Servant of the Gods: Chapter 6; Romance

Story by saintkoopa on SoFurry

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#6 of Servants

Chapter 6

Three months later....

Country of fire.

In a desert in the country of Jasik, a convoy of dozens of carriages being pulled by camels trekked through the desert. They were heading back to the homeland of the knights which was located in the middle of the desert. They were being led by the young prince of the country named Baltor. He couldn't wait to get home and see his little brother and fathers again. He had managed to secure a new contract with Salliemis which meant they could not make a move on them again. Which was good because no one wanted a repeat of what happened to Leos.

Baltor soon saw his goal. The giant walls of the city they lived in soon appeared out of the endless dunes of sand. He couldn't wait to get back home after another successful mission. Soon the doors to their kingdom opened and they were greeted by a huge crowd there to welcome them back.

"We have returned!" Batlor said as he raised his paw high in the air.

The crowd cheered as the other carriages were brought in and the camels were lead away from each carriage as the cargo was unloaded.

Two furs came up to Baltor. One was a blue and black spotted cheetah while the other was a yellow and black spotted cheetah. The blue cheetah was completely naked while the other was dressed in some silk robes.

"Dad! Pops!" Baltor said as he hugged his two fathers. Baltor was a twentyish looking cheetah with the blue and black spots that his pops had.

"How was your trip Baltor? Any problems?" His blue furred father said.

"None that I couldn't handle. Salliemis tried to lowball us on their offer but thanks to some pressure from Nasaliva they had no choice but to accept our new energy deal. We also managed to get a new trade deal with Basika. So I would say it was a successful trip." Baltor said as he watched a black fox look around the carriages.

"Excellent. While you were gone however we got a message from the High priest of Scorpius. Benjamin sent us a priest book of Leos that has to be translated. We have been working on it for a long while now." The Yellow cheetah said as he eyed the black fox.

"Nigel dear, what do you mean by we? You mean I have" The blue cheetah teased his husband.

"Nissa! Behave yourself. You know what I mean" Nigel jabbed NIssa in the shoulder.

"Yea. I know just like teasing you..." Nissa said as he eyed the black fox who was looking a bit frantic.

"Jordan!? What are you looking for?" Baltor said as he called over the black fox.

"Baltor, have you seen Thomas?" The black fox asked as he continued to look around.

"No I haven't and I wonder why he didn't come to meet me." Baltor said causing both his dads to look at him strangely.

"What do you mean meet you? He was supposed to come home with you today?" Jordan said a bit worried now.

"Huh? What are you talking about? Thomas came home with the convoy three months ago! He said he got homesick so he came home early!" Baltor said before both his fathers started growling causing him to jump.

"Baltor? What are you talking about? Thomas never came home the convoy told us he said he was staying with you." NIssa said causing Baltor to panic a bit.

"Wait what? He told me he was leaving to go home three months ago. Oh no, what did that boy do." Baltor started shaking his head.

"I can't believe it. Why would that boy trick us like this? He could be in danger. That fool." Nigel said as he motioned for some of the knights to gather.

"I think I know where he went. He always went on and on about how he wanted to investigate Leos's homeland. I bet that is where he is." Jordan said as he summoned a Holographic view of the globe in his paw. He then focused in a red dot that appeared on it. Soon the globe zoomed in on the red dot and Jordan just needed to calculate the positioning.

"Magical calculation!" He said out loud as he processed the information from his other two spells.

"Got him. I was right he is heading up towards the ruin of Leos's country. But that place is unstable Salliemis has been letting wars rage there purposely. We need to get him back." Jordan said as he turned to the cheetahs.

Both of the older ones laughed. "Boy no wonder they call you the wonder boy. You'll lead this mission take three knights with you and keep in contact. Bring back your fiancé." Nissa ordered.

"Yes sir!" Jordan said as he ran to gather his supplies.

The two cheetahs embraced each other wondering if their youngest son was going to be safe.

Servant of Fire.

Thomas was the cloaked fire bomber that had been plaguing Salliemis armies for months now. But he had gotten himself trapped in a corner now. The base he was in was on fire thanks to his bombs but he had been pinned down thanks to tons of gun fire, at least fifty gunmen were shooting at him from every angle. He couldn't even peep out without being hit by at least ten bullets.

"Crap man. How did I fall for such a trap?" Thomas muttered to himself.

"Give it up boy! We have you surrounded! Come out with your hands up!" Someone screamed at him over a mega phone as the bullet spray had died down.

Thomas was about to make a run for it when a bomb exploded next to him. Soon he was overcame by the smell of knock out gas and was unable to move. Thomas soon fell to the ground out cold.

"Great work boys. Now get him ready to be sent home for interrogation." An ominous voice said over the speakers of the base.

"Yes General Washington sir!" The soldiers said as they closed in on the cheetah.

Servant of water.

Amil, was waiting just outside the hospital as today was the day his boyfriend was getting discharged. He couldn't be happier to see Miles walking around again. They had spent lots of time together but Miles had been quite depressed about losing to the cat that sent him into the hospital.

"Amil!" The bat turned to see his blue otter boyfriend running towards him. Amil ran over and hugged his boyfriend before giving him a deep kiss straight on the lips. Miles just let himself melt into the kiss. The two let the world pass them by and for that one moment just embraced each other.

"Man that is why I love you, you are such a good kisser." Miles said as he broke the kiss. Amil grabbed his paw and they started walking out into the village. They jumped into the canal that was next to the hospital and began to swim through the village. They passed house after house that was just on a block of cement surrounded by the intricate canals of water that made the city. They had to swim under boats as they swam down that were transporting fruits and meats to the different houses.

Miles had left Amil a bit behind because Miles was such a fast swimmer. Amil smirked and then jumped out the water and started flying. He could fly faster than Miles swam but Miles wanted to prove him wrong. The two continued to race past the other villagers as they went about their day devoid of all clothing due to the fact that everyone was never dry.

Miles managed to make it to Amil's house where he would staying for a while only to find Amil had beaten him there.

"Never can beat me in a race miles no matter how fast you are in water. I am twice as fast in the air!" Amil laughed but Miles just grinned.

"Then how about I drag you into the water!" Miles said as he grabbed Amil and threw himself into the water along with his boyfriend.

They struggled a bit in the water before Amil got away and started to hover over the water laughing. Miles tried to jump out of the water and grab the bat but Amil just kept dodging.

"Boys! Stop playing around!" A voice came from the house. Amil reached down and grabbed Miles arm and flew them both into the house to meet Amil's father. Amil's father was a black bat who quite lean and muscular.

"Hey dad, what's for dinner?" Amil asked as he smelt the air.

"Just some smoked fish with biscuits and salad." His father said getting some grumbles from both of the boys.

"Alright. I'm going to get miles settled in my room!" Amil said to his father before dragging Miles to his room.

Miles and Amil were smiling at each other as they climbed the stairs to Amil's room. Amil quickly threw Miles on the bed and got on top of him.

"My aren't we in a hurry tonight." Miles said as Amil started nibbling on his neck.

"Well three months you have been in the hospital I have been horribly blue balled. And I still have to pay you back for all the worry you put me through." Amil said as he reached down and started to stroke his boyfriend's penis.

"But you never get to top!" Miles complained as he knew Amil was going to take out his three month frustration on the poor otter.

"Well, after what you did to me. You are going to be the bottom for a long time." Amil teased as he turned himself and was meet with face full of otter dick. Amil slowly took the head of Miles's penis into his mouth and began slowly sucking on it. Miles groaned a bit as Amil worked his magic, Amil started to bob his head up and down using his tongue to lick in between the foreskin.

"Man your...always so good at this." Miles said in bliss.

"Well I was taught by the best cocksuckers in the tribe." Amil said as he went back to business.

"Who is that?" Miles said while groaning.

"My dads duh. They taught me everything I know and I'm about to use it all on you."

"I am so fucking close though." Miles moaned some more but was caught off guard when Amil just stopped and then rolled him over.

"Amil!? What are you doing?"

"I said I was going to punish you." Amil then spread Miles's cheeks' apart before planting his face straight in and licking at the pink ring that was his target.

Miles groaned a bit and Amil was liking what he saw. He continued to lick until he felt that Miles was lubed up enough for what he was about to do.

Amil rubbed the head of his penis against the miles backside just before he pressed in slowly. Miles screamed out a bit as he felt himself get penetrated for the first time. "Oh be quiet you big baby. You do this to me all the time. And you are way rougher!" Amil teased his boyfriend as he pulled out ad pushed back in slowly.


"Don't worry honey. We're going to take it slow." Amil continued to push in and out at a slow pace as Miles got adjusted to having him in. Miles continued to moan each time that Amil pushed against his insides but Amil was not just satisfied with the pace so he picked up the pace and caused miles to continue moan even harder. Amil and Miles started breathing heavy as they both got closer and closer.

"Amil, I can't..." Miles tried to say before he came all over Amil who then came into Miles.

Amil continued to thrust until he finished empting himself into Miles who almost looked passed out. Amil collapsed on Miles and they both laid lose before miles gave Amil a kiss on the cheek.

"Which part of that was punishment by the way?" Miles teased.

"The part where I say I love you. I love you Miles." Amil said before kissing him on the lips.

"I love you too Amil" Miles said as he kissed Amil back.

"Dinner is ready whenever you two are finished in there." The voice of Amil's father said from the door.

The two blushed hard but just continued to kiss each other.

Servant of Thunder

"Argh! I'm never going to pass this test!" Zheng said out in frustration. He had a book in his hand trying to figure out some of his priest's texts.

"Oh don't say that. You have been barreling through everything." Mark replied trying to comfort the poor artic wolf. The snow tiger had been real close to Zheng in the three months helping him with his training.

"But my first trail is coming up. How am I going to pass it if I can't get these texts properly memorized? I'm so hopeless right now." Zheng said as he threw his arms up in the air in frustration.

"Dude, mark is right. Just relax, the first trail is always the easiest. And you are what? Six years behind? Priests started training for their trails at age ten knights at age eight. You are six years behind everyone right now but you already made up three years in three months. You can handle this." Chouken said as he was being held by his Fiancé Sei. Sei was an artic fox with white fur and blue hair. He and the tiger had just gotten engaged two weeks ago. Zheng found it strange but apparently most boys in the tribe were married before they reached age eighteen and most were engaged by age seventeen. He was behind the eight ball there as well. He was sixteen and had yet to even go on a date.

"Uh, I hope you guys are right. I need to take a walk." Zheng said as he got up to walk around the forest. They had been studying outside the village because Zheng preferred the fresh air and quiet.

Mark looked at Zheng worryingly as he walked off. Sei and Chouken both giggled a bit causing mark to stare at them. Chouekn cleared his throat before saying anything. "So when are you two going on your first date?" Sei asked teasingly.

Mark blushed furiously. "What? What makes you two think that?" Mark said flustered.

Both Chouken and Sei laughed. "You two spend so much time together, and the way you look at him with those puppy dog eyes it totally gives you away."

"Zheng is just as bad. He stares at you from far away for long times. And I see how he sighs when you leave and perks up when you get near. It's so obvious to everyone that you both have a crush on each other." Chouken explained.

Mark fidgeted a bit. "You guys are blowing it out of proportions. He just looks up to me that's all. And I just enjoy his company. He is so gullible and sweet and kind and cute..." The other two started laughing at Mark's obvious attraction to Zheng.

"Would you two stop laughing?" Mark yelled out.

"Fine fine. But tell us what is stopping you from at least asking him out on a date?" Sei asked.

"He is just so new to the tribe and everything I rather give him some space. I mean he grew up in Salliemis, it must be eating at him knowing he can't be anything but gay. And he hasn't spoken to his father in the three months he has been here. I don't want him to think I am just taking advantage of him." Mark said as he looked up to the sky.

Chouken and Sei looked at each before shaking their heads. It would seem that Zheng would have to make the first move.

Zheng continued to trek through the forest he had come to know quite well. This was where he went when he wanted to get some alone time. Things had been a whirlwind for him. He had been focused on learning the ways of a priest and getting to his first trail which his grandfather said would be in a few more weeks. He was getting a bit worried even though his friends reassured him, his father ran from them. Speaking of his father. He hadn't spoken to his father since they started living with his grandparents. His father had refused to even look at him and Zhu. Zhu had found some friends that he hung out with and spent the rest of the time with their grandfather Kanki.

Zheng continued until he reached near the end of the forest he quickly grabbed one of the silk shorts that was on a nearby tree and quickly donned them. Zheng continued walking down to the village where he was rarely allowed to go. He heard his grandfather warn him about what salliemis might do to him should they find him. Since he was born and raised in Salliemis they might lay claim to him being a Salliemis citizen instead of a member of the tribe. He had to be quite careful whenever he went to village but this time he wanted to go unaccompanied.

It wouldn't hurt just to trek down to the village and walk around a bit. Zheng managed to sneak down through the back alleys until he reached the beach. Some of the locals saw him and got sacred but he tried to get them to ignore his presence. He looked out at the beach where he and his brother were before they got found out. What a different life he would have had if he hadn't gotten bit by Speed that day. The feral snow tiger had actually become quite friendly to Zheng after their first metting but things would be so different. He would probably be starting school again with a few of his friends who are probably wondering what happened to him.

But he couldn't complain, He got new friends in Chouken, Sei and Mark... For some reason whenever Mark was around he always felt so at home. Mark especially made things so much easier for him. He helped him so much with training and even showed him some simple tricks. Mark made his life so much easier he had to admit. He should do something nice and thank him.

Zheng just stared out into the ocean, he had to admit no matter how much he was afraid of his trails he liked it here. He was so out of it though he did not notice the bear that stood behind him.

"Zheng eh? He might be our in." Brandy said to his crew.

"That the prince huh? Do we make a move now? Or you want to play this using diplomacy." One of his crew responded. This one was a brown cat while the other was black beaver.

"How about both, tail him. Pick him up before he gets to the forest. We have a sub stationed outside for quick extraction use it." Brandy said as he directed the two to follow Zheng.

Zheng started walking back to the village not realizing the two who were following him. He once again tried to use the back alleys to get to the village but that played right into the hands of Brandy's henchmen.

The two made their move and grabbed Zheng. A rag filled with chloroform was put on Zheng's muzzle. Zheng tried to struggle a bit but his strength was quickly failing him as he was falling out of consciousness.

"HEY! Leave him alone" Mark voice came screaming down the alleyway as he and his pet tiger speed ran to save Zheng.

"Fuck man we have been compromised take care of him while I hide this one." The beaver said as he pulled Zheng into the building next to them.

Mark was not going to let them get away. He covered himself in electricity and blew past the cat into the building. The cat was surprised by the burst of speed but was then attacked by speed who bite down on the cat's ankle causing him to scream in pain and kick the tiger cub into a wall. The cat quickly went after Mark trying to stop the snow tiger from interrupting their mission.

"Zheng!" Mark yelled out as the Beaver had to get out into the street. The beaver saw as the crowd started calling them out for kidnapping one of the tribesmen. Mark however managed to catch up and punched the beaver with his lighting covered paw electrocuting him.

Mark then channeled small amounts of electricity into Zheng to get him to wake up. However Zheng failed to rouse. The cat managed to get caught up and grabbed his partner who was knocked out cold and ran towards the beach where their sub was waiting for them.

The tribe's people all gathered around Zheng and Mark to see what was going on. Zheng was still out cold and Mark needed to get him back to the tribe. He didn't know what they had done to Zheng. He could be in real trouble

Mark covered himself with more electricity than he was used to and jumped quickly to the forest. Without missing a beat he then ran through the forest at great speeds even running past Sei and Chouken who soon followed to find out what happened. Zheng by passed the lift and jumped straight to the temple where the knights there quickly ran towards him to assess the situation.

Mark had done enough he had used more power than he normally could summon, his body was in shambles and he soon collapsed down as some knights took mark from him. Mark's fur was singed in various places and burn marks covered him.

"Get some medics over here now!" One of the knights said as he grabbed mark.

"Hang in there son." Another knight said as they got both boys into the temple.