Fire Burns

Story by buizdog on SoFurry

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#1 of Love Burns

a novelty romance i wrote for adult enjoyment however one likes. you may use my characters you may use my writing, only if i am givin credit for the creation of them and the novel itself otherwise this is to be a big awesome mind blowing book and id love advise.

i know my grammar sucks.. if ya wanna pm me about it id love it thanks

Chapter 1

Fire Burns.

"Mouth is so dry"... The thought was and had been with me all day.

I twitched the tiny vine in my hand just hardly to give away movement at the other end. A fat colorful bird landed unexpectedly next to my hand attacking the vine. Just out of reach the bird was knocked to the ground in a desperate effort to grab, hit, something, dive atop of it as it fluttered in terror on the ground.

Tears streamed down my red face and wet the mud, as much camouflage to the prey and predators as it was to ward off the biting insects. My plan had failed so miserably it made me grimace, "it's not funny to starve to death" I thought and closed my eyes pursing my stinging lips in vain to wet them.

My plan, so hard thought up, I had made to set a trap. It was so stupid, the bird was meant to attack the END of the vine much farther away and then be captured with this... this tiny string id set an entire day to make all for this failure. My head hurt now, for surly all the birds would know now of the vine that jumped out at them. "Chuckle"

Standing from the bush full of biting insects I brushed mud from my face. Looking through the jungle canopy I saw the sun high above, and thought of water.

Boiled... this means fire. That means no hunting again. Then again water... that means fishing...

The length of string, that of my arm and twice that. A sharp little stick for a hook and now I could journey to the waters edge. It was a small trek towards the hardly audible crash of water into a pool.

Now crouching on the bank over looking, what I had known to be a deep part of the pool which was much wider than the river. I set the string to dangle just above the surface of the dirty ripples, moving it back and forth wiggling and just hardly tapping the ripples like a water competent flying insect "Ber-Lop" The unmistakable sound of the fish attempting to suck the sharp barbed insect looking stick into its mouth like a vacuum "Tsulph" this time I let it have a little slack then tugged just enough to have pulled the stick above the surface out of reach but it was too late the barb had bit back and now the fish was holding on for life to sate its own hunger.

Now I yanked the fish out of the water and up at me. my judgment of weight, height, position was perfect to catch it with my own two hands mid flight much to the fishes surprise " it must be as surprised to be out water so suddenly as it was to have figured out it wasn't and insect it had bitten" my mind always wandered to all parts of the world around me. Even now as I surveyed the tree line, taking notice the bird calls and distant animals alike to be sure no danger other than my self was near.

The small fish no bigger than my thumb I now stuck the stick through its gills trapping it to a slightly bigger stick and string alike, One I had made long ago, I let loose the fish into the pool once more keeping taunt the string and as it wriggled in terror to be free. I pulled gently awaiting the strike, but there was none.

Now I crept along the bank slowly to a part where a log hung sweeping over the water, keeping all the time, the wriggling fish below the surface as it drifted at the waters pace. Now I used every last bit of my string ... a dangerous tact. So easy to loose the wound string made of small strands of plant and vine to snag or bigger fish. "THERE!" there was the strike, it yanked hard then was slack and my heart sank. "AGAIN" I thought with as much excitement. But this time though, I was not ready by any means, but I pulled against it gently and surly to lift the fish, at first of unknown size, into sight and quickly on to the bank pinning carefully the yellow fist sized fish to the ground then up to my mouth to bite off the top of its head, careful of the spines on its back.

"Dinner will be good" I thought. My thoughts then drifting to a net or some easier way to catch more of these but for now this was a sure fire way and id be sticking to it..

Three more of these were caught before I'd filled a hollowed piece of wood to carry water back to my camp and heat it to drink. My mind turning to the clay and I grabbed a fist full and wrapped it in a large leaf placing it into a small pouch made of plant and hide material same as my loin cloth.

I thought then to the birds again and it was to early yet for it to be so quiet. So I crept along with my catch carefully taking mind my unfailing memory recalling the last bird song angry to my left the way I had come and growing quieter still to my right as time progressed. Something ell was there... loud and obvious in its distance ... too much odd noise to be a big cat or pig... it was man... "Whack whack whack -" in the distance told of the "others", who did not know of me, gathering nuts from the high trees and chattering those constant noises as they did.

They were like me as I remember the many times I had studied them... my memory completely lost from anywhere before only so many years ago... now the only company I knew was him... I hadn't seen him for many times the sun had touched my skin... this could mean he had died or was doing very well...

I had studied them a lot, watched through the trees while they hunted or gathered. I learned allot from them as I did but I never again allowed them to see me or get near let alone find proof of my existence.

My memories flooded my mind constantly enough while I traveled alone.

The day I had first awoke broken on the rocks so long ago. I had been so young then. My mind burned as the red fire poured from it. The fire in my mind told me not to let it all spill, and the fire was my life... Turning I could see were I had fallen climbing to the fire on the cliff far above. It was all I could think ... fire, burning my back, my head, the wounds the blood, the fire.

My body was so small then compared to all of those around the fire that lay dead all of their fire spilled upon the ground. My eyes burned for them. But my fire was running out.

I had to put the live fire back in. and it burned as I pushed the burning stick to my wounds to stop the burning in my skull and face. But it worked and today I live to feel the burn of the fire in my stomach and feed it more. And the fire in the sky could burn upon my skin once more this day.

I had always remembered the marks the bodies had on them. Only some matched the "others" that I avoid with such hatred.

Now I remember starving and the need as I searched for them. The day I heard them crying out while they danced, Then as I was seen all was silent. Many ran in fear of what they saw then one pointed at me and then began to yell. I allowed them to come near but instead I was hit and they yelled. The marks they wore. My fire told me to burn them... And it became clear they were responsible for the loss of "the dead ones" fire.

Still I allowed them to capture me, hoping to eat. I watched as they tracked were I had come yelling all the time yelling. The sun touched my skin twice as I sat bound. Given food only once and water only once.

A big man came to stand in front of me and pointed the way I had come and they pushed me that way... I knew what they wanted... they wanted my fire... the one I had put into my wounds.

So that was where we went. The men grew silent as we neared the camp of dead and the smell of rotting was evident. They stopped and argued and I pulled the big man forward wanting only to be free once they had it.

Once in the camp I cried to see there was only ash and rot all around. So I showed them how I had climbed and they laughed and through me off the cliff again, this time though I would not loose my fire. I swore it to the sun as I flew, and as the ground came I rolled and burned inside.

Tears filled my eyes as I recalled the fire that was given to me in my legs and back. A gift of life from the sun to match the burning in my head.

Now I reached a thick of trees small and spindly with bushes all between and circled around to the small entrance only I could find to a clearing no bigger than I was tall it was so late that the fire in the sky had gone out and my heart ached for I knew I shouldn't dare burn anything until it came back less they try to find me.

But it burned so hot... let them find me.

"Purring" it was him "purring".

He stepped through the small opening in the trees seemingly impressed by my cultivation of the growth that hid my fire and sole.

Black and furred like a jaguar and the features of one but standing like me, a man.

He wasn't a lot older than me in fact we are near the same age. But he would age much slower as we each had found while our fires burned together. But if either his or "they" found of each other one clan would die.

And secrecy is his people's way.

As we took arms and chest together I bared the fire in my back with a groan and he let loose his grip apron me a little. He motions his clan, then that of fire between two people then of many suns gone by.

His people held him as walker of the world for he knew more of the world than any of them and as he told me he was rarely with them at all but more likely to be with the quadruped jaguars. They were more fun to track he told me and their lives much more interesting. But he tells me now his people required him take a wife and a successor was to be made and to walk beside him.

It was something we had discussed a lot. The idea of him taking me to his people and telling them our story. But it was a scary idea considering he had watched from the trees as I had been thrown from that cliff not once but twice.

My memories pondered over the stories he told me of watching the many tribes of furless people fight and die and then when he had walked alone for many seasons before he saw my sun come near to fading away not once but twice over the same cliff.. He was there as I put the fire back into me in the fight to survive.

We had hunted together... well I had watched as he would run off and return with some animal so quick it would make the sun turn only just to tell me of a people so very far away to the likeness of the very animal in his big furred paw hands.

Now those paw hands held me and I loved them. I loved to feel the pads touching my skin. The fur upon them so soft though matted with blood of a kill or mud, or sap. I kissed his paw and the food and water was forgotten. But as his pad touched my lips and his other upon my neck he reached to give me a small water stick he always carried... the drink was cold and tasted of mountain stones. It always did.

Again his paws returned to my neck and then his lips to mine as we kissed.

He loved me because my fire was stronger than any he had ever seen. And I had learned many of the ways of his people on my own and some not even he ever knew.

He purred and his tongue was carefully upon mine as I licked the thick bush of barbs on it careful not to push against the needle sharp tips. He has licked me once and it sliced me open like a sharp knife a million times in the same spot. We were careful about that.

Again he allowd my lips upon his and I licked his big white teath my groin tingling as he held me and nuzzled me.

My heart lept to feal him purr against me, and my mind swam over the many times we had made love together. The first time was shortly after we had met as he carried me from the bottom of the cliff in my half mind I could feal the blood as much as smell it on him as he carried me in one arm, jarring me only slightly as we climbed a different cliff this time... and to his camp, were I lay for untold times that the fire had crossed the sky. And when I woke. When our eyes met there was no fear. Only the need for understanding.

First I checked my body. First surprise to him. I had no fear. Next I checked the camp. First surprise to me, we were high in the canopy beyond sight of the ground. I could feel nothing but burning in my back.

I reached for it but it was worse when I tried. "He" made as if to stand, I did but not without finding immense pain in my hips and back. And that would be my reminder that I was alive. And the sun had granted my promise to keep the fire inside. And only survive. And my gift of life. Would be ours to share.

He expected me to never walk or stand or anything. But it was only two suns and I would climb down from the tree my self in search of food. Only for him to capture me and take me back roaring in anger like a big jaguar that had lost his injured brother to battle.

And he was mine again this night just like that night as we lay together and I wept asking him why he kept me alive, and he explained the only way he knew.

He successfully made fire so fast it boggled me; he produced it and motioned only to it and then to my head and my body and the sky its self and that meant, only something to him, but he was my life... from that moment I took him in my arms and cried with him but it was when I kissed him that he was awestruck. We spoke of love in any and every way we could to each other but the only way I or he could explain it was through our touch. And I loved to touch him, any way he pleased.

Now on this night it pleased me to rub my hand down his muscled chest to his tightly pelt clothed loins. I dropped to my knees ignoring the burning in my hips and back to put my face against his thigh and groin.

I could smell him, his sweat, and his musk as the tip of his penis poked out from its little sheath.

He pulled off the cloth and let it fall to his feet petting my dirty hair, I wished I had washed in the river, but I didn't know he had been watching me that day, or that id be licking him now.

My tongue ran up the tight sack of balls and to his tip as he clenched and it sprung a few times "oh I love him so much" I thought and put my mouth around the thick penis as he thrust it lightly in my mouth squirting a few drops of pre cum. The taste was strong of cum. I know he wanted me bad. I cupped his balls in my hand and messaged them gently making him swoon and thrust. I held my head still and opened my mouth for him "that's it... yes!" I thought and he started thrusting into my mouth until he came gasping and groaning quietly as he did, his barbed cock laying twitching in my mouth pricking my lips lightly as I maneuvered it. The cum was strong and I loved it as I took as much as he could produce into my moth then let him pull it out gently before swallowing. "Suns knew I loved him"

He picked me up off of my knees and licked his tongue into my mouth and allowed me to let it out so as to not prick me with the barbs, it was his turn.

It seemed he loved my cock, because it was smooth he said, Because it was so big he said, because it was so good inside. And he turned on all fours for me. I was always afraid of hurting him but he said it never did.

When I questioned him about it we had discussed how difficult and painful actual penetration was for their people but some enjoyed it and often made a sleeve or device to put on their cocks for reaching deeper and to protect each other, but such a bond was only of brothers and sometimes fathers of needy males.

And then there was the ceremony of men which was a different story all together.

But between us it was only us.

I dropped to my knees again and caressed his ass putting my face against it and buried my lips in it. I loved his big tail as it wrapped around me. His muscled cheeks were wonderfully to place a hand on as I lapped at his hole then with lots of saliva I pushed in two of my fingers easily and spread them nicely licking between them he giggled a rumbling purr which to me sounded more like choking, and his hole squeezed my fingers hard. he was so big he had to splay his legs apart to accept me in height as he reach back to take a hold of my three finger thick cock, my two ands and his one held the same length as we guide it to his slippery hole.

Pushing the head in I stopped but he as usual pushed back against me accepting it deep in him

I played a lot with the toys and "sheaths" he had made so he could dominate me without ripping me apart like the first time. And they were not much bigger than me and about the right size according to his people.

He rocked back and forth on my slick cock and it was so smooth, his insides were so hot it burned like fire and I moaned into the thrust and I took him.

I took the time to let my hands rub over his back and hind as I thrust slowly though I knew he wanted it rougher, but only just a little. And I could tell by his purring and stroking at his cock as I did... Then he surprised me, he rolled over like a female that had been cum inside of and showed his throbbing cock to me. I quickly stuck my cock in his hot depths again and took hold of the barbed throbbing penis as he mewled making my stomach flutter. And my loins burn "I love you" I said alone and he pulled me to kiss him pushing my mouth to his big lips and cold nose. I could feel he desired to lick into my mouth but held back as I did it for him and then he whimpered and growled, cum ran over my hand and his cock throbbed. Cum hit my chest and dripped onto him as he came, his ass clenched onto my cock and I went back to fucking him vigorously. I wanted him to have my cum as much as I wanted it in him deep and it was coming.

My loins began to burn and I slowed to almost nothing as I felt my cock pull out to penetrate him slowly to the base and back again... and again and then my cock burst and my loins were on fire, as I came inside him...

He sighed at the feeling and I pulled out jumping over him, surprising him I pumped my cock as he grabbed a hold of its base and my balls to take the last spurt and drips into his wide spread jaws. Cum landed in the fur between his nose and mouth and I could smell it with him almost. Watching his nostrils twitch and cum drip from his teeth to the back of his throat. And the last drips land just on his tongue before he took my whole cock into his mouth leaning up. I was a little worried. Id been injured before by an accident lick and once again by a sharp tooth. But he held me sweetly in his lips making my giggle at the ticklish sensation it gave me after I cum. He tasted me as if it had been too long then released me as he licked his lips purring so loud it shook the air. "Oh fire I love you" and he replied in what only I would know to be his chocked voice "I love you"

and he pulled me down to sleep against his hot body.