling away, I managed to barely avoid his grasp, though he caught his claws on my cloak, ripping lines into them and then gripping the fabric tight, trying to pull me back towards him.

I fumbled with the clasp as I struggled to stay on my feet. Before I could get it undone, he released his hold on my clothing and I stumbled forward. Then I felt him slam into me from behind, knocking me to the ground with the full weight of his body, the canid snarling at me the whole time. I did manage to twist halfway around before landing on the ground, however, and got an arm up to cover my neck and face, ears laying flat against my head in the tangled mass of my long ponytail, which I usually keep tucked under the cloak while traveling.

We'd landed not too far from his blade, but he didn't seem interested in trying to retrieve it to finish me off. He grabbed my wrist and pulled my arm up over my head, using his legs to turn me onto my back. I swiped my free hand at him, hissing, my claws raking along his forearm and making his grip on my wrist loosen for just a moment, but he put his full weight on my chest. I couldn't move more than to struggle helplessly beneath him, and was having a bit of difficulty breathing with his weight pressed against me like that. He then grabbed my other wrist and lifted both arms above my head, pinning my wrists to the ground and leaning over me, his knees to either side of me, tucked against my sides.

I blinked up at him as he glared down at me, a deep, low growl emanating from his throat. He had me trapped, arms pinned above me as he rested his weight on my chest. My legs were still free, but I'm not a muscular type, so any attempt I could make to flip him off of me would have likely failed. Without really thinking about it, I did the one thing I could think of to try and distract him enough to get away. I lifted my head up, muzzle pressing forward to brush against the flaccid length of his cock through the leather of his loincloth.

It didn't seem to startle him much, though his growling did quiet down a little. Other than that, he gave no hint that he'd even noticed the pressure against his cock. I glanced up at him briefly, giving him this innocent look as though I had no idea what I'd just done, then pressed my muzzle more firmly against the loincloth, rubbing my nose against the wolf cock hidden beneath. With this, the canid above me tensed slightly, glowering down at me as his growling started to subside, but he kept his grip on my wrists firm. He was going to be difficult to distract. It was fortunate that I'm fond of males.

I kept my nose rubbing against his loincloth hard enough to be felt against the flesh that it covered, the rest of me rather still beneath the more muscular figure of the wolf. After a few moments, he let out a grunt, though still didn't move or loosen is grip on my wrists. He did have less of his weight pressing down on my chest, however. I angled my muzzle to his inner thigh and gave his black pelt a few little licks, my feline tongue flicking against his thigh just enough to be felt, then tucked my nose against his thigh and nosed my way under the loincloth, the canid shifting his position enough to let me get the leather material moved aside without having to tug it out from beneath him. It amused me that he wasn't objecting, while still managing to keep me trapped beneath him.

With the loincloth moved aside enough to let my muzzle get beneath it, though not enough to see beneath it, I let my nose press against the canid's flaccid length, rubbing against the naked flesh for a few moments. A shallow purr started to sound in my throat as I kept my ears perked to listen to the assassin for any signs that he may be getting distracted. I was hoping the purring would fool him into believing that I was too into what I was doing to want to stop should he release my wrists. He wasn't so easily fooled, however.

I continued to tease at his cock, my nose rubbing against the hardening length of flesh, and let my tongue slip out from between my lips to flick against the soft-furred sac that was resting against my chest. I then let it lick at his cock, teasing at it for just a moment before I grazed my teeth against the sensitive flesh of his shaft. That made him tense, and start to growl again, but he ceased when I pulled my teeth away. Perhaps he was afraid I'd try to bite it off in order to get him off of me, and while that would have probably worked, it is an experience I'd rather not partake of.

I kept my teeth from touching his flesh for the moment, just using my nose, lips and tongue to touch and caress the naked length of flesh as it hardened further. I then took the head of his cock into my mouth, tentatively, waiting for the wolf to start to growl again, but he didn't. Instead, he let out a barely audible moan as I started to suckle on his cock's head, flicking my tongue against the tip of it to coax a drop of precum to escape from it. I stroked my tongue over it, letting the moisture of my mouth mix with the sticky warmth of his precum and smear it over the head of his cock. He was hardening fairly quickly at this rate, and the attention to his sensitive flesh, me suckling and licking at his cock's head, got him fully aroused rather easily, yet he still kept his grip on my wrists tight and firm, keeping my arms pinned to the ground above my head.

I continued to lavish attention on the wolf's cock, taking more of it into my mouth as I suckled on it, my tongue sliding along the bare flesh, teasing at it and caressing down its length, following my lips down the length of his erect shaft. The loincloth wasn't much of a nuisance any longer, resting against the side of my muzzle as it was, though I was too focused on the task at hand to actually get a glimpse of what lay beneath, my tongue lapping up the length of his shaft to tease at the head of his cock some more. The tip of my tongue pressed against the tip of his cock, rubbing against the opening there to taste the precum that leaked from it and then smear it about as I teased at him.

His grip started to loosen on my wrists, but only barely, as he let out another quiet moan, this one more audible than the last. I let my lips slide down the length of his shaft until they were pressed against the curls of hair at its base, pressing my nose into those tufts. I was hardly paying any mind to his reactions by this point, so intent was I on my task. His scent was strong, and I breathed deeply of it as I held my lips pressed against the flesh around the base of his cock, my tongue caressing down his bare flesh and back up again, moistening the length of it with my saliva. I'd barely noticed that he'd lifted his weight off of my chest and was resting on his knees, giving me a better angle to work with without putting too much strain on my neck. I'm sure I would have been grateful under other circumstances.

I started to pull my lips back up his length, letting them slide along his hard cock as they moved, my tongue lavishing what remained in my mouth with long licks, rubbing up the underside of his shaft in one long stroke that made the length of it throb in my mouth for just a moment. I pulled back far enough to have just the head of his cock in my grasp once more, letting my tongue press firmly against the tip of it and rub in circles to coax more of his sticky precum to leak from it, which I lapped at eagerly, smearing the fluid against my tongue and his flesh. I kept at that for a few moments, the wolf letting out a low growl from the attention, though not nearly as intimidating as those he'd made earlier.

I sucked hard on his cock, then, and he bucked his hips forward, pressing his length further into my mouth. With that, I let my lips slide down the length of the warm flesh once more, my tongue following to spread the stickiness of his precum along his length, taking him once more into my mouth and suckling on that naked wolf cock, making the length of it twitch against my tongue. As distracted as I was, I didn't notice that he'd released one of my hands, the other still held firmly against the ground. I started to bob along the length of his flesh, slowly caressing my lips against his shaft as it moved out of my mouth, and then sucking it in once more. The wolf responded with another buck of his hips, his free hand moving to hold the back of my head as he thrust his cock further into my mouth.

It was with that touch that I suddenly realized my hand was free, though it didn't register right away what that meant, and also brought a more pronounced purr from my throat. I lifted my now-free arm, resting it against his knee while I gripped my fingers against his thigh, the tips of my claws pressing against the skin beneath his black fur, just enough to be felt. My lips continued to slide along the length of his cock, my tongue licking and lapping at it, spreading both his sticky fluid and my saliva along his shaft and painting his flesh with the taste of his precum.

He let out a groan as I continued to work on his cock, tongue lavishing the length of it with licks and occasionally flicking against its tip as he pulled his hips back, his shaft pulling out of my mouth about halfway before he'd thrust it back in again. His fingers hooked into my hair and he gripped at it, using it to hold my head still while he made use of my muzzle. I could no longer move my head, but he was doing most of the moving for me, so I kept my lips pressed tight around his cock as it moved between them, caressing its length with my lips and my tongue, thoroughly dampening the bare flesh of that length of wolf cock. My purring grew in volume and intensity, the gentle vibration almost certainly felt by the wolf along his shaft.

He was supporting himself on his knees, though a lot of his weight was also on his hand, which still held my wrist to the ground, his fingers holding firmly about it as he pushed the length of his cock into my mouth once more, only to slide it out again. His thrusting was becoming more insistent, his cock pulling out less with each motion, my lips pressed firmly around its length as I suckled at his naked flesh, my tongue pressing and rubbing against the head of his cock. My hand slid from his thigh up and around to grip firmly at his buttock, fingers squeezing at his rear as my claws slid beneath his pelt to press into the flesh beneath. That made the wolf thrust harder into me, his full length filling my mouth, my muzzle pressing against the curls and flesh around the base of his cock for just a moment before he pulled back again. He only pulled about an inch out of my mouth, though, the rest of it throbbing as it remained in my warm maw, my tongue sliding in a long lick along the underside of it and ending in a flick at the tip of his cock.

His shaft gave another long throb, and he pressed his hips down, burying his full length in my mouth, his hand pressing at the back of my head to keep my lips wrapped about the base of his cock while his length throbbed inside of me, the wolf letting out a long groan. I squeezed at his rear again, my claws pricking at the flesh beneath his fur, my fingers gripping at the flesh of his buttock. My tongue moved rapidly against the length of his shaft, sliding along the underside of his cock and keeping it pressed to the roof of my mouth as it released a hot stream of cum deep into me, streaking the inside of my mouth and throat as I tried to swallow it down. Smearing the sticky fluid around in my mouth and along the length of his naked flesh, the taste of his cum coated my tongue as I suckled hard on his cock to coax as much of the wolf's seed out of him as I could.

His shaft gave another long throb, the wolf's cum painting the inside of my muzzle, my lips pressed firmly around the base of his cock to prevent any of it from escaping while I suckled and swallowed at what spilled out into my mouth, my tongue still worked furiously along the length of his moistened flesh and flicking against his cock's head. I kept my hand pressed firmly to his ass, fingers gripping his rear firmly, those claws still pressed into his flesh, and I'm sure they'd have left marks afterwards. The wolf grunted noisily as he kept himself pressed fully into me, his seed filling my mouth as I tried hard to swallow it all, tasting the thick wolf-cum as it streaked into my mouth. The throbbing had started to die down, however, so keeping it all within the confines of my greedy maw wasn't too difficult as I continued to suckle on the wolf's shaft, my tongue lapping hungrily at his cock's head.

I barely noticed when he loosened his hand around my wrist, though his other hand continued to grip tightly at my hair and head for a few moments longer before that grip, too, loosened. He stayed over me for a long while, keeping his length buried in the warm confines of my mouth for a few long moments before he started to pull his hips back. I kept lapping at his cock's head, sucking the wolf's seed off of his shaft, trying to clean it all off before he managed to pull his full length from my mouth with a wet sound, and I greedily swallowed down what remained in my mouth. My hand had relaxed somewhat against his rear, and I gave him another squeeze there before letting him pull away, the canid sliding his knee across my chest as he moved off of me, his fingers untangling from my hair to pulled his hand away from my head. He finally released my other hand, panting rather heavily as he settled down on the ground beside me, giving me a rather confused look after what had occurred. I guess he hadn't expected me to finish what I had started, or to be so eager to taste his cum in my mouth. Actually, I hadn't planned to get that far, but I'd gotten lost in what I was doing.

He leaned back on his hands as he sat there, panting and looking rather pleased with how things had turned out, and I finally got a look at the softening flesh of his ebony shaft and the black-furred sac that sat beneath it. Both were quite attractive, really. It made me feel kind of bad for what I did next.

Letting him sit there, I slowly got to my feet, dusting off my leggings as I did, and casually made my way over to his fallen sword. I bent down and picked it up, glancing towards him as he sat there, oblivious to what I was doing. He wasn't even watching me at that moment, his eyes closed as he basked in the afterglow of his orgasm. I returned to where he was sitting and stood in front of him, looking down at him. He peeked his eyes open and looked up at me, grinning sheepishly, and it took him a long moment to notice the sword in my hand, at which point I was already thrusting it deep into his chest, between his ribs and into his heart. The blade was surprisingly sharp, and I had little difficulty finishing him off. He gaped at me in disbelief at what I'd just done, especially after what had occurred prior, then slouched and slid backwards off of the blade. He was dead before he hit the ground.

I hefted the sword in my hand for a moment, gauging its worth, and discovered it was rather well balanced for one such as myself. I cleaned off the blade and removed the sword's sheath from around his waist. I figured it might come in handy somewhere down the line, and at least then I'd have a souvenir of the encounter. I gave the blade and its container a look over, and noticed the engravings along the sword's sheath that matched the carvings in the hilt of the blade, runic markings that almost seemed to shimmer in the darkness. I figured it was just a trick of the light, as the sun was just starting to rise over the horizon by that time.

I strapped the sword to my own hip, hefted my pack to my shoulder, and grabbed up my walking stick. I ensured that the fire was thoroughly extinguished before I started away from the wolf's campsite. As the sun rose, I could just make out the landmark in the distance as I approached the road. There was a cave nearby that I often used in my travels. Few knew of it, as it was a difficult climb to get to up a tangling mass of roots and bushes, but I headed for it. I still hadn't gotten any rest, and planned on getting as much as I could before I continued on my way.