The Gorilla of my Dreams

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#29 of A Real Animal Lover

This was a story idea suggested to me by a reader, and I joked about using his idea literally, and then I decided that it was possible after all. Here is the result.


are some stories that probably shouldn't be told.     This is one of them.                I have

no intention of setting down dates, though the location will be easy enough to

track down. The conditions surrounding are rather odd, to say the least, but

then I suppose that could be said for a lot of my stories. But this is one of

several that occurred in places that were not under my control, and therefore

subject to discovery and possible retribution; even if ultimately nothing bad

happened.                Only In

this case, my partner was more than capable of telling on me.                Her

name was Koko.                Yes, as

a matter of fact, I am talking about that Koko, the rather famous gorilla who

once tried to drag an equally famous human into her private quarters for some clandestine

nefarious purpose the comedian thankfully dismissed as hilarious. There was a

reason she was interested in him, and it's not just because girls like a guy

who can make them laugh.                She had

gotten a taste once and she wanted some more.                Koko,

if you don't know already, was a domestically born gorilla, making her

appearance on the fourth of July in 1971. I won't bother mentioning her

trainer/owner, other than to use her nickname of Penny.                The

idea behind the experiment that Koko essentially became the sole participant in

was in teaching sign language to a great ape. To this day there is some debate

over how much she really understood, but she was effective in communicating her

wishes and feelings using a wide array of gestures. Thankfully, she was never

taught one for sex, at least not before I was there. Otherwise, I think she

would have told on me; or maybe I should say, she would have bragged about me

and gotten us both in trouble.                 My

purpose in even visiting the place where she was had been nothing more than

professional curiosity. I hope you don't imagine that I went from place to

place merely for the chance to undo my zipper. If that were the case I would

have settled down on a farm a long time ago.                I was

curious about this experiment, and along with several others observers, went to

spend a few days to see how she fared with her learning. A lot of people were

trying to debunk it while others hoped to copy it, but I think that many were

looking for something wrong with it to debunk it on religious grounds. It's

hard to think of yourself as being superior to other life forms if they can

manage to communicate with you in an understandable language of your creation.                What's

that you ask? Why not just teach an ape to talk? It's structurally impossible.

Humans have a hyoid bone, and this is the single item in our bodies that makes

speech possible. So take it away, and there is no capability for speech. But a

brain allows for all sorts of communication, and apes are well versed in making

themselves understood.                 So now,

with that detail out of the way, allow me to continue. There were mostly women

with Koko, a gender bias that I think was purposeful. No one ever commented on

it that I know of, but I think it was done to keep her distractions to a

minimum. I mean think about it; a lone female gorilla kept away from her own

kind most of the time, going through her puberty and then reaching adulthood?

I'm sure she knew quite well the difference between men and woman, even if she

never saw any others of her own kind. But what could she ever do about it when

she had the urge those hormonal changes caused in her?                I could

only guess some of the innovative ways she might have available to her, though

I doubt anything like that would ever have shown up in the data being published

by her trainer. People tended to ignore that fact that animals had feelings and

desires too.                So, where

do I fit in? Somewhere right there between her hips...                Yeah, I

know.  Cut the funny stuff and get to the

story. Well, it happened like this.                 We were

watching her communicate one day, with an assistant signing to her, all the

while Koko signing back. She had quite a variety signs and signals, but she

seemed a bit distracted. She could see into the room where we were, and she

kept glancing over to look in on her admirers. She signed something to the

assistant, who signed back, until it looked like the two were in a heated

argument. The assistant finally got up and came into the next room, where we

were observing.                "Excuse

me, but it appears that Koko would like to talk with one of you."                Needless

to say, this created a sensational stir in the room. We all shuffled out to the

main area, where a pair of gorilla eyes followed us as we entered. It was then

that I really paid attention to the fact that the other observers were all female.

I mean, it had been a little weird, considering the decade, but not totally

weird. Woman had been working their way into the science fields and I was all

for it. I knew a lot of smart women, including a few that came close to

attracting way too much of my interest. Sadly for them, none of them had that

animal magnetism I so desired.                Koko

had her face pressed up against the glass, and was making little grunts. The

assistant turned and signed to her. She signed back. The woman smiled

sheepishly at me. "Apparently she would like to see you close-up."                 I

shrugged, quite honored at the request for a face-to-face meeting with the one

I had come to observe myself. She was in her cage, though that is hardly a good

word for it. It was really a room with blankets, toys and it occupied one wall

of the main room, with another viewing window in the room where we were seated.                Koko

signed to me, but I have to admit I didn't know very much sign language. I had

learned a little out of curiosity before coming here, but it wasn't a talent I

had any practical use for. I caught a bit of what she said, but some words were

unique to her system of signing. The assistant signed back. The gorilla signed

again.                "She

wants to know what you are. I'm not sure what she means."                I

smiled. I didn't know either. "I'm a veterinarian. Can you tell her that?"                "Sure!

Where at?"                I told

here where I was currently employed. She turned to the cage and carried on a

quick conversation. Then she started laughing; the assistant that is, not the

gorilla.                  "What's

so funny?" I asked, confused what a gorilla could possibly say that would be

humorous.                 The

lady was giggling uncontrollably. "She says that you are a doctor. She says

that she feels sick."                "I

see." If was obvious that she wasn't sick. The only other possibility was that

she was curious about me and wanted an up close and personal inspection. It

made sense in a way; for she could tell there was something different about me,

even if the matter of sexual diversity wasn't a strong point with her. I just

wasn't too sure about getting in with her, or even if it would be allowed.                I spoke

my mind. "I hear she's a doll, but that's a lot of muscular animal to trust my

life with."                The

assistant chuckled. She signed something to the gorilla, which made a face and

signed back.                "She

says that you're funny.  Why would she

hurt someone as cute as you?"                That

startled me. "Did she serious say cute?"                "Well,

not precisely. It's a matter of interpretation. She compared you to a kitten.

She's always wanted a kitten."                "I see.

What would your boss say about a stranger getting in there with her?"                "I

don't know. She's let others in before, but she's away at a conference right

now. I'm not sure what the repercussions would be."                I

shrugged. "Then we won't worry about it. I don't want anyone getting in

trouble." At this point I was more than curious about her, having spent a lot

of time with her smaller, and much more amorous cousin back at my first job.                But

when I turned to head back to my seat, Koko pounded the floor. There was a

brief exchange between the human and the ape. The woman turned to me, feeling

flustered. "She's says that you are to stay."                I

looked at Koko and smiled. I turned to the lady. "Tell her I will for a little

while."                That

seemed to satisfy the ole girl, for she went back to her lessons. I was

intrigued with the way she had learned to manipulate her environment. She had

lied, saying she was sick, because she found out I was a vet, which I'm sure

translated as "animal doctor." Then she made a fuss when I was going to go back

to the viewing room. She was one smart girl.                I sat

and learned a little myself, making the hand signs, and associating them with

what they meant. It was a lot like normal sign language, but with modifications

to allow for her limited association with a lot of silly human concepts.                 One

that I had to ask about was the one she kept using when she would throw glances

my way. The embarrassed assistant told me it was the word for love. I was

flattered, but I doubted that she knew the real meaning of that. I was guessing

she was associating her loneliness with the need for someone to be close to

her, and more importantly, someone of the opposite sex. There was no such thing

as a solitary ape. They were social creatures and where she didn't have

exposure to her own kind, she was learning to made do with what she had.                "Tell

her that I like her too. Tell her she is very pretty."                The

lady stared at me. "Are you sure? She might take it the wrong way!"                "Wrong

way?" The fact was, I had a devious little plan cooking. Since the leader of

this project was away, I might be able to stretch things a little.                "Yes.

If she thinks you're mocking her, she might get angry."                "But

I'm not mocking her. I do think she is beautiful."                She

relayed my message, and Koko hooted and shook. I smiled at her, and the damn

girl smiled back. The assistant was flabbergasted.                 "She is

signing now that she wants you to stay. I think this is worse than her getting

mad."                "Why?

Would there be any harm in spending the night?"                "I'm

not authorized to..."                "When

will your boss be back?"                "Not

for three days."                "Then I

won't tell. And if you won't tell, all we need to do is to convince Koko not to

tell."                "I'm

not sure..."                "If I

leave and she gets mad, she might hurt herself or something worse. If I stay, I

think I can take care of myself. I think it might be a learning experience for

both of us."                "But I

could get fired!"                "Ask

Koko that if I stay, will she keep it a secret."                "I

don't know if she'll understand that."                "Tell her

that she can't tell anyone else about this if I stay."                She

did, but only reluctantly. Koko agreed immediately. There was still some

reluctance on the part of the assistant, but I think we pretty much railroaded

her into doing it. The door was opened to the cage and I climbed in with her. I

got an immediate hug. I could have lost ribs with the strength of those arms,

but she was very gentle. She pursed her lips and kissed me on the cheek.  I was going to do the same but she grabbed my

head and planted one right on the lips. I must say, I was mildly surprised, but

worse ( for the moment) I found myself completely turned on.                I

waited until she let me go, gave a "what can you do" look to the assistant, and

urged them to continue as if I wasn't there. Koko had a hard time

concentrating, but she got better when I acted like I was learning too. Well,

truthfully I was. I figured if I was really going to spend the night, I might

need to know a few more words.                I

stayed through the afternoon, and when the others left, I was still there,

practicing my words and even eating a bowl of fruit with her. She was

delighted, sharing from her bowl and taking some from mine. It was at this

point that I was seeing the error of my ways. She was very quickly getting

attached to me, and I knew that was never going to go over well with anyone

here. It wasn't the attachment, but the breakup that was going to have to

happen in the morning. I wasn't sure how gorilla's felt about one night stands.                The

assistant fretted right up to when she had to leave. "This is highly irregular

you know," she said as I waved her away.                "I'll

be fine. And I promise I'll report anything unusual to you when you return.

Which will be what time?"                "I'll

be in by seven. Please make sure nothing happens to her or my ass is grass!"                "I

promise that'll I'll do everything she wants from me. At least, as far as I

understand sign language."                The

place was locked up; including me in the cage with Koko, so neither of us was

going anywhere til morning. I was alright with that, and she was downright

pleased. I had been gently fending her off the whole time, but once we were

alone, I relaxed. I signed the word for hug

to her, and she responded by wrapping me in those long arms and sighing.                The

poor girl didn't seem to get enough attention it seemed, though I was hardly

feeling that was really the case. I think it was a matter of getting the

attention she really, really needed. I wasn't going to push matters, but I

wasn't going to be squeamish either. I knew quite well what I was capable of,

and was curious to find out what she had in mind. This was first time that a

partner could actually say what they wanted, or didn't want, in a fairly clear

manner. The funny thing was; I would be at the disadvantage this time around.                I was

sitting on the floor with her, and I turned and did my best to hug her back.

She had the advantage and for a moment she didn't let go. I finally moved a

little and she relented to let me loose. However, I wasn't prepared to

disappoint her. I shift and got around to her side, and mimicking her species

grooming behavior, ran my fingers through her fur until she was a relaxed

puddle.                I moved

and let her slide to the floor, where I continued to scratch her skin and work

over her fur. She was free from parasites of course, but grooming is very

soothing to apes, and it helps to build emotional bonds. Yes, I know it was

something I shouldn't have been doing, but I didn't see any other choice in

gaining her confidence. At this point, I was going for the gold.                I tickled

her sides a little and she went into a fit of apish laughter. I couldn't help

but laugh too. She signed for me to do it again and I did, working my fingers

down her sides to her hips. Her laughter settled down and abruptly stopped when

I worked my way to this inside of her thighs. She put her hands behind her head

and stared at me, as if wondering what I was up to. When you have this much

gorilla staring you down, you make your next move very carefully.                I

massaged her thighs, working my way to the point where they met. She seemed to

relax again and even hoot a little as I got closer to my target. I don't think

anyone or anything had ever had the audacity to get this close and personal

unless it was her normal veterinarian while she was out cold. She had the

strength to tear your arm out of its socket, so she wasn't a girl you wanted to

piss off.                I

worked my way to her slit and massaged the area outside for a moment before

using my fingers to part the dark skin and expose the vibrant pink hidden

below. I cautiously stuck a finger down in it, find it wet and warm. She lifted

her head again, watching me as I played with her. Then the head went back down

again. It seemed she was alright with this game.                I

shifted around between her legs before deciding that it would be far easier to

strip now than later.  I sat up and

quickly unbuttoned my shirt, and then went to removing my shoes, socks and

pants. She watched it all with a rapt attention that said this was a novelty

for her. She was pursing her lips and making little calls that echoed around

the room. I think she would have really gotten off at a Chippendale's show.                She

took immediate interest in our anatomical differences, or maybe I should say in

mine from hers. She sat up and stared at me, perhaps seeing an unclothed human

for the very first time. I saw her eyes go to my crotch, and for the time being

her interest in feeling my touch was replaced with touching of her own. I

winced in preparation for some manhandling but was pleasantly surprised by the

delicacy of her touch. Her fingers wrapped around my stiff cock and pulled ever

so slightly on it.                 A slight smile came to her lips as she pushed

me down and climbed on top. I was never partial to fat girls and Koko was no

lightweight. She was a good two hundred pounds if not more, but she held herself

up as she straddled me, her ass in my face.                She was

sniffing my cock, and I was still hanging on the edge wondering what she would

do. As exciting as this sounds, the thought of losing your manhood to an

animal, even a smart one like this, was a little daunting. But I felt her sniff

once or twice and then she put her lips over the end. Her tongue came out and

licked the tip.                I was

getting a blow job from an ape!                Yes, I

know that she probably had no idea what that was. She was just examining me by

tasting. Animals do that sort of thing all the time, but I swear to you now

that she kept at it for long enough that I was rethinking my assumption. And

since I had her right in front, I figured a little return on the favor was in

order.                I

leaned up and grabbed her hips, putting my face where my fingers had been

before. She was a little musky, but since she was healthy and bathed regularly,

it wasn't an unpleasant experience.  The

first lick I gave her brought her head up. The second had her head down again

as she resumed licking my cock.                I was

totally taken in by this, but in my sadly over analytical mind, All I could see

were potential newspaper headlines; Man Rapes Gorilla!                And

yet, this wasn't what it was by any means. She was sitting on me at the moment,

and I wasn't going anywhere. Nor did I want to. Her mouth was as athletic as

the rest of her, and that tongue and those lips were treating me like a banana.                That is

to say, I think she found me ap-peeling.                Sorry; that

just had to be said.                I was

licking her slit, nuzzling in deeper so that I could engage my tongue. Her

backside pressed into my face as I did, and I could feel her toes dig into my

sides. Her fingers were locked almost painfully around my legs as she went down

repeatedly, more in response to what I was doing than to any real understanding

of oral sex.                I on

the other hand understood it completely, and I soon had her rocking on my face

and hooting to beat the band. I'm sure that if anyone had been around, the

noise would have been heard three rooms over. I'm pretty sure that gorillas

weren't the sexual powerhouses that their cousins the bonobos were, but if this

ever caught on in gorilla society, males might not be dominant anymore.                 She

eventually gave up on her oral investigation of my crotch in favor of sitting

up hooting as I licked her out. She was grinding her ass into my face with

enough force to make it hurt. I was therefore relieved when she was. I somehow

doubt that great ape sex in the wild was anything on par with this. Considering

that males weren't well endowed and the act was usually over with quickly, I

think this girl was getting the royal treatment.                She was

still twitchy when she rolled off and on the floor, returning to stretching out

on her back. Her feet were jerking a little, and her eyes were wide. If I

didn't already know the reason, I would have guessed that she had been given

some sort of drug.                I was

still plenty hard, for just because she got off didn't mean that I had the

chance.  But even now I was still

weighing in the possibility of doing her some damage. Maybe you know it and

maybe you don't, but compared to their size, male gorillas have relatively

small penises.  Humans have the largest

in comparison than all the other primates. So despite her overall size, my cock

might be more than she could handle.                I know

what I did with my little bonobo girl. But different species are built in

different ways. This was going to be a reckoning if there ever was one. I mean,

after all, I was essentially taking her virginity. I doubt it was a big deal in

the animal kingdom, but we're talking ape here, not a donkey or a deer. But if

I got in there and it hurt, I had a feeling she was going to let me know.                She was

on her back, her legs waving in the air, and a dreamy look on her face. I think

she was still stoned from that rush of endorphins. I figured now was as good a

time as any and dropped on her, wiggling my cock to get it where it needed to

be. It was still slick with her saliva, so I hoped it was enough lubrication to

squeeze in.                It was.

She was so taken in by the situation that she brought up her toes and grabbed

me by the hips and pulled me close. Thus, in the end, the driving force behind

driving me inside was all her.                 I was

rather surprised by both the extreme tightness and the fact that I was able to

sink in all the way. I guess I couldn't help but think of her as a big chimp,

since that's what I had experience with. Even more promising was the gurgling

sound she made. As it was, her toes were presently tight enough on my skin to

leave bruises, and she was using her strong legs to push me up and then drop me

back down. She needed this far more desperately than I could ever have

imagined.                 I

wisely chose to let her do the work, eventually getting into her rhythm and

allowing her to relax the grip from her toes. Thankfully, the situation was

such that I could ignore the divots in my flesh to focus on the joy of pounding

her into submission. She was big and tough, so submission wasn't a likely

scenario. I had a feeling I would wear out long before she did.                I had

done a few big cats in this position, but never had I ever done a beast this

big in a missionary position except for the panda. But even the panda lacked

the sexual energy that Koko had. And the panda never had the ability to dictate

its desires to me. Koko was signing in the air, and I was doing my best to

figure out what she was saying.                The

best I could make out was; feeland good, and the sign for hug. I think she was showing her

approval for this very intimate hug. I signed (I think) that I agreed with her

assessment. Her hands and feet went down to the floor and she forced her hips

up and off the floor a good three or four inches. And damn if she hardly

wavered as I pounded it in deep. She was proving just how strong she was.                I drove

it home for a good ten minutes before I blew. She held herself up the entire

time. When she felt me ejaculate and collapse on top, she dropped down and

wrapped her feet and arms around me.  It

could feel her arms moving, and it took me a moment to realize she was signing.

I had no idea what it was, since it was behind my back.                I

whispered to her, hoping she understood English. "I don't understand you Koko,

but if you're saying that you enjoyed it, that makes two of us."                She

hugged me tight and made cooing sounds.                After a

little while she relaxed and started grooming me again. She was grunting and

making little sounds of contentment as she ran her fingers through my hair. I

have to admit that it was both sensual and satisfying. I was looking her right

in the face, and while she would spare me the occasional glance, she almost

seemed embarrassed now that we were done.                I

signed the word for thank you and she stopped and looked at me. It took me several

tries to understand her reply.                Her signing

was literal, and it took me a moment to work it out. Koko not bad?                I

signed clumsily back. Koko is very good girl                Her

face lit up.                Stay?                Ouch!

Now that was the problem I had feared.  No.

Koko  stay. I leave. Must.                She

thought on that. More?                I had

to think what she meant. I touch her between her legs. Her lips parted. I

signed for what she had said. More? She nearly vibrated in place.                I

smiled and nodded, this time saying it out loud. "Oh, definitely more. But we

must be done soon. If we both are too tired in the morning, we'll be in

trouble."                I don't

know that she understood all of that, but she understood the gist of it. She

curved her mouth into a smile and looked me straight in the face. She made a

quick sign that I translated as fun and I signed it back. She hugged

me again, and while in her embrace, I slipped a hand down to her crotch and started

playing again. Her hips wiggled and her hooting picked up in volume.                Her

toes found my semi-rigid cock and began to play with it. It was an amazing

thing, feeling how nimble those toes were. Unlike humans, gorillas had very

dexterous digits on their feet. And despite their leathery look, that dark skin

was very soft and supple.                It

didn't take long for me to harden back up. She seemed to recognize what that meant

and dropped back on her back. I followed right behind her and retook my

position on top. Considering how many years she had existed alone, she was a

quick learner. I was still thinking however, on what she was going to do once I

left. Which was when I spied the banana left over from earlier. The question

was, should I teach her something like masturbation?                The

answer was, not just yet. Round two had just begun. She was so into this that I

think she could have done the sound-over to an x-rated Tarzan movie. Trust me,

if we had been in the jungle, the steaminess would have increased tenfold.  In fact I had seen a few porno flicks in my

day, and this girl had more energy than any of the tired old things that had

starred in them. Of course, what we were doing broke all kinds of human and

natural laws and if it had been put down on film, even the worst of the stuff

on the black market would have looked tame by comparison.                Seriously.

A guy fucking a gorilla. No one would ever believe it. They'd be looking for

the seam or zipper in the costume.                The

only seam she had was the one I was ripping into at the moment. She had her

legs wrapped around me and was using her muscles to enhance my thrusts. Ok, in truth

she was doing it all herself. I was simply the tool to scratch a long existing

itch and she was rubbing it with all the gusto she could muster. It was a good

thing I had some pain killers back at my hotel room, because lord knows, I was

going to need them come morning.                Oh, it

wasn't that bad. But she was very vigorous, to the point that I think she could

have given a silverback a run for his money. When I came again, it was very

nearly in time with hers. I even lost a little of my hearing for a bit from the

volume of throaty yell she let loose.                That

was it for me. I rather figured we end up falling asleep, so I got dressed

again in preparation for a few hours rest. She seemed disappointed that I

covered up the good parts, but I signed "sleep" and she sighed and balled up

her blankets into a nest. It was obvious she still had plenty of energy, so I

grabbed the long yellow fruit and held it up in front of her.                She

signed food, but I signed back fun.                I

slipped it between her legs and watched her eyes light up. I knew I had just

unleashed a beast, but what was done was done. I pushed it in, and she lay back

and gurgled with joy. I took her hand and placed it on the stem and pushed it

in and out until she got the hang of it. It was a bit thinker than I was, but

with her recent expansion in that region, it was able to squeeze in the entire

way.                She got

off for the next hour, and I had no way of explaining to her that eventually

that banana was going to go even softer than I did. It dawned on me though that

her food probably included carrots, with might prove to be a better toy than

the banana especially if she tightened up again. Their natural narrow tip was

more suited to her anatomy.                We

finally fell asleep, but not before I "talked" to her. I spoke and signed,

trying to get her to understand that she had to keep this all a secret. I had a

feeling the assistant wasn't going to be mentioning it to her boss, and Koko

therefore was the only other witness. I think I got it through her head, and we

fell asleep wrapped up in each other's arms.                Come morning,

which came all too quickly, we were awakened by the assistant as promised. She

looked both relieved and tired. Apparently she hadn't slept well worrying about

my safety.                 "I'm

fine! She's a real doll, and we had a bit of a slumber party, though she is a

far better linguist than I am. She's really quite remarkable."                Koko

was sitting beside me and was rapidly signing to the woman. For me it was like being

able to speech French, but not being fast enough to catch what others were

saying.                 When it

was all sorted out, I guess what the ole girl had said was, that I was a

wonderful cuddle kitten and that she wished I could stay. Since we had gone

over that, I made a few signs to reinforce that thought. She looked sad, but

she pulled me in and gave me a hug. When she let go, she signed thank

you and dropped her eyes.                I

leaned in and kissed her broad nose. "No Koko, thank you!