Shag Me to Hell
henna chuckles and gives his ear a quick tongue-flick. "very good. get on the bed, while i prepare for the spell," she says. while brad does so, it's henna's turn to get undressed.
Alexis - First Meetings
henna's grown up quite nicely, i must admit. let me know what you think!
henna tuhkasaari is a temporal sociologist, travelling back in time to observe the behaviors of people long ago.
The Last Malchix Night
Ignoring the box, rory looked at henna and with a soft purr in his voice asked her, "henna, would you do this house an honor and start the fire?" the request struck her like lightning.
Lily - The Blood Moon
henna's fine, white fur was slick with water, but lily managed to get an arm around her shoulders and proceeded to haul her backwards. henna snarled and wriggled under her, but lily kept her hold.
Emma - Friendly Faces
"she's henna, and she's not much one for awkwardness either."
Bound to please - Vol 18: Stallion's Toy
"you'll spend the night bound to the table, my pet, while the henna cures," tony said.
Exploration Into the Deep Unknown
Their backs have different henna markings, probably done as gifts by their males, whom they choose or compete over, or something.
Playing cat and mouse is a little old-fashioned
I thought tattoos, but if she knew how to tattoo, she wouldn't manage to prick someone for henna! henna! my wedding henna, and she _pricks_ me!" the two men stared at radha. she caught their gazes and rolled her eyes.
[Commission] The Making of a Broodmare: Part 2 - Bound
Gaze upon it, and feel how virile caristos of the hennae mountains is-" "quiet. i'm working."
The Mawket
The henna-tattoo store leaving the mog thoughtful. a name-on-a-grain-of-rice store getting several orders made. several names tossed into the air as those that needed to have a gift bought for them.
Notes : Symbian Gender and Sex
Symn [dae,'robot'] inter mae tyorl [naga] inter fae henna