Snow at Night

Story by LowB on SoFurry

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Jes sat in the corner of the room, on an oversized chair pushed out of the way for the party. In her paw she held a cup of what was once fruit punch, but nearly everyone to arrive on the scene dumped a bottle of something or other alcoholic into the juice. She was considerably sober for her situation, the only thing to do for the last four hours was drink and dance. Jes had dabbled in both, but didn't partake in either long enough to enjoy any of the side effects.

"Hey Jes, need a refill?"

"Thanks Bert, but I'm good with this unfinished cup."

"OK, but you have to start enjoying yourself. It's my birthday, and all I want is for you to have a good time."

"Really? All you want on your birthday is for me to enjoy your party?"

"Of course.. Well... And to get laid, note the beer, and how I am offering it to the hottest cat I know."

"Oh Bert your full of shit." Jes said blushing, he didn't stand a chance and he knew it, but she loved that he never gave up. "I don't do ‘coons and you know it. Go back to being host of the year."

"I always knew it was ‘cause I'm a raccoon that you wouldn't touch me!" He whined playfully. "C'mon! Just once." Bert put on his best puppy dog eyes.

"That look doesn't work when you wear a mask." Jes smirked. "There are plenty of drunken cats here, I'm sure all your dreams of intoxicated pussy can come true tonight without me involved."

"Fine, your loss."

Jes watched the raccoon walk away, she had known him for years. Unfortunately she didn't know anyone else here, so she just couldn't bring herself to relax.

"I need some air." Jes mumbled to no one before she took a big drink from her cup. The cat got up and started pushing herself across the room towards the back of the house. She eventually made it out the back door and on to the deck that wrapped around the house. The party would be on the huge deck but Bert was born in late January, and most animals would not appreciate trying to party in almost a foot of snow.

"Their loss." Jes thought to herself as she made her way toward the side of the house furthest from the noise of the party. The cat loved winter, the quite beauty of a snow covered landscape did something to her she wouldn't trade for the world. She drew a deep breath of the crisp winter atmosphere, holding the air for just a second before she let loose a long exhale. A swirling cloud of mist, born from her breath swirled before her.

Jes soon found herself at her destination, the sole bench along the side of the house. She was thankful that the windows here were dark, no eyes would peer outside and wonder what some lunatic cat was doing by herself in the freezing cold. The view from this side of the house was simply unbeatable; she drew another long breath as she walked up to the railing of the deck to prepare for the sight. She let out her cloudy breath and pulled her long tail up against her chest, holding her tail as if were the most precious childhood toy she had ever had.

"Wow." Breathing the word as she leaned against the banister, her breasts and tail now covered in the snow that adorned the railing. She could not contain her gentle purring as she realized just how perfect the view was. The moon was nearly full, either it would be in a few days or she had missed the event entirely. Jes could never tell one way or the other. The pale shine given off by the celestial presence was amplified by the fresh snow that covered absolutely everything. To her left, the direction of the back of the house, was a large lake. The deep blue water faded off into sky, giving jes the illusion that she could simply ride into space.

The rest of her view was dominated with forest, a snow covered wonderland of evergreens leading right up the mountains in the distant horizon. It was simple, pure, and gorgeous. The snow sparkled and twinkled as playfully as the stars of heaven flying above. The only sign of life disturbing the picture perfect view was the steady pulsing cloud of air she let loose.

The cat purred happily as she stepped away from the banister. Jes giggled as she took a bite of snow from the collection she had gather on the end of her tail. Looking down at her appendage she notice how damp the front of her t-shirt had become leaning into the snow. The cold had hardened her nipples and they pushed thru her clothing, begging for attention.

Jes let her tail fall to the floor, leaving her paws at her breasts. She gently squeezed herself, breaking her purrs to exclaim a lustful moan at the pleasure she gave herself. Jes turned around to fall into the bench buried in snow, immersing herself in the white fluff. Her breathing became unsteady as she continued to fondle herself, the snow only contributing to the feline's self lust. Jes let out a gasp and pinched her hardened nipple, feeling a heat begin to burn inside her.

With a quick glance around her she confirmed her privacy. Jes had never endured such powerful and sudden urges. This growing sensation felt glorious and erotic, inspired by such beautiful scenery and enflamed as she messaged her chest. A nervous excitement filled her as she realized just what she was about to do, knowing wonderfully how much she would enjoy it.

Soon one of her paws was under her shirt erotically scratching her nipple. Her free hand pushed away her pants and panties exposing herself to the frigid air. She purred with renewed enthusiasm as she began petting her vagina. Soon she could not contain her urges and plunged two digits into her waiting cunt. She let out a cry of joy and fondled her chest with a new drive to echo the bliss of filling and pumping her fingers into her wet sex.

The feline pulled her paw out of her pleasure long enough to dip her soaked hand into to powdery snow that enveloped her. Her paw now full of the icy precipitation was thrust back into her throbbing pleasure hole. Her new icy touch sent shivers of convulsive pleasure thru her hot overly-sensitive flesh. Jes let loose a loud mew, buckling under her own sexual pressure, desperate to postpone her growing orgasm to its fullest potential.

Jes needed more, she needed a push to throw herself into ecstasy. Taking advantage of her skilled tail, she investigated the underside of the bench and soon discovered a most coveted prize. With great effort she took her paw from her chest and reached down to grip a thick icicle hanging from the bench. Jes stopped pumping her paw into her pussy long enough to tear the rod of ice out from below her.

The cat's new toy was soon in her mouth rounding the sharp point of the icicle. Cold water slid down her throat and chin inducing shivers, causing her quivering sex to tighten around her fingers. It was now or never, do or die.

She stopped moving for just a moment as she positioned the thick ice stick at her crotch. She listened to herself pant and purr, watched her breast rise and fall, and felt the cutting cold of the air fill her lungs. As her right paw steadied itself to work the ice, her left pulled her tail up to her breast, holding both the appendage and her nipple tightly. Pulling her tail and pinching her nipple she moaned loudly ready to climax. With a roar of passion Jes impaled herself upon the icicle, like a piston the rod beat into her over and over again.

Louder and loader she screamed as her hot juices beat away at the frozen joy inside her. She pressed and rubbed the ever disappearing ice against her clit. With a triumphant roar of ecstasy Jes shivered in immense bliss as wave upon wave of glorious ice induced orgasm washed over her. Her hot juices ran down her paw colliding with freshly thawed water. She pumped her now empty paw at a progressively slower rate, matching her decent from the orgasm.

Not until jes had settled was she able to relax her grip on her tail. Oh how she abused the appendage in her throws. She smiled and watched as her tail curled and uncurled, mirroring her tranquil mood. "Sorry I pulled you so hard." She said to her tail, giggling lightly. She could still feel the pressure of her hold along the entire length of her furry extension.

"Sometimes I can't help myself." She sighed with a smile.