Summer Job 3

Story by Tayu on SoFurry

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#3 of Summer Job

Okay! I'm REALLY spoiling you guys. I've written as much in the months of May - February, as I have this month alone!

Hope you like this installment!


Also, as an Added bonus For those who are PAYING ATTENTION!

Let's have a little vote here on what Species "Blake" should be!

Give me your top three choices on his species!


Jeremy's paw ran over his shaft, making him shiver a bit in anticipation. Again, he'd woken up around ten just to prepare for the day. The otter turned under the shower head, soaking in the warm watter and rubbing some of his body wash over his cock, already aroused with thoughts of what was to come. Nervously, he slipped a paw behind him, tail lifting up a bit, and out of the way. Jeremy slowly pressed one of his slippery finger's to his tailhole, doing his best to relax and calm himself. It took a few seconds, but he summoned the will to push that finger inside of his tailring, whining a bit at the pain.

He continued to push his finger up into himself, the pain starting to subside as he held still. The otter slowly pulled it out and shoved it back in, shuddering a bit, a gasp escaping his muzzle. His shaft was still hard, and he tried to wrap his paw around it, the awkwardness of the position making things a bit difficult. Frustrated, he pulled his finger out of his passage, hoping out of the shower and running to his room, dripping water. Jeremy looked around his room for anything he could possibly utilize, mind reeling. He pulled open his closet doors, looking at some of the old toys laying inside. Something caught his eye and he reached in, pulling out his old collapsible lightsabre.

The otter blushed a bit as he unscrewed the toy, taking the very end piece off and running back to the shower with it. The small plastic piece was a decent size, about seven or eight inches long, and decently thick. Once he was back in the shower, he got the toy wet, rubbing some of the body wash over it. He held it tightly by the base, pressing the tip against his pucker, closing his eyes and starting to apply some force. The blunt tip broke past his tailring, making his gasp loudly and clench down hard. Jeremy's shaft had softened from leaving the shower earlier, but to his surprise, it was starting to stiffen again.

Further and further in he pushed the toy, until only the last inch was inside. He held it there, panting a bit, his eyes going wide as he squeezed down on it, feeling how big it was. It felt good too, better than he had hoped, and his cock ached for him to paw off. Slowly, Jeremy wrapped his paw around the head of his cock, tugging his foreskin down and rubbing his paw over the exposed head. It didn't take long to get him close, and he whimpered a bit as he started to pulled the toy back out. When he thrusted it back in, he moaned deeply, leaning against the linoleum wall. The otter's cock throbbed in his paw, pre leaking into his soft pad as he continued to impale himself on the plastic toy.

When the otter finally got out of the shower, it was only because the water had gotten cold. Shivering, he wrapped himself in a towel, drying himself off, giggling a bit as he toyed a bit with his still-hard cock. The young blue otter finished drying himself off, taking a small bottle of liquid and rubbing it through his fur to keep the color in his fur. He pulled on a pair of baggy shorts, a simple black band t-shirt adorning his chest.

Jeremy grabbed himself a quick breakfast, glancing at the clock on the microwave. He still had about an hour before he needed to leave, unfortunately, and he wandered into his room to talk to his friends online for a bit before he left.


Kai crawled up onto the bed next to the sleeping horse, murring a bit and running his paws lightly over the equine's rear. "I'd wake you up... but I don't know how I'd do that..." The fox cooed softly, pulling the sheet back gently, exposing the large naked body. "I guess I could think of something..."

With that, the fox reached over to his end table, grabbing a bottle of lube that was there. Slowly, he applied a healthy amount onto his fingers, rubbing the cool liquid up against the horse's tailhole, pulling his tail aside with his other paw. Kai murred a bit, using his other lube-covered paw to stroke his already-stiff cock, pre dripping onto the bed beneath him. The smaller vulpine moved up behind Mark, leaning over the equine as he snored, completely unaware of what was about to happen. The tip of Kai's cock pressed to the equine's pucker, and with a hard thrust, all eight inches sunk into Mark's ass.

In an instant, the horse was awake, yowling in pain and clenching down tight on Kai's shaft. His hands gripped headboard of the bed, and he grunted, closing his eyes and hanging his head down a bit. "Ffffuck... wh-what was that for...?"

The fox wasted no time in starting to thrust into the tight hole underneath him. Kai let out a ragged gasp at the tightness. "I... wanted to wake you up..." He admitted, closing his eyes and putting all his weight on the horse's back.

"You could have warned me a bit..." Mark let out a loud groan, the fox hitting him deep inside. Already the pain was starting to subside, and he could feel his cock lengthening under his stomach, pressing against the bed.

Kai was pounding away as hard as he could, his knot starting to grow a little and tug against the equine's tailring. The pair groaned in unison, moaning and panting as their bodies ground against each other. Mark's cock was sliding against the sheets, leaving a large, damp wet spot where it was. The fox was panting hard, and he knew he wouldn't last long with the horse squeezing him the way he was. Knot fully engorged, he thrust forward hard, hearing the loud popping noise as his knot was sucked in, locking the pair together. Kai's hips thrust eagerly, barely having anywhere to move as he squirmed and humped hard, making the horse moan as every movement applied pressure to his sweet spot.

"I... I'm cl-close..." Kai sputtered, his cock pulsing hard. His paws grasped at the horses muscular chest, legs still pushing him deeper into the warm passage.

Mark let out a loud groan, reaching down with a paw to squeeze the fox's balls, giving them a gentle tug. "Good fox... Let it out..." He whispered, closing his eyes tightly, squeezing down as hard as he could on the fox's shaft.

That was all it took for the fox, and with a loud yip of pleasure he came hard. Cum gushed up into the equine's passage, filling him to the brim. The added pressure set Mark off, and his cock exploded, cum splattering against the headboard and wall in front of them, running down onto the mattress. Kai slumped against Mark with a heavy sigh, smiling and hugging him the horse tightly. "Good morning..."

"I'll say..." Mark responded, glancing back over his shoulder. "Think it's time for a shower?"

Kai nodded, yawning widely, baring all his teeth. He was about to say something before he felt a cold nose press up under his tail. The fox yiped and looked back quickly, seeing Zephyr nosing around him, sniffing and licking at his read end. "No no no no... not now..." He managed, pushing the big dog away, much to his disappointment. "I'm sure your little otter friend can help you..."

"I'd say invite the cute guy in here, but he looks so skittish..." Mark snickered, leaning on his arms, watching the scene behind him.

The fox gave his knot a small tug, it having gone down enough to just pull out from the horse, some cum dribbling down the large brown sac, making the horse shudder a bit. "Come on... let's shower."


Jeremy knocked on the front door, bouncing on his feetpaws a bit. "Come on in!" He heard the fox yell, and he opened the door, Zephyr sitting in his usual spot, leash already attached. Kai was sitting on the couch, watching TV with a horse who he hadn't seen before. "Hey there! This is Mark. Mark, this is Jeremy."

"Oh, hi." Jeremy blushed and reached out to shake the horse's hand, the large brown hand almost enveloping his.

Mark just smiled and nodded. "Nice to meet you."

The otter nodded and looked around a bit. "Well, I'm going to go ahead and get Zephyr walked, I'll be back later."

"You two have a fun time." Kai called as the pair walked out the door, making the otter blush deeply.

Jeremy stared back at the house as he started to make his way back to own house. 'Does he know...?' He wondered, blushing a bit and shaking his head. 'He wouldn't let me walk him if that were the case...' The otter's eyes widened a bit. 'Unless... he didn't care... and if he didn't care that means that... maybe...' Jeremy let out a nervous chuckle. 'Nah... he... wouldn't do anything like that... I think....'

Upon arrival to his house, Zephyr was dancing around excitedly, as if expecting what was going to happen. Jeremy closed the garage door and started undressing quickly. His cock was already hard and dripping and the dog ran up, sniffing at it eagerly, tongue reaching out to lap at the viscous fluid. Jeremy only let out a submissive moan, closing his eyes. Zephyr continued to lap at the otter's tip for a few minutes, making the boy moan and blush. Eager to go further, the dog reared up and tried to knock Jeremy over, almost succeeding in doing so.

The otter giggled at the dog's eagerness and he kept the dog on all fours with a paw while edging over to the beanbags. In one motion he turned around getting on his knees, grabbing the small bottle on the bag. A year ago, he'd been able to sneak a bottle of lube onto the conveyor belt at the store with his parents. They never noticed, and he grabbed it when he was home. The otter poured some of the lube on his fingers, and was about to reach back when he felt the dog's enormous frame jump onto his back. The force knocked him over onto his shoulders as the dog mounted him, hips jabbing forward against the otter's rear.

Jeremy desperately struggled to get free, wanting to get some lube on himself before the dog could get into him. Luck was against him, and the dog found his mark, the tapered tip pushing up into the otter's tailhole. Zephyr just ignored the pained yipe from the otter, thrusting in further. Tears strolled down Jeremy's muzzle and he grunted a bit, when he felt the furry hips come flush with his ass. Zephyr's shaft was spurting copious amounts of pre, and after a minute of the dogs humping, the pain started to subside.

The otter let out soft whines and moans, paws trapped underneath his body and between his legs. It took some doing, but he managed to grab at his shaft, angling it back into his paws and stroking at it. The dog on his back was pounding away like it was all that mattered, and it probably was at that moment. Heavy canine balls slapped against his own pair, and he could feel a river of pre streaming from his tailring down over his balls. Jeremy just tugged and stroked at his shaft, working his foreskin back to play with his glans. He bit down on his bottom lip, panting through his nose and trying to push back into the dog's thrusts.

Zephyr's knot was growing quickly, and he could feel it popping in and out with a sloppy noise each time. A small puddle of pre was collecting on the beanbag under his own shaft, tilted back as it was. Jeremy whimpered a bit as his tailhole was taken so roughly. The dog didn't care if he was in pain, or pleasure, and fucked as hard as he could, growling and nibbling at the otter's neck dominantly. The teasing on his neck drove Jeremy wild, and he let out a lustful moan, reaching one of his paws back a bit further to give Zephyr's a firm squeeze.

Jeremy could feel the dog's knot banging against his tailhole now, unable to easily push in. He calmed himself as much as he could, relaxing his body. Zephyr was grunting and his feetpaws were dancing around happily. With a final thrust, the dog's knot breached the otter's tailring, binding the two together. Jeremy practically howled out at the pain, feeling almost as if he were going to be torn in half. Now that they were tied, Zephyr was jack-hammering into the tight passage, growling deeply and drooling a bit on the otter's shoulder. Quickly, the dog's knot filled out completely, making Jeremy's head spin at the sheer size.

When Zephyr came, Jeremy could easily tell. A pair of teeth bit down on his neck in a dominant mating bite, and he felt a burning heat spread through his tailhole, making him blush and gasp loudly. In any other situation, the teeth would have pained him, but right now it was all he needed to tug on his uncut shaft, cumming hard. His small ears twitched a bit as he heard the splurts of cum against the beanbag, pooling up right beneath the tip of his cock, making a mess. The dog's seed was running down the space between his balls and his tailhole, and thankfully the dog had stopped his mad humping.

Zephyr eventually released the boy's neck, swinging one of his legs up and over the otter's rear to turn his back to Jeremy. The otter moaned as his sensitive prostate was nudged, his tailhole being tugged on by the massive intruder. His paws released his cock, content to let it strain against the beanbag, still hard after orgasming. He closed his eyes, smiling happily when he heard the worse possible noise ever.

The garage door sounded, starting to rise. Sunlight poured in as Jeremy began panicking. He couldn't move from his spot either, tied to Zephyr like that.

The silhouette of someone was standing there, and he heard a shocked voice. "J-Jeremy...?" The voice called out.

Blushing madly and trying to hide his face he called back. "Blake?"


If you're PAYING ATTENTION... Go check out what I said BEFORE the story