Reunited and it Feels so Good

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#92 of The Moonrise Chronicles

Just a short bit so that no one thinks I've forgotten about our happy couple. I


held the line to his mind, reeling with the immense emotional pain that he was

hiding from. She felt bad for her necessary deception, but it had been required for making her plan successful. If her

real father had known she was still among the living, their lives would have been pure misery

with him constantly breathing down their necks. Getting him to leave them alone

had meant that she had to fake her own death, a trick that had been easier the

first time she had thought of it.


it's me. You need to come out now."


was a whimper over the connection. "No, this is just a trick. You're dead."

                She was

half amused and half angered. "Look you stupid idiot, I'm still alive. I had to

trick you all into thinking I was gone so that everyone believed I was dead. I

couldn't think of a better way of handling this situation."

                "But I

saw you die. I saw it in my mind and then it happened."


stopped and thought for a second. "Shit! You foretold me dying and you thought

it was for real. You and your stupid ability aren't worth crap if you don't

start honing your ability to look past some of the obvious stuff."

                He was

still inside there, curled up in a mental ball. She screamed at him. "Edward!

Get your fucking ass out here now!"


watched his physical eyes as they went from being feral to gaining a glimmer of

intelligence. His form sagged just a little.


                 "Yes, it's me you incomprehensible man.  God, how are we ever going to make a life



blinked. "Wait, you're dead."


you're still slow when grasping the obvious."


form dropped down to being human. "But I saw you die!"


off! You couldn't see a damn thing. I made sure of that. What do you think the

silver nitrate was for?"


scratched his head. "You're right. But the smoke?"

                A bunch

of cheap chemicals that Leo put in place for me. I was nearly thrown off with

the weather but I got it lit and then hid out of sight. I was running a risk

that someone was going to catch on."


you drank the stuff. And you didn't have your ring on your finger!"


stupid. Where do you think the stuff in the squirt gun came from? I rinsed the

bottle at the drinking fountain and filled it up with water."


why didn't you tell..." He stopped to think. "Because everyone had to think you

were dead as to not give the whole thing away."



the wolves? Why did you have them come?"


cover my tracks when I left. If I blended in with them, no one would notice. I

was planning on staying there at the sanctuary, but once you showed up, my

plans had to be modified."

                He was

recovering his wits finally and thinking things over, searching the future. He

was overflowing with all sorts of emotions. He wisely let them run their

course, knowing full well that if he let loose with his pent up anger at her

she might take offense. He was so overjoyed that she was alive that he soon put

the other feelings behind him.


know kiddo, I might forgive you one of these days."


your time. I think that if you look into the future, you might see that my

course was the only effective one that we had."


it seems like your plan worked. But you have a lot of people feeling pretty miserable

right now."

                "Shit happens.

If they don't like it, I can really do myself in and make them all happy."


why would you say that?"


I'm more than a little pissed off at everyone right now."

                He went

to say something and wisely shut up again. She had the right to be angry. She

might be young, but she did have a remarkable grasp on life. And now, she still

had to deal with the fact that her father was a bit of a freak; her grandmother

had left her to fend for herself, and he was not much better. He had tried to

take control of a situation that had little chance of being resolved in any

satisfactory manner, and she had come in and handled it far better than he had.

                "Can I

make a suggestion?"


She was feeling very snappish.


about a vacation?"

                She stopped

and stared at him. "What the hell are you talking about?"

                "Just you

and me. We'll go wherever you want."


you serious? Every time we do anything together the fabric of reality seems to

split. I don't think the world can handle us being together."


going to have to learn I guess."

                She was

looking at him before busting out laughing."Look at the two us! We're both

naked in the woods and talking about going on a vacation. We are so screwed up

I'm not sure if it's funny or pathetic!"


I guess I sort of forgot about that."


collapsed on the ground holding her sides. She hadn't laughed like this in a

while. "Oh god. We are so screwed up! I don't think there's an ounce of

help to be had for the likes of us."


tried to keep it together, but he too was overtaken by the absurdity of their

lives. They were soon covered in mud and leaves. It was a good thing the area

was abandoned for the moment, for it's hard to tell what an observer would have

thought about what they would have been seeing. For all intents and purposes,

they looked like two crazy meth-heads going into convulsions.


finally got her wits about her again. "So where do you suggest that two muddy

freaks go on vacation? I can't think of anywhere I'd rather be right now than

with you."


about Las Vegas?"

                Her eyebrow

scrunched up. "Why Vegas?"


cleared his throat. "Because we could get married there."

                Her jaw

dropped. "What the hell are you saying?"


saying that it's about time I start acting like I love you. I've been failing



hell you have. But seriously, we go to Vegas and you think they'll give us a

license and then what? We go to an Elvis impersonator and get hitched?"


you think of something better? After all, you're too young to do it any other



smirked. "Too young? Hmmmm. Well, maybe and maybe not.  Mother and grandmother certainly don't approve, which

makes your offer all the more enticing."

                "What part

do they play? You've seemed to have forgotten already that they still think you're dead."


have a point. But I think that I'll forgo your offer for the moment. I don't want

you making rash decisions just because you've been making them all along."

                "So you're

saying you won't marry me?"

                "I didn't

say that. But I don't want it on the sly."


what do you want then?"

                She giggled

and told him. He fell back on his ass and stared at her.


you thought my idea was crazy?"

                "No, I

thought your idea wasn't well thought out. What do you think of mine?"


think that if we can manage it, it'll be like nothing that has occurred in the

world in a long time, if ever."

                "Oh, it's

not all that dramatic," she said with a smile.


have to tell everyone you're alive you know."


I figured. So what say we get a move on it? I have a feeling they won't stick

together for too long unless Leo can keep up his facade."

                "So he

was in on this?"

                "Sure, to

a certain degree. He wasn't all that happy, but he agreed it would probably work.

He's a good guy at heart you know, and a lot smarter than the history books

ever let on to."

                "He is

pretty decent.  But do we have to rush



Do you think they need to have a little more time to stew?"

                "No. I

thought maybe we could have a little time together."

                Her ears

sprouted and a tail emerged from her backside. She grew sharp little claws. "You're

a bad influence Mr. Peterson."

                "Am I

now? I seem to recall that our sexual relationship was prompted by you, not me."

                "Oh, is

that so?" She wasn't about to deny it. "I see that you have suffered terribly

because of it."

                "Yes I



                "I do

suffer love indeed, for I love thee against my will."

                She sat

up, and then shook her head. "Don't go quoting Shakespeare to me mister. This is not the time. I want something plain and normal."


chuckled. "Oh Mags, I don't think we'll ever have anything close to a normal normal life."


pushed him down on his back, growling ever so slightly. "I never said I wanted

a normal life. I want a life with you, you big idiot."


guess we could give up the transformations."

                "Think again,"

she said as she straddled his hips. "I want to see the world. I don't want to

be stuck in anonymity like the older generation. Uncle gave us money, and it'll

do no good just sitting in the bank."


need to save some for the future though."


course we will. You can't raise a family on nothing, now can you?"


paused. "Family? Are you sure you want to raise a family with me?"


growled, her eyes glowing. "You've been pretty loose with where you sow your

seed mister, so don't start getting coy with me now."


that's what I mean. I've been pretty rabid about letting it loose."

                "And so

your answer is to deny me?"

                "I didn't

say that!"

                "Good, because

I can forgive a lot, but that would get you gutted in no time."

                "But I would


                "Yes you

would, and I'd tear them out again. If you plan on marrying me, you take the

whole thing. My attitude, my appearance, my family; everything." She let the

last word draw out.


slid down over his cock, which had sprung to life as they talked. He started to

protest about how dirty they were, and she hushed him by agreeing.

                "Oh, I

plan on being completely filthy by the time were done!"

                As it

turned out, another patch of clouds rolled in, drenching them with rain. Though cleaner, neither one noticed the downpour, being too wrapped up in each other to

really care what was going on in the world.


while they might have been better off in their feral forms where anyone noticing

them would have assumed it was just two stray dogs going at it, neither one

changed, for even Maggie had inadvertently dropped the tail and ears. Some things were best

without elaboration, and right now, this was one of them. It wasn't all a

matter of physical sensation, but a further integration of their hearts, minds

and souls.


the next few hours they embraced, make love, and overall merged into the couple

they seemed to be destined to be. That's not to say they didn't get worked up.

After all, there was steam rising from their bodies, and it wasn't all that cold

out at the moment. Better that they work it out here and now. Who knew what else lay ahead of them as their future unfolded?