Making a Valentine's Date (story)

Story by onewhoknew on SoFurry

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I hope you're having a good Valentine's day. Me, I'll be sat alone in my room, as normal. There's artwork to go with this here:

Dan sat in the office, looking nervously around the pictures on the wall. Most were of happy couples, hugging each other and enjoying life together - as might be expected from a dating agency. Very much unlike him.

The chubby little rabbit must have been sitting waiting for almost twenty minutes when the fox came back in. He nervously tucked his phone back into his jeans pocket, the screen blanking out on the book he had been reading. "Well," said the fox, gesturing with the folder in his hand. "I think we have finally found the perfect partner for you - and just in time for Valentines' Day, too!"

Dan was doubtful. Over the past three weeks, he'd been on more dates that in the year before that, none of which had ended well. He had just about given up on finding a decent man, but the dating agency hadn't. As he became less interested, the seemed to become more insistent that they would find the perfect guy for him. "Listen," he said, cocking his head to the side. "I appreciate that you're trying, but I don't think-"

"Ah!" The fox held up a finger as he settled into his chair. "Now, we do have one last available man, who has rather unusual tastes, but we feel that you could fit them."

He paused for a moment. Dan felt as though something was expected from him. "What- what do you mean, unusual-"

"Now, we do promise to make you the perfect match before Valentine's Day! Although I must say, it would have been a lot easier if you'd been more honest about your likes and dislikes when you signed up for our services."

Dan felt a cold shiver up his spine, the fur rising up on his neck. What had they found? "I put down everything I wanted in a man-"

"Really? Because we took a quick look through your browsing history, and found some very different... desires."

A cold chill ran up his spine. "H-How did you- You can't do that!"

"Well, we did, and do you know what?" The fox leaned forward, pushing the folder across the desk. "We think we found the perfect man for you."

Dan stared at the folder as if it might spring open and attack him at any second. His heart was hammering in his chest as adrenaline pumped around his body, screaming at him to run, but if these people knew the kind of porn he looked at - what were they planning on, blackmailing him to - to do what?

The fox flipped it open, apparently not wanting to wait for Dan to compose himself. "Yes, when he came to us, we said that finding exactly the kind of... person he wanted to- a relationship with would be difficult. And that it might be easier, rather than looking for the right person, to... make the right person."

At the top of the form in the folder was a photo of a strong jawed wolf, smiling confidently. He looked like he was used to the world bending over backwards for him, Dan thought. He swallowed heavily and asked, although he already knew the answer, "What kind of person?"

"Why, a slutty, submissive sissy she-male, of course! Why do you think we called you in?"

"I-I'm not..." Dan's whisper tailed off in fruitless denial.

"Come now, we've seen the photos you've shared online. We know how much to love dressing up. We know the kind of thing you discuss with the other sissys on your forums. What was it you said?"

He tapped at the computer on his desk, and read out, "'So, yeah, if some hot rich guy were to like, offer to make me his little bitch, like permanently, I'd so totally be into that. I'd love to be a bimbo fuck toy for him to dangle off his arm. Any takers?'"

The fox cocked his head and smiled a shit eating grin. "We found you a taker."

Dan stared at the man, mouth open slightly.

"Well, this works slightly better if you respond in some way." He settled back in his chair.

Dan shook himself and spluttered, "But- I never- I can't- I'm not a she- a transsexual!"

"Well, you prospective partner isn't looking for a transsexual. More some man who just happens to have the right... dressing habits."

The rabbit shook his head, ears flapping from side to side. "I can't do that. I can't go out in public! I'd never pass! I'd just be-"

"I beg to differ!" The fox held up a finger again. "I showed your photos to our makeover team, and they say they could sculpt a wonderfully feminine figure from your raw potential, if they got their hands on you."

Dan swallowed heavily, trying not to imagine people looking at those photos he'd posted. Which ones were they, the one with the black figure hugging dress where he'd twisted his torso to try for the hourglass look, or the red dress when he'd stuffed the bra cups with water balloons? "I can't afford that kind of a makeover..."

"Well, it must be your lucky day, because our other client offered to pay the fee for any makeover that his prospective partner would need."

He stared at the photo in the folder. This man knew nothing about him, but was willing to fund his... transformation. "I can't. I have a life! I can't suddenly be somebody else!"

"Well, we weren't talking about anything permanent. A little makeup, a well fitted dress, a few hours in the hair salon - nothing that couldn't be washed or brushed off. You could have your date tonight, and tomorrow morning be back to being your perfectly normal, boring self."

"I can't... I don't know. What if we get together and I don't like him? Or he doesn't like me?"

"Well, it's just a date. Nothing compulsory! If you don't like him, you're free to leave at any time. And I'm sure he'll like you - you'll be made up to his specifications, after all!"

A deep dark thrill ran through him. "I don't think I can do this..."

"Then let us do it to you." The fox leaned forward. "You keep coming up with reasons not to do this, but you haven't said the only real reason not to go on this date."

"What's that?"

"The only real reason not to go, is because you don't want to." A sly smile crept across his face. "And I wonder how long it would have taken you to think of that? Face it, you've sat there, and asked me to persuade you to do this. Haven't you?"

Dan nodded, slowly.

"Good. I knew you were the right man for this. All you need do is say, 'Yes'. Now, do you want this makeover, and this date?"

Dan opened his eyes and licked at his lips. His mouth was dry, and his heads swam. "Yes," he whispered.

"Excellent!" The fox clapped his hands together. "Now, we'll just see if the subliminal hypnosis tracks we played earlier worked."

Dan's head snapped up at this. "What?" But then the fox's fingers snapped, and as the heavy lids fell over his eyes, he just had time to think, 'This can't be happening!' before his consciousness disappeared into blackness.


There was the sound of clicking fingers. Val blinked slowly. Her head felt fuzzy, and thought trailed sluggishly through her head. "Good," said a voice. "How are you feeling?"

She touched one finger to her eyes, wiping out a crumb of sleep without messing up her eyeliner with those red painted nails. "Mmm," she said, enjoying the sultry throatiness in her voice. "I feel all fuzzy inside."

"Excellent!" The fox clapped his hands together. "Who are you, and do you know where you are and what you are doing?"

Three questions? That was a lot! The bunny attempted to marshal the scattered threads in her mind, but the ones she grabbed seemed subtly wrong. "My name's Valentine, and we're outside - a restaurant? And I've got a hot date?"

The fox nodded, smiling gleefully. Val sighed with relief. She'd got it right! Then she giggled happily. At least there was someone here to tell her what to be if she'd got it wrong!

"Why don't you check your makeup, and then go and meet your date?"

That was a good idea! She reached into her bag - cheap red imitation leather - and pulled out a clamshell mirror. Her eyes were perfect, long mascara laden lashes. She tweaked at a few strands of hair, pulling the loose group to dangle over her eye in a cute way. As long as she looked good - it was more about being seen than seeing, right? Her lips needed another coating of lipstick, though. Once that was applied, she blew a kiss at the fox and giggled.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" he asked.

She stared blankly for a second, and then - oh, the date! She really was empty headed!

Saying her thanks to the man, she climbed out of the car into the night - how had she been driven there, anyway? It didn't matter. She shook her head and walked towards the entrance.

Funny. The way she was moving was totally natural, but at the same time completely unfamiliar. The red high heels her feet were squeezed into forced her mind to think heel-toe, heel-toe over and over again as she walked, not noticing how the placement of her feet in a straight line infront of each other made her hips swing with every step. The dress she was wearing was too small, and the scandalously short hem cut into the flesh of her thighs, reducing her range of movement to small, mincing steps. The corset that was built into the dress made each of her short breaths thrust her chest up, the cups forcing the chubby flesh of her chest together, making her normally disappointingly flat chest look busty. Her left arm was crooked to hold her bag, but her right swung freely, out to the side of her hips, palm flat to the ground in an exaggeratedly feminine manner.

She looked every inch the vapid, slutty, bimbo she was.


Inside, a waiter saw her come in. Without asking her he beckoned her to follow him into the darkness of the restaurant. The table she was led to was set in an alcove, discreetly positioned so that it seemed private. Low lights lit the walls, casting a dreamlike quality over the room. There was no-one sitting at the table, and Val stared dumbly at it, unsure of what to do now that she wasn't being told. But that was soon cleared when a large hand landed on her bare shoulder, turning her around.

The wolf was easily a foot taller than her, and well built with it. A dark suit was stretched across his broad shoulders, highlighting the lighter fur of his muzzle in contrast. A few sharp canine teeth showed through the smug lop-sided smile he gave her, distorting the square outline of his jaw. Even back this morning, when Val had been a silly little man, she would have gone weak at the knees to see him.

"God," she whispered. "I want you to take me over the table right now."

He chuckled at that. Val looked shocked, and covered her mouth. She hadn't meant to say that out loud! Were her brains leaking into her mouth? But at least he didn't seem offended. She covered her mouth and let out a little giggle.

"We'll get to that later," he said. His voice was a bass rumble that sent a quiver through the whole of her body. "First, let's eat."

HE guided her to a chair. It felt so good, the way her took charge, showing her where she should be. As he sat, the waiter appeared out of nowhere, notepad at the ready. The wolf ordered a steak - rare - but when the waiter turned to her, he snapped his fingers and said, "I'll order for her. The house salad, I think."

The waiter glanced back and forth between them, until she nodded happily. It was so thoughtful of her date to take the agony of having to make her own decisions away from her! "Thank you," she said. The waiter shrugged and walked away.

"That is fine for you, isn't it?" said the wolf, pouring wine into their glasses.

It wasn't a question, not really. He already knew the answer: that whatever he wanted was perfectly fine for Val. "Of course! If you say it's good, I know I'll love it. And besides, I can't eat much right now, not with this corset. All I really want to eat is your cock."

Val's hand shot up to cover her mouth, her eyes crossing to try to look as if something was pulling the dirty thoughts out of her mouth. The wolf chuckled.

She forced a smile to her lips, pretending she wasn't helpless to stop revealing all her filthiest fantasies. "I'm sorry, they didn't tell me your name. What should I be screaming out later?"

She covered her mouth again. What was wrong with her?

"You can call me Sir."

Val's mouth dropped open. "Yes, Sir," she whimpered.

"Wondering why you keep blurting out your thoughts?"

She nodded sheepishly.

"It's part of the hypnosis you're under. Any sexual thoughts you have simply fall out of your mouth, completely out of your control. I'm glad it's working, hopefully the rest of your programming is filling up your empty little head as we speak. Well, I speak and you drown in your own sexual fantasies."

"That's so hot I could cum right now," said Val, her pupils blown wide. The statement was clearly automatic, her mind not in the least bit involved.

"I doubt that," he said. "Now pick up your glass."

The direct command shook Val out of her trance. Her glass was full now, so she pick it up. She was about to take a sip, when she saw the wolf hold his out towards her. She did the same, and he tapped the rims together. "To making the perfect Valentine," he said, and Val giggled as she drank.


The wine seemed to go straight to her head, but it couldn't make her any more ditzy. She knew just what to do to make her like her, though, giggling at all the right points in his conversation, despite most of he jokes passing over her head, and gasping in awe at the tales of his prowess in business. It all came automatically to her, without thought, which was good because she wasn't doing much thinking. Her only contributions to the conversation were obscene propositions of how he could use her body, which he brushed aside.

Once her tiny salad was finished - along with three glasses of the red wine - she excused herself and made her way to the restroom. In one of the stalls she hitched up the skirt of her dress, not sure if she should unzip it or not. Her programming hadn't included how to pee in a dress, and before, when she'd been a man, she'd never gone to the toilet while dressed up. At least she wasn't wearing any panties! As she was figuring this out, she heard two women enter. They talked about their dates, who as far as Val could tell didn't even compare to her Sir, but then something they said dragged her full attention.

"...And did you see that rabbit who walked in earlier? God what was she wearing?"

"I know, right? She looked like such a slut!"

"She must be. There's no way she'd get a man by anything other than slutting it up. She looked kind of like a man herself!"

"She must be so dumb, to let some man dress her like that so he can get his paws all over her."

"Yeah, I'd never lower myself like that, no matter how desperate I was..."

Their voices trailed off as they left the bathroom. Val sat for a moment, shaken, and then tidied herself up. She touched up her make up, and then headed out to the table and her date. She knew what she had to do now.

Sir saw her coming, and said "Well, much as I enjoyed watching you walk away-"

He was cut off as she jumped into his lap. She locked her lips to his, trying to force her into a kiss, one hand sneaking into his shirt while she shoved the other between his legs, reaching for his cock. He pulled back, and said, "Val, stop."

Val froze, a look of desperate yearning on her face. She stared at him from inches away as he examined her. "Hmm. You're not supposed to be this forward until I tell you to. What happened while you were away?"

The words spilled out of her lips. "I w-was in the bathroom a two proper women came in and they said I was stupid and ugly and that no-one would ever want me to be like a proper girlfriend and the only reason that you're with me is because I'm a slutty sure fuck and then I thought-" - she took a breath - "-that if you were with me because I'm slutty I should be really slutty to make sure you fuck me later."

She leant back a little, sighing. "Because I don't have anything but sluttiness."

The wolf regarded her for a second. Then he pulled her into a deep kiss. She squeaked in surprise as his tongue forced past her lips, invading her mouth as she melted into his arms. She could feel his chest vibrating with a chuckle as he broke the kiss. "No, you really don't. Fortunately, that all that I want in my she-mail bimbo date."

Val smiled back at him, tears forming at the corners of her eyes. She was what he wanted, and that was all that mattered. "Now, why don't we have dessert before I take you home and fuck you stupid? Well, stupider."

"Oh! Did you order for me?"

"I ordered for me. You- well, would you like to show me how much of a slut you are? I promise you something creamy at the end of it."

Val didn't need to be told twice. She slid to the ground, pushing his legs apart as she did so. On her knees, she let him pull the tablecloth in such a way that she was hidden from view. With trembling fingers, she unzipped his pants, reaching inside to pull out his member. She let out a small gasp as she held it, in awe of how magnificent it was. It was that it was the biggest she'd seen, though it was much bigger than hers, of course, but it was his, and that made it better than any other cock could be. Sure, she;d suck all the cocks, but she'd be thinking of this one for the rest of her life.

As it pulsed and plumped up in her grip, she slid her tongue out and gently lick the very tip. Then she pushed her face slowly along the length, until it was draped over her muzzle and eyes, her lips kissing his zipper and tongue reaching as far inside as she could. By now it was fully hard, each of His measured heartbeats twitching it up. A drop of pre had gathered a the pointed tip, and she pulled back to lap at it before opening wide to take the whole of his tip into her mouth. She pressed her tongue against the bulge and pulled hit back, drawing more salty pre out until the taste filled her mouth, then slowly drove her head forward until the tip of his cock touched the back of her mouth, then swallowed, taking it even further.

While she marvelled at her sudden lack of gag reflex, footsteps could be heard approaching. "Can I get you anything else, sir?" asked the waiter.

"No, thank you," replied the wolf. "All my needs have been excellently met."

Val smiled a stretched grin at this, and worked her throat in a swallowing motion. Though she'd never done exactly this before, her programming told her just how to make it feel great, and although he make no sign of it above the table, she could feel the wolf's muscles trembling in appreciation.

"And will your - ah - lady friend be wanting anything?"

"No, I think she'll be too full to eat anything."

A clink of fork on plate told her that the wolf was enjoying his dessert as she pulled back to breathe, taking care to maintain suction on his dick. She barely noticed, concentrating on moving up and down. Her entire world was that dick, and her only purpose was pleasuring it. Time both slowed to a crawl, and passed so fast she only just noticed the tensing of his groin in time to thrust His cock deep into her mouth before the first pump of cum shot out, filling her mouth. A few drops escaped from her lips as she tried to keep all the precious fluid inside herself. Swallowing fast, she brought the tip into her throat again, letting him pump directly into her oesophagus as her eyes widened in joy at being allowed to contain his cum.

As the flow subsided, she let his softening cock drop from her mouth, catching as much cum as she could. She had coated him with a frothy mixture of cum and saliva, which she began to eagerly lick off. Perhaps He'd get hard again, and she could suck him off some more, she mused with closed eyes.

One of his hands caught the side of her face, and she looked up. "Enough of that. Time for us to go."

Of course! Happily, she stuffed the source of all her dreams back into his pants, and used a napkin to wipe a few errant drips off his crotch. Then she lapped them off that, so as not to waste anything.

He pulled her to her feet, and gestured to the exit. She guessed he must have paid already, not that it mattered. He could do whatever he wanted.

"Val, stop," he said.

She froze again, looking back at him wide eyed in shock. Had she done something wrong? His finger reached out, and ran along her chin before pulling back, a strand of semen connecting it to her lips. Oh! She'd almost let that go to waste! She lick his finger gratefully.

He lead her outside. It felt good not to have to decide where to go, just to lean into him and let him take total charge of her.


She lost track of time on the trip back to his apartment. He kept her pressed up close against him, the scent of his canine masculinity seeping through his clothes and sending her head into a dizzying spin. She did not see the car, the elevator, the rooms he guided her stuttering steps through until they reached his bedroom, her eyes having room for nothing but Him.

He broke away from her. The shock of sudden lack of contact felt like a bucket of cold water, her insides staggering and jumping as something in the depths beneath her shallow mind stirred before she thought, no, not you, don't want to be you again, not yet...

Sir stepped back and spread his arms wide. "Undress me," he said.

Val bit her lip.

She stepped towards him and slowly, reverently, undid the buttons of his suit jacket. He bent his arms back to allow her to slip it off. She looked around for somewhere to put it, taking in for the first time the large room, sparsely decorated but clearly expensive. A desk and chair sat against one wall, away from the luxurious looking bed that took centre space. She draped the jacket over the back of the chair before returning to take off his shirt.

She took the opportunity to run her hands through the fur on his chest. She traced His pectoral muscles out to his arms and then moved over the back of his shoulders. He turned his head, eyes closed, as if daring her to make him take notice of her.

Once the shirt was off, she skipped back to him, chewing on her lip again. Very slowly, she undid his belt and began to slide his trousers off, caressing his firm buttocks as she did so. Such hardness, in comparison to her soft and giving body!

He stepped back to kick off the trousers, still wearing his briefs. "Well, this isn't fair. You've seen most of me, but there's still so much of you hidden."

The bunny nodded, and began to fiddle with the zipper of her dress. "Wait."

Sir was standing with his chin cupped in his hand, looking at her contemplatively. "Do you find me attractive?" he asked.

It took Val a second to understand the question. How could she not find Him attractive? Her mouth watered and butthole clenched at the thought of him! She only existed for Him to fuck!

She'd said that out loud, she realised.

"Well,. it's just that you're not getting hard."

Val looked down at the from of her dress. Although her penis wasn't tucked in place, there was no bulge visible, no trace of hardness. "No, Sir, because, I'm just a girl, and girls shouldn't get hard? Because I to be fucked, not to fuck?" she asked, hoping that her programming was right.

"That's right, Val. But I want some evidence that you're horny for me. Ah! Yes I know."

Then He held her face inches from His, His hot breath brushing over her muzzle. "Val, cum for me now."

Her world exploded.

White hot pleasure speared through her without warning, the greatest extasy she had ever known. Great rolling waves of indescribable lust wracked her body, as her still flaccid penis spurted load after load of semen onto her dress to trickle down her legs. Her muscles contracted and spasmed wildly, the concept of control leaving her totally.

As her vision returned, she heard panting, screamed moans of joy. It was another couple of second before she realised that they were being torn from her throat. During her orgasmic fit her legs had twisted back beneath her so that she hung, trembling, from His grip on her head. She tried to get her twitching legs to take her weight again, but the aftershocks rumbling though her body made them weak, so instead He lowered her to collapse in a heap on the floor.

"I hope you enjoyed that, my little cum hole."

At that, she found her voice again, and babbled out a stream a praise and adoration for the mighty wolf standing above her. He reached down and ripped off her skirt, separating it from the corset section before holding it up to examine the amount of cum. "At least you've lubed yourself up for me. Good girl. Now, on the bed."

Arms and legs that had seconds ago been limp and unresponsive now had a purpose, she eagerly climbed onto the bed, posing with her rear in the air and knees on the edge so He wouldn't have to go too far to enter her. Supporting herself with her left hand, she scooped cum off her legs and balls with her right, and smeared it up the crack of her ass, looking back at him with hope in her eyes.

"So you can move fast when you're told to. That's good."

He slipped off his briefs, but didn't fuck her straight away. First, He leant over her, placing His cock between her cheeks so she could feel it stiffen, and ran a hand down her side from beneath her arm to her hip, feeling where the soft white fur gave way to the tight controlling corset, and the back again to the bulging, soft flesh. "Hmm. Not perfect, but If we keep training you, soon enough you will be."

Val gave a little huffing sound at the praise.

"I don't feel like waiting any more. Val, get hornier."

Val's eyes rolled back in her head. Flushes of heat rolled through her body, and she pushed back against Sir's body, asshole clenching and unclenching in an attempt to drag Him into her. He gave a chuckle, and held the head of His penis against her entrance. The ring of muscle virtually sucked it, and Val reflexively thrust back, impaling herself completely on His length. A low mindless moan drooled from her mouth as she began to move back and forth.

Not fast enough for him, though. He grabbed her hips, and began to thrust faster than she could manage. Each pump forced a little squeak out of her, the speed meaning not much air was getting back in and she was getting light headed.

She was granted a reprieve when He stopped, waiting with His dick buried deep inside her. She clenched and moved her internal muscles, bringing a smile to His face. Without warning, He picked her up and flipped their positions, so that He was lying on the bed, with her seated on Him. Her weight pushed Him further into her, making her gasp. Then, He grabbed her hips and rotated her about his pole, drawing a vibrating 'h-r-r-r-r' sound out of her and making Him grunt.

She looked down at Him, smiling with the vacant happiness of the slut being fucked. With a little motion from her legs, she was able to start a thrusting motion. The movement made the small amount of flesh that had gathered in the cups of her corset jiggle, and He propped Himself up so that He could ran a hand across the budding not-quite-breasts. One finger slipped into the cups, and she felt it brush against a nipple. Then he said, "Val, cum for me now."

If the previous orgasm had been mind shattering, this one would have left not even shards. With His cock inside her, with her serving her purpose, her pleasure was so much greater.

She came back to reality sprawled over His chest, His cock still inside her ass. "God, Sir, I can't-" shuddering gasps cut her off.

"Yes, you can," He replied. "Because I happen to like the way you clench when you cum. It's like an internal massage for my cock."

Val looked down, then up again. "Thank you, Sir-"

"Val, cum for me now."

Her eyes rolled back into her head as she began another orgasmic convulsion around him. She barely had time to open her eyes before "Val, cum for me now."

Her breath was coming in short gasps, spots floating infront of her eyes. She could feel the slick wetness of her jizz between them. "Val, cum for me now."

She couldn't recover- couldn't breath, with the corset- "Val, cum for me now."

She couldn't see at all, but if He wanted her blinded with pleasure, that's how she should be- "Val, cum for me now."

"Val, cum for me now."

"Val, cum for me now."


Dan stirred slowly. He was warm and comfortable, and if he didn't have the pressing need to relieve his bladder, he would just stay where he was. But he did, so he shifted gently, and felt the soreness in his ass. The crust of dried semen over his lower body. The warm, grey furred arm of the wolf wrapped around him.

That last brought everything back, the memories of last night flooding him all at once. He'd actually been Val, not just pretending, or acting like her. He could remember all the thoughts that had passed through her head - and she had been a her, not him. The strange duality of it made his head swim. He stomach and chest hurt where they had been compressed by the corset, but it was no longer on him.

His bladder told him he'd need to move soon. Wincing, he crawled out from the wolf's arm and pulled himself upright on the edge of the bed.

"Where are you going?"

He turned to look at the wolf, who was lying on his side, free hand tracing the folds of the covers. "Um, bathroom?" he asked.

"Over there," the wolf replied.

What Dan had thought was a part of the wardrobe turned out to be a door to a well appointed en suite. The rabbit relieved himself, and then splashed some water on his face to try and wake up. Lipstick and eyeliner swirled around the drain. He examined his smeared face in the mirror, and tried to clean himself up a little. God, was there even cum in his ear?

Back in the bedroom, the wolf had pulled himself to lie against the headboard, arms crossed behind his head. His stomach, groin and legs were still coated in cum, the sheet sticking to the fur. Despite no longer being Val, Dan couldn't help but admit he was attractive, but the experience of the night made him hesitant to go over to him.


"You enjoy last night? You should have, part of your hypnosis was to enjoy it."

Dan looked down, and blushed. "I suppose- yes, I did. But what happens- Are there going to be any lingering effects?"

"I don't know. Let's see. Val, kneel for me."

Dan felt his legs twitch, but couldn't tell if that was hypnosis or his naturally submissive self being.

The wolf shrugged. "They said there wouldn't be. You'd have to have months of hypno training to have permanent effects. Not that I didn't think about it, but I wanted a date right away."

Dan clutched his elbow with one arm. "I-I don't think the hypnosis thing - I mean, it was all a surprise - I don't know if I would have-"

"Acted out a good number of your fantasies?"

Dan bit his lip, and the nodded.

"Well, it's a good thing they got you to tell all your darkest desires while you were under. Otherwise, I wouldn't have known we go so well together. You were quite explicit in the video"

Dan's eyes widened in shock. "There's a video?"

The wolf swung his legs off the bed, wincing as the sheet stuck. "Yes, I'll send it to you. You'll get a kick out of it. And I see that whatever they did to stop you getting hard has worn off now."

Dan looked down. The thought of all his nastiest thoughts being dragged from his helpless mind was powerfully erotic, and he was rock solid.

"Here," said the wolf, closing the distance between them. "Let me take care of that."

His left hand went over Dan's shoulder, resting on the wall that Dan was backed up against. The right closed softly around the rabbit's cock, slowly moving back and forth. After all the orgasms last night, it was sore, but Dan just let out a small moan and let the bigger man continue.

"I really had fun with your alter ego last night," said the wolf, conversationally. Dan looked up at him, then broke eye contact and had to stare at his chest. "You can't find a slut that vapid and dim in real life. They have to be made from the fantasies of others."

Dan normally needed a long period between orgasms, but he was almost ready to blow.

"I'd love to see her again sometime." The wolf's hot breath tickled his ear. "I can think of some terribly humiliating, degrading things to do to her."

Dan tensed, then squeaked and thrust into his palm. Semen dripped from between his fingers.

"I'm sure you can, too."

He let go of Dan's softening dick, and held his hand up for Dan to lick. The bunny did so obediently. "You clothes - male clothes - are in a bag in the bathroom. There's a number in there, for you to call to arrange another date." One finger remained in Dan's mouth, and he blushed hotly. "I want you to go clean yourself up, then go back to your real life. Think up your worst fears turned fantasy, and then call that number."

He stood back, freeing Dan. "Of course, that's just what I want. You get to choose what you do. Don't you?"

Dan nodded, and said, "Yes, Sir."

Your Christmas Present

I've been trying to write something for you guys, I swear. I'm just awfully slow. So I made this little Christmas present for you... Finding the perfect Christmas gift is always difficult. Searching through the shops, hoping to find that one item...

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Holiday From Yourself

"...Once again, allow me to express our most sincere apologies for this most unfortunate accident." Kyle turned to the manager. It wasn't quite possible for him to show just how angry he was right now. His body wasn't built the right way. The utter...

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The TG Challenge

A story about a nasty little show someone is trying to get produced. I had envisioned this to be something like ="[]("\>Danath's 'Questionable Content' series (which can be...

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