Furries University Chapter 9: a slight problem

Story by Kitsune Warui on SoFurry

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#15 of Furries University

Chapter 9: slight problem. (September, 15th, 2019 A.D. - Monday)

(I am going to start writing the dates beside the chapter from now on. If a day has passed that is)

"Forty-five minutes gawd that's a lot of talking time" blurted Shadow looking about the room.

"Well I guess It's enough time" spoke Ryu "Never expected to have this much socializing time in College ya' know".

"Wow" blurted Kitsune looking around the room "I suppose all these bones and stuff are from humans".

"I...I think you're right" spoke Ryan "it...sure is kinda...scary...ya know'.

"Yes it's kind of creepy something about those bones irritates me every time I look at them" spoke Kitsune "Weird eh"?

"Maybe it's some kind of deeply housed past family memory or some kind of foresight" spoke Ozwot Putting his arm around Kitsune's shoulder.

Kitsune giggled at this and Shadow let out a slight giggle herself.

"What are you giggling at I'm serious Kit" Said Ozwot.

"You know you might be right" replied Kitsune smiling.

"Well What about your next classes, what are they" asked Shadow?

"Ummm....well I have creative writing" commented Ryan opening his black notebook and beginning to scratch down inside of it.

"Wow same here" replied Kitsune.

"Darn it my Foxy isn't with me" blurted Ozwot "I've got Chemistry next".

"Oh I've got that creative writing class next as well" commented Ryu somewhat loudly.

The people behind the group were whispering amongst themselves pointing and chuckling towards Kitsune and Ozwot. Kitsune looked back towards the group and they stopped and one of them, a very muscular Horse leaned closer to him.

"So you're the fag are ya'" blurted the horse.

"I don't believe I am a cigarette sir but I'm not quite sure you're allowed to smoke in class anyways" spoke Kitsune smirking.

"What are you a smart ass" questioned the horse gritting his teeth.

"Smart...me? No" replied Kitsune smiling.

"Your askin' for it queer" blurted the horse.

"I don't believe I asked for anything" spoke Kitsune turning back around in his seat.

"Come...on..Kit...don't start anything please" spoke Ryan nudging Kitsune's arm.

"I'll stop" spoke Kitsune smiling "just not gonna let them get any pleasure from what they're doing".

Ryan continued scratching in his black notebook.

Kitsune leaned over and smirked as he looked at what Ryan was writing.

"Wha...what" blurted Ryan looking back at Kitsune blushing.

"Nothing....I like the dirty ones" spoke Kitsune blushing "I liked all of your' stories".

"Th...thanks" Spoke Ryan still blushing.

Kitsune giggled as he leaned against Ryan's shoulder reading as Ryan wrote.

"Oh my gosh" blurted Kitsune suddenly blushing and moving closer to the notebook "you're a naughty bunny".

Ryan chuckled a bit at this and smiled blushing. The blush was quite evident because of the bunny's snow white fur.

"May I see" Questioned Ozwot poking Ryan's shoulder.

Ryan nodded and handed the notebook to Ozwot.

The wolf looked over the page slowly blushing and giggling as he read through it and then handed it back to Ryan.

"This is 'really' good" spoke Ozwot as Ryan took the notebook back and started writing once more.

"What is it he's writing" asked Ryu looking at Kitsune?

"umm...well" Kitsune began to blush smiling towards Ryu "believe me you wouldn't like it".

"Wha do ya' mean" blurted Ryu.

Shadow looked at Ryu and shook her head giggling slightly "What are you stupid" said Shadow.

"Oh...wait...you mean 'that'" spoke Ryu.

"Yeah" answered Ryan looking up but still writing in his book.

"Okay class you've got five more minutes" spoke Mr. Jefferies "now there will be no

talking in my class tomorrow and you had best have your' books and materials tomorrow I hope you wrote them down, if not there is a list for all books in the front offices of the university next to the respected groups forms".

Shadow raised her paw into the air.

"Yes the cat here" pointed Mr. Jefferies speaking loud enough for the entire class to hear.

"Yeah umm...what are the respected group forms for" asked Shadow lowering her paw?

"Ahh yes you must be new this year, anyways the university doesn't like to have the campus used for unscheduled events, and you have to be part of a group to plan events and you have to pass them through the university's board of supervisors" answered Mr. Jefferies.

"hmmm I'll have to get one of those" spoke Kitsune silently only Ryan and Ozwot hearing him.

"What...are you gonna do" asked Ryan.

"I'm probably going to make another pro-homosexual group thing" spoke Kitsune "Since the other one isn't existing anymore".

"Awww my foxy is gonna start a group" spoke Ozwot pulling Kitsune towards him.

Kitsune blushed and smiled leaning against Ozwot.

"You two are cute together" blurted Shadow.

"Thanks" spoke Ozwot nuzzling against Kitsune's cheek.

Ryu started to lean away from the group feeling a bit mis-placed.

"What's wrong Ryu" giggled Kitsune "don't feel right around all the love".

"You know damn well why I don't feel right" blurted Ryu looking away.

"Whatever" spoke Kitsune.

Ryan put his notebook down and picked up his backpack.

"It's almost time to go" said Ryan smiling "and they do look cute".

Kitsune stood up as he pulled his backpack up. It was oddly light and seemed empty.

Shadow leaned over and poked the fox's backpack.

"Why don't you have anything in there" asked Shadow.

"Cuz' I only have three classes today" pronounced Kitsune.

"Yippee" blurted Ozwot "I only have two".

"Yay" shouted Kitsune and then he quickly covered his mouth!

Ozwot, Ryan and Shadow giggled as Ryu laughed.

Kitsune blushed and sat lower in his seat.

Mr.Jefferies looked over in Kitsune's direction and began to walk towards him. His black fur making his green eyes look brighter. He placed a paw on the desk as he leaned over.

"And what may I ask is all the excitement about" asked Mr. Jefferies?

"Well...ummm...I only have two classes today" answered Kitsune.

"So....that means" prolonged Mr. Jefferies moving one of his paws around in a circle to motion Kitsune to continue.

"I can be with Ozwot here after school" answered Kitsune.

"And he is worth screeching out yay" asked Mr. Jefferies his cat eyes glinting.

"Yes sir you see he is my love" answered Kitsune smiling.

"I see" spoke Mr. Jefferies "well that's quite alright then but please try to keep your voice down next time".

Mr. Jefferies then walked away his cat tail swishing around and about.

"Wow, you got off that easily" blurted Shadow "I thought you would be in trouble".

"Me too you need to watch out" spoke Ryu.

"My lil' foxy is alright isn't he" said Ozwot leaning as Kitsune leaned against him.

"Oh no I'm fine" spoke Kitsune "as long as my wolfie is with me I'm always fine".

Ryu blinked a bit then leaned back in his chair. Just as he did this a bell went off and every fur in the class stood up and picked there bags up putting them on there backs.

"God damn it" muttered Ryu "I was getting comfortable".

"Hey Ryan, Ryu I'll meet up with you" spoke Kitsune "I'm gonna get one of those forms".

"You....be careful" Spoke Ryan.

"I'll be fine" spoke Kitsune "nothing and no one to worry about".

"What about that AGF group" asked Shadow?

"Yeah my lil' foxy doesn't need to be getting hurt" said Ozwot placing his backpack over his shoulder.

"I'll be fine don't worry wolfie" spoke Kitsune placing his backpack over his back.

Ozwot began to ascend the steps, his tail wagging a bit back and forth.

Kitsune followed behind closely, with the rest of the group behind him. Kitsune walked to the right as they left the room.

"Okay Ryan make sure Ryu doesn't do something stupid" spoke Kitsune waving as Ozwot followed him.

Shadow began to walk in the same direction as the fox and wolf.

Ryu and Ryan went to the left as the hall began to fill with furs.

Ryan's black notebook lay on the desk, closed but forgotten. Jerry walked into the class room and sat down near the Black notebook, taking it into his paws and flipping through it.

Ryan felt like something was missing but couldn't quite place what is was.

"So how many classes do you have" asked Ryu still moving through the hall flooding with furs?

"Only...two....today" answered Ryan looking about still wondering what he had forgotten.

"Oh you're lucky I have four today" spoke Ryu.

"Th..thanks" spoke Ryan now looking at Ryu "Hey..ummm...well...I was...well wondering...are you....you know....like Kitsune"?

"Huh" gasped Ryu looking back at the bunny.

"Well you hang out with him and his boy friend so I'm just wondering if you are too" spoke Ryan feeling a little odd as if he shouldn't have asked.

"No I'm not gay" spoke Ryu stopping in front of a door which read 'F6-4' 'Creative writing techniques and skills'.

"Oh I see" spoke Ryan looking about as he followed Ryu into the class room.

(Meanwhile with Kitsune)

Kitsune stopped in front of a door which read 'front offices'.

"Oh well this is where they are Kit" spoke Ozwot kissing the fox on the cheek.

Kitsune blushed and waved as Ozwot walked away with Shadow down the hall.

Kitsune walked into the room his blush quickly subsiding, and he walked over to an assortment of pamphlets lying on a table.

"Can I help" asked an old female pit bull sitting at a desk with many papers in front of her?

"No I'm just here for the respected group pamphlet" answered Kitsune looking through the pamphlets.

"I see" spoke the woman "and what may I ask will your group be doing exactly".

"Oh well" blurted Kitsune blushing "Well it'll be promoting gay rights and activities".

"hun, you do know that you'll have to talk to the board of supervisors about this right" questioned the woman?

"I don't care" said Kitsune "I think that there should be such a group....but all I've seen is one that is anti-gay".

"That isn't one of the respected groups hun" blurted the woman "AGF is a group of people who made their own group".

"Oh well I see" spoke Kitsune "do you have a problem with me trying to make a gay rights group".

"No child I don't" said the woman "the pamphlet is the light blue one on the left side of the table".

"Thank you" spoke Kitsune picking up the light blue pamphlet.

"I hope you can get ten signatures for it though" spoke the woman.

"Ten signatures" sighed Kitsune as he walked out the door.

'Let's see Kagome's, Ryu's, Yoshi's, Shadow's, Ryan's, Ozwot's, Mine, Sakura's, aide's and Mokusei's thought Kitsune 'Wait! I can't put my own signature...hmmm'.

Suddenly Kitsune fell forward almost hitting his face into the ground but quickly put his paws down to keep him up. Then he pushed himself to his feet to see a large male lion walk by him looking and smirking.

"Get outa' here queer" spoke the lion turning around and walking back through the hall.

Kitsune looked about at the on lookers, whom continued to stare, he then turned about and walked down the hall.

*** (five minutes pass by)

Kitsune walked into the class room feeling a bit down for no apparent reason. Kitsune sighed already knowing what it was. 'It's because Ozwot isn't here to comfort me, it's because I need his love to be happy, I'm so silly, I'll see him after my next class" thought Kitsune walking to where Ryu and Ryan had sat.

"So...you got the pamphlet I see" blurted Ryan patting the seat next to him.

Kitsune sat down in it looking about the very quiet room.

"Yeah, I need ten signatures" spoke Kitsune, "But I only know nine people".

"That could be a problem" said Ryan looking at Kitsune.

"Well I might be able to get Jay to sign" spoke Kitsune.

"Oh yeah...about Jayson....he's part of AGF" spoke Ryu not looking at Kitsune.

"What" blurted Kitsune "That roach!.. forget him, I won't have anything to do with that AGF, if he's in with that bunch of homophobes then I can't be friends with him".

"I...see so who will you get for the tenth" asked Ryan?

"I don't quite know" spoke Kitsune to himself.

Suddenly the door slammed open as a bunch of furs began to pile into the room sitting at random tables.

Then a moment later the bell rang and large thuds could be heard. Kitsune turned about to see, something he had never seen before.

A minotaur like creature that appeared to be a fox. Kitsune blinked at the sight of the foxtaur somewhat astounded to see the fur.

'Wow, I don't think we even have minotaurs where I used to live' Kitsune thought to himself as the male foxtaur walked over to the desk.

"Hello class" spoke the fox in a calm voice "I am your professor, of Creative writing. Now you all must have an interest in this art or you wouldn't be in my class".

The foxtaur then walked over towards Ryan.

"I've seen you around campus writing" spoke the foxtaur approaching the somewhat startled bunny.

"Y..yes I have" spoke the blushing bunny rubbing the back of his head, which threw one of his ears forward.

"So, do you write fictional work or non-fiction" asked the professor?

"I write fiction" said Ryan pushing his ear back.

"ah I see, what kind, fantasy, war, fighting, adventure" questioned the teacher?

"I...well...I guess it's fantasy" spoke Ryan, Kitsune letting out a slight giggle.

The teacher turned and looked at Kitsune now.

"What's so funny" asked the professor?

"Oh nothing, he writes very well" spoke Kitsune becoming serious now.

"Okay then" spoke the professor walking back towards hi desk his paws making thuds on the ground "My name is Mr. Leonard. I am new here to FU, but don't get me wrong I have taught before, and I love the fact that FU is allowed by law any punishment the teacher sees fit as long as the student is kept alive, conscious, mobile, and is still able to communicate afterwards".

Kitsune was a little shocked to hear these words, but wasn't that worried because he never broke too many rules.

Ryu threw his hand into the air quickly after hearing this. Mr. Leonard nodded towards him.

"Ummm....wait you can do anything" blurted Ryu "so you're allowed to beat us".

"Haven't you ever wondered why there is such a great amount of order in these class rooms" spoke Mr. Leonard "yes the law has allowed us to do any punishment we see fit as long as it does not violate anything I just said or cause any type of bleeding".

Ryu out his hand down slowly and a bit scared himself. Kitsune looked at Ryan whom was shuddering a bit. Kitsune laughed in his mind, 'this has to be a joke, no law would allow that, I won't test it though but still he didn't say anything about rape which is a little odd and I really don't want a teacher messing with me' thought Kitsune.

"Either way, we will get straight to business now, pull out a note book and that notebook will only be used for this class" said Mr. Leonard "and a pen or pencil, they had best be sharpened because you will not stand up in my class unless I have told you to or you have a life threatening need".

Kitsune pulled a note book from his bag along with a pencil, as did the rest of the class.

"Okay now you will listen to what I say and write it down as I write it on the black board here" said Mr. Leonard picking up a piece of chalk.

*** (50 minutes after lesson)

"That's it for today" said Mr. Leonard "now everyday will be like that and by next week I want you to write a short story and it has to be 2 pages long, and include death of natural causes".

"Sir" shouted Kitsune as he closed his notebook "Is it really creative writing if we have to write about certain things".

"I'm teaching creative writing and the first step is to practice using different story lines and plots, and by the way you will raise your hand when you wish to input".

"Yes sir...sorry" blurted Kitsune his ears dropping a bit.

The bells suddenly rang and everyone began to put up their notebooks and pencils. Kitsune quickly made his way towards the door when a paw landed on his shoulder. Kitsune turned around to see Ryan's face which looked somewhat worried. Ryu walked out the door looking anxious and passed the two by.

"What's wrong Ryan" asked Kitsune placing his paws on the bunny's shoulders?

"M...my...note..book it's" Ryan began to speak a slight bit of tears appearing in his eyes "it..it's..I left it in the last class".

"Oh my" gasped Kitsune "Well maybe it's still there".

"I...I hope" spoke Ryan begging to shed a small tear. Kitsune put his paw up and wiped it away.

"Come on don't cry, we'll get it back" spoke Kitsune "I'm sure Mr. Jefferies saw that you left it and held it for you".

"Huh..." Ryan stopped weeping looking at Kitsune.

"Now come on I'll walk with you back to anthropology and we'll go get it" spoke Kitsune.

The fox walked out of the room with the bunny following closely behind.

*** (three minutes later inside of Anthropology)

Kitsune walked down the steps towards the black cat whom was sorting papers.

"Can I help you" asked Mr. Jefferies?

"Yeah Ryan left a black notebook in here, we were wondering if you have it" spoke Kitsune.

"No, sorry I did see a student looking at a black notebook when everyone was allowed to speak" answered Mr. Jefferies.

Ryan let out a whimper tugged on Kitsune's arm. Kitsune turned around and looked at Ryan.

"Don't worry Ryan" blurted Kitsune "look if someone gives you any trouble I'll be with you".

Ryan began to walk out of the room and waited at the door, as Kitsune followed.

"This is my last period I'm just gonna go to my dorm" spoke Ryan.

"You should just wait for me and Ozwot" spoke Kitsune "if it's one of those AGF guys they might start trouble, I don't want a friend to get hurt".

"I can run to my dorm" blurted Ryan "I don't wanna...make any trouble for you".

"No trouble for us at all" answered Kitsune "Just wait, with Ozwot I think he will be outside in front or maybe walking about".

"No, I just...wanna go to sleep" spoke Ryan sounding a bit sad "I'll be in my dorm...B5-05"..

"well be careful" spoke Kitsune as Ryan walked off his eyes still a bit watery.

Kitsune sighed and walked the opposite way down the hall.

*** (a minute passes and Kitsune just walked into the Japanese language class room)

Kitsune walked over and saw Ryu looking anxiously at the board with his notebook already out.

Kitsune walked up and sat beside the wolf sighing a bit and then pulling out a large book with hiragana Japanese text on it and sitting it in front of him. The book hit the desk with a thud and Kitsune pulled out a notebook and lay it on top.

The bell rang and every student quieted down quickly sitting down and pulling books and notebooks from their bags. A tall slender female tigress walked into the room shutting the door behind her. She walked over to her desk and sat down.

"Hello class I am Ms. Gray" she spoke standing up "Welcome class, even though today is some of your first days I am still going to get straight to the lesson. First thing to learn is to learn how to greet".

Kitsune let out another sigh laying his head down on the desk.

(Meanwhile with Ryan)

Ryan began to make his way for the dorm building. The buildings lay about half a mile away from the school which is an easier walk than it would seem, the ground is completely flat and there are a few random places with trees and small patches of flowers. No fur seemed to be walking about except Ryan. Ryan's head was pointing towards the ground his eyes still watery.

'someone found my notebook, they'll tell everyone they know I just know it, I was only lucky Kit found it the first time but now I know it won't be someone nice' thought Ryan

Lifting his head and looking at the buildings once again.

Suddenly Ryan felt something slam into the back of his head. He turned around in instinct to see Jerry, a lion with a Mohawk and a tall muscular horse.

"Isn't that yours homo" Shouted Jerry!

"...It's mine..." spoke Ryan looking down at the note book.

Jerry and his group slowly walked towards Ryan, all of them smirking and chuckling.

"I suppose you're friends with that fox and wolf" spoke the lion chuckling.

"Y....yes.. I am" answered Ryan contemplating escape.

"So another fucking faggot ruins the halls of FU" spoke the horse crossing his arms.

Ryan began to back up as the group grew closer to him.

"Well, we can't let you get away with such bull shit" shouted Jerry "you're going against the rules of AGF, and we don't like this shit that you write".

"....I....you didn't have to read it" spoke Ryan a bit of arrogance in his voice.

Suddenly the panther grabbed Ryan's paw and drug him close to him pulling back a fist.

"What's that you prick" shouted Jerry Slamming his fist into Ryan's face!

Ryan quickly bit into jerry's arm freeing him, he then began to dash off the other way when suddenly his arm was grabbed by the horse, the horse then took hold of the other arm and held Ryan in place.

The tiger began to chuckle as he walked in front of Ryan. Jerry wiping the blood from his arm then pulled out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, while walking to the side of the horse and smirking as he pulled out a golden lighter.

"See you fucking queer, now you're gonna pay" spoke the horse.

"Just hold on to the fag Elwood" spoke the tiger towards the horse.

The horse (Elwood) then put his mouth beside Ryan's ear and whispered in it "sorry about this".

Ryan's eyes opened wide as the horse whispered this to him and then suddenly the lion's fist slammed into his stomach. Ryan shouted out in pain as the fist hit him in the stomach. Then the tiger slammed his fist into the bunny's face. Jerry began to laugh as he took a drag on the cigarette.

*** (52 minutes later in Japanese language class)

"Alright that is it for today class" said Ms. Gray closing the large book with a thud the entire class slowly packing things up.

"That was hard" spoke Ryu "I hope it's not always like this".

"Of course it's always gonna be like this" spoke Kitsune putting the book in his bag with his notebook "It's Japanese it's a very hard language to learn".

"Dang it, I couldn't keep up with what she was saying though, thank god she didn't call on me to answer back" spoke Ryu shaking his head from side to side.

"Well I've got to go meet up with Ozwot he said he'd be at the front" spoke Kitsune smiling as the bell rang.

"I'm gonna wait for Kagome in here" spoke Ryu looking about "I told her this morning I'd meet up with her here and we'd walk together".

"Okay then, I'll see you at the dorm" spoke Kitsune waving and running out of the classroom. Kitsune bumped into a large lion as he rushed out the door.

"Sorry" spoke Kitsune to the lion and then continuing his run down the hall towards the entrance. He ran through the entrance doors and saw Ozwot sitting on a bench smiling with an open notebook and pen in paw.

Kitsune Hugged Ozwot smiling and blushing.

"How was your day" asked Ozwot Smiling back?

"It was alright, how about yours" asked Kitsune smiling and letting go of the white furred wolf.

"It was good, I have some chemistry work already, it's mainly just a simple formula and I have to explain why it works the way it does" answered Ozwot standing up "Shall we go now".

"Oh yes" spoke Kitsune grabbing onto Ozwot's paw.

"Okay then I'll lead the way my lil' foxy" said Ozwot smiling happily.

The wolf held onto the Fox's paw walking towards the dorm buildings. Kitsune's ears began to twitch as he picked up the faint sound of crying, the sound became closer with every step. Kitsune looked left, then right but saw nothing. He continued to follow Ozwot until he heard the sound loudly. Kitsune then looked to the right once more to see a bunny lying curled up in a ball, shreds of paper everywhere and blood on random parts of the grass. Kitsune and Ozwot both ran towards the bunny quickly. Kitsune took his paw and turned the bunny to face him.

They were now looking at the crying, bruised face of Ryan. Ryan began to weep heavily and Wrapped his arms around Kitsune still crying. Kitsune began to pat Ryan on the back a bit of anger rising in him.

"What happened to you" asked Kitsune in an oddly aggressive voice.

"....the...th...the...Panther....*sniff*...A....G...F" weeped Ryan on Kitsune's shoulder as Ozwot rubbed Ryan's back "They.....found..found *sniff* My notebook..".

Kitsune let go of Ryan anger beginning to occupy his expression.

Ozwot's did the same as he then hugged the back of Ryan.

"Don't worry Ryan, We'll take you to the dorm and clean you up" spoke Ozwot.

Ryan stood up his arm hooked over Ozwot's shoulder.

"Those bastards" blurted Kitsune loudly his paw clenching into a fist!

"Kit, not now" spoke Ozwot his face looking sad, as he walked the bunny leaning on him.

*** (10 minutes later inside of Ozwot's dorm)

Kitsune began to dab at the bruises and cuts with a piece of wool with alcohol on it. Ryan began to wince from the burning sensation. Ozwot placed a bandage over an open cut. Tears were still present in Ryan's eyes as they began to fix the small wounds. Kitsune noticed one thing on Ryan's shoulder there was a small circular burn mark.

"Who was it who did this" asked Kitsune small tears in his eyes "how can people do such a thing".

"It...*sniff*...was a large..*Sniff* Horse *sniff*...a black...panther...*sniff* and a *sniff* tiger with a....Mohawk" spoke Ryan rubbing his eyes.

Kitsune sighed as he placed another bandage over a large cut. Ozwot stood up, walked in to his bathroom and put the supplies away in the medicine cabinet. Kitsune sat down beside Ryan handing him his shirt. Ryan took the shirt and slowly sat up to put it on, drying up his tears.

"look I'm sorry for...hugging you outside" spoke Ryan wiping the tears from his eyes.

"It's okay...I understand, Ozwot isn't mad" spoke Kitsune patting Ryan on the back "From now on you're not going to go to the dorms alone okay".

"I understand, thank you again" said Ryan looking down at the floor.

"We'll get them back" spoke Ozwot coming in to the room and sitting beside Ryan "no one touches one of my friends like that and gets away with it".

The air seemed to feel depressing now, Kitsune looked out the window at the still bright sun towards the D building. Ozwot looked at the poor bunny sadly and began to rub his back, feeling furious and angry at AGF. The room was full of anger at the time and the air seemed heavy.

Furries University Chapter 10: awkward encounters

Chapter 10: Awkward encounters. (September, 16th, 2019 A.D. - Tuesday 1:20 A.M) \*\*\* (time passes till 1:20A.M. (Kitsune went to his dorm, after seeing Ryan into his dorm and fell asleep after eating dinner and telling the group what had...

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Furries University Chapter 8: Follow the white rabbit.

(good news people I have an Editor now A cute bunny whom is very nice. He is very good, but don't forget who the writer is. He helps with my grammatical errors and Spelling and stuff) Chapter 8: Follow the white rabbit. The sound of a beeping...

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Furries University Chapter 7: Downhill Roll

Chapter 7: Downhill roll. Kitsune walked from the shower dripping wet and only covered by a towel. Ozwot was sitting on the couch and looked at the fox with a smirk. "Hey wolfie" spoke Kitsune "You wouldn't happen to have any clothes I could...

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