
Chapter one Melt Down My chest thumped and I thought perhaps id broken a rib as my back slammed into the cryo tube padding. I hit the door close button and locked it from the inside cracking the panel. my mind hurt, it was filled with sounds and his...

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Fuckin indians

Chapter one Little birds Little black and white birds flew over head as the breeze chilled me. The horse I rode whinnied and we moved on down the snowy, muddy trail. Camp was not far. "Sleep was not far" I thought as we reached the shallow creek just...

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Fire Burns

Chapter 1 Fire Burns. "Mouth is so dry"... The thought was and had been with me all day. I twitched the tiny vine in my hand just hardly to give away movement at the other end. A fat colorful bird landed unexpectedly next to my hand attacking the...

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