A Few Night's at Fuckington's : Third Night

Story by Klesk Vadrigaar on SoFurry

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#3 of A Few Night's at Fuckington's

So, robot sex dolls are stalking the work place and making it hard to focus on one's job. Sadly at Fuckington's that's still not a valid excuse for calling in sick...

A Few Night's At Fuckingtons : Third Night Written by Klesk Vadrigaar

"So Michelle, did the dolls give you any trouble last night?" The voice on the phone queried. From her normal position of sitting back, balancing the tablet on her chest and staring ponderously at the camera feed of the aforementioned, Michelle sighed softly.

"No, no trouble at all, course I didn't really give them an opportunity to." The shepherd replied. "Tell me, are you aware they can talk?"

The familiar rustle of papers was heard.

"Yes, the staff today did mention they're starting to make use of their speech abilities. Interesting that they decided to speak to you first though." The canine's manager hmmed softly. "Did they say anything profound?"

Michelle giggled a bit. "Just my name, not much else."

"Ah, well the latest report says they'll probably get more verbose as the days draw on so you might want to keep your ears open. The designers are keen to know if they're exhibiting any more signs of developed personalities."

That definitely got Michelle's attention. "Any MORE signs, sir?"

"Yeah, apparently Marie was sighted several times in the room where all the BDSM gear is kept. Seems she was staring at the new line of whips that are coming out with the spring catalogue."

Michelle looked to the black bunny standing perfectly still and innocent in her recharging capsule.

"Well, she's a dominatrix, isn't that kind of what she's supposed to do?" She asked.

"Oh yes, it's just that twice today she was also sighted getting a bit rough with the other dolls, forcing them to lick her feet and the what not."

Michelle checked the figures on the camera. They all looked fine as ever, and again the behavior described seemed on par with the lapin's intended purpose.

"Okay, so what would you like me to do about that?"

"Just keep an eye on her if you could please. She's programmed like the others to obey living beings so you can tell her to stop if she starts acting up."

Eyes fell to the tablet screen again, scrutinizing how the black lapin was still maintaining her visage of being perfectly harmless and devoid of life. Michelle sighed again in acknowledgement.

"Alright, I'll deal with that if it comes up."

"Good to hear. Alright, goodbye." Her manager hung up and the canine hung her head.

"And they said working at the anime store was going to be weirdest job I ever did. Ha!" The shepherd mused as she rose to get coffee. Following the events of the previous night, the canine had spent much of her time at home thinking her situation over, comparing her behavior to that of the dolls. So far, despite the subtle hints that she was putting her life on the line by spending night after night with a group of sentient sex toys, the canine was now on her third night and still as alive as ever, and that had given her cause to consider that she needed to approach her work in a new fashion.

Stirring in sugar and cream, Michelle took a sip then held the cup against her bosom. Trying to hide from the dolls while they went walkabout was accomplishing nothing. She needed to show she didn't fear them, more so if the situation her boss had just mentioned was true. For better or worse, they all had to share space during the night so one way or another they had to get along.

"Yeah, easier said than done." She mused as she headed back and sat down in the office. Indeed while she may have been able to jaw a great deal about how she was going to handle this like a professional, that still entailed getting over the niggling phobias first. Even if the robots hadn't harmed her yet, they were still getting smarter, and that left a lot of room open for what they might be capable of further down the line. That by itself was unsettling enough, but contrasting it with as much punch was Michelle's growing feeling of empathy for them. Yes, bizarre it was, the same things that unnerved the canine about her 'guests' were also simultaneously feeding an attraction to them too. Sex bots or not, they were all still beautiful in their own respective ways, hyper realistic in their designs and so very endearingly innocent in their behavior...at least thus far.

Picking up the tablet again, Michelle sipped her coffee, then sighed when she noticed the occupancy in the testing area had already been reduced by one.

"Not even going to give me time to get settled tonight, huh Marie? Alright then, where are you?"

She set her coffee down and scanned through the camera feeds. Going on a hunch she paused at the one monitoring the bondage products and zoomed in. Yep, there she was. Even though her black fur helped hide her among the shadows, the canine could still make out the faint outline of a figure standing before the wall of punishment tools. Riding crops, spiked paddles, leather straps, hand cuffs, and of course whips were silently studied by the lapin, her ears alternately flopping and rising as she scanned the selection.

Resting her arms on the supportive cushion of her boobs, Michelle watched in rapt fascination at how the doll displayed such ambivalence when faced with the tools of her trade. It was like she knew she was meant to use these things for some purpose, but her total lack of experience left her with that kit-like pondering of how. Selecting one of the bullwhips, the lapin ran it through her gloved fingers, studying the fineness of the weave and the strength of the lash. She curled the length around one of her paws, pulled at it to test the durability, then she just stared at it again as if still confused as to what else she was meant to use it for.

Though she sensed she shouldn't, Michelle felt herself giggle as the doll kept examining her new toy. Even as the one meant to be the big, bossy girl, Marie still had to get used to her role through the same means as everyone else.

Bunching the whip up, the lapine yanked it straight, then paused as she listened to the faint crack her actions produced. Looking to the far side of the room inspiration seemed to finally strike, and soon after so did Marie. A properly thunderous crack issued forth as she swung her whip full force across the length of the room, then promptly froze with her mouth open as if awed that she had actually deciphered the mystery of the instrument.

Michelle bit her finger, trying so very hard to stem the smile that was forming across her face as the lapin practiced with her whip. It really was like watching an actor trying to immerse themselves into a role, which, given the nature of being a dominatrix, meant the lapin was actually adapting to her programmed function better than she might have anticipated. Not to mention she was giving a very alluring display in the process.

With each swing and crack of her whip, the rabbit's body bounced and jostled with the vibrations. Her enormous breasts jiggled beautifully, her muscles flowed like liquid steel, and her hips swished with the motion of her toy. Even given the additions to make her look more butch, she was still quite attractive, and the fact she was nude save for her spiked gloves and sunglasses meant her personal 'voyeur' was getting a very enjoyable show.

Sadly it appeared to only be a brief relief. Having finally got the knack of the whip down, Marie cracked it in the direction of the hallway, and jerked back when the length suddenly went taught. Staring at something just out of view of the camera, the rabbit pulled at the whip a little harder, revealing to the watching canine what she had managed to hook.

All thoughts of arousal promptly vanished from Michelle's mind as she saw Lotus meekly step into view, the whip having caught and wrapped around her throat. Hir paws fearfully pulled at the strong leather weave as shi was forcefully coaxed into closing the distance between hir and hir captor, something that seemed to perplex Marie. Letting the whip go slack, she approached her fellow doll and stared at the intricate rings of black forming a secure and restrictive collar around the red panda's neck.

Michelle promptly felt the urge to spring into action, but something about the view on the tablet held her back. Despite having the red panda at her whim, Marie was doing nothing to continue hurting her. Indeed from the way her ears flopped to the side in perplexity it seemed that her capture of her fellow doll, skillful as it had been, was also unintentional. After a moment, the black bunny reached up and unwound her whip from the red panda's neck. Dropping the toy on the ground she propped a finger under Lotus' chin and gently coaxed hir to look skywards. With great hesitance, Lotus complied. Her eyes shut in fear that something else unpleasant was about to occur, only to then open again when she felt the soft caress of fingers on her neck. Unable (or perhaps unwilling) to look down, the sex bot trembled as her fellow model checked her over, intending to make sure she hadn't caused any serious damage. Though her inspection fortunately turned up nothing, Marie still leaned in and kissed Lotus on her tender flesh. Even as a machine who'd only known the world for three days, the black lapin had apparently still heard of the old mantra that kisses made everything better. They certainly did the trick of dispelling the stiffness from the other doll's body, loosening hir up to slowly fall forward and into her waiting arms.

Watching the two embrace on her screen, Michelle willed herself to sit back down. It appeared she would not be needed after all in this situation, and to go down there now would probably ruin the moment.

That of course didn't mean she couldn't still keep tabs on the action though.

Tugging at her shirt collar, the shepherd gazed in rapt fascination as the two models embraced. Their boobs smooshed so delightfully together, and Marie seemed to enjoy the feeling of a huge sheath and balls pressing against her snatch. She brushed a stray lock of blond hair away from the red panda's face, tracing the sweeping curves of her cheek with her paw. Lotus stared back with an expression that was equal parts terribly shy and terribly excited. Realizing that the bunny wasn't going to hurt hir, shi now shivered in anticipation of what she planned instead, and when Marie leaned in to place a kiss upon the spot where the white fur above her eyes darkened into the red fur of her forehead, the panda had to murr in gratitude.

Marie pulled back, having been caught off guard by this unexpected reaction. Lowering her shades so she could peer over them, the rabbit watched as her fellow doll now looked up at her as if pleading for more. When she hesitated, Lotus thus decided the initiative was hirs now and leaned up to kiss the bunny full on the lips. Tails were twitched in both directions as the two experienced a sensation they'd never known before. It seemed to bring clarity to their minds as they cupped each other's faces and let the lip lock hold.

Sadly from the angle she was viewing them at, Michelle couldn't see if there was any tongue play going on, though she knew if she was in either of their positions there definitely would be! Both dolls were completely immersed in what was their first technical kiss, as if the heat of their lips and the softness of each other's' bodies had unlocked some new, wonderful discovery for them. They now realized this was part of what they'd been designed for...and they wanted to see what else came with it!

Michelle mopped her brow as she felt herself growing hot. Even if what she was seeing was to be expected of the dolls, given their programming, there was something about the way they explored it with such an innocent air. Much as she had discovered the beauty of sex for the first time back in high school, now they were doing the same, only for them it was an even more intense experience as their function was to enjoy it and deliver it to the utmost degree.

On-screen the two figures finally broke their lip lock, having seemingly gotten all they could out of it. They had more of each other to tend to, and Marie was quick to pounce on that, literally so as she pushed Lotus to the ground and got on top of hir. A rather aggressive action it seemed, but notably the bunny visibly held back on using too much force. She just made it clear that she was still in charge, and the red panda seemed happy to accept that. Shi likewise did not struggle or resist as the black lapin descended upon hir, cupping hir big bouncy chest and giving it a proper groping. Lotus had to moan long and loud as shi got hir second new exposure, discovering how sensitive hir tits were, and how good it felt to have some caress them. Hir ebony colored nipples slowly grew hard as Marie's fingers squeezed around them, enticing the lapin to sample their splendor.

Back in the security office, Michelle sighed with regret as she watched the lapin partake of the offering. Considering how real the dolls had felt during her momentary examination of them she was actually getting eager to see if being with one was the same as being with a real morph.

It was a query that fate apparently deemed worthy of answering.

To her credit, Michelle didn't scream when she felt two paws grab her by the waist, nor did she resort to using the tablet as an improvised weapon. She simply froze like a statue, then gave a strangled gasp as a muzzle nudged its way between her thighs. With a crushing sense of dread, the shepherd realized she'd been so absorbed in watching the two dolls on her screen that she'd neglected to check the other cameras, AND she'd left both of the doors to the security office wide open. Before her eyes, the black lapin continued to savor the taste of perky panda boobs, while below, out of sight, the soft muzzle sniffed at her crotch and seem to welcome the scent of her arousal. With her heart pounding, Michelle frantically considered what to do. She was trapped, that much was certain. If she moved, the doll had a firm hold on her, one that could not easily be shaken off, and even if she did manage to escape somehow there was still one more doll that was unaccounted for, and thus could be in any part of the building.

The muzzle sniffed again, vibrating the canine treasure with an approving murr. Given the species of the four sex bots it was no mystery who Michelle's guest was, and considering what had happened between them during their encounter the previous night, the canine slowly began to consider some additional options. She could feel her panties were soaked through, and could smell how excited she'd become as easily as the one between her legs. Again taking into account that so far the bots hadn't made any threatening gestures or showed they might be dangerous, was it really so bad that one of them clearly wanted to tend to her needs? More so since it was the one that had caught her attention the most?

Michelle trembled as she thought over what she should do. The action on the tablet's screen was still proving hard to look away from, and below that the one checking out her lower quarters seemed to have things in paw. Stifling a moan, the canine fought to remain still as the paws found the snap that fastened her pants over her tail and undid it. As Marie swapped one breast for the other, her fellow doll reached around front and pulled the canine's pants open there too. Michelle swallowed heavily as she felt fingers hook into the now loose waist band and pull it away from her body. Her fur stood up and her hips shifted from the tickling sensation, but the one undressing her just used this to its advantage in getting her lower garments off. A sharp chill hit the shepherd in the crotch as her wet panties were exposed to the air, but that was soon amended as they were next to be removed.

With nothing covering her from the waist down, Michelle felt oddly liberated. She'd always been a big girl in many ways, and was proud of how she was as generously proportioned below as she was up top. It was nice to again show that off for someone again, especially when that someone immediately had to lean in and show their appreciation. The canine's legs automatically spread wide to allow the tongue that was soon licking at her juicy snatch, adorning it with kisses of thanks for every sample it got of the tasty nectar. If she lowered the tablet now, Michelle wagered she'd get a very nice sight, however, what was happening on the screen was nice as well and so the shepherd continued to watch.

Having given plenty of attention to Lotus' chest, Marie had slipped between hir legs to check out what shi was like further down. Zooming in on the rabbit's face, Michelle giggled at her ponderous expression, finding the sight of both male and female sexual organs on one body to be surprisingly entrancing. With one paw she gently slipped two fingers into the dripping pink petals, while the other fondled the heavy sheath and ball sac. Realization slowly dawned on the lapin once her mind finally made the connection of what a herm was, though this only seemed to strengthen her enthusiasm for getting to actually play with one in the fur. It made sense really, Michelle had been no different the first time she'd gotten to be with one. Heck, she didn't really feel any less excited at being with another one now.

The shepherd grit her teeth as the one dining upon her sex sent another riveting wave of pleasure surging through her. Shi really seemed to like the taste of her doggy, and the doggy wasn't hesitating to give out all shi could possibly drink. The problem was the distraction it was presenting, putting her at risk of missing something equally hot on the screen. Ironically, whereas she'd previously been worried about trying to stop or escape from the two situations unfolding, now Michelle was worried about trying to simultaneously indulge herself in both of them!

On the screen Marie noticed Lotus was rising up from her prone position, in tune with the pleasure shi was experiencing. Roughly the lapin grabbed hir shoulder and pushed hir back onto the floor. The red panda breathlessly gasped as shi was sent sprawling into free fall, coming to a sudden thud as her back experience the return of a firm, smooth landing. While a surprise, it was clear that shi wasn't hurt. Marie just wanted her lover in a position where shi was easier to pin, as had now been demonstrated. As quickly as the mephit was scared out of hir wits, shi was quickly brought back to a more pleasant mindset as hir lips were graced with the lapin's again. It was strangely cute how Marie so clearly wanted to dominate, yet at the same time seemed so reluctant to do anything that might come off as too extreme. It wasn't helping that Lotus was putting up no resistance at all. Indeed, shi seemed to be getting excited by the idea of being the rabbit's plaything. Marie got an impressive show of how excited shi was when her paws trekked south again, and encountered the red panda's growing length. Immediately she broke the kiss and looked down, her breathing growing heavy at the sight of the huge red cock looming towards her.

On her end, Michelle swallowed in want. Lotus was even bigger than the size of hir sheath had suggested, making her wonder just how the bot had managed to fit such an endowment inside. Her treasure convulsed as the tender tongue kept licking away at it, withdrawing every so often so teeth could tortuously graze upon the burning lips. She something tug at the hem of her shirt, and winced in utter agony as she felt paws feeling along for the row of buttons. Her chest burned with the same want as her sex as her lover sought to get the remains of her clothes out of the way. One button was undone, then another, then the paws yanked at the shirt to rip a few more free. With a pounding heart, Michelle lifted the tablet as high as she could while still keeping her eye on the screen, allowing the paws to moved up and just pop the remaining restraints off as they ripped her shirt open. Her boobs exploded out of their prison, heaving against the heavy black weave of her bra. The paws found and unsnapped the clasp, then closed in triumph around their prizes as they finally bounced freely from their confines. Like the rest of her body, Michelle had always been proud of the size of her chest. A full and firm 50 MM, her boobs gave her endless amounts of pleasure, and the only thing she could love more was when someone else could worship them along with her. Now that she had both, the shepherd felt like she was going to explode. Fingers stroked through the fur covering the giant mammaries, finding the tender brown nipples and gently rubbing them as the mouth finally left her nether regions, but only so it could move upwards and kiss the wanting fruit waiting there.

On the screen, Marie had pumped Lotus to a full erection, drool forming on her mouth as she beheld how hung the red panda was. She placed her arm next to the penis, shivered as the sight of how both seemed equal in length, and that the red panda's cock far outmatched her arm in girth. Looking to the blushing bot, Marie leaned in and kissed her again as if to express her admiration, then she promptly opened her mouth and swallowed all that she could of the giant shaft. Lotus seized up and arched her back as her length was enveloped in a wanting maw. Marie took advantage of the move to work more of hir cock down into her throat. Michelle briefly worried the rabbit was going to choke herself, but as Marie began to bob her head, it seemed she was doing just fine. The sensation of sucking on such a big and meaty pole pleased the bunny, more so when she deduced she could smoosh her tits around the body and work it that way too. Her cheeks ballooned and pre began to drip from her mouth as Lotus reacted in the expected way, but Marie just swallowed and kept slurping away on her new treat.

Michelle's fingers dug into the screen as she likewise was assaulted by a wanting mouth. With her nipples ripening and growing fat in her lover's maw, the canine just wanted to cum. She was feeling so good it was torture, and at last she considered finally tossing the tablet aside and getting serious with the one pleasuring her.

Sadly it seemed fortune was not to be that kind. A paw found its way to her depths and slipped two fingers inside. A few good thrusts and the canine just dropped the tablet as she tumbled over into orgasm. So great was the bliss of release she didn't even notice both the lips and the paw yank themselves away, nor did she register her feet encountering something soft as she thrashed in the grip of pleasure.

When the haze finally cleared and the canine looked down again, she was thus greeted with the not so friendly sight of Liz cowering against the security desk, clutching hir muzzle with one paw, and her thigh with the other. A quick realization that she'd inadvertently kicked one and bopped the other with the tablet, and suddenly Michelle wasn't feeling so good anymore.

"Liz? Oh my God, Liz! I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed, to which the kangaroo just retreated further away. Her own two foot erection was throbbing strongly in front of hir, but the marsupial wasn't looking too keen on letting anyone tend to it anymore.

"Oh no! Are you hurt? Let me see..."

Michelle made to stand up, but the kangaroo made to beat a hasty retreat out of the office.

"Liz! No wait, come back!"

Michelle scrambled to her feet and made to follow, only to find herself hampered by her shirt and bra, which were still hanging haphazardly on her torso. Growling she tore herself free from her clothes, throwing them all aside in her wake as she ran after the marsupial.

"Liz please! I didn't mean to!"

She rounded a corner and found herself hitting a door that was slammed in her face. Peering through the window, the canine spied the roo taking refuge in hir recharging capsule.

"Liz...." Michelle sighed in desperation. Her body was still burning for attention, yet her mind was slowly acknowledging the very interesting change of mood that had come about. Less than a week ago she'd been harboring severe caution about the sex bots wandering freely about instead of staying in their capsules, and now she was lamenting one because it had returned where it was supposed to be rather than stay with her. Spying the door handle, the canine tried it and found it unlocked.

"Liz...just listen to me, please." The shepherd pleaded as she pushed the door open. She thought to step into the room, but upon seeing how the roo edged further away from her she thought better of it.

"Look, I'm sorry for what happened. Seriously I am! You just...caught me by surprise, again. Then you...well...really made me feel better than I have in a while." Michelle pulled off her cap and nervously brushed through her hair. "I uh....oh geez...I didn't mean to hurt you, at all. I just tend to get a bit...um...jumpy when someone makes me cum like that."

Lizzie nervously cocked hir head and Michelle clamped a paw over her eyes. Her thighs were still wet with juice, and the sight of the roo's still throbbing cock was only making her want more. Yet at the same time, she knew better than to try and antagonize a wounded animal so....well...what the hell was she supposed to do?

"Also I know I acted pretty defensively around you last night, which was also unintentional. It's just, you all are so new, and unique, and...um...unknown. And I wasn't told anything about you when I signed on to be night security."

Hoping to at least calm the roo a bit, Michelle backed away and rested against the wall on the opposite side of the hallway.

"I didn't know if you were going to be dangerous or not, and, well I still don't. But so far it seems like you aren't, and I'm totally okay with that."

Lizzie lowered her paws from hir muzzle. Shi seemed so intimidated, and yet so unsure of how to react to these strange words the doggie was telling hir. Michelle felt her heart sink to rock bottom.

"What's more I....really enjoyed what you did back there....I'm sorry I ruined the mood." She looked away and clenched her fists. What the hell was she saying? This wasn't some poor girl she'd gotten too frisky with. It was a machine! A very pretty machine, that had proven to be a wonderful lover, but still nothing more than a bot...well, sort of.

Michelle felt her head start to hurt as it tossed and turned in its own turmoil. For all the number of brain cells that stated she shouldn't be getting so worked up over an unfeeling sex doll, just as many screamed she was a horrible morph for believing the former and needed to remember Lizzie was still a sentient being and yes she DID have feelings dammit!

"Look, regardless of what you are, and how you might act, you and I are going to have to share this space each night. Honestly I may not understand you, but I want to. I don't want to fear you, I want to like you...and I was...till I screwed things up."

A slender ear drooped, turning its concave side to the canine. Lizzie was listening, but obviously Michelle wasn't making a lot of sense. Taking another deep breath, the shepherd stepped forward and leaned on the doorframe.

"I'll leave you alone now, but if you want to drop by again later, I promise I won't shut the doors to the security office. Just, if that will help show I really do want to get to know you... "

Lizzie looked somewhat relieved, but shi still seemed so hesitant to believe what shi'd heard. Deciding she'd said all she could, Michelle turned and walked back to the office, wishing she could kick herself the same way she had to the poor roo.

"Smooth going, dumbass. Real smooth." She said as she slumped back into her chair. Looking to where the tablet had fallen on the ground, she picked it up and checked how the other two bots were getting on. Marie was still sucking happily away on Lotus' shaft, rubbing the huge tire sized balls as she sensed the red panda was getting close. When finally a thick geyser of cum shot into her mouth, the black bunny gagged, then promptly began to drink down the creamy seed like she was dying of thirst. Cum still splattered everywhere, over her breasts, her face, her sunglasses, her hair, but the lapine seemed to love every bit of it. She drank and drank, and let the warm tides splash against her, till finally Lotus seemed to taper off and saw the mess shi'd made. Marie took off her cum splattered shades and eyed the red panda. Lotus blushed and tried to scrurry away, clearly fearing punishment for getting the rabbit all dirty.

Grabbing hir paw, Marie held hir still as shi lay down on top of the bot. She slapped Lotus hard across the face, apparently intending to punish her after all...but then the lapin lifted two spooge covered fingers and popped them in her mouth, showing she wasn't mad about getting a cum bath but rather that Lotus would be so meek as to worry about something she couldn't help. Now understanding, Lotus blushed even harder, even shedding a few tears as the rabbit kissed her on the cheek. Shi licked some of the cum off her breasts, then moved to get some more off the rabbit's face. The two slowly cleaned up as much of the hot spooge as they could, before Marie finally grabbed the red panda's face and kissed her passionately again, signifying she was very pleased with her playmate. Crying quietly in joy, Lotus hugged hir bunny, which seemed to satisfy Marie even more. The two snuggled up on the floor and lay in each other's arms, having enjoyed the night far more than the one watching them.

Setting the tablet aside, Michelle held her face in her paws. She wanted to join them, her body screamed for it, but...at the same time, she didn't want it to be them.

Replaying the events of the night in her head, the canine pondered what she could have done differently. Should she have let things go forward with Lizzie? Was it better that the moment had been interrupted? She recognized the feelings welling up within her. They were nothing new. What was new was who they were directed at; a machine, something less than a morph...but apparently also more.

Thinking again on the sight of that scared, yet so adorable marsupial face, Michelle sighed and let herself wilt into her chair. This was not how a job should be, yet, here she was. The question now was, what was she going to do going forward?

Looking over her paws, Michelle spied a shadow in the window of the office, one covered in feathers and pressing her beak curiously against the glass. Turning to lock eyes with it, Michelle told herself to remain still as it crossed to the open doorway and stood staring ponderously at her.

"Fine then. If this is how it's going to be, I'm going to make this work. One way or another, I'll make this work." She vowed as Sabrina approached her.

A Few Night's at Fuckington's : Second Night

A Few Nights at Fuckington's : Second Night Written by Klesk Vadrigaar "So Michelle, how did everything go last night?" From where she sat, staring like a hawk at the tablet perched upon her breasts, the German shepherd could only give a strangled...

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A Few Night's at Fuckington's : First Night

A Few Nights at Fuckington's : First Night Written By Klesk Vadrigaar Taking a deep breath, Michelle stretched the button as far as she could towards the matching hole on the other side of her new work shirt. Part of her still clung to the...

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Doubling the act means doubling the fun!

**Doubling the act means doubling the fun!** **Written by Klesk Vadrigaar** ** ** ** ** There he was, same as every week. Working the center stage in between his two fellow performers, wowing the crowds and making a tidy profit for both himself...

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