Alexis - First Meetings

Story by Skabaard on SoFurry

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Really all I could think while writing this was, "Gods, Lily, would you just hush. You're worse than Daryn!" But I think a little contrast with Henna's silence was nice. Lily may have gotten a little carried away though. I hadn't intended it to go quite as far as it did, but what can you do? I wasn't about to argue with them.

All that aside, just a little more practice writing for groups. It's something I still feel I need to work on, and there's going to be another threesome in the near future. (with even more hermaphroditic goodness!) And who better to add to Alexis's story than someone who's been a wolf for a while now, and who's got a little experience under her belt?

Henna's grown up quite nicely, I must admit.

Let me know what you think!

First Meetings

Written By: Skabaard

Her first meal had been explosive, nearly orgasmic. The wolf that had fueled her rebirth had run with her, helped her with her first hunt. The deer that had sprinted, terrified, from them through the trees had stood no chance. They flanked it, and the wolf had let her be the one to pounce, bearing it to the ground and tearing into it with a primal zeal that had shocked her thinking mind.

It had been the best thing she had ever eaten, and she ate it all, leaving nothing but tufts of brown hair and splintered bone in her wake. She needed the meat, the blood. The crimson had matted into her sleek, silver-grey fur, drenching her lupine muzzle and splattering over her triangular, wolf-like ears. After she had eaten, the wolf jumped on her playfully, holding her down with her bigger, stronger body and ravaged her with a rough tongue, licking her clean over the course of minutes as she squirmed beneath her.

She had only once felt so sated, and it had been only hours prior, after the transformation that had left her as she was. The changes that had torn through her body had left her long, broad, powerful, a massive, muscular wolf-beast that stood on pawed, digitigrade feet, more than seven feet of lean, hard might. The wolf that had exploded from her body had kept her feminine proportions, her hips and rear were big and womanly despite all her muscle, and the breasts that rose and fell with her breathing were full and perfectly formed, larger than her lupine lover's, who, while being taller and clearly stronger, was more slim of figure.

She was perfect, and every time the wolf flicked icy blue eyes over to her as they ran with each other, a bloom of hot, throbbing pride would well up in her chest. It made her want to stop and hurl herself at the muscular wall of snowy-furred beast, howling with lust. Her bestial mate knew it, too. She could see it in the coy glimmer of her glance, the way she intentionally flexed and moved her lean, overwhelmingly powerful body. The wolf needed no words to tease, and her tail wagged excitedly.

They stopped on the bank of a small stream to drink and stretch muscles that had been working, carrying them in a dead sprint due north, into the depths of the massive, ancient forest that surrounded them. It was home now, and even the water that was flowing across her toes as she cooled her feet tasted sweet as she drank greedily. She would never tire of it; she knew.

The wolf stood a few paces away, watching her hungrily with bright eyes. She smiled, lifting her tail and swaying her big, shapely rump at her, laughing as the ever-silent she-wolf stiffened, her eyes widening. She laughed again, marveling at her voice, voices, really. Once, her voice was calm, quiet, soft. It still was, in a way, but during her transformation it had been joined by a deep, feral twin. They had mingled in her throat, intertwining, and she spoke with both now with two voices, rumbling in her cavernous chest with a metallic timbre.

She let the huge, white wolf look at her, drinking in her stares as she slaked her thirst. Her joints popped loudly as she rose and stretched, stepping from the water. The grassy blanket that covered the ground in the small clearing was soft beneath her padded feet, and she worked her claws through it with a happy hum. The forest smelled alive around them, sounded alive, the chilly, near-winter breeze rustling through the leaves was like music in her ears.

With a curious whine, the wolf before her stiffened. She stopped, an eyebrow lifting in concern. The wintry-furred beast lifted her nose, testing the air with deep breaths, and she did the same, mirroring her movements. She didn't smell anything out of... Wait. There _was_something different in the air, it was faint, distant, the scent of something sweet, faintly floral. It was barely discernable, and she had no idea what it was.

She jumped with a sharp yelp of surprise as, with a trembling roar, something fell on them from the branches of the enormous trees above them. It landed on the white wolf before she could react, slamming her to the ground with a brutal growl. It was big and overwhelmingly strong, wolflike like them, with dark, reddish-brown fur and a short mop of similar, cinnamon-colored hair. Dark green eyes, gleamed with the joy of the pounce, and a fierce grin showed wickedly pointed teeth.

The white wolf was taller, but her assailant was much more strongly muscular, and when she tried to get her arms beneath her to push herself up, her attacker wrapped thicker arms around them and hauled backwards, rolling the wintry she-wolf back and atop its bulk, robbing her of her leverage. Powerful legs tangled around hers, and in just a split second, she had been completely immobilized, left to just struggle furiously against her mighty prison.

The newly reborn wolf blinked in shock. It was so fast; it... She. It was a she, she realized as she caught a glimpse of hefty breasts, modest on her powerful frame. The attacker cried out with twin voices, surprisingly pleasant and mellifluous as the snow wolf growled and thrashed. "I got you, Henna! Give in!" She laughed when Henna, whose name the stunned onlooker could had never heard spoken aloud, just grunted and redoubled her efforts to break free. "Relax, Fuzzy! You're mine this time! Now stop showing off for your girlfriend and say uncle so you can introduce us!"

At this, Henna grumbled wordlessly and hesitantly relaxed, acknowledging defeat with a pitiful whine. The victor rolled her off and bounced to feet, helping the other wolf up with a friendly hand. The bystander blinked in confusion when the two wolves then immediately pulled each other into a tight, affectionate hug, touching lips in a slow, fond kiss that lasted an endless moment.

She didn't know how to take that, but it at least gave her the opportunity to see the difference between the two wolves. Henna was taller by a significant margin, nearly eight feet tall to the shorter one's meager barely-more-than-seven. The shorter one was also not as hugely muscled as she had first appeared, although she still looked notably more muscular than either of the other wolves, and was clearly tremendously strong, in a lean, wiry way that left her incredibly defined physique twitching restlessly beneath her mellow, reddish fur as she gently stroked Henna's back.

They slipped out of the embrace reluctantly with loving smiles directed at each other. Henna's tail wagged spastically behind her as she trotted over to her progeny, shoving her into the shorter one's arms. They opened and closed around her, and she was suddenly trapped, face-to-face with smiling green eyes, far darker than her own, which were pale and shone in the wan light that filtered through the trees. The reddish wolf was shorter than her as well, but so, so much more unstoppably strong.

Henna's friend... lover...? Mate...? The wolf she was trapped against smelled her, tucking a nose close to her fur. "Hey there, sexy. I don't remember seeing you around before. You smell good, nice and fresh. I'm guessing a few hours. I can still smell the human sweat on you." She smiled warmly, and her hug felt less and less like a trap and more like a soothing embrace. "The rain will wash that away, just like it does everything else, although there's a little pond near here where Henna and I can take care of that for you right away if you want." She laughed lightly, and the hugged wolf felt herself relaxing, the tension bleeding from her body. "I'm sorry, Sexy. I'm getting ahead of myself. My name's Lily; what's yours?"

Lily. That explained the smell of flowers that seemed to pour from the reddish fur rubbing against her. "Alexis." she mumbled, her shock slowly wearing off, "My name's Alexis."

"Alexis..." mused Lily, "a sexy name to go with such a sexy wolf." A lighthearted chuckle. "One more who's taller than me, but not by much, hmm? Oh, but you've got it where it counts, don't you? You'd give Seven's curves a run for their money, that's for sure. Tell me, Alexis. How does it feel? You like it so far, being the wolf?"

She nodded, relaxing further as the light, floral aroma wafting off of Lily wormed its way into her nose. "Yes. It's the best thing that ever happened to me."

The cinnamon-furred wolf hugged her tight and let her go. "That's good, and not surprising. You've eaten, I can smell. Awesome. Just wait until you get further north. The game gets _really_big, beasts actually worth hunting. You'll like it. You look like you enjoy it almost as much as me. Do you like it? Does it feel good to run and stretch and work those strong muscles?"

Gods... that smell wouldn't leave her nostrils. "Y-yes. It feels so good."

Lily raised her head and barked a short laugh to the emerald canopy above them. "Yes, I thought so." She grinned, flicking her eyes knowingly to Henna, who was slowly padding closer. "Here, Sexy, step back a bit. Seven says I can be a little potent so close. Your nostrils are flaring pretty hard. Clear your head a little, or you'll be on your knees begging me to fuck you." She laid a demure hand on her chest, batting her eyelashes innocently. "Not that I would be so cruel as to decline, but we have only just met. Baby steps, babe, baby steps."

Alexis took the requested step back, huffing to clear her sinuses. Lily was right. She could feel that intoxicating, flowery smell beginning to burn through her veins, pouring heat into her body. She wasn't so sure she wanted it to end. That thought, however scattered from her brain as she finally managed to get an unobstructed look at the reddish wolf's full, powerful form. She gasped, her mouth hanging open in numb shock.

Henna whined a question and Lily's head tilted to the side, puzzling her reaction until her eyes widened in sudden understanding. "Oh fuck, I'm sorry!" she said, clearly trying not to laugh despite her sincere apology, "It's been so long since I got to surprise anyone; I didn't even think about it! I was born with it, so it's all natural, although it's gotten a bit of an upgrade since then. I know some people are off-put by it, but I've got the full set, if that's more your thing."

She swallowed noisily. "No... I mean... That's alright; I just... wasn't expecting... that." Alexis couldn't take her eyes off of it. Nestled between Lily's hard, muscular thighs was a burdened, animalistic sheath, home to something tremendous and masculine, and below it hung a fuzzy scrotum that was taut with the mass of a pair of heavy gonads that were the size of her previous, human fists. "Gods..." she breathed reverently, "You're hung like a horse."

Lily smiled and bounced happily on the balls of her feet. "Hmm... I may be a little above average, yes." she mused proudly, "But I'm hardly enormous. Maybe I'll introduce you to someone who'd make a horse faint. He gets... enthusiastic at times, but he's a softie at heart. He'd like you." She turned toward Henna, who was standing shyly to the side, as if waiting for something. "And you, Fuzzy, come here. You've been gone for weeks. I was beginning to worry I'd never track you down."

Ears bent in submission, the white wolf padded obediently closer, hunching over so as not to appear so much taller than the shorter, stronger wolf. Lily snorted, smacking Henna lightly on the abdomen and blowing in her ears until she straightened. "I know you like being on the bottom, but cut out that submissive shit; you're embarrassing yourself in front of your girlfriend." She threw thick arms around Henna again, hugging her more slowly, stroking the lean, furred muscle of her back with gentle fingers. An intrigued hum buzzed in the darker wolf's chest. "Mmh... Henna... You feel different. Did you get... bigger?"

Red-furred arms pulled away, and Lily inspected the larger form in her hands with a critically raised eyebrow. Claws roamed over sinuous strength, and Henna happily flexed for her, rippling toned muscle under icy fur. "You shameless showoff, you did! What have you been doing, tossing around boulders? How hard did you have to work for this?" An innocent whine rumbled in Henna's throat. "Oh, yes, Fuzzy." replied Lily with a prideful grin, "I'm so proud of you. You know just what I like. You're so big, and hard, and tight. You've been running yourself so hard; I love it. Mm... flex for me, just like that, yes. Yes... That's my good, strong girl. Does your girlfriend like that too, watching you heave and roll under that perfect, soft fur? Is that what she likes? Is that her kink? Does she worship you like the goddess you are? Flex for her. Look at her. Watch her tail stiffen. Watch her legs quiver. Her eyes are so wide. Lift your arms... just like that. Now tense, curl. Yes! See her shake. Can you smell her? She's getting wet, starting to shine. She's beautiful, just like you. Does that turn you on, Henna, something so sexy staring at you like you and she are the only things in existence? I bet she can't even hear me right now. Harder. Harder! Push, fight! Bigger! Pump yourself up! Spread your legs! Show her what you've got! Oh, that's my girl, my huge, sexy beast! What an animal! What feral strength! She's touching herself. Watch her touch herself while she watches you. See those big, soft breasts, bigger than mine, bigger than yours. She wants to give them to you. She needs more than anything for you to touch them! Show her why! Show her how hard you are! Turn your head; show her the tendons in your neck. She loves to see them snap taut as you strain. Fight harder. Show her that the only thing capable of challenging you is your own body. The only thing that could hope to out-muscle you is an angry god! Reach your head down. Lick your arm. Yes, right there, right were the muscles meet on that shuddering line, tight with need, unrelenting force. Worship yourself. Kiss it. Show her what you'll need her to do, how best to please your might! Don't let up. Harder, push harder! Always harder! Move your other hand over. Squeeze it! Really clamp down! Crush it in your claws. Mmph! Oh yes! Show her how hard it is! Like stone! Like steel! Now make it harder! Pump it up. Push it up against your fur! How dare your skin try to hide it, how strong you are! Show it how pointless covering your body truly is! Rise up! Make it stretch or burst over your strength! Yes! Show her! Show her everything! Look, watch her drip on the grass. That's you! Make her hotter, wetter! Growl, grunt, strain! Louder! Make her hear you! Look at her. Don't take your eyes off hers. She wants you to keep going, can you see it? Can you see how much she needs you? Bigger. Bigger! Look at the veins. Look how they throb. Your heart is as strong as the rest of you! Look at how you pound and pulse. Show her! You've been working yourself, getting bigger and bigger. I'm so proud! You look at me! You want that! You're so much taller! I'm so much stronger! You want to be like me! Look at yourself! Look down! Look at how you pant and growl, how your blood hammers through your veins! Turn, show her your profile. Let her see how deep with muscle your chest is, how your huge tits heave as you pant for her. Strike a pose! Arch your back; throw that big ass out behind you! Now shift your weight to your other foot! Dig your paw into the grass! Flex your leg, let her see that thigh bulge and bunch! Just like that! Lift your tail! Show her the curve of that beautiful rump, so big and firm! A runner's ass, so strong and worked! Turn again! Yes! Show her that big, broad back! Lift your arms! Look at her over your shoulder! Roll them back, just like I taught you! Now tight! Yes! Show her each muscle! Show her the titan you are under that soft, warm fur. Show her how hard and feral you are under that sexy skin! Flex! Tense! Let her see how perfect you are! Spread your legs! More! Lift your tail again! Let her see how wet you are. How hot her watching you is making you. You're so dainty between those huge thighs, wet and slick! Wonderful! That narrow waist over that big, shapely butt! Those meaty hips! You're so womanly, but so strong! Turn again! Let her see your other side! Lift your arm. Let her see how your muscles connect. Bend a little to the side. Now twist so she can see your obliques. Those muscles are not easily earned. Show her how big and ridged they are. Let her know how hard you work, run, fight, how lined with might you are! Turn to face her one last time. Take a deep breath. Now growl it out! Work your abs! Make them bulge from your body! Make her ask how you can look so feminine and still be so huge, so built! Lower your arms, now curl up toward your chest. Bend down a little. Now roll your shoulders forward and flex! Nngh! Yes! Show her how your traps bunch around your neck. Let her see how hard you're pushing yourself, all for her. She wants you to pump and grunt and strain. See it in her eyes. She's blind with need. You're all she can see, all she can hear. Give her something to look at, something to listen to! Growl! Louder! Groan and grunt and strain for her! Push harder! Harder! Oh. Fuck. Yes! Listen to her moan at you! Look at those fists, those forearms! Look at how those tendons are about to snap under the strain. Curl up harder. Look at how those biceps heave and bulge! Are you ready? Do you have enough? Give me one more heave! One more! Harder! Oh, you're so big and strong! What can't you do?! Show me! Show her! Show the moon! Show the world! Do it for her, you huge, hard, fucking beast!"

Henna threw back her head as she cried out. It wasn't a howl; it was a roar, and it rumbled briefly in her chest before it split the air in a tumultuous shudder. She tensed powerfully one last time, her heaving physique throbbing powerfully beneath her fur as the graceful winter wolf came messily. Her liquid release splattered over her thighs, slicking her fur, drooling down her legs in a torrent that dripped to the ground and made fine, white hair shine wetly. She cried and jerked and came and came, slowly, sluggishly, falling to her knees in fatigue.

Her chest heaved with massive gulps of air as she spasmed, whining and grunting through her bliss without so much as touching herself. Arms bent, hands clasped behind her head, each euphoric contraction rocked her long, powerful form, making her hips buck up into nothing and her body undulate in ecstasy. Lily stood quietly behind her, a supremely satisfied expression stretching her muzzle into a pleased smile.

Alexis had long since forgotten how to breathe. All she could see were the icy blue irises of the snowy wolf's eyes, their pupils contracted into addict's pinpoints. They bored into her soul. Lily was right. It was for her, that titanic, spasming orgasm, all for her. She had done that to her lupine progenitor, with a little goading from her new acquaintance, but the newly-reborn wolf saw it in Henna's eyes, locked onto hers, wide and frantic, trapped in an orgasm powered by her nearly eight-foot frame and a few urging words.

She didn't remember falling to her own knees, but she was on them nonetheless. A hand ravaged her bountiful chest, and Henna watched her do it, watched her touch herself. She thrust out her chest, urging her lupine sire with a wordless growl as she greedily tucked a finger into herself, working it in and out to the tempo of Henna's snarls of pleasure.

Lily cooed happily, stepping close to the gradually relaxing Henna and leaning an even more muscular body against her. Alexis could scarcely imagine what that strength would be capable of, with how urgently hard the snowy wolf had pumped herself. Lily must have been capable of so much more. The shorter wolf lowered her head to a quivering ear, lupine lips parting quietly calmly. "There you go, Fuzzy, You did it. You did it. I'm so proud of you. She's so proud of you. Look at how she's touching herself. You did that. That's all you. That's my girl. You've grown so big. Can you lift your arm for me one last time? Do you have one more flex, just for me?"

Henna clearly did, raising her arm even as her dwindling climax made her twitch and moan. She balled her hand into a fist, and Lily hummed appreciatively. The darker wolf lifted her fingers and tried in vain to wrap them around a bicep that bulged against wintry fur. Thick veins were slowly, hesitantly receding, but before they disappeared as Henna's heart sluggishly slowed to a more reasonable pace, Lily leaned her head down. She traced the pounding artery over the muscle in a line of soft kisses as she fondly groped the firm mound. "Mmh... so big, so hard. Does it feel good? I know what it feels like, your skin stretched so tight over your body. You'd almost feel stiff, it weren't so easy to move, if it didn't always feel like you needed to push and strain against something. I understand what it's like to never feel challenged, to always be searching for someone as strong as yourself, stronger still."

Lily's lips transitioned to a strong shoulder, up along a comparatively slender throat and onto a tense jaw. She nibbled tenderly on a twitching ear. "You found her, Fuzzy, that one who can push you for more and more, that one who can hold you down like a helpless pup and just. Fucking. Ravage you! You remember it. Almost every time you manage to track me down, every time you manage to get the jump on me, I beat you, overpower you and hold you down with these big strong muscles. It happened just now. It happened so fast. If you hadn't been fighting so hard to stop yourself from looking weak in front of your girlfriend, I'd say you keep letting me win. You showed her though; you showed her how strong you are." Her kiss stopped at Henna's cheek, long, slow, gentle. "You and I both know what you want. Your girlfriend's still watching, still touching herself. I know what you want; I won fair and square, like I do almost every time." She growled possessively. "Get to it, before she pops."

Henna nodded eagerly, eyes flicking over to the observer a few yards away with a needy smile. She wanted Alexis to watch, keep going. She did so with insistent fingers, rocking her hips and grinding herself against her palm with short, breathy moans. The snowy wolf turned to face Lily, showing the silvery-furred creature, who watched her hungrily, her profile. She looked at Alexis as she leaned forward, nearly having to put hands on the grass to keep her upright, throwing out her chest, pushing out her rear, showing her progeny the graceful contour of her womanly figure, showing her that she wasn't all hard and uninviting. She was soft and plush as well; she had a shape that was built to be lusted after.

With delicate fingers, she leaned forward and rested her hands on her alpha's strong thighs, letting Lily support her weight. The red-furred wolf hummed and accepted it, brushing her own fingers affectionately through Henna's messy thatch of short, crisp white hair. Leaning her head down further, the lusty sub gingerly nuzzled the tip of her muzzle against the thick sheath between Lily's legs, rubbing her face against the skin and fur with slowly rising ardor. Dipping lower still, she planted a warm, sloppily wet kiss against the taut hide of her alpha's sac, running her tongue over the shape of each swollen gonad, slowly worshiping.

It had the desired effect, and slowly, the head of a cherry-red, canine tool poked up out of Lily's sheath, to its owner's vocal pleasure. A joyful burble escaped Henna's throat, and she moved her lips up as her stimulation did what she desire it to. She kissed it, licked it, whining wordlessly to it, begging it to grow, and grow it did. It swelled bigger, harder, flesh tightening with lust and need. Bigger and bigger, and when it was thick enough, Henna eagerly took it up between her lips.

She sucked and slurped, making flesh shine with slick saliva as it throbbed, becoming increasingly rigid. It stood out stiffly, passing in and out of the wolf's reverent maw, stretching her mouth wider and wider as it thickened. It was at least a foot already, with a tapering head and thick, smooth shaft, and as the base swelled free of its sheath, it reached its final, elephantine proportions, the beginnings of a thick, canine knot forming where it met Lily's crotch. When Lily's hands on Henna's head allowed her to pull back to breathe, it throbbed angrily before the wolf's face, twitching up and down with the flexing of muscle and the beating of a mighty heart.

The kneeling wolf licked its tip playfully, making Lily tense and let out a soft moan. The shorter wolf shoved Henna away, throwing her to the grass with her back to the ground. Lily followed her down, dropping to her own knees and slapping hands firmly down on Henna's thighs. With unyielding strength, the red-furred wolf pushed long, powerful legs apart, baring the same drenched womanhood that had shuddered in orgasm only a few minutes ago. "Perfect." Lily growled, looking fondly down at the body splayed out on the grass.

She scooted closer, spreading thighs further and further with no resistance. She held Henna's shapely rear to the ground by her legs, and she leaned forward, arching her back to let the underside of her stunning hardness drag along her beta's soaked slit. The white wolf moaned, letting her head fall back and writhing along the ground, rolling her hips from side to side in an attempt to wring more stimulation from the slow, teasing contact. Lily grunted and grinned fiercely, forcing herself down, putting more and more force behind her cock as she ground herself between soft, inviting lips.

The dominant wolf pulled back incrementally, pressing her tapered head against a throbbing entrance that drooled over her burning flesh. "Alright, Fuzzy, try not to cum too quickly; your girlfriend's watching." She then huffed a sharp breath and shoved forward, spearing her length into her beta's waiting passage. Henna tensed and howled at the sudden, rough penetration, at the abrupt feeling of inch after inch after inch of hot, throbbing hardness filling her so completely.

Lily laughed, her fingers tightening on bulging thighs, keeping Henna pinned down as she pulled back and bucked in with brutal force. The wet slapping of their loins meeting again and again rose to a pounding rhythm as she gave her lupine lover the savage fucking she needed, deserved. Henna bounced and tensed and moaned with each fleshy meeting, her own hands flying to her ample breasts, larger than Lily's, and mangling them in unforgiving fingers, twisting and pinching ruddy nipples as she yelped in ecstasy.

With a feral snarl that peeled her lips away from her vicious, predatory teeth, Lily's muscled body worked and strained. Alexis could only jerk fingers into herself in a tempo set by the red wolf as she admired it. None of them were truly hulking or bulky with muscle, but Lily certainly came the closest, thick ropy bundles of strength heaving and flexing beneath her sleek fur as she dug a rut into the ground with the taller canine. Lily was just so... dense, compact. Numbing delight mixed with agonizing bliss washed over Henna's expression as she wailed and bucked her pelvis up in time with her alpha's wild thrusting.

When she tensed, arching her back with a spastic outcry, Lily fell forward, letting her arms twine around Henna's waist, letting the white wolf's long legs wrap around her as she humped with vicious gusto. "Yes!" she growled, putting her lips against the swell of a bouncing breast, "Cum for me, you fucking beast! Cum on me! Cum around me! Cum while she watches me fuck you into the ground! You're getting close; I can feel it! Can you feel it? Can you feel my knot pushing up against you? It's getting bigger and bigger, so hard and thick! Unf! Nngh! Yes! Squirm under me! Beg for it! You need it! I can feel it! I can smell it! Cum on me!"

Henna screamed, a keening, inhuman howl of release as her back arched to the point of breaking and her claws scrabbled for purchase on the grass around her. Her howling cry jumped as Lily jerked into her in a frantic pace, and the reddish wolf hissed in a guttural growl, "Yes...! Cum just like that, so hard and fast! You're-Hngh! Yes! You're so wet, so slick! You... Fuck! You feel so good! It's coming! I'm cumming! Fuck! Take it! Fuck! Yes!" Her back arched as well, only forward, and she splayed her body out over Henna's, bucking in an increasingly irregular rhythm.

It sounded hard and wet, the spunk audibly churning into the icy-furred wolf's spasming loins as Lily shot it as deeply into Henna as she dared. After a long minute, and with a series of rough, low grunts, the short wolf pulled off, shooting a few ropes of thick, sticky seed over the crisp white fur of her beta's crotch. She hadn't knotted, and she stood on shaky feet, using a hand to messily finish herself over a flawless form the color of freshly-fallen snow.

She turned away, letting Henna pant and moan and whine as her orgasm still rocked through her. Her dark green eyes, touched with a knowing smile, fell onto Alexis, kneeling, frantically fingering herself only a few long steps away. Hips swaying, swollen, ruby red cock bouncing in time with the fall of her paws, she sashayed the requisite handful of feet over to her.

The silvery-grey wolf still couldn't understand how she hadn't passed out from lack of breath. It was so big, filling her vision, throbbing and pulsing, still leaking runners of jizz that dripped sluggishly to the ground in front of her. Its knot was huge and proud, swollen in orgasmic release, furious at not being buried in some dripping snatch. Mixed sexual fluids slicked its gleaming flesh, dripping and filling her nose with the most enticing scents she had ever experienced. The spicy, sweet aroma of Henna's fluttering womanhood, the intoxicating floral scent of Lily's own proud, oozing sexes, they burned her veins and tore along her spine.

"Hey, Sexy. Does it smell good?" Lily mused at Alexis's blind, needy expression. She could barely nod in reply. "Mmh, yeah. Seven thinks it's because I'm so well... equipped. I'm packing so much extra down here that it just..." She paused, rolling her shoulders and smiling more broadly. "oozes out of me." She shifted her weight to her other foot, resting a hand on her slender hip, casually ignoring the pitiful moans emanating from the supine form behind her. Henna was still twitching nervelessly in relief. "It took a while for the others to get used to, as well. With your new nose... it must be just tearing you apart, mustn't it?"

The kneeling wolf nodded again, her eyes threatening to roll back into her skull. That smell condensed in her lungs, feeding a solid ball of overwhelming need that bled into the rest of her form. Lily pulled her back to reality with a gentle claw under her chin, scratching affectionately. "Did you like Henna's little show?" She nodded again, unable to summon a single word to her throat. "That's nice. She's such a tease. She knows what that big, hot body does to me, and, apparently to you."

Lily looked oddly thoughtful, for a hulking wolf-beast sporting an inhumanly large erection. "She cares for you, yet you're so new. You must have made a good first impression. How'd she get you?"

Something about that finger, that gentle claw. As long as it touched her, she could think, breathe. "Sh-she bit me..."

Rolling her eyes, the wolf above her heaved a sigh with a low chuckle. "Oh... wow... I would have never guessed. Damn, I wish I'd have thought of that." She looked down her muzzle at her. "Not exactly what I meant, Sexy. I mean why did she choose you?"

Alexis blinked. "Oh... I... I think it was an accident. I think she was chasing you, and she attacked me thinking I was you. She was confused and worried. She... I think she came to check on me after I changed. That's when... when I made my first impression." She dully realized she was still roughly fondling herself, and she pulled her fingers from her fluttering tunnel, embarrassed at her lack of control in front of her sire's lover.

Lily smiled gently, impressed. "An accident, huh? And yet you survived the change. You must have wanted it, welcomed it. You didn't fight it."

She nodded. "I wanted it more than anything. I knew I had to see her again." Her eyes flicked over at Henna, whose head was raised, peering curiously at her. "She was so perfect, so hard and savage, but... but she was so soft and gentle, welcoming."

"No regrets then?"

Her head shook. She regretted nothing. She hadn't lost anything she hadn't realized she had hated. "Good." Lily murmured. The wolf that towered over her kneeling form lowered a hand to her, beckoning. She took it. Instead of pulling her to her feet, like she expected, The reddish wolf smiled. Her hand was soaked in her feminine fluids. She could smell herself, mingling with the scents of the other two wolves, and the insistent throbbing in her loins was growing difficult to master.

Lily lifted her arm, gazing at the silvery fur covering her fingers, looking at how it shone wetly in the light. "You smell good." she said quietly. Slowly, the clearly dominant wolf slipped her finger between hot lips, sucking on her slick digit. "Mmh... You taste even better. Henna's lucky she got to you first. I don't think I could have resisted if I'd been the one who met you that night."

Alexis panted, her chest tightening with desire. Lily licked and suckled her fingers, leaving nothing but a sheen of her saliva over their fur. With a soft moan, the shorter wolf tensed, a spasm rocking through her body. She blinked as a thick glob of heady pre arced from Lily's tip to splatter over her muzzle. The wolf dropped her hand, looking down, suddenly panting. "Sorry." she breathed heavily, "It's just getting... hard to stop myself. I wasn't kidding... about how good you taste... Let... Let me get that for you."

Before she could react, Lily had crouched low in front of her, and had pressed her warm, probing lips to hers. The kiss was fast and passionate, and she melted into the arms that eagerly twined around her. They were so thick and hard with muscle, but were still somehow slender and feminine when compared to the rest of Lily's tight, athletic body.

Lips left hers long enough for a rough, wet tongue to scrape over her fur, licking away the liquid that had been splattered there. It didn't spare Alexis from that scent. It had already stiffened her body, sent a spike of brilliant, blinding lust deep into her mind, obliterating all semblance of rational thought. She grunted and growled at the wolf in front of her, kissing eagerly whatever was put in front of her lips, needing more, gulping down as much of that blissful smell as she could. She pushed forward eager for more, but the hard body in front of her, wrapped around her, wouldn't let her move. She dare not fight it. The only thing she seemed capable of doing was grunt and strain and kiss the powerful creature before her, she who was kissing her with contrary calm.

A threatening, dominant growl rumbled in the chest that was pressed into hers, nipple to puffy, erect nipple, grinding and rubbing. She stopped. That growl would brook no rebellion. Arms slowly released her, and Lily stood to tower over her with her impressive physique on display, huge, canine tool bobbing barely a foot from her face, hard and needy, still drooling like it's orgasm had never stopped. She could only stare, vibrating with the strain of keeping herself off of that perfect, bulbous masculinity. "Do you want it?"

Looking up at the source of the question, she immediately knew the answer. If she didn't have it soon, she didn't know what she would do. Lily was serious, though, genuine. The lean, muscular wolf, the owner of that body that looked to have been forged from iron, wrapped in an inviting layer of silky red fur that shone in the moonlight filtering through the trees, she was giving her a choice. She had the opportunity to say no. She could pull away, reject the source of that delicious aroma, the throbbing, oozing shaft that promised so much pleasure if she would just say yes.

She would have laughed if she could have gotten enough air into her lungs to manage the act. Every breath she took was almost immediately robbed from her as that smell made her pant, made her chest tight with burning desire. Lust-hazed eyes shot over to Henna, who had pushed herself up to a half sit, watching with bright, attentive eyes. Her sire nodded happily, not demanding, just encouraging as she ran a hand over a hefty breast.

Looking back up, past that huge, rigid manhood, the ridges and valleys of Lily's abdomen, the big, but somehow also modest bust with its perky, dusky nipples, she just nodded. The wolf that stood so intimately close to her smiled dreamily like she had answered Lily's prayers, and then casually lowered her hands to lay them possessively on her shoulders. "Wonderful, Sexy. You've made both of us very happy. I promise I won't disappoint you. I'd... I'd love to give you what you want. But someone's gone and made an unholy mess of me. Would you mind giving me a good cleaning? I think you'll like the taste."

She shivered. If it tasted anything like it smelled, she thought it would make her faint. She nodded eagerly, finally putting reverent hands on Lily's tough, sturdy form. The wolf beneath her fingers swayed patiently, in defiance of the clear urgency pulsing in her loins, letting her explore the contour of every tight muscle. Alexis leaned in to run her tongue over the tapered tip before her in an experimental taste. She moaned, swallowing noisily. It tasted like what it was, Henna's herbal spiciness, Lily's floral sweetness, the mixed fluid of the two canine lovers. It was delicious.

Cautiously, she let her mouth fall open, taking Lily's head between her lips, past her fangs, onto her tongue. Lily moaned blissfully, and Alexis paused to experience it. That taste was over her tongue; she could taste it oozing still into her mouth, potent and aromatic. She felt it throb against her palette, impossible hardness, twitching against her tongue.

She had never tried anything like it before. She didn't know what to do, but she had watched Henna zealously, and Lily's encouraging hands on her shoulders urged her to try. So much trust from someone she had just met, she wouldn't let her down. Mirroring her sire's motions from earlier, she pushed further forward, taking more into her maw. She sucked on it, ran her tongue along it's contours, cradled it in her mouth, used her lips as soft cushions. She was doing well for her first time, if Lily's increasingly urgent moans were anything to go by, and she gleefully continued, gradually increasing the forcefulness of her movements.

She did what she was asked, using her lips and tongue to suck and lick off anything that wasn't her saliva, every drop of the remnants of Lily's messy lovemaking from before. The wolf that she was so happily pleasuring let her move at her own pace, just squeezing her shoulders as she found spots that were particularly receptive to her oral worship. She pulled off, her own teeth making her nervous. She didn't have the confidence to go much further, but she didn't stop. She kissed the throbbing hardness, giggling lightly as Lily spurted heady pre weakly over her muzzle again, hissing a hoarse apology. She accepted it with sly lips and dainty claws as she moved her hands to the shocking hardness, giving it long, smooth strokes. She may not have had one of her own, but she was fairly certain they were simple to operate.

She kissed and licked and lapped, cleaning it dutifully of the mess her sire and Lily had caused, delighting in every drop that passed between her lips. Lily's knot pulsed powerfully when she closed her fingers around it, clamping down on it like the walls of a phantom tunnel, giving it the stimulation it needed as she likewise ran her tongue over its smooth, hard surface. She got another face full of precum for her efforts, and she thought that Lily's claws would sink into the muscle of her shoulders with as hard as she clamped down on them.

She dutifully finished her job, licking the last messy bit of the wolves' mixed slime from the scarlet monolith that jutted out toward her lips. She leaned back, going only as far as Lily's arms would let her, and gave a satisfied nod, a proud smile across her features. "Mmnh..." Lily whined, "Done so soon? And I was just getting into it. You're the best, Sexy-" Henna whined. "Second best, sorry." The rod of crimson flesh withdrew hesitantly as the red-furred wolf lowered herself to a crouch so she could whisper conspiratorially into Alexis's ear. "You're pretty good at this, Sexy; I can't wait to see what you'll be capable of with a little practice." She glanced sideways, nodding her head back at Henna, who was straining to hear the quiet conversation. "Speaking of practice, I think there's another mess for you, if you're feeling up to it. I've got to warn you, though; she's been a naughty girl and she absolutely, fucking filthy! Are you up for the challenge?"

Henna had apparently overheard, because she slumped back against the ground, eyeing Alexis knowingly, spreading her legs in a wordless invitation. "Yes, Lily. I'll do my best."

The shorter wolf smiled hungrily and rose easily to her feet, easily hauling the eager young wolf up with her. "I think she'll appreciate that. Now get on it; we only have all night!" With a short, excited laugh, Lily kept hold of Alexis and spun, grunting as she threw her bodily through the air in Henna's direction. The wintry wolf was ready, and sprang from the ground from her supine position, catching Alexis in a tangle of arms and legs. They collided, and the newly-reborn wolf's momentum carried the pair a short distance before they landed heavily on Henna's back. She continued to roll, and suddenly Henna was looking hungrily down at her from atop her chest.

Before she could blink, her sire attacked her, kissing her with vicious, overwhelming passion that robbed her of her breath. She stiffened and moaned as a white-furred hand cradled her head while its twin reached between them to savage a plush breast. She was curvier than the other two, more womanly in figure, and her lunar lover relished it, roughly groping her as Henna heightened her oral assault. Soft, eager whines vibrated between them as her own fingers found the shapely curves of Henna's firm, muscular rump and squeezed it roughly in her fingers.

The wolf atop her was using the silvery fur of her thigh as a surface on which to grind her well-used womanhood, spreading over her leg the mess she was supposed to be cleaning. She just let it happen, slowly losing herself in her sire's hot, probing mouth. Henna, however, wasn't going to let her forget her commitment, and with a terse grunt she rolled once again over onto her back, hauling Alexis atop her once more. She wriggled her way backward along the grass, sliding her powerful body through the arch of Alexis's thighs until she could bare her womanhood to her busty progeny.

It really was a mess. Lily had not been gentle, and she scooted back so she could dip her muzzle low to the ruddy flesh, inhaling deeply of the intoxicating scent of fresh sex, raw and potent. Thick ropes of drying seed were splattered over fine, snowy fur and her tail wagged excitedly as she put her lips to the slick flesh, kissing it gently. It was so hot, throbbing with need and a furious heartbeat, soaked and lusting for more. Desire had already parted dainty-looking lips, and as Henna spread her legs as wide as they would go, her needy entrance was put on shameless display.

She kissed that too, rubbing and licking up the mess that had matted Henna's fur and slicked her soft flesh, making a show of swallowing noisily each time. If her inexperience showed in her hesitation, neither of the other wolves took note of it, and she dug into the silky womanhood beneath her lips and tongue with giddy zeal, eager to please and pleasure.

She didn't even realize how compromised her position was until she heard Lily approaching from behind, slowly, casually, hips swaying, a clawed hand stroking a tool nearly as long as her forearm, keeping it rock hard and ready for action. She moaned instead of whined like she expected to, and she likewise spread her legs, lifting her tail and granting her strong, athletic lover unrestricted access to the contents of her own loins. Lily smiled, like a hunter who had cornered her prey, down at her.

The shorter wolf stepped forward, resting hard thighs against the curve of her big, shapely butt. She moaned again into Henna's crotch when Lily bent her legs ever so slightly, letting her stone-like hardness rest tantalizingly between taut, round cheeks. Rocking her hips back and forth, Lily dragged her length, grinding her shaft through the canyon of Alexis's anal cleavage.

She pushed back eagerly, and Lily chuckled at her enthusiasm. "Easy, Sexy..." she purred sensually, "We've got you, and we've got all the time in the world. I'll take it nice and slow, give you a chance of really feel it."

Alexis whined a wordless affirmative and pushed her head into Henna's hands as they dropped to affectionately caress her cheeks. Lily slowed, carefully lowering herself to her knees behind her. A roll of her pelvis brought her enormous masculinity to bear, and she pressed it up, sliding the top of it along parted lips, gently stimulating, making the new wolf groan. It was so hot. It burned against her womanhood, making her twitch and shudder.

Lily's hands went to her hips, kneading pliant flesh as she tenderly humped against her rump. "Oh, Sexy..." she murmured quietly, her voices occasionally catching as a euphoric spasm wracked her form, "you're just too much for little, old me. Mmnh... Just look at you. Feel how soft you are compared to me, how big, and curvy, and... alluring. I could just burst. Would you like that, Sexy? Would you like it if I filled you so, so full?"

She mewled a wordless plea. She wanted nothing more than to have Henna's thigh's locked up around her head in bliss while having that beast buried into her, filling her with the hot, scalding magma she had already tasted with her upper lips. "Okay then, Sexy." Lily intoned intimately, "Your wish is my command. You just worry about Fuzzy up there. I'll take good care of you."

She turned her full attention to the quivering slit in front of her. Henna's gentle fingers guided her, corralled her tongue and lips. She followed the instruction dutifully, without hesitation, and the wolf below her stiffened and flexed in the most delightful ways, writhing in time to the brushing of her nose over an engorged clit. She curled her arms around Henna's thighs, bracing herself to stop her from being thrown off by her urgent bucking into her face.

As she dug ravenously into her lusty sire's slavering pussy, she felt something frighteningly huge pull away from her to press its tapering head between her lower lips, probing with impossible gentleness, pushing, prodding, but never quite penetrating. She let out a desperate growl, pleading its owner to stop teasing her already and give her what her body demanded. Lily growled right back, but slowly pushed forward, slipping her head past her aching entrance and into her tight tunnel.

It took her breath away, having it finally inside her, so hot. Lily's heartbeat thundered against her walls, forcing her open as the wolf pushed inch after inch into her. There was no way she could take it all, but her body's spaciousness and elasticity shocked her as her womanhood hungrily gulped it down, the strong muscles lining her velvet tunnel hugging and wringing at Lily's huge endowment. The wolf behind her hissed a brief grunt as she hilted her, only her swollen knot left external, pulsing angrily against her.

Lily stopped, letting her adjust, accustom herself to the tremendous girth lodged inside of her. The heat roiling off of its steely flesh was mind-numbing, and it suffused her with a scorching urgency, making her push herself violently into Henna's loins, desperate, needy. "Ooh, that's right." her mount squeezed out in a breathy hiss, "Just like that. Just squeeze me. Mmh... You feel so good wrapped around me. Go ahead, squirm, really wriggle around; it just makes it feel even better, but you're not getting away that easily. I've got you now. You're mine..." Strong, dominant hands tightened on her hips for emphasis, "at least for the next few minutes. So just enjoy it. I know just what you need; let me give it to you."

Her shoulders bunched around a squeal that bubbled in her chest as Lily pulled out just as slowly as she had pushed herself in, baring inch after throbbing inch with endless patience until just the tip was left in. The sudden emptiness made her whine. She couldn't imagine life without that... thing crammed into her. Lily's fingers kneaded her knowingly. "Shh... Don't worry. I've got you. Just don't let up on Henna. She likes it rough. Don't be shy. It's a little late to be shy."

As she did as she was told, noisily ravaging her sire's spasming gash with savage lips. Lily pushed back in, a little more forcefully, just enough to let her know that she would give her the fucking for which every nerve in her body was screaming. Lily just needed to build up to it. She was filled and emptied again and again in a placid rhythm, slowly building, gently insistent. She moaned loudly, hoping the vibration of her voices was bringing pleasure to the wolf whose pussy her mouth was buried in.

Lily leaned over, a packed abdomen pressed up against her ample rear. "That's my girl, Sexy. Nngh! Yeah, just squeal it out. You're so hot and firm! I could knot you right now. Is that what you want? It's getting so hard to stop myself. I'd like to; I really would, just shove this into you and pump you so full. That's what you want, isn't it? I can feel it. You want it so badly."

Yes! Yes; she wanted it so badly. She needed it. She tensed and whined as Lily slowly built her passion, bucking into her with savage force. She could feel how close she was. Her skin burned with the proximity of her release. She needed more. She pushed back, urging Lily to pound her raw. Every stimulus was mind-numbing bliss. She could feel the shaft buried in her writhing against her passage. Lily was just as close, and as her mount pumped with more and more urgency, she felt rapturous tightness building behind her loins.

She was so full. Lily was so big, huge, as big as she'd ever had, though she was far from experienced. Lily growled, wordless, inhuman, a snarl of defiance. She felt the knot ramming against her entrance again and again bulge, thickening to a near-orgasmic orb of steel-hard flesh. She cried out, begging for more as she tore viciously into Henna, whose hands tightened dangerously on the back of her head.

The white-furred wolf came first. Powerful, explosive release tore through Henna's lungs, erupting in a spastic howl as she arched her back, using both hands to cram Alexis's head into her loins with brutal force. A gush of hot, slick fluid exploded against her lips, and she lapped it hungrily up, using a parched tongue to urge her sire higher and higher. It was that same herbal spiciness, the scent that had filled her lungs, thrummed through her body. She moaned, massaging Henna's thighs as she licked and loved. The snowy-wolf grunted and yelped at her increased pressure, and strong legs flexed, locking together around her head with rapturous force.

She couldn't help herself. It was as if her sire's orgasm flowed into her through the heady liquid she drank greedily. She felt it pour through her veins, making her shake and spasm as she, too, felt icy relief wash through her body. She wanted to scream, but she couldn't. It wouldn't leave her lungs; it would force its way past the tightness in her throat. It came out instead as a rough grunt that growled past the liquid smeared over her lips and nose. Her climax was tremendous, overwhelming. She wanted to flail and thrash, all control of her body robbed from her, but she couldn't force herself to move. She was locked up, tense tight, her muscle bunched against her skin.

Lily grunted with her as she felt her walls collapse down onto the adamantine rigidity that was frantically thrust into her loins. She clamped down on it, milked it avariciously, demanded that it surrender its seed with urgent contractions that left the reddish wolf breathless. With a vicious snarl, the owner of the powerful body behind her wrapped strong arms around her waist, taking a firm grip and shoving forward with unforgiving brutality. She cried out harshly, and Alexis gasped, nearly swallowing her tongue as she felt Lily's knot force into her, stretching her walls beyond all hope of comprehension.

It bulged in sudden, overwhelming release, forcing her clenching passage open, and she felt a bloom of disastrous heat suddenly fill her, pouring into her core, adding another layer of rapture to the overpowering sensations searing through her frame. They compounded within her, mingling, tearing through her shattered mind with the force of an erupting volcano. She saw white, then red as she tunnel-visioned in on the crotch in front of her. Henna was her rock, her single point of stability as her world quaked around her. She'd never felt anything like it, being sandwiched between two walls of dense muscle, surrounded in an endless orgasm.

It rocked through her, flowing from wolf to wolf like a river of blazing desire. They all thrashed and moaned, and eventually lifted voices in low, thundering howls that twined around each other in an intricate aural dance that drilled into her ears and resonated with her soul. It spoke to her. No, it spoke past her, to a deeper place. It spoke to the wolf she had become, to the beast thrashing beneath her fur. She welcomed it. It wasn't some alien creature trapped in her body. It was her. The inner strength that coursed through her form that had made her the beast she was, it was hers, and she cried out with it as it tore through her body.

It lasted what seemed like forever, an eternity of blinding euphoria, and she rode it out with the thrashing of her sire beneath her, and the presence of Lily behind her, filling her to the utmost limits of her capacity. She shook and spasmed and flexed her powerful frame in the throes of her release, but eventually she could handle no more, her inhuman endurance flagging, and she collapsed forward, finally exhausted, spent, deliciously sated.

Henna whined beneath her, twitching fitfully, lifting shaky finger to caress her fine, raven hair, brushing it back away from delirium-shrouded eyes that were beautiful pale green. Alexis breathed hard, panting frantically as the firestorm that raged through her body burnt itself out, dulling to cinders that filled her with a dull, resonant heat that melded with the warmth Lily had geysered into her. She didn't know how her body had held it all.

She did her best not to pass out, trying to get the air back into her lungs, and Lily's fingers crawled affectionately over the muscles of her back, feeling each lean contour. "Holy... shit... Sexy..." she breathed through her own gasps, "Damn. Just... damn... Gimme a sec."

Time was what she had on her side, and she relished the opportunity to just breathe. She pulled in breath after breath, lifting her head languidly from Henna's crotch as the wintry wolf's legs relaxed, releasing her head from between strong thighs. With a fulfilled smile along the length of that hard body, she lapped up the strands that still connected them. Delicious, and her sire smiled back, cradling her head in a hand.

There was a long, slow moment of Lily breathing hard against her rump and Henna holding her cheeks, an affectionate minute of post-coitus intimacy that they all shared. She fondly ran her hands up the white wolf's legs and onto her hips, rubbing soft, white fur, going further up, tracing the outlines of powerful, well-worked muscles.

Henna pushed herself up to a half-sit, grinning broadly. This seemed to spur Lily back to a semblance of life, and the stronger wolf shifted, heaving a satisfied sigh as she patted the curve of her sumptuous rear. With strong, unyielding arms, Lily clasped hands around her waist and pulled. With a grunt, red-furred arms pulled a surprised yelp from Alexis and lifted. She felt herself hoisted off the ground, and her limbs flailed wildly as Lilly carried her a few step, supported by arms like bands of iron and a stunning hardness lodged into her loins.

Lily strolled casually over to one of the massive trees that ringed the small clearing, near to the stream burbling close to them and sank down to sit with her back to the rough bark. "Ah..." murmured the wolf holding her up, "Isn't that much more comfortable?" Alexis nodded. Her position, her taller frame sitting on Lily's lap, put a delightful amount of her weight on the shaft embedded within her, still throbbing with a pleasant, if less urgent, warmth.

With a playful growl, Henna rose to her paws and padded quietly over, towering over them both with a sly look down the length of her toothy muzzle. "Don't even think about it, fuzzy!" Lily growled in a warning, "That's hardly fair to our guest. Come on down, instead. It's getting cold nowadays, you know."

The statuesque, icy-eyed wolf grumbled thoughtfully, but she eventually let herself drop slowly, wrapping long arms around the two sitting wolves and hugging them tightly. Alexis whined happily, smiling hard enough to pop her jaw as Lily did the same, bundling her up in a set of strong, softly-furred arms. Her breasts squished enticingly into Henna's, plush and enticing. Henna kissed her, slowly and longingly, and the wolf sitting beneath her likewise lavished affection on her, nipping playfully at the back of her neck.

She wriggled gleefully, overcome with contented happiness. There was another quiet, tender moment where all she felt were gentle, fond lips, and pleasant teasing bites along the nape of her neck and her ears. Her sensitive, lupine organs flicked as Lily breathed fondly to her, "It's always nice to meet new people, Sexy-erm... A-Alexis. That's a really nice name; it suits you. It's so rare that we feel a new wolf being born. The others will be excited to meet you--that is, if you want. You can do whatever you want," A short, breathy laugh ruffled the fur on the back of her neck. "at least after I soften enough to pull out... Sorry about that. I got... a little overzealous. I didn't really mean to go all the way."

With a pleased hum, she made the effort to flex the muscles lining her stuffed, feminine passage. It was awkward, but Lily shivered, gritting her teeth. "Mngh... you're good at that..." Another frisky kiss on the back of her neck brushed against her silvery-grey fur. "Better be careful. If you keep that up, I just might keep you here." Henna growled without menace. "Fine, fine. I just might let Fuzzy keep you." The white wolf nodded sharply before returning to her slow kissing, keeping Alexis's lips busy.

That idea reverberated rather agreeably with her, not that she could vocalize it past Henna's probing tongue. Instead she just hummed happily. She could hear Lily's smile. "I think... Henna likes you, so you must be special. I think there's room in our little pack for one more, if you'd have us. I'd love to introduce you to the others. Seven would adore you, I think. Would you... Would you like that?"

Insecurity seemed so alien in Lily's musical voices. Alexis could have laughed. It seemed a little late for that particular question, especially from someone who was buried into her so decisively. Rather than giggle like she wanted, she just let a hand fall from Henna's back, down beneath her, to brush longingly down a firm, red-furred thigh. Lily let out a happy, gruff growl. Her sire pulled off, her eyes burning with excited joy, and leaned her head casually back down to rest her muzzle against her silvery-furred progeny, quiet and gentle.

The newborn-wolf smiled giddily. She felt more at home than she had anywhere else, and she nodded slowly.