Pokémon meets Final Fantasy 14 (Let´s get the party started)

Story by Shingomera on SoFurry

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#14 of Final Fantasy

Next chapter

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Pokémon meets Final Fantasy 14 (Let´s get the party started)

One Week later, one Day before Today.

Yamato woke up from a strange dream and first he didn´t knew where he was.

He looked around with a dazed sight but once his sight became clear he knew where he was. He was laying in his Bed at his home.

Right at that moment the door to his room opened and Victor came in.

„OOHHH....Good Morning. I´m sorry for not knocking on the door. " Victor said once he was in the room and had discovered that Yamato was awake.

„No problem. What happened? Where is the Human? Where is Natascha? Are they both alright?" Yamato asked while he moved his front upwards.

„WOUW!!!! Slow down. Everyone is alright and you should lay down until I have done my checking's on you. "

„But I´m feeling fine. Tell me please. Where is Natascha? "

„She waits outside and now be silent and do what I want. "

„But I ....." Victor cut him.

"AAHHHH!!!! Doctors' orders. "

"GGGGRRRRRR....... "

Even if he hated it, he followed Victor's orders and 30 minutes later he was done.

„Great.... Your wound has been healed completely. You could thank Natascha for that. She is a really good Nurse."

„I know but how... " Suddenly Yamato realized something. "..... How long have I slept? "

„Nearly a week. "

„A Weak? But that mean that we both missed the party for the last school day. "

„Does that really bothers you know? God dammit! You will never change. NNNNNAAAAHHHH..... The party was canceled until you are fine again and I have to warn you. That party will become bigger than last year. "

"Why that? "

„Look outside. "

Yamato did as he was told and once his look moved over to the entrance he couldn´t believe his Eyes.

The whole front of his garden fence was filled with flowers and posters and behind that where many TV Cars standing and some reporters were sitting in them or standing in front of them with a microphone in hand.

„Don´t tell me that they all want to talk with me or even thank me?" Yamato said once it all became clear to him.

„They want to yes. You have become the town Hero and when I can remember right, even the governor wants to thank you because you saved his daughter who had traveled through town while this happened. " Victor answered with a smile.

„Crap!! I hate it to stand in floodlights. I will surely not bring out some words. Can´t you go out and do the talking's for me? "

"Nope. That´s your part. Maybe Natascha will help you out. "

„While we talk of her. COME IN PLEASE! I KNOW THAT YOU ARE STANDING BEHIND THE DOOR! I CAN SMELL YOU MY LOVE!" Yamato shouted and only a second later Natascha entered the room.

„I´m sorry. I didn´t wanted to interrupt you 2. " She said with a blush.

„You didn´t interrupted us. Besides I´m done here. But before I forget it. Even if you are healed you should stay the rest of the Day in Bed and recover. Ohh and let Natascha do a final healing magic like she had done the whole week for you. " Victor said while he took his things and started to leave but before he was out of the room Yamato said.

„Before you go. Please tell everyone that the party will start tomorrow. "

„I will but..... Tomorrow? Don´t you think that this would be a little bit too short?" Victor answered.

„I bet that everyone has his things already ready and is only waiting for the sign to start. "

Once Yamato had said that, Victor left the room with a smile on his face and closed the door behind him. Meanwhile Natascha had moved over to Yamato´s Bed and had started to hold his paw and once they both heard the entrance door, they both began to kiss each other hardly.

Their kiss was so intense that Natascha lost her balance and landed on top of Yamato who immediately moved his arms around her, never letting his Lips loose hers. Then, after a minute or 2 they both broke the kiss and started to gather some Air.

Once they both had some she began to speak while she began to press her legs together as close as she could.

„You are..... A really good kisser. My Dear. "

„Just like you. My Queen. " He answered letting her blush because he had said my Queen and she really wanted to be his Queen right now. That was why she began to stumble out.

„Yamato I...... You know that....... I want to..... "

Before she could say something more he place his right paw on her mouth and said.

„I know. I can smell it and I know what want to ask me and the answer is yes I will but not today. "

„B.....But why not today? "

„Because I have to fulfill a promise first that I gave you and that promise I can fulfill tomorrow. "

„But my Body ...... It burn´s!!! "

„Then I have an idea. How about a little shower with some little extra. "

First she wanted to protest on but then she saw his pleading Eyes and she gave in.

She open her legs and let him slip out from under the blanket but then she couldn´t resist her wanting. She suddenly moved close to him and let her Paw slip into his Boxers. There she grabbed his Penis and pulled it out but once it was free he grabbed her Paw with his and brought her to open her Hand.

„No, No. " He said playfully once he was in control. " You are a bad doggy. You will get your Bone soon enough but first we need to take a shower. "

He then moved down a bit and then he took her into his arms. Then he began to move towards the bath and while he walked they kissed each other again. While they were on the way she tried to grab his Penis again but thanks to the position, she wasn´t able to get it and to make it even harder for her. With every step he did, his tip bounced against her ass.

Finally they reached the bathroom and once they were inside she jumped down from his arms, dragged her closes from her Body, moved quickly into the shower and activated it. Once the water began to run she wanted to turn around but before she could she felt his arms on her Body.

His right Paw had moved straight towards her tit´s while his left paw had moved straight to her slit and once each paw reached its destination he immediately began to rub that place.

She nearly jumped up in surprise of that uninspected pleasure she suddenly got and she immediately became wet.

„OHHH.... Already so needy? ..... I have just only started. " He said into her left Ear while he began to increase his speed.

Her pleasure began to rise hardly and she clawed the wall in front of her while her breathing became faster until he did the next step. He pushed one of his fingers into her slit. Not very far but far enough to let her scream out her pleasure and release some pre.

Then he suddenly stopped and removed his whole Paw. Immediately she wanted to protest but before she could he squeezed one of her tits very hard and she stayed silent. Next she heard his Voice in her Ear again.

* LICK, LICK * „AAHHHH..... Such a sweat taste. Let´s see if I can get more of it out of you. "

Once said he let some actions take place.

He moved down to his knees and while he did he kissed her whole backside, letting jolts of pleasure run through her Body. Once he was down he grabbed her back with both of his paws, turned her around quickly and then let his tongue play on her slit.

On that moment she did another high Moan and released another pre shot which was quickly licked away.

„Liked that?" He playfully asked.

„Hell.....Yes!!!!" She answered with a deep breath.

"Then you will Love this. "

He pressed her back against the wall and then darted his tongue past her Lips. Once inside he began to lick everywhere in search of her G- Spot.

She on the other Hand began to nonstop moan. Of course she had dreamed of being licked by him but the feelings she had imagined were not even slightly reaching those feelings that she was experiencing right now.

OH MY GOD!!!! She thought. His Paws and finger had been so good....... NNNNHHHHH...... But his tongue......... AAAAAAAHHHHHH............ Fuck if this feels already so good then..... Then........ HOW....... She couldn´t think on because right at that moment he found his target. Her G- Spot.


Her Body was on Fire and she began to move it up and down while he kept on licking her Spot.

It didn´t took long before she couldn´t take it anymore.

Her legs became weak and her walls began to grip his tongue hard. She also did a scream of pure pleasure before she released.

Immediately, Yamato stopped his lickings and grabbed her back to hold her in position. Right afterwards her first shot came and he began to drink it away.

After 5 shots of her cum she finally ended and she slid down to the ground, meeting his face with hers.

She breathed very hard and couldn´t believe what she had gone through. Yet. She was happy that he had done that and now she only wanted to repay him and as he had read her mind he began to act by moving upwards and presenting her his rock Hard Penis.

Seeing that 9 inches of hot red flesh in front of her she couldn´t hold back her desires anymore. She grabbed it with on paw and began to lick it in fast motions, always giving the tip an extra lick once she reached it.

Now he was the one who clawed the wall and did some moaning's but when he saw that she wanted to go to the next level he quickly said.

„You know what....... Will happen if....... You drink..........NNNNNNNGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!! "

She had licked his tip to silence him before she said.

„I know!!! And I give a Damn for!!!! I want your cum in my Mouth and I want to become..... The mother of your Childs! " * HAMM *


She had done it. She had taken his whole length into her mouth and was now sucking it like a Baby it´s Lolly. She had done it so fast that he had shot some pre right into her mouth once she had taken it all in and he also had let his claws sprang out and slit them down on the wall.

Thanks to the fact that he had already fully erected in length she only needed to suck him a few times to let his Penis become as big as it could get and now he only needed the final push over the edge which she was about to give him.

She suddenly moved his whole length into her mouth and slapped her paws together behind his hard knot to simulate a tie. That was too much for him. He roared out loud and released all he had to give.

Rope after rope of salty Sperm was fired into her mouth and she quickly drank it away. Even more, she began to suck him again, driving him crazy to give her all he had in his Balls and that he gave her.

Once he had finished, after 8 shots, his Balls were hanging flat and blue against his legs and once she let his Penis go, it immediately began to shrink while he also dropped down to his knees , panting very hard.

When he landed she caught his Body with her arms and began to hug him close while the water began to cool them down.

„I love you...... PANT...... Please..... Never leave me or betray me." He whispered into her Ear and she answered also in a whisper.

„I never will. You are the only one that my heart belongs to. I love you too. "

They both stayed under the shower until the water became far too cold for them and while they both dried themselves they began to play with each other until she wanted to put on some clothes. At that point he took her paw and said.

„No. No. No.... Haven´t I told you that I´m having a new Rule in this House? "

„No. " She answered a bit shyly.

„Ups. Then..... As long as we 2 are the only ones in this house, we both are not allowed to wear some clothes. "

„OK... Why?" She now asked playfully and he dragged her close to his Body while he answered.

"I want to fuck you every time I want it or you want it. No matter if you are in Heat or not and clothes would be in the way for that don´t you think? "

„HAHAHAHA...... You Nasty Boy! Do you think that I would allow you that you could always have me? "

„RRRRRR..... I bet that you would want me. "

„HAHAHA..... And If I wanted you now? What would you do? "

„Nothing for my sake. My Balls are still empty and I can smell that your Body hasn´t finished its transformation also so we have just to wait till tomorrow but then I swear you that you will get the best night of your Life. "

„HEHE.... So sure about it? Well then. I promise you also one thing. If you are right about next night then I will be always ready for you. Except I´m pregnant of course."

„Surely. Then we got a deal. Now let us go to bed then. Tomorrow will be a hard Day for us both. "

„Which room will you sleep with me? Yours or mine? "

„None of them. We sleep in our room. "

„And where is it? "

„Come with me. "

He took her paw and together they walked out of the bath and along the floor. They passed their doors and stopped at the end of the floor, right in front of the room which she had been told not to enter.

„Isn´t this room not forbidden to enter?" She asked.

"Normally yes but now all has changed. * CLICK * * DOOR NOISES * Now is the time that this room becomes some Guests again. "

They both entered the room and first Natascha was only able to see some shades because the night had already risen up but once Yamato pushed on some lights she dropped her mouth in disbelieve.

Right in front of them was a really big Bed standing. A bed with a heaven and some Oil paintings on its back. The painting were showing 2 angels flying over 2 Pokémon that were sleeping together in each other's legs and she could swear that they both had done it because their backs were nearly one.

There was also a cabinet standing next to Bed and it´s dimensions were as big as the Bed and it had also some paintings on it but they were hold simple. On the left was a Male Morph standing in a fine dress and on the right was a female Lady standing in a white dress. In the middle of the cabinet was a long Mirror that was surrounded by little Angels.

The room had even more details but they were so many that they were indescribable.

„WOUW!!!!! " Was the only thing that Natascha was able to say first.

„Seems like you like the room. Right?" He asked from the side.

„It´s..... It´s..... WOUW!!! "

„HAHA!!! Come Alice. Our burrow is waiting for us. " He said and leaded her to the bed.

Once reached he moved the blanket aside and let her lay down. Next he moved the blanket over her Body and then he quickly moved over to the other side of the bed to do the same.

When they were both under the blanket, they began to hold each other as close as possible and a few minutes later they were both in dreamland.

The next Morning, Today

So many things had happened in the past Year. He thought while he looked at his sleeping Beauty. And so many things will going to happen. So many things that I had lost hope of.

He began to slowly move his Paw over Natascha´s Body and once he reached one of her breast she began to smile and woke up.

„Good Morning My Lady. Slept well?" He asked with a smile.

"YYYYAAAAAWWWWNNNNN...... Good Morning My King. I did. Thanks. " She answered once her Eyes became clear to see his face over hers.

„Ready to enjoy a new Day? "

„Yeeessss. " She began to pure while she began to move her paw over his chest.

„Wanting some breakfast? "

„Of course..... Hey!!! Where are you going? "

„You wait here. I will bring you some breakfast. " He said while he slowly slit out of the Bed.

„But I thought of..... Having some...... Special breakfast. " She said with some said Eyes.

„No. No. Not today. He isn´t quite ready for this things of action but tomorrow he will. "

Once said he was out of the room and she began to squirm under the blanket because her Heat had become alive as well and it was more intensive then last time. That was why she instinctively began to finger herself, imaging that her finger was his Penis entering her. Luckily her fingers were not long enough to break her Hymn but they were long enough to give her enough pleasure to silence the fire inside of her and when she nearly reached her peak, he entered the room with a tablet in his paws.

Immediately he caught her scent and he stopped for a second to gather his sins. At that second she hit her peak and screamed it out in an accident.

He set on a really big smile once she came down and said once he had moved onto the bed again.

„Seems like that your Heat is back alive I see. "

„......PANT......PANT....... Yes it is. " She answered still in bliss of her afterglow.

„Want some help with it? "

Instead of saying something she threw the blanked to the side and revealed her still wet pussy to him.

Once free in sight he quickly moved his paw to her slit and began to press it. That brought some jolts of pleasure ran through her Body and she began to move in excitement until she felt something hit her slit hard, letting her do a pain cry.

„AAAAHHHHH!!!! ...... What have you done? "

„I have stopped your Heat with my special ability. " He answered.

„B...... But I thought that...... " He cut her by placing his paw on her mouth saying.

„TTTTSSSSCCCCHHHHH..... I did not said that it stopped till next Year. I have only stopped it for the half Day. Means that as soon as we can leave the Party, we can have our first time. Until then you can move freed from it and now come on. We don´t have much time left to eat our breakfast. "

Without saying something on they ate their breakfast and afterwards they both washed themselves in the bath.

Once they had finished she wanted to dress herself in her dress but once she had her underwear on he stopped her and gave her something.

„What is this?" She asked while she looked over the object in her Paw.

„This is a special clothes brooch that was designed for my Queen. " He answered.

„Really? How can I activate it? "

„Let me show you. "

He took another one in his Paw and said.

„Place it right here. "

He placed the brooch between his Breasts and she did it also.

"Good. Now push the Diamond once and then spread your arms and legs like me. "

Again she did all and then her Eyes went wide.

The brooch began to expand with a white light over her whole Body and after a second the light faded. Once gone she looked at her arms and saw some metal on it and he was standing in his whole armor right in front of her. She then tried to find a mirror and a few seconds later, she was standing in front of one.

„Holy Hell...... " Was the only thing that she was able to say because she was wearing a Body armor that was looking like his one. Just thinner.

„An Armor made for a Queen. " Yamato said while layed both of his paws on her shoulders.

" ....... It looks....... ÄÄÄÄHHHHMMMM...... "

„Don´t worry. The brooch has more than this functions. Place a Paw right here and say this..... * Whisper *. "

„OK...... Armor change to ball dress. "

The Armor began to glow for a second and once gone it had changed to a dream in Red and white and her Eyes became watery.

„Like it?" Yamato asked.

".... I...... I..... * SNIFF *"

She swung herself around and pressed her Body onto his while she said near tears.

"It looks like a dream to me...... I cannot believe that this is mine. "

He moved his Paws onto her Body and said in a very Lovely Voice.

„You can believe it. It´s no dream. "

„Why are you so good to me? "

„You know why and it will get even better. "

„How? This is nearly perfect? "

„Follow me .....OOOHHHH.... and please change it back to Armor. We will need them next. "

„OK. "

She then changed it back and then she followed him.

He led her towards a door that was leading them down into the basement of the house or at last she thought that because it was standing on the door.

„What do we want down there? "

„You´ll see. "

He opened the door but instead of seeing some steps, there were only 2 seats standing in front of them.

„Sit down My Lady. "

She sat herself into the second one and then Yamato placed 4 protection Belts around her Body. Next he did the same with himself in the first one and once done he said.

„Please don´t become shocked now. It´s only going down a bit fast. "

He then pressed a Button on his Seat and then the platform with the 2 seats on them began to move downwards for a few seconds. Then it stopped and shot forward next through a long, well lighted tunnel. A few seconds later, the Tunnel opened into a really big room and once in, the platform became slower and the room was lit up. Once the light was high enough, Natascha dropped her mouth in disbelieve because what she saw was far beyond her imagination.

„YAMATO!!! " She called.

„YES????" He answered.





They were both driven to the side of the plane and then the platform was moved into the Ship and right towards the Cockpit. There it stopped and rested into its holdings with a loud click. Next Yamato began to press some Buttons on the board right in front of him and slowly the Machine became alive. Then suddenly, she heard some Music starting over some speakers in her back.

"I hope you don´t mind some Music?" Yamato asked.

„Nope. " Was her simple answer.

The Music was the Music from Europe with the „Final Countdown ".

Within the rhythm of the Music, Yamato pushed more and more Buttons and more and more the Machine became alive. Then, right with the countdown in the music, a Countdown was shown on a Monitor right in front of Yamato.







Yamato moved his right hand towards a lever and grabbed it while he place his left on a Joystick.





„THAT IS ROCK AND ROLL!!! " Yamato screamed out and pushed the lever backwards with his right Hand.

The whole Ship began to shake and moved forward under a tremendous roar of the engine. Just a few seconds later, it was out of the Hangar and in the Air.

Once free it moved out some wings from its sides and began to glide.

„Hey back there? How are you feeling?" Yamato asked.

"I´m feeling like I´m an Angel. You must know that this is my very first flight. "She answered while she looked out of the window that was to her left.

„Really? In that case. I will let you fly like an Angel. "

Yamato moved the Joystick backwards and the Ship began to climb upwards. The more the Ship moved, the more Natascha got scared and before they were out of the atmosphere she asked.

„Isn´t this too High? "

„Nope. " he answered. „This is a jet and a spaceship. So don´t worry. "

Once he said that, she became fine and once she looked outside again, she saw that they had reached their target. The Universe was laying in front of them and Yamato navigated the ship into a stable orbit around the planet. Then he opened his belts and flew over to Natascha. There he opened her belts and she immediately did a hesitated move.

„Slowly. Slowly. There is no need to hurry. Just let yourself glide. There is no danger in here. " He said once he had stabilized her.

„You are talking so easy. I cannot control..... My Body. It´s so light. "

She needed a few moments to become clear with her new situation but once she was clear with it, he said to her.

„Now is the time that I will fulfil my promise that I gave you. Come. Hold on my Body as close as you can. "

She did as she was told and then she felt that Yamato began to move. First he pushed some Buttons on a Wall and took something out of a Storage on it. Then he pushed them through an Automatic door and along a long walkway towards another door at its end. There he stopped them and said to her.

"Please. Close your Eyes and hold them shut until I tell you to open them. "

She nodded a yes and then she closed her Eyes. Then she heard the door open and that he pushed some buttons. Next she heard a strange sound from in front of her and then she felt that he pushed forward into that room. She feared a bit but she trusted him at any costs and then suddenly, the sound ended and she heard another music start to play. The "Moonlight Sonata"

„Do you remember that I once told you that I would lay the stars to your feets one Day?" He asked her and she answered.

„Yes. I remember. "

„Then open your Eyes now. "

She did it. First slowly but then she shot them open because she couldn´t believe her Eyes again. They were both standing or flying in the middle of a Glass Ball and around them was only the Universe.

Her Eyes became a bit watery at that look but not for long because what he did next brought her near crying. She looked at him to say something but once she caught his Eyes he moved in front of her, took a little Box from his side bag into his paw and opened it right in front of her. Inside was a Diamond ring and once some light hit the diamond, it began to shine in each color of the rainbow.

He didn´t needed to say something because she already knew what he wanted. She gave him the biggest smile she could managed to give while he took the ring out of the Box and placed it on her Ring finger. Once placed, she moved her arms around his neck and looked him deep into his Eyes. Then, after a few moments, she moved her Head close to his and then they both shared the kiss of their Life's. It was a long, soft and full of Love kiss filled with need and passion and each other feeling they both had for each other.

Once the music ended they both heard an alarm bell rang.

„What´s that? Are we in danger?" She asked in fear.

„No, no. Don´t worry. " He said calmly. " It´s only the sign for us to go back and to school. Nothing more. "

„OOOOHHHHHH....... And I had hoped that we could share some more time up here. It´s so peacefully here. "

„Yeah..... Maybe later. Now comes the working part is waiting for us. " He said with a sad face because he had wanted to share some more time also.

He then moved together with her back to the Cockpit and then they both flew back to earth.

A few minutes later at their school

They both reached their school and did a fly around it to check the area.

„Seems like that nearly every one of the town is here." Yamato said because all around the school were people running around or sitting on some tents with some foot in front of them.

„Yeah. Seems so..... Now I´m getting a bit nervous I must say. " She answered in the back.

„Just like me but don´t worry. We will make it both through it. "

„Sure..... Where will we land? "

„There. "

He pointed over to the roof of the schools main building and Natascha saw that there were some people waiting already. Once they were both close enough she saw that those people were the knights of the round, her whole family and some high animals from the politics pared with some reporters.

She wanted to say that she wanted to leave but before she could he took her paw with his free one and said.

„Trust me. I want to leave ether but If we not do this yet then they will not give us some peace later. "

She knew that he was right and so she did a deep gulp and then the ship had landed next to a red carpet. Once landed, Yamato pressed some Buttons and the ship shut itself down. Next he stood up and together with Natascha he walked towards the exit. There he layed his right paw on a Button but before he pushed it he asked her.

„Ready? "

And she answered after a deep breathe.

„Yes. "

He pressed the Button and the door went open and once it had opened a metallic ramp with some steps on it moved out from under their paws. When it had placed in its spot, Yamato took Natascha´s Paw and slowly moved down the steps with her on his side.

While they moved down the steps, the knights moved itself into a formation right in front of them and once Yamato and Natascha did a step on the red carpet Victor called out.


Immediately, each knight stood tall in place and had moved his right paw onto his heart. Meanwhile, Yamato and Natascha had stopped right in front of them and only a moment after each knight stood in place Yamato said to them.

„My dearest friends. I cannot thank you enough for saving the one that is the most precious Person in my Life. I cannot even imagine of how I could so please...... HAH..... Thank You!!! Everyone!!! "

„WE, THE KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND, SWEAR TO GIVE OUR LIVES FOR THE KING AND HIS QUEEN!!!" Came back from every Knight and Yamato had to fight back some tears just as Natascha.

Next the Knights moved to the side of the Red carpet and then each one dragged his Sword only to Cross them in the Air, over the carpet.

Yamato and Natascha began to smile and began to walk the way through. On the end they both greeted her Parents and then they both began to shake Hands with the politics. At the same time the reporters began to attack them and they didn´t let them both go until each Question was answered. All of that took around an Hour until Yamato and Natascha got free.

Then the time had come to officially start the party.

Each class performed one after one their show and now it was the time for Yamato and Natascha´s one. They were, together with their class, the last ones who were to perform and right now each and every one was gathering right in front of the state to see them while they were both standing alone in the back of it.

„I wonder where everyone is? " Yamato said.

„Me too. " She added while she began to move a bit strange.

Seeing her movement´s he asked.

„Are you alright? Is it coming back already? "

„I.......I´m fine..... Just a bit..... Nervous. "

She Lied. Her Heat was already coming back but she didn´t wanted to worry him. Yet. He sensed that she had belied and that was why he lend in close, moved his right paw between her Legs and said into her Ear.

„You are sweat but stop to lie to me. I can smell that it is coming back already. "

„NNNNHHHHH..... Please stop that. It´s..... AAAAAHHHHH!!!! "

Her Eyes shut open and a second later he released his grip.

„I have stopped it again but this one will only hold for around 30 minutes. So please do me a favor. " He said while he began to move to his starting position on the state. " When this is over. Please!! Stay there at this point and wait for me. "

He pointed over to the highest point of the state while he said that and she gave him a Yes not in return. Then the commentator moved out on the state and everyone around the state became silent.

„Ladies and Gentleman. " The Commentator started. " We would like to show you now our class project but thanks to the things that had taken place in the last few weeks we, the final classes of this school, had agreed that we wanted to honor our Heroes by changing the now coming Show. And I bet that they both will agree with me. "

The Lights went out and for around one minute nothing happened and in those minute, both Yamato and Natascha were asking themselves of what was coming now. Then a single Light went on, revealing Natascha standing in a window and music began to play. Immediately they both knew what song it was and they both began to feel happy because it was one of their most loved ones.

To be continue.