Snowy Nights

Story by The Black Wolf on SoFurry

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#1 of The Begining Chapter 1

*Hello everyone in the furry world. My writing name is The Black Wolf, and currently this is my first fiction I'm writing so I hope you all like it, for any comments, ideas to further the story and whatnot just email me at [email protected] This story is going to be divided up into several parts and has a lot involved, from romance to action and currently I have a few chapters in stow already so I hope everyone enjoys Snowy Nights*

Snowy Nights

Nick Parker

7:00 AM

It was mid December night, the stars looking down upon the land in eternal glory as it snowed softly. The moon shining its light onto a small clearing in the middle of sea of trees of the great Appalachian forests, showing two figures sitting on the ground next to a small fire. The small fired cackled as it is shown a mighty wolf as black as night thrusting vigorously into a beautiful gray and white husky. "Ohh shit Jack I don't think I can hold it much longer" the gray husky yelled toward the black wolf. "Come on just a little bit....longer" the black wolf groaned as he slammed his big wolf dick into the young husky's tail hole, both of them moaning in unison as they mated. The wolf kept on slamming his dick into the husky and then all of a sudden slammed his muzzle onto the husky's and gave that little doggy a power kiss right as he finally came into the husky surging his hot wolf cream through the little husky's system. The wolf was the first to break the kiss and look down into the eyes of the husky whose eyes were full of joy and passion, and while breathing heavily he said "Well that was definitely the best yiff I ever had if I do say so myself, how about you" the wolf asked but then he looked down and saw the husky's massive pole sticking up right under him, still not relieved. "Heh well I guess we have to fix that don't we?" the black wolf said and slowly he pulled out of the young husky with a *Plop* letting his wolf juices spill out onto the ground, and he then slowly bent his muzzle down toward the husky's cock and.....

"NICK GET UP! OR YOUR GOING TO BE LATE AGAIN" screamed Nicholas's mother from downstairs waking Nick from his erotic slumber. The 17 year old husky opened his eyes and then moaned in agony that the dream was not real. "Arg...I'm coming I'm coming!" Nick yelled out as he got out of bed, revealing his slender young body only covered by a pair of red boxers. Nick slowly got up from his bed and groggily went into the bathroom where he looked at himself in the mirror. Aside from his ruffled but well kempt fur, Nick was pretty damn good looking for a husky like him. He was about 5.10 with a small lean build on him, covered with a very fine gray fur that came with being part wolf, that covered most of his body except his chest and crotch area which was covered in a soft white trimmed fur that Nick was especially proud of. Plus in standards he also thought he was pretty well endowed for a kid his age sporting a beauty of an 8" cock when hard. For his background, Nick was the only child of his parents Sarah and Steven Parker. His mother worked for the World Bank at one of there sites in Washington D.C. as an executive where they lived right outside of in the large suburbia a few miles outside of the city, his dad was a lawyer for his own firm also in the city, but was also out for business that week in L.A. and would not be back till that night. All seemed good for Nick, living the upper class lifestyle in his nice 2 story modern brick house in suburbia, all except that Nick had a secret which he held from his parents for years. He was gay.

Nick new from a young age that he liked guys, but never showed it due to his fear of his parents and society, hell Nick knew that coming out would be suicide for himself so for years he sat on the side lines looking at hot furs wishing he could be with one, whishing that he didn't have to hide his sexuality. "NICK IM NOT GOING TO TELL YOU AGAIN, GET DOWN HERE!" Sarah yelled from downstairs. "...hmmp IM COMING IN A MINUTE JEEZE" Nick yelled as he quickly threw off his boxers and jumped in the shower.

He then quickly turned the shower knobs and sighed as he felt the stream of water hit his fur and started soaking his body. As he started lathering up his fur he started thinking about the dream he had. The black wolf in his dream was not imaginary, but a person Nick had a crush on for years. The big wolf was named Jack Howler *no pun intended*, and was your regular jock. He was 17 and a senior like Nick and did every sport known to man basically, from wrestling to football, from lacrosse to basketball, which ultimately showed because he was also one of the sexiest men in the school too. That also meant he was also the biggest chick magnet in the school and probably the straightest guy Nick knew, Nick thought as he started lathering up his sheath. For years Nick just looked at Jack from a far, and finally when he came into high school, during gym Nick was able to see Jacks entire body in the locker room. It was like all Jack was, was muscle. Jack was about 6.3, with jet black fur covering his entire body, which was already ripped like a professional weightlifter with muscles that went on for miles and a six pack to make you go wild. And lets not forget the guys incredible dick, which sported at 9" soft which also held a nice set of melons that they called nuts which went well with his very toned and very firm ass just around the corner all incased in that beautiful fur of his.

The first time Nick had to shower with Jack; Nick almost passed out in shock and had a hell of a time trying to keep down his already erect dick from any of the other guys. But all those times Nick showered with Jack, seeing that beautiful body of his glistening under that hot water from the showers was worth it. Nick started rubbing his cock, foaming around his now erect dick and balls as he started rubbing his dick, imagining him in the shower with Jack, surrounded by all his male peers and just turning around and walking over to Jack and getting on his knees and just shove that big beautiful cock of Jacks in his mouth right in front of everyone and then hearing Jack moan out in pleasure as he starts rubbing his tongue over the sheath letting his cock sky rocket out, and then licking Jacks cock top to bottom while fondling his balls with one hand while massaging that awesome ass of his. He imagined Jack screaming with pleasure pushing Nicks head on his dick when all of a sudden....

Nick moaned out in pleasure as his cock shot load after load of hot cum across the shower wall and covering the fur on his chest. Nick leaned back against the wall and sighed for a bit as he rested. He then dipped his paw into some of the sticky cum he splattered on his chest and dipped it into his mouth tasting its sweetness. "If only it was Jacks" Nick sighed as he stood there under the water.

"NICHOLAS MATTHEW PARKER, IF YOU DON'T GET DOWN HERE THIS INSTANT IM GOING TO COME UP THERE AND FORCE YOU OUT OF THAT SHOWER AND INTO THE FREEZING SNOW MYSELF!" Sarah yelled out disturbing Nick from his fantasy. "JUST WAIT A MINUTE!" Nick yelled angrily as he quickly washed himself up and got out.

About 15 minutes later Nick came running down the wooden steps into the foyer of his large home, dressed in a black tee shirt with a long sleeve white under shit and baggy jeans with black Nike's, apparently annoyed at his mothers hurry. "Mom you didn't have to wake up the entire neighborhood" Nick said to his mom as he walked into their large modern kitchen, his mother sitting on the stool at the counter in her usual black business pants suit. Sarah Parker was a little different from the family, sporting all white fur, and long black hair that she always kept loose, back in her looks day attracted many men, and still does now a days even in her 30's, but she's married to a great man and knew she would never cheat on him. "Well I'm not letting you be late again this morning Nick, this would be the 6th time this month and I would have to get a call from your principle and deal with parent teacher conferences, and...ugh...just get to school" Sarah said as she got up from the table with her coffee and newspaper. "Heh you know you love it" Nick said and Sarah playfully hit him on with her paper as she headed out of the room to grab her leather coat. A few minutes later they were both out in the families three car garage, sporting Sarah's personal silver 2006 Mercedes S-Series, Nicks brand new black Honda Pilot that he got from his parents a few months back as a senior gift, and in the third space it would usually have Stevens Volvo SUV if he was not already on his trip. Sarah got in her car and quickly started it up and as Nick got into his SUV Sarah quickly yelled out the door. "and I want you straight home after school, its been snowing last night and a few inches are already on the ground and there's supposed to be a blizzard tonight, I don't want you getting into a wreck" She said as she pushed the buttons in her car to open the garage doors behind them. "Yes mom..." Nick said sarcastically as he shut his door and turned on his car. "I love you sweat heart!" Sarah said with a perk and she quickly shut her door and pulled out of the garage into the snow with Nick right behind her.

Jack Howler

7:45 AM

The sunlight entered through Jacks window as he lay in bed, his covers throw to the end of the bed so his beautiful nude body was shown to the world. Black fur covering his ripped body, while sporting a tall morning wood swaying in the air. Jack opened his eyes slowly and smiled as he reached down and felt his hard on. He slowly started to rub his dick as smiling and thinking "Man this is the good life, nothing can ruin this day" and as he thought happy thoughts to himself while stroking he looked at his small digital alarm clock to his side and noticed the big red numbers showing it was 7:50. "..........shit" Jack said to himself as his heart sank down and he jumped out of bed. "SHIT SHIT SHIT HOW CAN I FORGET TO SET MY ALARM SHIT SCHOOLS IN TEN MINUTES" He yelled out loud as he quickly grabbed a tight black sweater and some jeans from his closet and threw them on and then pocketed his keys, cell phone and wallet from the dresser and rushed out of his room and through his darkened house. Jack lived in a medium sized one story house, nothing that much more special then a Rancher. Jack lived with his two parents Mark, who worked in construction, and his mother Jessica, who was a housewife and they were both at the Caribbean that week celebrating their winter anniversary, leaving Jack alone.

Jack was used to it though, even though his parents were slightly old, they still acted young and were constantly out partying and drinking at bars. Even throughout his childhood they acted this way, and the only thing that kept his mind from it was sports, which led him to being the athlete he was today. So what if his parents weren't always around he thought, he was a man, he was tough, he could take care of himself.

Jack quickly ran throughout his living room and grabbed his coat from the coat hanger and was out the door in a flash running across his lawn in the snow to his rusty old Ford Ranger. Yeah maybe he wasn't the richest guy in school, but from his athletic abilities and good looks and strength, he was still the most popular guy in school. And that led him to special privileges that not many people had, like being able to get with any girl at his school at any time.

To bad though, Jack always wished that advantage would work for the opposite sex.

"Yes, ladies and gentlemen I am your traditional sports enthusiastic in the closet Homosexual" Jack always thought to himself when the topic came to mind. He wished it was different that he didn't have to bed this way. That he could come out to his parents, friends, and the town and just be who he was. He wanted to date guys, screw guys, and not have to worry about anything and just be himself. If only it was that easy though. Jack was popular, he was a mans man...erm....woman's man, and he couldn't risk his social outlook just because he wanted to be outwardly gay. He knew it was a classic case of "You can't have your cake and eat it too" kind of scenario. All he could do was to be in the closet, date and screw a couple of girls to not make it look suspicious, and hope that he could get through this last year and start a new life during college.

Jack quickly unlocked the door with his keys and started the engine, letting it try to turn over a few times until it finally started, and the engine roared to life. Jack quickly turned the heat up all the way and backed quickly out of his drive way onto the quiet snow covered street, still waking up for the morning hours. Jack quickly switched the gears into drive and was off driving speedily down the icy suburban street. As he drove Jack felt strange, like today held some kind of importance, like something big was to happen to him, life changing or something like that. ".......heh nah its just gonna be another boring ass day" Jack said to himself laughing as he pulled onto the main road leading to his school.

If only young Jack knew that tonight would be when his life finally changed.

Dr. Alex Satoshi

9:00 AM

St Mary's General Hospital *10 miles from D.C.*

"Damn, Damn, Damn SON OF A ....ARG" Alex Satoshi screamed as he walked out of his personal office and into the brightly florescent lit hospital hallway filled with numerous doctors and nurses and even more patients due to the recent rise in accidents from the snow. Alex walked down the hallway angered inside but tried to keep his look cool and casual on the outside.

Alex came from an Asian family that was very into tradition and elder customs. Alex was a young fit Fox, and a beautiful one at that, with beautiful soft red fur covering his entire body except for his black cute furry pointy ears and his chest and groin area that was covered with a soft white fur that he always kept cut and groomed that gave his gave him a sly stylish look and a young 27 year old body that he kept constantly fit with a mixture of tai kwan do, and modern aerobics, and that's not including his already impressive member down below, he was a regular hunk, and he knew it. Even though he was from a prestigious feline family, he didn't act like it. He didn't follow the strict orders of his family's religion, and culture. Especially for two things, one being that he dated and mated outside of his race, which was usually uncommon due to their species rarity, and second was that he was gay, it was also uncommon to date and mate with other men because it was considered sacrilegious and all of that what not. Alex didn't care, he knew all his life he was gay and dated plenty of other gay furs. He was going to act it, with or without his families' approval, and besides its not like he acted forcefully fruity or least not in pubic.

But that's was not what was bothering him this moment as he walked forcefully down that hospital hallway dressed in his white lab coat and dress shirt and khakis, oh no, his family and culture was the farthest from his mind at that moment.

Alex quickly walked up to the Secretarial desk at the end of the hallway as the Squirrelly Secretary looked at him with a bright smile. "Hello Dr. Satoshi, anything I can help you with?" she asked. "Yeah the phone in my office is not working right now and I cant check my office voice mail with my cell phone or check my email for any messages, can I use yours?" Alex asked. "Ohhh sorry Doctor, the phones have been going down today around the building because of the storm, I just got a page from Janitorial downstairs and they said some of the lines down the road were cut and we wont have any of the phone systems up till tomorrow....sorry" the secretary said with a weak smile. "...damn he might've called...." Alex said under his breath. The secretary looked at him brief look of concern and said "...erm...well Dr. Satoshi, your not posted for any operations or patients today and we're fully stocked already with doctors and medical staff right also look kind of stressed out yourself so why don't you just take the rest of the day off, enjoy yourself and get out of here before the storm comes in" the secretary said smiling. Alex thought for a moment and took it as an opportunity to solve his standing problem and looked back at the secretary and said with a smile "You know your right, sorry just some things have been bothering me, alright well just check me out and get someone to bring the car around to the lobby of the building downstairs while I get my stuff". "Sure Doctor right away" and the secretary were off and down the hallway to do her tasks leaving Alex behind smiling mischievously. "Heh ...this is perfect, tonight you are all mine woof" Alex said with a purr and started walking back down the hallway toward his office.

Frank Cooper

9:35 AM

St Mary's County Sheriffs Department

"FRANK!" screamed the female Grizzly Sheriff at the sleeping young German Shepard Deputy. "AH...what the..AHH" screamed Frank as he awoke from his slumber and fell backwards out of his office chair onto the station floor. Frank quickly looked dumbly up at the Sheriff staring him down growling. "Huh...what the? Why in the hell did you wake me?" Frank said sarcastically as he got himself up off the station floor and looked around the large Police Headquarters and saw no one except for himself and the Sheriff. "I don't pay you to sleep, I pay you to keep your ass awake and make sure the place don't burn down" the Sheriff said as started walking away towards her office with Frank in pursuit.

"Where is everyone?" Frank asked looking around shocked at the emptiness of the station. "Well while you were asleep the apocalypse happened, all hell broke loose, society crumbled to a fault and we're the last people on earth who can stop the impending doom that has forsaken this planet..." the Sheriff said sarcastically as she walked into her office and grabbed her squad car keys off the desk and as she turned around Frank gave her a questioning look. ".....*sigh*...there's a snow storm going on outside, one of the biggest in years, there are car accidents, power outages, robberies and what not going on and we're right now stretched to our limit on available officers meaning I have to go out in the field also and I need YOU to say put and watch after the place, direct any of the emergency calls, and not fall asleep sleeping beauty" the Sheriff joked as she walked out of her office and down the hall towards the front lobby. "OH and remember to keep an eye on the prisoners in the cells downstairs, they've been at it all morning...." the Sheriff said as she reached the front doors. "Heh what are they in for?" Frank asked as she started walking out the doors and she turned to him and said "Lewd Sexual conduct on public property, Johnson found a group of them receiving sexual favors from a male hooker down on third street near the courthouse, it took five men to take them in and its been hell trying to keep them off each other all morning....*sigh* the people these days.... anyway just make sure they don't get into trouble okay?" the Sheriff said. "AII AII CAPTAIN" said Frank with an enthusiastic grin on his face. As he said that his commander in chief just looked at him and then said "Maybe you should make sure you wont get into any trouble" as she walked out the door shaking her head. Frank laughed and slowly turned around and started walking back down the empty police station hallway. As he was walking back all Frank could do was keep in the joy of all the thoughts and feeling building up inside of him. "Yup this is going to be one hell of a shift" Frank said as he came upon the staircase leading down to the prison cells under the station.

Frank Cooper, 28. 6ft 8, a proud gay German Shepard, with good looking brown and black fur covering his finely toned body that his cop's uniform was outlining that took years to sculpt. Franks was a deputy for the St Mary's police department in the suburbs outside of D.C. and was not planning on quitting anytime soon. Frank loved his job, and plainly loved being a cop. It made for great exercise whenever he was out on the field, he got to get to know the community better then a lot of people, and he was proud that he was able to have a job where he helped people, and somehow made a difference in life, but on the darker side he loved the action, Frank was kind of an thrill seeker and putting his life on the line was always an adventure from modern day life. Not many people agreed with that though, especially people who he once cared for...

Frank walked down the several sets of stairs in the bland colored stair case leading deeper and deeper under the police station shivering with anticipation as he got closer and closer to his destination.

"OHHH FUCK YEAH FUCK YEAH SHIT FUCK ME HARDER!!!" Frank heard echoing down the dark police basement hallway as he finally reached the bottom of the steps and found himself staring at the big steel door in front of him that read "Jail" in dark black letters.

Frank could feel himself sweating under his fur as he looked at the cold hard steel door and gulped as he knew what was waiting for him inside as he heard the moans coming from inside the next room.

Slowly but steadily Frank grabbed the door handle and turned it slowly as not to make his presence aware and opened the door just a bit and quietly sneaked into the darkness of the next room.

Frank found himself inside a little alcove near the entrance to the jail where a guard usually sat during day and night hours guarding the jail. The small alcove was just a small room with an entrance way leading down the hallway of cells, the room housed a small desk, some chairs, a TV and fridge, and a large bank of computer terminals with security monitors showing the inside of each of the 20 large cells. Frank quietly closed the door behind him and sneaked across the room to the bank of monitors and looked at them trying to find what he wanted. Frank could hear the loud moans coming down the small jail hallway and his eyes finally came across the monitor viewing the last cell and he gasped in delight as he saw what a scene he would surely not forget.

Inside the last cell that was about 10 feet on all sides lit by a small hanging lamp housed about 8 muscular men all nude in god's greatest forms with they're clothes piled in the corner. A very handsome black Labrador, two feisty looking tigers who looked to be twins, two strikingly built alligators, a very well endowed black stallion with his mane tied back, and then what looked to be their leader of the group who was a red dragon, about 7 ft, his muscular body covered with dark blood colored scales that could make any fur get a hard on, with a handsome face to match, and long beautiful rose red wings that Frank could see the dragon was trying to keep tucked behind his back as the dragon was apparently fucking the shit out of some poor *or lucky* fur. Then Frank took hold of the controls of the security monitor and tilted the camera down to see what they were all crowded around, as the camera finally tilted down Frank gasped as he saw the dragon fucking a small Fox with beautiful red fur and facial features that were very pristine and sexy. For a moment, Frank thought the Fox being fucked was someone he knew, someone he cared for but realized the fox looked different from the man he once knew. The Fox was down on all fours in the middle of the cell taking a pounding in his ass as the other six men stood around the two jerking off to the scene. "YEAH FUCK HIM HARDER SERYTH!" one of the alligators yelled as he jerked his big black cock. All of the men cheered as the dragon kept on pounding his hot red cock inside the fox as the little fox moaned in pleasure.

Frank started to pant as he watched the hot scene from the security station and heard the moans from down the hall and felt his cock start to grow out of his sheath tucked away in his police uniform. He had to get closer; he had to see what was happening for himself Frank thought as he slowly crept away from the police monitors and against the wall to the right of the long dark jail hallway. It was weeks since Frank had his last fuck, all because of that damn Ex of his, and Frank was craving away at the opportunity to get action. It wasn't like Frank didn't try, he went to the near by gay bars, and clubs and if he wanted, he could get any man there, but every time he met some nice fur and tried to bed the guy he just couldn't do it, his damn ex boyfriend kept on coming to mind and.......shit he wasn't going to let in intrude this time, what was past was past Frank thought as he slid along the hallways wall toward the last jail cell coming up on his left.

Frank heard the moans from the fox as he was fucked, the juicy noise of the dragons huge fire red shaft sliding in and out of the foxes behind seemed like it could be heard for miles to Frank as he got closer. Finally he made it to the dimly lit cell and he pressed himself up against the wall to the left of the cell and slowly peaked his head around corner and looked through the cells bars.

Frank almost lost his load right there as up close he could see the men up close, all sporting huge hard on's as the six of them stroked and moaned as they watched the blood red dragon who was even larger up close smash his incredibly large cock into the fox. Frank could hear the wet noises as the dragon pounded the little fox, sweat beading down his rock hard abs as he dug his claws deep into the little fox's fur, a look of pure pleasure and deep concentration illuminated his face, his blood red eyes seemed to be burning as he fucked.

Frank quickly unfastened his belt and up unbuttoned and unzipped his pants as he slowly pulled them down to his knees exposing his bright red silk thong outlining his large package trying to escape and he blushed to himself. His Ex was what got him into the habit of wearing a thong around constantly, and Frank felt damn sexy in them as well he thought as he slowly put a thumb through the side of the thongs silk and pulled them down with his pants and his erect pre cum covered cock sprung up at hit his chest at full attention as the cool jail air hit his dick. Frank quickly took his other hand and felt up and down his cock slowly, feeling the pre cum running over the veins outlining the bottom side of his cock, feeling the shaft all the way up to the crown of his dick. He started rubbing his cock slowly and suddenly released a moan from his muzzle and then stopped.

There was silence.

Frank realized the moaning sounds stopped from the cell and quickly looked back in and just saw the fox lying on the floor in the middle of the cell stocking his white furry cock while looking directly at Frank and said seductively "Well hello there cutie..."

Suddenly Frank felt a pair of hands reach through the bars next to him and he was suddenly pulled up against the bars at the front of the cell as the red dragons strong arms held him up against the cell bars, Frank's surprised face and hard cock sticking through the bars. The red dragon looked at Frank with his fiery eyes and then smirked "What do we have here gentlemen? Looks like we found ourselves a sneaky little police mutt and ....whats this down here?" the dragon said mischievously as he took one of his arms away from Franks chest and started rubbing his hard cock through the cells bars. "Ohhh he's a pretty wuff isn't he brother?" one of the tigers said to the other as they walked out from the side of the cell and over to Frank and the dragon. The first tiger slowly reached through the bars and behind Frank and Frank suddenly shot up as he felt the hand roughly grab his ass and start to feel it as the he then felt a something warm run up his balls as he looked down and saw the other tiger slowly licking his nut sack while looking up at the confused but aroused dog. Frank moaned again in pleasure as he felt one of his balls slip into the tigers mouth and slowly the dragon that was still holding Frank through the bars put his face right up to Franks almost close enough to kiss. Frank breathed in and out roughly as he felt the hot breath of dragon against his muzzle and then suddenly the dragon said "Well.....what do we do now with our new found doggy". The fox still on the floor rubbing his cock slowly said "Why don't we let him join, by the looks of that package I think he wouldn't mind if we...played...a little with him..." "I bet that muzzle of his could suck a hella lot better then Rick over there" one of the alligators said from behind the fox while pointing to the black lab who was walking past the two, "Yeah well I don't see you complaining when I blow you all back at home" the lab said as he took both of his arms and grabbed the two alligators black cocks and jerked them a few times sending shivers through both of them.

Frank couldn't control himself, he had a few thoughts about his Ex run through the back of his mind but then they completely flew out of his head as the dragon then pressed his dragon muzzle against Franks in a lewd kiss. Frank lost himself to temptation and reached around the dragon and felt the dragon's soft scales as with his other arm he pressed the dragons head closer to his deepening the kiss. Suddenly Frank felt a slick tongue press against his lips and he slowly obliged as he opened his mouth and let the long dragon tongue enter his mouth as he did the same to the dragon. Then as quickly as it started the dragon pulled away from Frank and stepped away from the bars and both the tigers did the same as the entire group looked at Frank pressed up against the bars. "So, are you going to take us up on that offer?" the dragon said with a sly look.

Frank just stood there for a second and pondered the situation. If his boss or anyone else at the station came back and found him in the middle of a large orgy with the convicts in the middle of a cell he would be in deep shit. He thought about this but then realized how the hell he could pass up a moment like this. Fuck it, he needed some lovin too, and he was strong enough and knew if anything got out of hand he knew a few moves to keep them straight, and it was with that, that Frank Cooper went to the door of the cell and slowly kicked his shoes, pants and thong off to the corner of the hallway and slowly took off his shirt to reveal his nicely framed pecs covered in brown and black fur. He then walked over to his discarded pants and reached inside and grabbed out the keys for the cell and opened it and stepped inside. "So what now boys?" Frank said with a grin.