Phantom Chronicles: Chapter 7

Story by Artwolf5 on SoFurry

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#8 of Phantom Chronicles Season 1 -Complete-

Edited by :iconAtriusBloom:

Dear Journal,

January 23nd 2012

A couple of days have passed since the day my powers awakened and the Shadows had attacked the house (Thankfully the Reapers had came and fixed the damage from the fight rather quickly). During these three days my father helped some of Ben's family (Minus Ben's mom and dad since they are still on vacation) organize and prepare for Benji's funeral. Speaking of my father he has been a bit 'motherly' as of late and it was getting kinda annoying.

What am I talking about? My dad forced Ben to stay at our house so Ben wouldn't have to stay bedridden at home by himself, which sounds like a very nice and decent of him to do right? Well it would be if my dad wasn't all mother hen about everything! For example he has banished us to the bedroom and had completely forbidden us from leaving the room... we weren't even allowed to help with the funeral! To make things even more silly, almost all our injuries had already healed (Thank you high speed regeneration!) So us resting was pretty pointless but even after telling and showing to my dad that our injuries were healed he still told us to go back into my room and get more rest.

We of course had tried our best to sneak out several times but for some reason our powers seemed to be weakened for whatever reason...I mean Ben couldn't even start a fire! After doing a little bit of detective work we found out that Dad had managed to set up a few wards to weaken us (How he did that I don't know...but then again I knew nothing about his powers or mine for that matter since he had refused to discuss it for whatever reason). When questioned about the wards my dad said they were placed to protect us (More like house arrest I say...) from ourselves until our bodies recovered. Even though we all knew with the combined efforts of mine and Ben's powers, plus my dad's strange knowledge of magic and combat we could take out any Shadows that attack us with no problem (Which further backs up my theory about protecting the house...)

About a day before the funeral we had figured out how to break the wards (Or well I did...Cosmo had managed to show me how to get around the wards. Thankfully I was still able to use some magic because he didn't seem to bother blocking ALL of our powers...)

As soon as the wards were removed (Boy that wasn't easy!) we quickly managed to transform and run to the window and not a few seconds later we heard dad hammer on the door shouting at us and telling us we'd regret it if we tried to leave. Ben and I just laughed at my dad and enjoyed our victory while getting pumped about finally being able to leave the house. Heck, as we were leaving I was already on the phone calling some of my old friends making plans to meet up with them at the mall.

Turned out my dad was the one who got the last laugh because after Ben and I jumped out of the window and took a few steps...we ran into a warded wall that with a single touch it immediately turned us back to normal and paralyzed us prone on the ground! My dad really didn't want us to leave the house it seemed and when my dad came out of the house he was laughing his ass off while picking us up like a couple of rag dolls and dragged us back to my room for the third time that week. He didn't yell or throw punishments at us or anything...just threw us onto my bed like nothing happened. He even had the nerve to ask us if we wanted some soup in a faked casual tone and when we said yes he left while bursting out laughing again ...the bastard.

Anyway I should probably end this entry since the funeral is about to start.


The morning during Benjis' funeral was oddly cold, even for a day in January... also a large aura of sadness seemed to permeate throughout the cemetery, everything feeling gloomy and sad. In other words...perfect atmosphere for a funeral! Ben and I were dressed in matching black suits but while his tie was bright red, mine was a dark purple. Which, by the way did nothing to keep the damn cold away but I tried my best not to let it show or bother me.

Right now everyone in Ben's family, minus his parents (I already viewed and said a quick prayer for his soul...and briefly wondered what the afterlife was like. Ben didn't seem to know either and I never did manage to ask Hope...was it like Heaven? Hell? Anyway... Benji looked pretty good. The morticians had prettied him up a good deal and he looked a lot better then he did when he I'm just rambling...moving on!) was viewing the body one by one to say their goodbyes while waiting for the ceremony to start; which should be any minute by the look of the line.

'At least I'm finally out of the house...' I thought, trying to find a silver lining to my situation only to wince and mentally slap myself after hearing Ben's Aunt Victoria (His dad's younger sister) suddenly burst into loud sobs after her turn to view the body. Her husband just sighed and gingerly led her away so she could calm down but not before wiping a few tears away himself.

'God I'm such an ass...' I thought to myself while letting my eyes and thoughts wander through the crowd for the umpteenth time. During my wandering I caught Ben stone-faced as ever talking to some members of his family and he had my attention until I heard my dad begin the ceremony in his loud voicing booming across the area. When I was younger I was always amazed at how powerful his voice seemed. The man had charisma that was a definite thing. Sometimes I'm still in awe of the presence he demands. But then again he's been preaching for longer then I've been alive...

"I've been asked to lead this ceremony by Benedict and Brittney. I've been friends with them since Ben and Dillon met in kindergarten and I'm honored they have asked's unfortunate due to certain circumstances they couldn't be here right now. I was also very good friends with Benjamin of course so I can sympathize with everyone here just a bit. Benjamin was such a kind, loyal, jolly, and otherwise a really great guy to be around. I think his only flaw...if you can call it a flaw was that he was somewhat of a horn dog sometimes despite his age though what man isn't?" That got a few chuckles and nods from the crowd. "Anyway let's get this thing started with a prayer shall we?"

The rest of the ceremony was basically my dad reading a few words from the Bible and us saying a few prayers along with a few words said about Benji. Unsurprisingly Ben went up to say a few words since everyone knew he was closest to the guy. Ben told us his opinion of the guy and even told us of his favorite stories of the man (Ben told me a few times already though I could still enjoy them. I was in plenty of them of course. I still remembered when Benji took us fishing one summer and Ben fell into the lake...he didn't tell that one though sadly.) and with each word of the story his stone-faced relaxed just a bit more.

Finally in the middle of a really cheerful story he cast a quick glance at the casket before the dam of his emotions finally broke and he started sobbing on stage, though a quick glance around the crowd told me that his audience was also crying as well (Yes, even me but then again I'm a crybaby so no surprises there...) so I don't think anyone was going to judge him at all. He still excused himself from the stage and dashed to the bathroom to clean up.

Some buff looking guys were about to lower the grave into the ground (Good thing too, it was starting to rain pretty heavily and most everybody had already taken out their umbrellas) when Ben finally emerged from the restroom and sat down next to me, eyes still a bit red and puffy but with his stone-faced posture recovered. I was about to tell him what a good job he had done when there was a flash of light and CRASH! BANG!

...loud clap of thunder.

I don't know if I ever mentioned it before but I'm TERRIFIED of thunder. It's a totally irrational fear really since I nor do my dad remember what caused it (Maybe I always had it) that had followed me even after I passed the age I was supposed to grow out of it. I still haven't gotten over it even though I visited hundreds of counselors and my dad spent tons of cash to help cure my fear of thunder until finally one day we both gave up and tried to not let it affect our lives.

Hell, I lost count on how many times my dad or Ben (Mostly Ben since he shares a room with me at school) had to hold me and calm me down so I won't injure myself or others during a storm. Believe me, it ruined a lot of fun times for all of us and a lot of dates for me...well actually, after I calm down it made some of the dates even better though I'm not going to be discussing my sex-life right now... What? You thought I was a virgin?

I did what I always did in a thunderstorm soon as I heard the thunder my eyes grew wide and every single strain of hair on my body and tail stood on end like I suddenly stuck my hand in an electrical socket. Ben was about to ask what was wrong since it didn't seem to hit him yet until there was another flash of light and crash. Then it was his turn with eyes growing wide in horror and knew just as much as I did that me and storms DO NOT MIX!

By this time I stood up and began to hyperventilate while I began to feel the beginning of a feral-like yowl in the back of my throat which earned me a few stares from the crowd, not that I gave a damn currently since I was terrified out of my fucking mind! Cosmo was on my shoulder looking just as scared as I was with a clock you would see at basketball games counting down from three. The last thing I saw besides the numbers counting down was Ben getting up quickly while yelling something to my dad before...

2... 1... CRASH! BANG!

I blacked out.


"WE GOTTA GRAB HIM BEFORE HE BOLTS!" I yelled to Father Patterson who was already on his way before a REALLY big flash of lightning and clap of thunder shook the ground. I looked at Dil with arms outstretched to grab him but had to squeeze my eyes shut and cover my ears from the blast of light that always followed Dil's transformation that this time was accompanied by a feral yowl and hiss that Dil let loose. When the light finally cleared, Dil was gone.

"The boy was vaporized by a strike of lightning!" Someone shouted, which was followed by several rounds of terrified yells and screaming.

"No he wasn't!" Came Father Patterson's big preacher voice which somehow managed to cut through all the yelling and screaming, causing everyone to look at him in confusion. "If he were we would be looking at a charred corpse or even ashes and hair right now. No, he ran away before the lightning bolt even touched the ground while we were distracted by the flash...he's okay." Everyone seemed to believe him and settled down. "Now I'm going to finish the ceremony which should only take about a minute while Ben starts looking for my son...isn't that right Ben?"

"Yes sir!" I had already started to grasp the flute that was in my pocket and was about to put it at my lips before my arm was grabbed by the middle-aged panther.

"Make sure you are away from everyone before you transform...we don't need people to think you suddenly burst into flames."

I took my arm away and did my best not to let him see I was totally humiliated. "I know," then mumbled as I began sprinting "I'm not an idiot." Suzaku, who was flying by my side opened his beak to say something...however, before he could I gave him the don't-you-say-it look which shut him up only because he was too busy laughing at the fact I accidentally glared at one of my relatives who gave me an odd look as I passed by.

"Sometimes I really hate the fact I'm the only one that can see you..." I said before taking the flute out of my pocket and blew the short burst of notes then felt the familiar heat and power that always followed my shift into Reaper mode.

"I love it. It's so much fun to make people think you're crazy!" Suzaku said while still giggling. I ignored him and felt for Dil's energy. It didn't take that long surprisingly. I sensed him at his house...I just shook my head.

"Should have seen that coming..." I mumbled as I 'Quickstepped' to my destination. I stepped over the destroyed front door which was lying on the floor, slightly charred while finishing texting Dils' location to Father Patterson who quickly replied he just got finished with the ceremony and was on his way which should take a few more minutes than it should have on account of the weather and all. I was still in my Reaper form because Dil can be a bit unpredictable when he was upset or angry.

"Being a bit paranoid aren't we?" Suzaku said as I finally finished my slow trip to the entrance of Dils' bedroom. My only reply was to put my back against the wall next to Dil's door and open it slowly by turning the knob then reaching out with my foot closest to the door and kicked hard enough that it would swing completely open. Just as I did, a volley of Dil's arrows passed through a shocked Suzaku and embedded into the wall behind him. As soon as the attack landed, I heard the slam of Dil's closet door which just so happened to be a straight shot from the doorway. 'Damn it he's in Trapped Animal Mode! I was hoping for Kitten Mode where he just hides underneath the bed and cries to himself in the fetal position. Must be because of all the fighting and craziness of this week getting to him...'

I raised an eyebrow and thought my response to Suzaku "Am I still being paranoid?"

"You have one crazy messed up boyfriend..." And with that said Suzaku disappeared into my head with a flash of fire.

I rolled my eyes at the remark, summoned a shield long and wide enough to protect my body and took a deep breath before I calmly walked into the room while yelling "DIL ITS JUST ME! CALM DOWN!" Dil's closet immediately slammed opened and revealed Dil with a crazed look in his eyes releasing another torrent of arrows which harmlessly bounced off my shield but slowed my trip to the closet down considerably. It was a big strain just to put one foot in front of the other while making sure my shield didn't shatter. If my shield gave even an inch I was Swiss cheese!

The normal five second trip took at least a minute but I had finally made it to the doorway. The arrows suddenly stopped and I lowered my shield, thinking Dil finally calmed down when I heard Dil let out a hiss and a black and white blur barreled into me (Which also knocked the breathe out of me!) and continued his way toward the exit. While I gasped for breath, I got to my knees and raised up my paw toward the doorway to summon a barrier in front of the feline just in time for Dil to run into it face first like an old cartoon. Taking my chance while Dil was still dazed, I 'Quickstepped' behind him to wrap him in a huge bear hug thus pinning both of his arms to his body before he could claw my face off in a desperate attempt to get free.

Dil still thrashed to get out of the hold but I put my muzzle close to his ear so I could whisper in his ear "Where is Mr. Fuzzyface?" Mr. Fuzzyface was the lion stuffed animal that Dils' mom gave him when he was a kitten (Hence the name). Mr. Fuzzyface was the only thing that could calm Dil down when he was freaking out like this. It would've been funny that a 17 year old panther still had a stuffed animal if his freakouts weren't dangerous to himself and everybody around him. Coming back to the present, all was silent for a few seconds and I was about to ask again when he said in a shaky voice

"I couldn't find him...he was in my suitcase last I checked...but I can't find him." My face paled as I felt Dil's tears splash on my hands 'No wonder he is freaking out so bad! What am I going to do now?' After several minutes of panicked silence we heard a crash then we heard someone's voice exclaim.

"Ow, oh my God my door!" Then we heard quick heavy paw steps coming towards us which caused Dil to start thrashing again just as Father Patterson appeared in the doorway. Panting heavily, he took in the two of us and said in-between gasps "Ben...catch" and tossed something yellow at us which I caught with a shield and moved it toward us (I've managed to make some sort of telekinesis with my shields...I figured out how when we were stuck in Dil's room.) and when it got close enough for Dil to see he shouted in an excited almost childish voice

"Mr.Fuzzyface!" while reverting to his normal form I immediately let him go and did the same. I watched him grab the lion and snuggle him while I collapsed on his bed, suddenly really tired but still curiously asked.

"Why did you have it?"

"I had a feeling there was going to be a storm today so I put it in the trunk of the car but it wasn't until you left that I remembered that I had it...tried to get here as quickly as possible but the funeral kept me busy...sorry Ben." Father Patterson replied sheepishly.

"Its-" CRASH! BANG! We all jumped at the sound of a really loud clap of thunder. "-ok I guess..." We both glanced at Dil who was now looking at the window with wide eyes, shivering and fur starting to poof up again. Father Patterson sighed and said

"He is going to be like that until the storm is over, I'm going to make dinner."

"I'll help-" But was cut off by Father Patterson with a loud

"NO!" Then we both had to cover our eyes when Dil transformed again. Not attacking, just transforming while watching us with a frightened look while holding his stuffed animal protectively. "That's know as well as I do that Dil is very likely to bolt again and he hates being alone during the storm even with the stuffed animal. So you will stay here and keep him company while I prepare dinner." Then he started to mumble as he began to walk away. "Which will probably be that pizza in the freezer...oh and I still need to fix that door... my poor house... first shadow's now neurotic teens with superpowers..."

I sighed and took of my shoes then lied down on Dils' bed. 'Might as well get comfortable' I thought as I dug into my pocket for my iPod and headphones then played 'Bring me to life' by Evanescence while watching Dil watch the storm. About three minutes later I think I fell asleep...


'Huh the storm is finally over...hope Dil's calmed down some.' Thought Alex as he put away the last of his tools inside his toolbox. Then he heard the timer to the oven going off. 'Well that's perfect timing.' Alex thought as he shut the door and walked to the kitchen and open the oven door. His senses were assaulted by delicious smells of the pepperoni with extra cheese pizza.

"Damn, that smells good and looks definitely ready." He said with a smile then called out in a louder voice "BOYS, THE FOOD IS READY!" as he placed the pan on the stove. Alex waited about 30 seconds for a response before he began walking toward Dil's bedroom. 'Must be playing a game or listening to music through those damn these days practically have those things glued in' Alex thought to himself not for the first time feeling his age. 42 wasn't that old but when he was around the two teenagers he sure felt like an old man. He was about to knock when he stopped. 'Won't hear me anyway...' he thought before he opened the door. Alex opened his mouth to say that dinner was done when he caught sight of Dil and Ben.

Ben was fast asleep, snoring lightly with one of his headphones still in his ears blasting some kind of rock song which was a normal sight for Alex to see so that didn't surprise him but what did was the fact that Ben was lying on his side facing the window with one arm over an equally asleep Dil also wearing a peaceful expression on his face with his lion still in his arms.

'Aww, that's almost cute...if it isn't cute then at least I have some ammo for those two in the future.' With that thought and an evil grin Alex took out his phone and took a picture.


The resulting flash caused Dil's face to grimace like he was about to wake up. 'Whoops busted...' thought Alex as he was about to make a quick exit but stopped when he saw Dil turning over in his sleep into Ben's chest who instinctively pulled him closer with both arms, Ben's head tilting slightly into Dil's head-fur and nuzzled the panther close to him.

'Aww now that's cute...damn I sounded like my wife just now...she would have definitely gone gaga over this.' Alex winced and stopped in the middle of turning off the flash setting to his camera at the thought of his dead wife. It had been 12 years since then and it still felt like it was yesterday when she passed.

It had been hard, the first few months...having to raise a 5 year old who had spiritual powers but that was nothing when he learned his son was gay...he was flabbergasted. He wasn't against gays, in fact his church openly embraced them but learning his only son was gay came a bit of a shock. But he still loved his son... he promised Helen that he would look after the boy and he was not going to break that promise...he was just thankful that he had met Ben...even though the wolf could be harsh he always looked out for his son and for that Alex was eternally grateful.

Alex quickly sneaked a look at the picture in the faded frame. Inside it was him, Helen and was the last picture they took before she died...29, far too young an age to die. He quickly broke from his walk down memory-way and chuckled. 'Damn, when did I become so emotional...I blame too much time spent with Dil, he's always been a crybaby bless his heart...huh maybe I should text these to Beth in the morning she would definitely love these pictures...we had always had a running bet on when those two would get together.' With that, Alex took a picture of the scene then cast one last look at the pair before he silently shut the door behind him.



'God damn it! I was having the most epic dream ever!' I squeezed my eyes even tighter and tried to snuggle deeper into the strangely warm blanket which smelled strongly of Dils' favorite cinnamon shampoo while trying to pretend the alarm wasn't screeching right beside my head and go back to sleep and back into the dream of me living my fantasy of holding Dil in my arms.


It didn't work...

With a sigh I unwrapped one of my arms from Dil while resisting the strong urge to blast the alarm clock with a fireball long enough to not so gently hit the snooze button. I wrapped my arms around Dil again, snuggled deeper into his head-fur which was what I thought was a blanket before. '5 more minutes' I though while slowly closing my eyes again.

Wait a second...

My eyes slowly opened and it took a little bit of time for my still groggy mind to comprehend the amazingly cute sight of a shirtless Dil snuggling into my also shirtless chest. The first thought that entered my brain was 'Must have not wanted to sleep alone while the storm was going on' then my next thought was 'Why are we shirtless?' then I remembered I got hot in the middle of the night and took it off. Dil must have taken off his off before he went to bed or sometime during the night. After that question was answered it took a few more seconds before what I was doing finally hit me faster than Hope's staff ever did. My eyes snapped open and I yanked my arms away from Dil with a feral yelp as if burned then tumbled into the floor with a loud thud.

This caused Dil to stir and wake up from his sleep and sit up while wiping the sleep from his eyes. I, on the other hand was still lying on the floor while trying not to have a heart attack.

'What the fuck was I doing!? I was-I was spooning with Dil!' In the midst of this thought Dil glanced at me still half-asleep and said "What's wrong with you? What are doing you on the floor? You look like you've seen a ghost." I calmed down my freaking-the-fuck-out facial expression and started to rub my head sheepishly with my face heating up with embarrassment.

"I-I had a bad dream" I lied and Dil snorted, starting to chuckle as he got up and carried Mr. Fuzzyface to his suitcase. Once he packed the stuffed animal inside, he turned towards me with a tiny smirk across his muzzle.

"You're such a wimp." I had to raise an eyebrow at that and rebutted.

"Says the panther with a stuffed lion and terrified of thunderstorms." Dil stuck his tongue at me and chuckled.

"Touche and you're right I really shouldn't be talking..." His expression became serious and a bit embarrassed. "Speaking of which, hopefully I wasn't too bad this time..." I was about to tell him the truth before I stopped myself

"No you weren't that bad, it was Kitten mode this time. Just had to drag you to the car and wait for your dad to finish the ceremony. I just had to help your dad carry you inside" I lied and I really needed to inform Father Patterson about my lie...I didn't need to get caught up in one.

I saw Dil's face relax with relief before my shirt went up and temporally blocked my view of him. After that I quickly grabbed my iPod and found that it was dead. 'Damn not again...I can at least charge it before we leave...' I turned my attention back to Dil to see him gathering his shower stuff from his drawer.

I rolled my eyes and asked, not even attempting to disguise my slight annoyed tone. "Can't the shower wait till after breakfast?" Dil glared at me

"It could if I wasn't covered in nervous sweat!" He raised a paw to his head. "Strange, my head-fur is soaked with the stuff..." My eyes widened in fear, remembering that I do have a tendency to drool while I slept...if Dil found out that I had drooled all over his head I'd be fucked...and not in the fun way more in the turned into a pincushion way...but thankfully Dil had already turned his back and began walking toward the bathroom before he could see my expression. I sighed and face pawed myself repeatedly mumbling "stupid" under my breath even after I made it into the kitchen. Father Patterson was sitting at the table and seemed to be cheerfully texting someone on his phone. He gave me a funny look when he saw me and burst out laughing and continued to text while I just looked at him like he was crazy.

After breakfast (Which was leftover pizza) Father Patterson had taken us to my house so I could get my stuff. (Most of it was still there... Father Patterson had only gotten a few clothes for me to change into and my homework) When he pulled in I was shocked to see my parents also pulling in the driveway. Apparently the bosses wife ate a bad pineapple and they decided to cut the vacation short.

Anger bloomed in my stomach when I saw them. (I was still mad at them after all, it took all I had not to yell and flip shit on them) I quickly walked passed them, ignoring their greetings and their damn apologies about not attending the funeral. Thankfully my stuff was still in the living-room and I grabbed them walking right past them once again. My Parents of course, got angry at my so called attitude and threatened to ground me but I just rolled my eyes and slammed the door causing it to shatter. 'Father Patterson was right...we are bad about breaking doors....' Quickly I stepped into Father Patterson's car and told him to hit the gas which he did.

Eventually we managed to reach the bus-stop and Dil said his happy goodbyes to his dad while I tried to not let him know I was jealous at how close the two were. He had even gotten a bit of birthday money considering his 18th birthday was tomorrow...meanwhile, my parents blew up my phone with calls and text messages that said stuff like 'what's your problem?' 'Do you know how long it will take for your father to fix the door?' and my personal favorite. 'We'll talk punishment when you get home, maybe THAT will fix that attitude of yours!'

Not a single 'I love you Ben!' Or a 'Hope you have a nice week at school Ben :)' in the thousands of text messages I received. I swear my parents may be the most social bigwigs in the whole town but that's only in the public eye. When it comes to life at home they were even more antisocial than me! I'm sure they loved me of course, I was their only son and I did love them back...they just had a hard time showing it and so did I...most interactions were mostly "How was your day?" Hell, the last time we've done anything as a family was when I was about 10 and we went to the carnival but they bailed halfway through the trip because of work and I spent the rest of the time with my grandparents.

Why do you think I jumped at the chance to go to a private school with Dil? He had gotten accepted into Fairbanks Middle because of his high GPA. I myself had gotten in because I was good at basketball and my grades weren't terrible but they were nowhere near Dils. I wanted to get away from my home life because how empty, not to mention how stressful it was since it's always "How come your grades have been lacking lately?" Or "When are you gonna start bringing a nice girl home?" They just bombard me with questions like that and I swear if I spend more than a day tip-toeing on minefields that were my parents I swear I would go insane!

By the time I was through my angry musing we were already off the bus and stepping in front of the school. By now it was approaching around noon so everyone was still in class

"LITTLE DUDE! SMOKY!" A deep voice called out to Dil and I was about to step into the school building. Well it appears not everyone was in class at the moment... even worse there was only one person on this planet that would call us by those names.

Dil and I probably had the 'oh fuck' look on our faces as we quickly turned around toward the source of the voice only for our vision to be consumed by brown fur. Luckily it was Dil being picked up and wrapped in a literal bear hug or as we like to call it 'HOWIE'S GLOMP OF DOOM!!' Symptoms of those experience Howie's glomp of doom include suffocation, light headiness, pain equivalent to a cracked rib, a wet/slimy feeling along neck, chest or hair (Depending on method of attack). In other words, after the attack is over you will know what it is like to be a tube of toothpaste soaked to the fur in tears and mucus and not be able to breathe normally for about thirty seconds.

Speaking of Howie, I should probably tell you a little about him. He was a Grizzly bear around our age and he was a big bastard...well over 7'0. And despite being a total crybaby (And an even bigger one then Dil believe it or not) he oozed masculinity. Howie loved 3 things more than anything else. Sports, Food and Chicks... and seeing as how he was the Captain of the football team he got plenty of the later. Despite all that Howie was one of arguably the nicest people I've ever met. Hell, he and Dil had been best buddies for since middle school... Out of all Dil's friends Howie was one of the few that I got along with well. Oh and he had a funny habit of coming up with nicknames for everybody.

Howie finally managed to speak, his voice cracking with emotion. "I heard over the news of a panther who got stabbed while shopping in a grocery store... didn't think anything of it until they showed your picture...must have been fucking horrible! I wanted to kill the bastard myself but sadly he died already..." There was a pause where Howie tried but failed to wipe the snot gushing out of his nose on his sleeve before he buried his face back into Dil's chest before he continued.

"Let's not forget that it was you who found your best friend in a coma not even a couple days before. Than the freaking gas explosion in the hospital! I'm surprised nobody died! Fucking crazy man...thought my friend was nuts when he told me about it until I looked it up on the internet...heard that the explosion happened on the same floor as the coma ward, heard they even found a panther and wolf in the wreckage and I automatically thought of you guys but that could have easily been just a rumor...Anyway, is all of this true? If it is, do you know how lucky you guys are to be alive?!" I was watching the scene trying so hard not to laugh (But failed to hold back a few giggles) at Dil's useless struggles to get away from the crying grizzly and watched his facial expressions change from surprise, to disgust (No doubt form the mucus now dripping on his shirt), to counseling (When he tried to calm down Howie during his rant) then to a pleading look for me to help him which turned immediately to a glare when he saw that I was just quietly laughing at his position.

I turned around and was about to make a quiet getaway to let the two have their moment when Howie said "Oh and Ben..." with that my eyes widened and I sprinted a few steps before I was picked up by a set of furry arms, turned around and smashed into Howie's chest that was covered in a musky Patriot's football jersey. 'Must have just got out of gym class...great...' I thought as I began to struggle fruitlessly in Howie's vice-like grip while Howie launched into his rant which was loud to me being so close and cause of me being a canine...stupid amplified hearing.

"When I heard you were in a coma I almost booked a plane ticket immediately to visit you but my parents didn't want me to miss school but I tried to do it anyway but I didn't have enough scratch. Do you know how fucking expensive a ticket is these days!? Fucking outrageous I tell you! And no way could I handle a bus trip! I also heard about you grandfather...sorry man I heard you guys were close-"

"Howie-" I said gently into his chest while giving up struggling because it was just making me tired and the act of breathing even more difficult but Howie just kept on his rant not even hearing me.

"-if you feel depressed or anything and Dil is busy I'll be glad to lend a shoulder to cry on! I won't make fun of you for it hell, look at me I'm bawling like a bab-

"DAMNIT HOWIE!! I CAN'T BREATHE!!" I shouted and was immediately released and fell on the floor like a bag of dirty laundry. I listened to Howies' a thousand apologies and to Dils' laughter (He was not even trying to hide it...bastard) while I stood up and brushed myself off and grabbed my suitcase that dropped on the floor when Howie picked me up.

I tried to smile...I honestly did but it turned more into a grimace "Hi Howie, nice to see you too!" Hell even my tone sounded sarcastic.

Dil came to my rescue though. "Ignore him he's a bit grumpier than usual. I'm more interested in what you said earlier, you said that the guy who robbed the store died? How come I didn't know about it till just now? Tell me what you know about it and give me an update on what we missed at school"

Since I already know what happened to the guy that stabbed Dil and I didn't really give a damn about the latest gossip I was about to go on ahead of the duo when I heard a girly high pitched voice call out from behind us. "Hey it is you guys! Ben! Dil! What a surprise to see you here! I was about to go to my room until I saw you guys. It's been like forever since we seen each other last!" I turned around to see a figure whose face was covered by a hood from a bright pink hoodie with a big rainbow butterfly as the design going across the front, the figure was also dressed in bell bottom pants.

You wouldn't have known her species if you didn't see the classic fluffy gray and black tail of a raccoon that was thrashing wildly behind her. I still didn't recognize the figure even when she tripped over her own tail (Lucky for her I was able to catch her before she could land on her face) and her hood fell off, thus revealing a cute raccoon girl I never met before. Behind me, I could hear Howie whisper not so quietly to Dil

"Whose the babe talking to Ben?" Dil just shrugged at the question.

"Um do I know you?" I said as the girl pulled the hood back over her head hiding her features again. When I said that, the mystery raccoon girl looked a bit pissed like we knew each other forever and opened her mouth to presumably start screaming at me before she smacked herself.

"Oh yeah you guys haven't seen me in this form yet!" 'Form? Who is this weird girl and why does she sound so familiar?' I thought to myself as Dil finished saying goodbye to Howie and looked at the new girl with his usual look of catlike curiosity. At this, the raccoon girl smiled again "You guys really don't know? I thought my voice would give it away at first.." Me and Dil shook our head while Dil said

"Nope don't remember can you give us-"

Before Dil could finish, I interrupted in a really annoyed tone. "Hurry up and tell us who you are, we don't have time for games" I said while crossing my arms and ignoring the thump Dil gave me on the head for being rude.

The girl closed her eyes, clenched her teeth and fist like she was trying so hard to resist the urge to hit me "I see you're still the rude and impatient wolf that I come to know the last few days even without knowing who I am...fine" The girl took a deep breath presumably to calm down her temper. Once she relaxed, she smiled at us and said "Its me Hope. Boss forced me to change to this form and sent me to the plane of the living as punishment and so I can keep an eye on Ben and his Reaper powers"

Both mine and Dil's mouths dropped open but for entirely different reasons...his was from shock but mine was from horror. I collapsed on my knees and threw my head back while screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" at the top of my lungs that I'm sure was heard for a few blocks and several of the classes still in session. Dil and Hope just shook their heads and started to walk towards the dorm rooms and as they were walking Dil called back.

"Dude that was way too melodramatic, even for you." I followed them keeping my head down to hide my blush while trying to stop my tail from going between my legs.

'If you knew her like I do Dil you would have done the same thing!' I thought as we made our way to the elevator that would transport us to the top floor which was the location for the Senior boys dorms.

As we walked Dil said "Anyway Hope why did you choose a raccoon as your form? I would have thought you would chose a bunny or something."

Hope sighed at that. "I would have but as I said, this is part of my punishment for messing up so bad during the mission that turned Ben to a Reaper. Not only do I have to puppy sit Ben-"

I growled and replied "I don't need a puppy-sitter, especially one who can't watch her own shadow!" but I was ignored as if I didn't say a thing.

"-and sit through all the boring mundane things you people from the living do. Boss also gave me the form he KNEW I would hate!"

Dil quirked an eyebrow at that. "What is so bad about that form that you have to hide it like one would a bad haircut?"

Hope groaned and took the tone of a whining four year old. "The colors are UGLY and clash TERRIBLY with all my outfits AND no matter how many time I brush it my fur is ALWAYS mangy looking! How do Raccoon's handle looking like this!"

I rolled my eyes and mumbled to myself "I totally saw that reaction coming!"

Dil responded to the whining raccoon girl with a sympathetic smile "Well at least you're not a hog or a reptile and I have a feeling you wouldn't like those choices at all."

Hope thought for a second. "Yeah your rig-" Suddenly Hope's phone cut her off mid sentence. Dil and I stopped as she read the text message then went pale and wide-eyed. When she looked up and saw our curious looks she tossed us the phone. We looked at it and it read...

**Y didn't I think of that?! **Those examples Dillon mentioned are so much of a better punishment than being a silly raccoon! **Could u come back to base so we could fix that? lol jk **Btw tell Benedict and Dillon I said hi X3

"How?" Dil and I said in unison while looking around, expecting to see a camera or Boss himself but there was nothing in the hallway except us and the elevator.

Hope shrugged and replied in an almost bored tone "Boss is one of the Six Lords of Death so keeping tabs on his employee's would be child's play."

I nodded in response 'She does have a point...' I thought as I pressed the button that summoned the elevator.

Dil quirked an eyebrow "What do you mean one of the six Lords of Death?"

Hope chuckled "I forgot you're new to the whole Reaper thing. Well on Earth there are six bases of Reaper operations and each have their own Lords. All of which are well hidden and protected in a dimension close to the sector that they are watching over"

Dil pondered on something for a moment before he asked "Have the bases ever been attacked?" as we stepped in the elevator.

This time Hope and I chuckled and this time I replied "Considering that it's a floating fortress in the middle of nowhere, protected by a barrier that makes mine seem like fragile glass and only Reapers have the power to open portals through space to reach it. That would be a no and it hasn't nor will it ever will be attacked."

As Dil stepped out of the elevator he mumbled. "Well excuse me for never being there before to know that was a stupid question!"

Hope patted Dil on the back "Don't worry you'll be there soon" Dil eyes widened and he looked close to hyperventilating. Noticing this, Hope gave the Panther an apologetic look "Calm down Dil I didn't mean you will die soon I meant that Boss is just curious about your powers and wants a demonstration soon, so I'm supposed to take you in a day or two."

Dil calmed down but looked a bit annoyed as he hurried out of the elevator and sped walked toward our room while stating loud enough for both of us to hear. "Jeez you Reapers are a weird bunch!"

Hope and I chuckled and even exchanged a smile before we followed Dil into the room. We were surprised to find that he was already unpacked and was putting a now empty suitcase underneath the bed. Dil must have saw the look that have been on both of mine and Hope's faces because he smirked and said

"I have super speed remember?" And as if to prove his point he suddenly moved like a blur toward us, grabbed my suitcase, tossed it open on my bed and moved to various positions in the room before making trips back to the suitcase. After about two seconds of watching the blur that was Dil move around the room, the now empty suitcase was thrown back at my head from across the room. I caught it just before it could make contact with my head. When I lowered the suitcase to look at Dil, he was than lying on the bed playing on his phone without a hint of being out of breath.

I glared at Dil "You're such a show-off" I said while putting up my suitcase as well. My comment was only met by laughter. "Ha ha I get it. I'm probably the most cocky guy in the school when it comes to competitive things like sports or sometimes even fights" I said while plopping on my bed as well closing my eyes and rubbing my temples with annoyance. The laughter suddenly stopped and I open my eyes to find Dil and Hope looking at me wide-eyed with mouths gaped open in surprise.

Hope turned to Dil and said "Did Ben just admit that he is arrogant?"

Dil's only response was to nod, still looking at me like I had grown a second head. "Why is it so unbelievable that I-"

Suddenly there was a bright flash and I felt Dil's and Hopes power levels spike when they changed into their spirit form. When I finally stopped seeing black spots from the flash I saw Dil and Hope in front of me. The panther cocked back an arrow while the raccoon's staff was primed for a swing at my head. "Who are you and what have you done with Ben?" Both said in unison, both faces expressionless so I couldn't tell if they were joking or not. I decided to play along.

In a voice similar to that of Dracula I said "I guess the jig is up Bwhaahaa! I did wonder how long it would take you idiots to figure out that I am not Ben, that I'm just a Shadow taking on Ben's form! Now that the introductions are over with, I want to feast upon your souls!" With that in a small display of fire I transformed into my Reaper form and taking advantage of both Dils' and Hopes' surprise I tackled Dil. Dil yowled in surprise before that yowl turned into laughter when I started to nom lightly on his neck and tickle his sides. Dil tried to get free but I had too good of a grip and we ended up falling off of the bed and into the floor.

After a few minutes of this we heard "Aww, that's so cute." Then the click of a camera going off. Me and Dil both looked at Hope who was now looking at us with a grin and a phone in paw.

I got off of Dil and stood up "You are SO going to delete that" I said while Dil nodded an affirmative.

"But it's SO cute! Besides... who is going to make me?" Dil and I exchanged a glance and that all was needed to be said. Dil held his neck and made gagging noises like it was suddenly difficult to breathe all the while saying "Oh no I'm turning into a Shadow...Hope save yourself!" Dil collapsed on the floor and didn't move.

Hope moved a step closer to Dil's body and said "Dil you ok?" in a scared tone before Dil suddenly hissed and leapt up on all fours and prepared for a pounce. With a maniac grin on his face and adopting the same Dracula accent I was using. "Who is this Dil you speak of? I'm just a Shadow...after your soul! Bwhaha" During Dil's monologue, I followed Dil's example and got on all fours and also primed for a pounce.

When Dil laughed, we both leapt at Hope who shrieked and ducked out of the way. We both tumbled on the floor but got right back up and chased Hope around the room laughing, barking and yowling like a couple of kittens and pups. After about a minute of this Hope tripped over her tail and tumbled to the floor which Dil took the chance to pounce on top of her and began to nom on her neck and tickled her sides lightly like I was doing earlier. While they were wrestling on the floor I grabbed the phone from Hope's busy paws and deleted the embarrassing photo from her camera.

After watching the tumbling mess on the floor for a few seconds longer with a grin I said "Mission successful Dil you can stop now." Dil then quickly got off of Hope, stood up while still giggling, turned to me and said "Well that was random and fun, but seriously did you actually admit that you were cocky?"

I rolled my eyes "Yeah I'm very aware I can be a bit cocky and often trash talk a lot of times at times during games and stuff" I looked down, mumbling to myself "I was only told about a thousand times from everyone...I know" before I looked back up with a smirk. "But just because I'm aware of it doesn't mean I'll stop! I do it mostly for fun anyway and..." my smirk became wider. "You gotta admit some of the stuff I say is true!"

Dil and Hope groaned and rolled their eyes with annoyed looks on their faces before Hope said "Just when I thought there was hope for you Ben you disappoint me yet again!" But Hope's and Dil's annoyed expressions turned into grins and chuckles so they must have knew I was joking...or was I? 'cue evil laugh inside my head'

"Anyway since we don't have classes today do you guys wanna go to the mall?" Hope suggested while picking up her staff and pressed a button and turning it into a pink pen which she pocketed.

Dil also picked up his weapon and it faded away when it was dismissed while replying to Hope's question "Sure I have some birthday money to spend anyway."

"It's your Birthday?" She asked surprised.

"No, but tomorrow is... I'll be 18.."


My eyes widened as I picked up my sword and sheathed it. The mere thought of two ditzy and hyperactive furs dragging me around the mall scared me to my core. While backing away slowly I said "U-um you guys go ahead I'm still suffering from jet lag and I may turn in early"

Dil and Hope both gave me weird looks before Dil said "Dude, its only 1:00 o'clock so you are so not tired, we've done the trip countless times and we suffered from no ill effects before. So quit being lazy and anti-social and come with us!" With that, Dil moved faster than my eyes could follow and grabbed one of my arms and said "Hope a little help here?" I struggled but Dil's grip was tight so Hope had more than enough time to grab my other arm in an equally as strong grip.

Despite my struggles and protests I was dragged through the window. What's worse, I think Suzaku was secretly helping the duo because when we made it outside, (Which was about 4-5 stories tall) instead of falling we floated like a trio of ghosts. (Dil must have gained the ability to float by.... um... I can't remember his Guardian's name...) Something I haven't been able to do since Suzaku grounded me so I could practice 'Quickstepping'

"Suzaku what's the deal? What's with me suddenly being able to float again? I thought I was too heavy?" I said inside my head while still struggling against my laughing captors.

"Well I don't know about you but I really didn't want to be reduced to a puddle on the pavement so I allowed your body to float. That, and you just perfected the 'Quickstepping' so I decided it was time to move onto aerial training! If you thought 'Quickstepping' was cool just think of the possibilities during combat when you're able to do that and fly like a bird. And I lied... I mostly wanted you to figure out how to Quickstep before learning to levitate. Besides..." My stomach growled, "We skipped lunch and I think it would be much faster if we just flew to the mall rather than just 'Quickstep' and run all the way there!"

'You manipulative little chicken! Ow!' Suzaku slapped me with his wing for the insult

"Yum chicken does sound good right now...get chicken for lunch okay?" 'I hate you...' I thought, giving up my foolish struggles and accepted my fate and followed Dil and Hope as they flew around excitably in a circle around me to make sure I didn't get away. Suzaku chuckled "Aw, I love you too Ben!" just then Dil came behind me, pulled my hood over my head, spun me around really fast until I was dizzy, then to add insult to injury shoved me back a few feet. I yanked my hood back and gave him a glare that could melt metal.

"You are SO going to pay for that!" From then on the rest of the trip was just one big tag game until we all got tired of the game and floated the rest of the way to the mall.

We landed in a nearby alleyway to make sure no one freaked out when they saw three teenagers appear out of thin air cause that would have ruined the evening shopping spree...I'm not going to lie, for a second I actually thought of doing that. Until that is when I was about to attempt it Hope turned to normal and knocked over some trashcans by accident, thus knocking garbage everywhere in the alleyway. If that wasn't bad enough, after she rolled off the garbage can she landed in the mess in the garbage can which got...something (I don't even know what she got on herself) that smelled TERRIBLE all over her bright pink hoodie. I of course was laughing like a lunatic over the whole thing before Hope threw a trashcan lid at me...suddenly it wasn't funny anymore. I think the pounding headache that I had afterward had something to do with it. Luckily the mess didn't bleed through her shirt underneath the hoodie but the hoodie couldn't be saved so we just left it in the alleyway.

Our first stop was the restaurant that almost everyone goes to that has a brain goes to, the restaurant looks nothing special just looks like an old trucker dinner with booths close to the window and stools in-front of the counter and several old pictures along the wall. But the image isn't why people go the place. It's because it serves AWESOME food!

Well anyway, Dil ordered a cheeseburger and fries with a large soda, Hope ordered a salad with a strawberry milkshake and I ordered about; and due to a sudden impossible to ignore craving (DAMN YOU! YOU MANIPULATIVE BIRD!) I ordered a chicken sandwich, a large order soda and some fries. All of which Dil and I ate with so much gusto like we hadn't ate in months that I think Hope lost her appetite just from watching us because she only ate half her salad and sipped a bit of her milkshake. Hell, I didn't hesitate when I ordered another sandwich while Dil ordered another small order of french-fries to take for later...with two large refills of course.

Then of course what I foresaw became a reality.

"Ben lets go to a sports store. I need to pick up some new arrows since my other ones are getting pretty dull, besides didn't you say you needed a new basketball as well Ben? I think you said the other one had a hole in it or something. I could get you one if you want?" Dil said while pulling on one arm.

"Yeah I do need another ball that would be awe-"

"No, Ben is going with me to help pick out a new hoodie...and probably a few outfits because I need a new wardrobe since this form clashes with my other's a really good thing that we got paid for our Reaper work a few days ago isn't it Ben?" said Hope pulling on my other arm.

"Yeah it is! can't believe we get paid so much for-"

"No he's going with me because I want a rematch in air hockey in the arcade after we buy the arrows and Ben's basketball!" Dil said glaring at Hope while pulling harder on my arm to free me from Hope's grip.

Hope aimed a glare at Dil and pulled even harder on my other arm "Well I need Ben's help finding my way around since I've never been here before!"

"Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow!" I said but I was ignored while Dil and Hope played their a little game of tug of war with my arms while arguing like four year olds.

"He's coming with me!" Dil said

"No he's coming with me!" Hope replied

They bickered like this for about a minute while meanwhile I really thought they were going to pull my arms out! Things turned even worse when they figured out spinning would weaken the others grip and would loosen enough so that the other would win! It took all my willpower to make sure my lunch didn't rear its ugly head until finally...

"ENOUGH!" I yelled which caused both to stop bickering and pulling immediately and a few shoppers to turn our way. "Look, how about we do this? We all split up and do our own thing because I have an errand to run as well. Dil, you get the arrows and if you want you can get that basketball for me as well but since it's your birthday money you should really spend it on yourself" Dil nodded to say that he understood.

"Now Hope, there are really simple maps all over the mall so you won't get lost on your way to the women's clothing center so you can pick up your hoodie!" Hope nodded to say she understood as well.

"When we're done with those errands we meet back at this spot so we can do stuff together. Is this okay with everyone?" The duo both nodded vigorously and said their apologies.

"It's okay, now you guys do your thing" They both moved in opposite directions really fast while I ran to the nearest trashcan to vomit my lunch. I suddenly felt Suzaku's wing on my back rubbing it soothingly "You handled that situation rather well!" Suzaku said.

'Thanks...wish I would have thought of it sooner. My arms hurt like hell right now and to top it off I'm hungry again' I thought while checking to see if my arms were okay and taking out my second chicken burger.

"That's kinda gross don't you think Benedict?" Suzaku said while making a disgusted face.

I just simply shrugged and responded "Eh not where is Gamestop located...?"

*Several hours later*

Instead of giving out every single detail of what we did at the mall, I'm going to just give a brief summary

After grabbing a game I've been dying to have. (Which was Skyrim just so you know) Damn thing was SO expensive that I almost didn't have enough for Dil's birthday gift Kingdom Hears RE:Coded. (I told you Dil was a bit of a dork, he goes gaga over anime and stuff) You should have seen his reaction when I gave it to him when we met back up. The dude looked like a little girl at Disney World with all the jumping around and hugging he did. Oh and Dil did in fact give me that basketball; he said it was to apologize for the way he acted earlier. Dil wouldn't even take it back no matter how many times I threw it back in his arms and told him to get his money back. It's just a Dil thing; once he makes his mind about something there just is no swaying him.

After the gift exchange we followed Hope to the women's department store, there she tried on a TON of outfits and made us tell our honest opinion on EVERY SINGLE ONE! It was pure torture! I was honestly praying for a random Shadow attack after the eighteenth outfit. Hope bought just five outfits (That Dil and I were somehow were stuck carrying when we finally left the store) after she tried on I swear thirty outfits.

We went the arcade after that. Hope went off to play Dance Dance Revolution before she left, mumbling that she had never played before or any sort of video game before and was curious why they were such a big deal. (What kind of kid nowadays never played a video game before?! Just blows my mind...which makes me kinda wonder how old exactly is Hope? I asked her before but she hit me with her staff and told me it was rude to ask a lady her age...bah women...)

Anyway that left Dil and I with the air hockey game we are both hopelessly addicted to. Trust me, you never saw air-hockey until you saw Dil and I played and this was before our enhanced abilities ever came into play! We actually attracted a crowd due to how freakishly fast the puck was moving and the fact we were hitting the damn thing every time was another great surprise to the crowd. After about 3 exhausting rounds Dil finally won...I swear his enhanced eyes and super speed makes him a GOD at the game now. The only reason I was able to keep up was that I was using a mini version of 'Quickstep' on my hand...well that and I may have summoned a really small shield to block the puck from getting in my goal a few times...It wasn't cheating I was evening the odds!

By the time that event was over we were hungry again so we went out for pizza. After the meal, Dil left to pick up something from one of the stores leaving Hope and I alone. We used the opportunity to get to know each other better and I was pleasantly surprised to find she isn't the bitchy, nosy, know-it-all, stuck up little slut that I thought she was...well I still think all that but my opinion of her is slightly better.

After Dil came back (Carrying what looked to be some new clothes; Really glad he didn't ask us to come along my head was still spinning from Hope's shopping spree) we left the mall. Let me just say, due to how much stuff we were carrying it a was REALLY hard not to drop anything and it was a REALLY slow trip back to school since the wind also decided to pick up as well. It was then that Dil came up with the idea to build a shield around all the stuff and carry it that way while flying next to it. It's a good thing all of our stuff was really light or we would have never made it home around 9'oclock.

Not five seconds after we stepped through the door, Hope got a call from Boss about our next assignment. Since it was just a soul retrieval mission of a girl in a cancer ward that just passed on (Man that just sounds depressing no matter how you say it) there wasn't really any use of Dil tagging along so we left him back at the dorms. Dil said he had plans anyway so Hope and I didn't feel too bad for ditching him for work...I wonder what that panther could be up to anyway?

*Dil's POV*

"I still don't think this is a good idea..." Cosmo said for the hundredth time as I transformed back to normal after flying (Which by-the-way is an AMAZING feeling) all the way from the dorm to an alleyway close to my destination. I ignored Cosmo for a second to check my image in a puddle of water; My brand new tight mesh shirt and leather pants that I got from the mall still looked brand new but my head-fur looked like I'd been in a wind tunnel. Luckily I saw this coming and came prepared. As I fixed my head-fur with the comb I brought along I explained to Cosmo for the hundredth time why I was doing this.

"In order to stop myself from doing something stupid that would ruin my friendship with Ben I need an outlet for my needs and emotions until I know for sure that Ben swings that way. What better outlet for stuff like that than a gay club?" Cosmo mumbled something under his breath before disappearing in a flash. I sighed and walked out of the alleyway toward the base thumps from the music coming out of Blue Dragon Club all the while thinking 'I'm probably going to hear more about this later...I don't know why he's not like I don't feel weird about this myself but what choice do I have?'

I shook those thoughts out of my head since there was no use in getting cold feet now being so before I lost my nerve I stepped into the short line leading into the entrance. I saw a few familiar faces and waved a few hellos. (Did I forget to mention this isn't my first time at this club? Thanks to a fake ID that an old boyfriend helped me get I've been going to this particular club since the middle of last year so naturally I knew a few faces...) When I got to the front of the bouncer (A boxer named Earl) gave a quick look at me and my ID before giving it back to me while giving me the go ahead to go inside.

The Club, true to it's name was covered in blue drapes and lights and the overall building had an Asian kind of feel going for it. I never had the drinks (My I.D just said I was 18...) but from what I had heard from the other patrons they were the best in-town. I quickly moved towards the dance floor, eager to burn a bit of tension off. I got a few waves and more than a few wolf-whistles and I just basked in the attention. Eventually I did indeed reach the dance floor and began to strut my stuff.

I had a blast honestly, it was the best time I've had since this disastrous week started and I felt nice to finally let my inhibitions leave me for a few moments. Eventually I decided to take a break and grab a soda at the bar. When I sat down in one of the booths almost on cue a Coyote came up and spoke to me. He was pretty hot. He was slim though...not as slim as me and had pretty broad shoulders and from his pants he had a rather large package if you know what I mean... he stood there for several minutes with an almost predatory look in his eyes before he spoke with a crisp yet soft voice.

"Hey, may I sit with you?" He asked. I returned his smile with one of my own and nodded. Quickly he sat down on the bench along with his beer. "So, this your first time here cutie? Cuz, it's the first time I've seen you here." I chuckled and shook my head at that.

"Nah, I've been coming here for half a year... haven't been here for awhile though... finals were a killer on social things." The Coyote only laughed at that snorting out a bit of his beer.

"Don't I know it? College is all fun until exams set what college do you go to?"

"Oh, I'm still in high school actually... I'm a Senior at Fairbanks Academy." The Coyote smiled at that.

"I've heard of that place... bet you must be pretty smart. I heard they're real picky on who they allow in. And you don't look like the athletic type."

"Thanks, and I'd like to think myself smart... my grades did allow me to get into the school and I suck at sports... I'm a total klutz... but I'm good at archery though." The coyote raised an eyebrow at that.

"Archery aye? You don't seem the type to be shooting bows and arrows." I just chuckled and replied back with.

"Yeah, I love archery. I've actually got quite a few trophies from all the competitions I've won."

"Pretty neat, name's Jack what's yours cutie?" He asked me seductively.

"Dil, call me Dil..." I replied back with a flirty lilt to my voice.

"So, how about we take this conversation elsewhere?" He asked as he grabbed my crotch from under the table causing me to moan out loud. I just nodded frantically like it had been a long time since I'd been laid last... and this doggie wanted to bury his bone so who was I to say no?

"What do you -gasp- do for a living Jack? What are you majoring in?" I asked getting to know my current suitor a bit better before we did the horizontal tango. God, it had been awhile... and I hadn't been able to jerk off all week with all the stuff happening. Truth be told I had balls bluer than the ocean right about now!

"I study Journalism and play tennis on the side... now come on I can call a cab to take us to my place... my roomie should be gone for tonight." I chuckled at that a bit.

With that we walked paw-in-paw together outside the club and into a cab. As soon as we got in the Coyote leaned in and kissed me passionately while the cab-driver seemed to ignore this action, probably all too used to seeing such sights and off we were heading off into jack's place to have a bit of naughty time.