I Put a Spell on You

Story by CaptainMidnight on SoFurry

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(Author's Note: Disney's Adventures of Robin Hood is (c) Disney. I don't own the characters other than the wolf warlock. This also contains an anthroized version of Sir Hiss and M/M sex, including some very descriptive details).

"Finally, I esscaped from that wretched prison!" Sir Hiss said as he fled from the jail he was locked up in after he and Prince John's plans were foiled by Robin Hood. The guards searched around for him but he soon fled into the woods, in hopes of making an escape. After getting rid of the black and white striped prison hat he was wearing he found himself entirely naked, although he didn't wear much clothes other than a hat to begin with. After what seemed like hours slithering through the deep woods where he was certain fierce beasts were stalking him, he began to become nervous. He stiffened as he heard a howl in the background.

"Now, now Sir Hiss, Just move along and nothing bad will happen." Sir Hiss said to himself nervously. Suddenly, he saw a pair of red eyes staring at him from between the dense trees in the woods and he screamed and slithered as quickly as he could to safety. As he fled he rolled down a short hill until he reached the bottom and found himself upside down, he shook his head when he got up and saw he was covered in mud.

"Oooh! My scales are covered in mud! Had that good-for-nothing Prince John not abandoned me for the guards I wouldn't have had to esscape on my own! That's it! Me and John are through!" Sir Hiss complained to himself as he used his tail to rub off some of the mud, he then saw a hut a short distance in front of him that was shrouded in the almost complete darkness of the forest, lit only by a few lanterns in the window. He was so deep into Sherwood Forest at this point that the trees blocked out the sun, making it difficult to see what was in front of him, and he knew he had to find shelter soon, unless he wanted to be eaten.

"What's this? A hut? Who could posssibly live this far in the forest?" Sir Hiss said to himself with a serpentine lisp. Not wanting to wait to be food for whatever beasts lurked in the woods, Sir Hiss moved towards the hut. The front of the hut was decorated with various amulets, skulls of various beasts and a lit Jack o' Lantern.

"Looks like someone forgot to take down their Halloween decorationss." Sir Hiss joked to himself. "Oh well, no use looking a gift horse in the mouth as they ssay."

Raising his tail, Sir Hiss then knocked on the thick wooden door with it. For a moment there was no response.

"Hmm... I guesss nobody's home." Sir Hiss said to himself, when suddenly the door creaked open slowly and standing in front of him was a tall wolf witch. The male witch wore a black robe and conical hat with a wide brim, he had a rough looking face with grey fur and sharp teeth and a large, muscular frame, not what Sir Hiss was expecting. The witch was good looking as far as Hiss was concerned, but he was confused and a little intimidated and wondered if he was about to wind up in a cooking pot.

"Umm... hello?" Sir Hiss said nervously and then gulped. The male witch smiled deviously.

"Well then, this is a pleasant surprise. He looks absolutely delicious!" The witch thought to himself, he then put on a false smile and acted as friendly as possible to the snake that wandered to his house, unknown to the fact that Sir Hiss was having dirty thoughts about the larger male.

"Welcome, weary traveler! You seem to be lost, can I assist you in some way?" The wolf said in a deep and masculine voice. Sir Hiss responded in his polite and somewhat pompous manner.

"Ahem! Greetingss, forest dweller." Sir Hiss said. "My name is Sir H... Sir Hubert!"

Sir Hiss decided to lie about his identity, just in case the witch knew who he was and attempted to report him to the guards or Robin Hood. The witch however, knew who Sir Hiss was already and was thinking about whether to eat him with barbecue sauce or thai chili.

"I am in a terrible ssituation, I appear to have gotten lost. Would you mind if I came inside to seek shelter?" Sir Hiss asked politely.

"Oooh yesss!" The witch said, rubbing his hands together with a fang filled smiled.

"Come in, come in, my name is Rungle Ravenjaw, I would love to have you as my guest!" Rungle said as he lead Sir Hiss into his hut, patting his back in a manner that seemingly rushed him into his home. Inside of Rungle's home was all manner of strange things: shrunken heads, tomes of arcane spells, cursed artifacts and all kinds of alchemical ingredients kept in glass bottles, there was also a large cast-iron pot where he made strange concoctions. Rungle eventually sat Sir Hiss down at his dinner table.

"There you are little fellow, now stay right there and I'll make you some tea." Rungle said, with a subtle hint of mischief in his voice as he ran out of the room to his laboratory to make Sir Hiss "tea".

"Hmm... He sseems like a nice fellow, but I can't help but get the feeling he's hiding something." Sir Hiss said to himself, rubbing his chin with the end of his tail. Rungle then took a teapot and threw in a mixture of various potions.

"Frog's heart, fang of dragon, Nerds candy... yes, this will make the perfect sleeping potion! Then while Sir Hiss is snoozing away I'll cook him up and have him medium rare!" Rungle thought as he threw in the mixture, which bubbled and boiled and caused the lid of the teapot to rattle. He then brought it out to Sir Hiss who was minding his business, looking at the various trinkets sprawled about the hut.

"Tea's readyyy!" Rungle said in a fake, sing-song voice as he brought the potion out to Sir Hiss and poured a bit into a teacup. Sir Hiss looked at the concoction which was purple in color and glowed in the dark.

"Hmm... Not to be a bother but this tea looks a little funny." Sir Hiss said, unsure of what was brought to him.

"Oh don't worry. It's my own special blend, now enjoy!" Rungle said as he left the room. Sir Hiss looked down at the teacup which held the purple liquid and tried to see if there was any sugar to have with it.

"Looks a little plain, I hate it when tea tastes earthy. I wonder if there's something to sweeten it with?" Sir Hiss said to himself and looked around before seeing a jar of what he believed to be honey.

"Ah! Honey will do the trick!" Sir Hiss said as he poured a bit in, causing the color of the potion to change from purple to green.

"Well, ssomething doesn't seem right here... I won't question hospitality though, this is still better than being in jail." Sir Hiss said and then nodded.

"Alright then, bottoms up!" Sir Hiss said as he sipped the potion.

"Mmm... This is actually pretty good!" Sir Hiss said as he then finished the rest of his cup. "Tastes ssweet."

However, no sooner than he finished the first cup Sir Hiss began to feel strange all over his body.

"Oh my, what's happening. I should've known this was a trick!" Sir Hiss thought as he fell off the chair to the floor. Purple smoke began to rise from where Sir Hiss fell and after a few minutes he rose up, looking surprisingly different than before. While still being a snake and having the same face, everything else was changed, he was taller, and had a human-like scaly body with arms, legs, and a long snake tail. Each of his arms ended with clawed hands with little fingers and he had a thin, almost feminine waist and hips and a round, well formed buttocks.

"What happened!? When did this ever happen in the books!" Sir Hiss yelled to himself, breaking the fourth wall as he looked at his new body, he realized that whatever potion Rungle had attempted to give to him was altered by whatever he put in it, creating a strange kind of transformation potion.

"I have limbs now!" Sir Hiss said in surprise, wiggling his newly formed fingers.

"And what's this hanging down from between my legs!" Sir Hiss yelled, noticing a six inch member and balls hanging down which was not there before.

"That treacherouss witch changed me! Actually, now that I think about it, why was I so trusting to begin with! I must've lost my mind while in prison. I'm going to have a few words with that sscoundrel!" Sir Hiss said in an angry tone, but he soon began to realize that his new body was not all that bad. He liked being able to stand up and walk and the addition of hands was admittedly much more convenient. Most of all however, he liked the look of his thin body and rounded ass, which he slapped, making a leathery slapping sound.

"Well then, maybe this won't be so bad after all." Sir Hiss thought to himself with a grin, having naughty thoughts about Little John, Prince John and various others with his new body. A few moments later, Rungle returned with a fork and knife.

"Dinner time! Wait a minute... why have you transformed!" Rungle said angrily.

"All I did was add some honey to my tea, or should I ssay... your potion!" Sir Hiss said, crossing his arms and making Rungle growl.

"How dare you mess around with my potions! That was supposed to be a sleeping potion so I could eat you! That's it! You're going into the pot, now there's just more of you to eat!" Rungle said as he picked up Sir Hiss and stuck him into the cast iron pot so he could cook him. As Rungle sat down to light the wood underneath though, Sir Hiss looked down at him with a sly grin on his face, leaning on his arms over the edge of the pot.

"I'll show you!" Rungle said as he tried but failed to light a match.

"Not so fassst, my arcane friend! Little do you know, I know a bit of magic myself!" Sir Hiss said, his eyes meeting Rungle's and becoming a spiralling pattern of colors, hypnotizing the wolf. When Rungle came under his spell, he stopped what he was doing and stared blankly at Sir Hiss.

"You will not eat me, Rungle." Sir Hiss said in a hypnotic tone, hypnotizing the witch.

"I will not eat you, Sir Hiss." Rungle said in a monotone voice, his eyes and expression blank.

"Now, what to do with him? Hmmmm..." Sir Hiss thought to himself, he then hissed as a large grin crept across his face and he stepped out of iron pot.

"Ruuungle, you will find me the most attractive person in the wooorld..." Sir Hiss said, staring at Rungle with his hypnotic eyes.

"You are the most attractive person in the world." Rungle repeated.

"You will disrobe for meee..." Sir Hiss commanded through his hypnotism. Rungle once again repeated what Sir Hiss said and began to remove his clothes until he was totally naked. Sir Hiss' face turned red when he noticed that Rungle had an 8 inch long, 2 inch thick member with a thick knot at the base and a well toned body. Upon seeing this Sir Hiss became erect as well, though his own member was only about 5 and a half inches long.

"Oh my..." Sir Hiss thought to himself.

"He's bigger than I thought, and his shaft looks sscrumptous! Take a seat... Rungle." Sir Hiss said. Rungle obeyed his commands and sat on a nearby loveseat which had some tears in it and a few patches of material sewn onto it. Sir Hiss then knelt down in front of the wolf and inspected his prize. Rungle's erect member bobbed up and down in tune with his heartbeat and the tip of it was already wet with pre-cum.

"Mmmm... What a deliciousss looking piece you have. Sshall I perform a new "magic trick"?" Sir Hiss asked, Rungle did not respond because he was still hypnotized however, which made him annoyed.

"When I snap my fingers, you will awaken!" Sir Hiss said before snapping his fingers, causing Rungle to awaken. Rungle was in actuality straight, but due to Sir Hiss' hypnotism, he all of a sudden found himself exceptionally attracted to him, more than anyone else in the world. At this point, Sir Hiss would be able to do whatever he wanted with the witch and both would enjoy it. Win-win, Sir Hiss thought.

"Now then my lupine fellow, I notice that you're wizard's staff is quite large. Would you like me to perform a new kind of magical spell with it." Sir Hiss asked, Rungle then grabbed Sir Hiss with drool coming out of his mouth and began to slobber all over the snake, forcing Sir Hiss to use his hypnosis again to tame the wolf.

"Calm dooown. I am in control noow... you will obey my every commaand." Sir Hiss said hypnotically, causing Rungle to loosen his grip and lay back down on the couch. "That's it, relaaax."

Sir Hiss once again snapped his fingers, causing Rungle to snap out of the hypnosis, this time a little less aggressive.

"Ahem! As I was ssaying before that rude interruption, I want to polish your wand. Are we in agreement with this?" Sir Hiss asked, a slight bit of frustration in his voice.

"Oh yes! Yes! Do it!" Rungle said excitedly, Sir Hiss then grabbed a hold of Rungle's member and began to slowly stroke it up and down, looking into Rungle's eyes with lust and licking his lips.

"Good boy. Now then, before I begin I must say that you're ssignificantly well endowed. If you're a good boy and you obey my commands I will make this experience even better, how's that? Hmm?" Sir Hiss said as he slowly rubbed Rungle's penis, causing the wolf to arch his back somewhat and moan in pleasure.

"My, my, you're a ssensitive one aren't you? I haven't even really begun yet. If you like what I'm doing now, you're going to love what I'm going to do next." Sir Hiss said seductively as he then leaned his head forward and slowly dragged his forked tongue from the knot of Rungle's penis all the way up to the shaft. He did this three more times, each time causing Rungle's member to twitch and making the wolf moan in pleasure before Sir Hiss finally placed his pitted lips on the tip of Rungle's penis and slowly brought as much of the shaft as he could into his mouth.

"Mmmm..." Sir Hiss moaned as he enjoyed the taste of Rungle's musk. Rungle laid back and panted like a dog while Sir Hiss then began to move his head up and down on his shaft. Rungle responded by placing his hand on the back of Sir Hiss' head while the serpent bobbed his head up and down on Rungle's member.

"Nnnggh!" Rungle moaned as the blowjob Sir Hiss was providing him was gradually beginning to bring him closer to orgasm. Sir Hiss decided to reward Rungle for his obedience by using his serpentine tongue to lick along the length of Rungle's shaft while his scaly hand gripped onto his knot. Sir Hiss swirled his tongue around the member, flicking the tip of it with the two forked ends and driving the wolf wild with pleasure. Sir Hiss looked at Rungle with lustful eyes as he continued to suck him off. Suddenly, Rungle could take no more and then let out a loud moan as he released his seed down Sir Hiss' throat, causing the snake to gag and cough. Despite this Sir Hiss managed to swallow as much of Rungle's hot semen as he could. He loved the sweet and salty taste of Rungle's seed but was a little frustrated that so much of it was coughed out and onto the floor.

"Bad boy, don't you know it's proper manners to tell your mate when you're going to cum?" Sir Hiss lectured, making Rungle feel a little embarrassed.

"You do know I'm going to have to punish you for this." Sir Hiss said as he turned around facing his ass to Rungle. Looking around him, he found a jar of some viscous fluid. Hiss didn't know what it was and didn't care, all he knew was that it could be used as lubricant. Sir Hiss smiled seductively, looking back at Rungle as he dipped his fingers in the clear solution and began to finger his own anus with the lubricant. Sir Hiss teasingly slid his fingers in and out of his butt, his face becoming red as Rungle reached forward and cupped his hands over Hiss' butt-cheeks.

"Tisk tisk! No touching until I say so!" Sir Hiss said as he continued his little show for Rungle, scissoring his fingers inside his butt and spreading it wide, stretching it and prepping himself for more fun. After he was done, Sir Hiss lowered himself down on Rungle's erect penis, but didn't allow the wolf to enter yet, he wanted to tease him as much as possible as punishment for his previous indiscretion.

"Well then, let's see how you enjoy this, hm?" Sir Hiss said as he began to rub his ass along Rungle's penis, letting it slide between his butt-cheeks and move up and down along his crack. Sir Hiss kept doing this, which drove Rungle wild and made him want to penetrate the serpent and go to town on him, but Sir Hiss would not allow him to do so, yet. At the moment Sir Hiss was still in control, and he wanted to make Rungle beg for it.

"Ooohh..." Rungle moaned as he felt his member growing wetter and wetter as Sir Hiss played with it using his ass.

"Hmm? Is my little slave enjoying himself?" Sir Hiss replied.

"Sir Hiss, you're ass is amazing." Rungle replied between moans.

"You're not getting it." Sir Hiss teased in a sing-song voice as he continued to rub up and down Rungle's shaft.

"Hiss, I want it so bad!" Rungle said, the tone of his voice desperate with lust.

"Tah-tah, what's the magic word?" Sir Hiss said with a smile.

"I want it now!" Rungle demanded, Sir Hiss sighed.

"That's not it. If you want it you have to ask nicely." Sir Hiss teased as his ass continued to rub along Rungle's shaft.

"Please!" Rungle begged as his erection grew hotter and wetter.

"Hmm... I didn't quite hear that? You'd have to say it louder." Sir Hiss replied, making Rungle squirm beneath him.

"PLEASE! Don't tease me anymore! I beg you!" Rungle begged louder, making Sir Hiss stop his rubbing.

"You beg me?" Sir Hiss asked.

"Yes, I can't take this anymore! I must have you!... Master!" Rungle said, panting, this begging was what Sir Hiss wanted to hear. Licking his lips, he lifted his tail and repositioned his hot, tight pucker above the tip of Rungle's throbbing penis.

"Good boy, now you get your treat, my little puppy." Sir Hiss said. Hiss then slowly, painstakingly brought his ass down on the wolf's erection, teasing him a little more. The hot shaft slowly entering his body made Sir Hiss gasp in pleasure as Rungle gripped the arms of his loveseat tightly and held back from releasing right then and there. Sir Hiss came to a halt as the majority of Rungle's penis had entered his body, leaving only the knot outside which Hiss decided to leave for last. Rungle managed to prevent himself from cumming, and relaxed for a moment while he got used to Sir Hiss' ass enveloped around his member. The hot, soft walls of the snake's anal cavity felt amazing wrapped around Rungle, it was an experience unlike anything he had ever experienced.

"Mmmm... That's nice." Sir Hiss said softly with a lisp, enjoying the feeling of Rungle's penis inside of him. He decided to clench his sphincter around Rungle's glans a few times to see how the wolf would react, he felt Rungle squirm and looked back and saw the wolf with his mouth open and tongue hanging out. Sir Hiss giggled a little.

"Oh my, enjoying the show?" Sir Hiss said, Rungle grabbed hold of Sir Hiss' butt and felt him up, eventually grabbing hold of the snake's hips.

"Let's get started, shall we?" Sir Hiss said as he wrapped his tail around Rungle's shoulders. He lifted himself up until Rungle was barely inside him and then brought himself down on Rungle's member, making the two of them moan in pleasure. He did this again and again, picking up speed and causing Rungle to throw his head back and moan, gripping tighter and tighter into Hiss' hips.

"Ahhh... Now that's a new feeling." Sir Hiss said as he felt what it was like to be penetrated by another man for the first time, his original body did not lend well to this and he was only capable of oral sex in the past. As he moved up and down on Rungle, light squishing sounds could be heard and the feeling of Rungle's member rubbing against Sir Hiss' prostate made the serpent moan in delight and feel himself getting closer and closer to reaching orgasm.

"Nnnng! Hiss!" Rungle groaned as Sir Hiss continued to ride him, his speed eventually becoming a bouncing motion up and down on Rungle. The two moaned as Sir Hiss continued to have sex with Rungle, and Rungle felt himself becoming overly lustful. Getting tired of letting Hiss be dominant and wanting to take him with everything he had, Rungle eventually grabbed Hiss by both his wrists and held his arms behind his back forcefully.

"What are you AH!" Sir Hiss said in surprise as he then felt Rungle forcefully thrusting his penis in and out of Sir Hiss' ass, making the snake moan louder and louder in pleasure.

"Ah! Ah! Ahhh! Naughty wolf!" Sir Hiss protested between moans of pleasure as their hips slapped together, Rungle growled in lust as he continued to pound into Sir Hiss. Sir Hiss, who was facing away from Rungle, could not use his hypnosis and with Rungle being much stronger than him he had no chance of breaking loose from his grip, essentially Sir Hiss was defenseless and all he could do was enjoy the ride.

"Now who's the master Hiss!?" Rungle said victoriously as he pounded into Sir Hiss' butt, making the snake moan louder and louder and more feminine as he brought him closer and closer to the edge.

"Ah! Ahh!" Sir Hiss moaned, a string of pre-cum running from the tip of his penis and swaying back and forth in the air as Rungle thrusted into him. Rungle, having gotten bored of the position they were in, picked up Sir Hiss while still buried inside of him and brought him to his table, throwing the dishes on it off and to the ground. Bending Sir Hiss over the table and with his arms still held behind his back, Rungle began to swiftly pound into Sir Hiss' ass vigorously, striking his prostate with each thrust and making Sir Hiss moan louder and louder, he felt amazing.

"Ahhhh! Ohhh! Rungle, I'm almost there! Harder! Harder damn it!" Sir Hiss demanded, and soon enough Rungle was thrusting so fast and hard into Sir Hiss that he was practically a blur. Slapping noises felt the room, Sir Hiss' legs felt weak and shaky, goosebumps formed on his scales and a chill ran up his spine, he felt himself a little dizzy about to explode at any moment. He continued to moan loudly as Rungle felt his own orgasm swiftly approaching, a warmth creeping up the knot and towards the tip of his member, preparing to release.

"Knot me! Give me the knot you saucy bitch!" Sir Hiss cried out loudly. Rungle obeyed, thrusting every inch of his lupine penis into Sir Hiss ass', an audible "pop" sounding as he buried his knot into the snake. Sir Hiss rolled his eyes back, his mouth wide open as he moaned loudly, his own orgasm hitting him like a tonne of bricks as he began to ejaculate, shooting strings of his semen onto the floor beneath the table, each shooting off like a water pistol and causing his ass to clench around Rungle's penis. As this happened, Rungle erupted inside of Sir Hiss, filling his thin body with his semen, making Hiss' eyes become wide with surprise as he felt Rungle ejaculate deep inside of him. At this moment, Rungle howled loudly as the two finally came down from their orgasm, both panting and sweating.

"D-dear me..." Sir Hiss managed to say between pants. Rungle then slid his penis out of Sir Hiss' ass, a string of cum connecting the tip of his member to Hiss' well sexed anus, causing it to leak his semen which ran down Hiss' thigh and drip onto the ground.

"So "Master", how did you like that." Rungle asked.

"I-I think I'm going to faint." Sir Hiss said as he waddled his way to the chair and fell down, his legs still wobbling and feeling weak. Shortly after, Rungle walked over to the same chair and Sir Hiss gulped as he saw the much larger wolf above him.

"Oh dear." Sir Hiss managed to say before Rungle flopped down on the chair on top of him, crushing him somewhat. Rungle then, much to Sir Hiss' inconvenience, passed out and started snoring, preventing the snake from getting away.

"Well, how typical! Passes out immediately after sex! Now how am I going to get out of here?" Sir Hiss said to himself, failing to make Rungle move even an inch when he tried to push him off, he then thought about all the naughty things he was now able to do with his new body, combined with his hypnosis.

"Oh my, I can't wait to see the look on Prince John's face when he sees my new body. I wonder if that other John fellow could be controlled so easily as well? Or Robin Hood for that matter?" Sir Hiss thought as he imagined how big Little John truly was, or whether Robin Hood had a knot like Rungle's. He giggled in delight.

"I do believe I'm going to enjoy this new body." Sir Hiss said to himself.