College Experimentation

Story by Vortex of Genius on SoFurry

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A bit longer and way different than I'd intended when I started on it, but I'm happy with the result. Let me know what you guys think. And hey, if anyone's got any ideas I'm hurting for them over here. Feel free to drop suggestions in the comments, or something.

"So...I hear you're a furry?"

Michelle's attention snapped to the woman next to her as she clambered to her feet. She wasn't familiar, but by her garb the mundane lecture they'd both just sat through was an elective, not a requirement, for her. "Do, I know you?"

"Michelle, right?" she asked. Hesitantly, Michelle nodded. "Anne Silverman. We haven't met."

Hesitantly, Michelle accepted the outstretched hand. "Okay." She paused, unsure how to proceed. "How - I mean, why do you think I'm a...furry?" She tried her hardest to make the word sound alien to her mouth, almost certain she'd failed.

Anne smiled. "Let's just say I heard it through the grapevine."

Blushing furiously, Michelle looked down at her lap. Jarod, that goddamn prick. She'd thought he was a friend, a powerful one at that, one she could trust. But when she'd gone to him, admitting one of her deepest secrets and asking for a favor, he'd been in turns amused and horrified. The bastard's hate-filled rejection had ended all contact between the two of them, and Michelle had taken the last two months to come to terms with the loss of one of her best friends. Now it seemed he'd been running his mouth about the incident to everyone else in his classes. Wonderful.

"Relax," Anne said reassuringly. "You're far from alone. People like me and Jarod get approached all the time for stuff like that."

"And I bet you love mocking and belittling them, too," Michelle replied bitterly. "That doesn't exactly make me feel better."

The other woman sighed. "Jarod...he's a little rough around the edges. If you want the truth, it's because he's insecure. Magic-users are always stereotyped as using their abilities to throw massive, fucked-up orgies all the time. We all hear it constantly, and we're all sick of it - getting propositioned as much as getting smeared. He didn't respond in the best way, but it wasn't really meant to be as harsh as it was."

"What, did he send you to apologize for him? He can forget it."

"No, no, you misunderstand. I empathize with him, but I certainly am not looking to repair you two's relationship. He burned that bridge, he can rebuild it. I just recognized that you're different from the typical pleasure seekers who demand we throw a few spells their way."

Michelle finally made eye contact with the woman again. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It's...hard to explain." Anne hesitated for a moment. "Everyone else I've met who asked me for a favor of that nature just kinda barged in and demanded it. Or begged, I guess. The cleverer or more patient ones spent a few days or maybe weeks buttering me up and pretending to be my friend before asking for it. But were friends with Jarod since before he knew he was talented. You stuck by him when he found out, and you waited years before asking him rather than demanding it immediately. To me, that speaks to you being, I don't know, different. Better. More...sincere, I guess."

She was still suspicious of the other woman, but Michelle's curiosity was now piqued as well. "So...what? You're offering to do what Jarod wouldn't?"

After a moment's pause, Anne nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, I am. Like I said, you're not alone in your...interests. I've been hoping to meet someone else for a while now - I mean, I have these amazing powers but nobody to share them with. You'd think I'd have no shortage of candidates to pick from, but no one I've met has remotely struck me as someone I'd want to spend time with - until I heard about you." She shrugged. "It may be a long shot, but it's all I've got."

Michelle wasn't sure what to say. Anne saw the look on her face and added, "Walk with me?" She nodded silently, and the two joined the tail end of the mob streaming from the lecture hall. They were silent as they walked through the crowded hallways and out into the crisp autumn air. It wasn't until the building was behind them, and the crowd had dispersed into small, scattered clumps, that Michelle finally felt ready to speak up.

And she decided it would be best just to speak her mind. "Look, I'm really flattered. And I'd love the opportunity." From the way Anne looked at her, she knew there was more. "But...well, I'm just not into girls." It all came out in a rush.

There was a moment's silence between the two of them. "It's nothing against you," Michelle added hurriedly. "But I just...I don't see a relationship working between the two of us when I'm not into it, you know? I'd be more than happy to be friends, but -"

"I can fix that, you know," Anne interrupted suddenly, and Michelle fell into a stunned silence. "I mean, I say 'fix' but I really mean 'change.' In more ways than one. Like, if that's the only barrier..." She trailed off as quickly as she'd begun, looking at Michelle...curiously? Hopefully?

Michelle, for her part, was conflicted. " can? I've never heard that." Anne nodded. "Well, I I had no idea. How would...I mean, you said 'more ways than one.'"

"Well, yeah. There are, you know, mental changes and then there are physical changes. I can change one of both of us to make it work. Magic is not just limited to changing species; far from it."

Here they stopped, as they'd begun to drift apart. It appeared the paths back to their dorms diverged. "Look," Anne said, "my dorm's just a couple minutes' walk this way. Are you doing anything? We can go back to my place and talk."

Her doubts swirled endlessly around Michelle's head, falling over each other to provide objections, reasons why she shouldn't or couldn't. She took a deep breath, and through force of will they all vanished. "Sure."

"Holy shit," Michelle said in amazement. "This place is huge!"

Compared to her dorm room that she shared with another person, at least. Anne's was more like a three-room apartment, with slightly smaller than usual dimensions. "How'd you land a place like this?"

Anne dropped her backpack in a corner. "Magic students are a lot fewer in number, and we need a lot more privacy. They sure as hell aren't going to stick us with the mundane students; god only knows what sort of shit would happen. Besides, with what I'm paying for tuition they'd damn well better give me a nice place to stay."

At her hostess's gesture, Michelle cautiously took a seat on her sofa. Anne remained standing, nervously pacing back and forth in front of her. "So," Michelle asked hesitantly, "what exactly are my options here?"

"Two basic options, I guess, though the devil's in the details. One, I change your sexuality. Make it so you are attracted to girls and that'll solve the problem pretty neatly. Or two, anytime we want to, you know, get it on I can change one of us into a guy. Problem solved, but it's not permanent and I'd prefer the other, personally."

Michelle pondered for a moment. "So you can just make me a lesbian?"

Anne shrugged. "Or bisexual. I figured you'd prefer that, since you'd get to remain attracted to guys. I'd widen your field, rather than moving it, if you know what I mean."

"That does sound easier than swapping our gender whenever..." Michelle said slowly. Then she shook her head. "But what am I doing? I barely know you, and here we are trying to figure out a way for a romantic relationship between us to work? It's just too much, too fast."

"It doesn't have to be a relationship if you don't want it to be," Anne reassured her. "We could just...try it once, and see where it goes from there? Nothing I do has to be permanent. You'd get your experience, and I'd get at least a fun night out of it. Yeah?"

A long pause. "Yeah..." Michelle finally replied. It was just too damn tempting, finally living out her greatest fantasies. "Yes. I think I'd like to at least try it. I mean, college is the time to experiment, right?" She laughed shortly.

"Great!" Anne said, excitedly. "No time like the present, right? That works?" Michelle nodded. "Then I'll start with the mental changes!" She closed her eyes and concentrated.

Michelle didn't feel any different. For a couple seconds, at least, until Anne finally said, "There!"

She blinked, a blink that lasted longer than it normally would, and when she reopened her eyes it was like she was seeing Anne for the first time.

Her hostess was a lot prettier than she remembered. Straight red hair - maybe it was dyed? - fell just past her shoulders, framing a pale, beautiful, freckled face with piercing blue eyes. She was slender and tall, taller than Michelle was. But her eyes were attracted to Anne's curves, her wide-but-not-too-wide hips and her beautiful breasts, about a B-cup but that was fine, Michelle had always liked smaller women. Wait, always?

"Oh, wow," she said, and Anne laughed. Even her laugh was beautiful, setting Michelle's heart aflutter. "' worked."

"I'm glad," Anne replied, still smiling widely. "Now stand up so I can get a good look at you."

Michelle obeyed, feeling a touch self-conscious. She hoped Anne would like her back. But what wasn't to like? Sure, maybe her black hair was a little too short for Anne's tastes, and maybe she didn't like people with green eyes. And what if she didn't like girls shorter than her? Michelle's lightly tanned skin suddenly seemed orange next to the pale white of Anne's. But she took solace in her curves, curvier than Anne with maybe a touch more padding here and there. Certainly her Cs outdid Anne's Bs. Unless Anne didn't like that?

Her concern must've shown, because Anne smiled reassuringly at her. "Lovely," she said, and Michelle almost melted. Thank god Anne liked her; she didn't know what she would've done otherwise. "So, what's your favorite animal? What have you always fantasized about?"

Michelle opened her mouth eagerly to answer, then shut it with a confused expression on her face. She had meant to tell her that she'd always wanted to be a wolf, always wanted to run free and hunt with a pack, but suddenly she wasn't so sure. Suddenly another thought had come into her head - what about a cow?

She wasn't sure where it had come from. Sure, she'd seen pictures and read stories on some of her favorite sites that'd involved cowgirls; she'd enjoyed them, definitely. But she'd never really wanted to experience it as much. The thought of being a dumb, horny farm animal, good only for milking and fucking, mooing in pleasure as soft, dainty hands deftly fondled her heavy tits and squeezed her sensitive teats -

Suddenly Michelle realized that was all she wanted in the world. Why be a wolf when you could experience such incredible pleasure, nothing short of pure bliss? That was her fantasy, it always had been, even when she'd tried to convince herself otherwise. The mere recollection got her all worked up in certain...sensitive places. She looked eagerly, worshipfully, at Anne and replied eagerly, "A cow!"

"Of course," Anne replied with a devious grin, and suddenly Michelle was naked. For a moment she felt self-conscious, but that thought was gone almost as quickly as it arrived. She looked down at herself, at her D-cup - wait, D-cup?

The changes had already started! Michelle's hands eagerly found her growing breasts, moaning in pleasure at the sensations. They were so much more sensitive than usual! One hand traveled south, to her increasingly damp pussy, pausing to caress a growing bulge of sensitive skin above it. Its new form, three fingers capped by a hard black tip, made it a little difficult to pinch and squeeze the growing nubs like Michelle wanted, but it still worked in rubbing her slit just fine.

The pleasure was overwhelming, fireworks bursting and exploding in Michelle's brain. She felt off-balance, tipping backwards onto the couch. This new pose offered her a good look at the cause of her fall: hooves where her feet had been. The hand that had been fondling her tits - an ever-increasing job as they'd grown larger and larger - went instead to investigate the sensation she realized was that of sitting on her tail. She stroked its length, feeling the tuft of hair at the end, before going back to her self-ministrations.

She rolled back and forth on the couch, reveling in the amazing sensation of her new black-and-white fur rubbing against the cushions. Everything felt good, from the full udder jostling on her stomach to her long ears pushing through her hair. She closed her eyes and threw back her head in ecstasy. Her moan turned into a long, low moo as it passed her lips, and when she opened her eyes again a bovine muzzle stretched out from her face.

Her tits, now easily EE-cups, were full of milk, and her three fingered hands had just found a nipple when she felt a grasp on one of the horns she hadn't realized were on her head and a voice demanded, "Now what have we here?"

Michelle looked up and gasped at the figure looming over her. The dragoness was a foot taller than...than...Michelle couldn't remember who she was comparing her to. Her body was covered in beautiful crimson scales, though they didn't conceal her damp slit or her full, C-cup breasts. A pair of wings were folded on her back, and a mischievous grin adorned her reptilian muzzle. "A stray cow? This must be my lucky day!" she continued.

The cowgirl was at a loss for words, the pleasure and adoration for the dragoness overwhelming her already-reduced mind. Her captor chuckled. "Looks like I'll eat well tonight!"

"No!" Michelle begged. "Please, don't eat me! I...I need..." She couldn't continue.

"And why shouldn't I? Cows are only good for eating!"

She shook her head emphatically. "No, we're not. We're great for, um..."

The dragoness leaned in closer. "For what?"

Michelle had to think about it for a second. "Milking and fucking!" she said finally, not sure where it had come from but certain it was true.

"Is that all you're good for?"


She seemed to consider for a moment. "Well," she said finally, "prove it." And with that, she released Michelle's horn and gestured to her crotch.

Michelle, for her part, had been aching to do just that the whole time. "Yes!" she said eagerly, leaning forward and opening her mouth only to stop at the return of a clawed hand to her horn.

The dragoness tilted the cowgirl's head back and looked her straight in the eyes. "Yes, what?"

She thought for a second. Of course! "Yes, mistress!"


The cowgirl dove in, using her longer tongue with great purpose. The dragoness moaned in pleasure as a response, driving Michelle to even greater arousal. "You really are good for fucking!" she panted.

Michelle wasn't sure where it was coming from, but she knew exactly what she was doing as if she'd done it a thousand times before. Her ministrations were working the dragoness into a frenzy, and before she knew it her mistress was coming, juices squirting all over her face. The cowgirl eagerly lapped up the delicious liquid.

The dragoness pushed her back. "Good girl. Looks like I'll keep you after all." She grinned. "Now, on all fours."

The cowgirl eagerly obeyed, getting to all fours on the carpet. Her heavy tits and udder hung beneath her, practically dripping milk. They ached for release. Her mistress knelt next to her, a bucket suddenly materializing under Michelle. The dragoness reached down and firmly grasped Michelle's teats.

"Now then," she said, "your name is Daisy." And she yanked, sending a stream of thick, creamy milk into the bucket.

"And you belong to me." Yank. "You've never been anything but Daisy the cow." Yank. "You worship me above anything else." Yank. "All you're good for is milking and fucking." Yank. "You love to obey and serve me." Yank.

Every gush of milk sent immense waves of pleasure through Daisy's mind. Everything else slipped away - knowledge, memories, doubts and concerns all swept up in a flood of milk. Even the voice of her mistress was a dim sound at the back of her mind, though her subconscious hung on to every word. It was all true, of course; everything her mistress said was true. Why think, when her mistress could think for her? Daisy was terrible at it; all she was good at was being milked and fucking. The pleasure, the orgasmic pleasure overwhelming and drowning out everything else. She was just a dumb, horny cow.

It took her almost a minute to realize her mistress had stopped milking her. Daisy turned a pleading eye to the dragoness, begging for more. Her owner locked eyes with her and said "Cum." And Daisy did, the last of who she had been spilling out like so much milk.

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