Graduation Vacation: Chapter 1

Graduation Vacation Chapter 1 Ryan stood in the compact bathroom examining his damp face in the mirror. His eyes were dark, "deep" he was once told, a rich brown color outlined by black fur. He had the traditional markings of the raccoon, from...

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Snow at Night

Jes sat in the corner of the room, on an oversized chair pushed out of the way for the party. In her paw she held a cup of what was once fruit punch, but nearly everyone to arrive on the scene dumped a bottle of something or other alcoholic into the...

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Graduation Vacation: Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Milton pushed the blanket aside to look at the clock resting on the nightstand. It was nearly noon. If he got out of bed now he probably would be able to find his friends in time to join them for lunch. With a glance around the room it...

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Graduation Vacation: Chapter 3

Chapter 3 "More orange juice, sir?" "Yes please." Ryan moved his glass to the edge of the table so the waitress could refill his drink. "Thank you." "Is there anything else I can get for you two?" Jeff swallowed the bite of omelet...

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Graduation Vacation: Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Jeff swung lazily in a hammock. The slight sway of the palm trees he was suspended from was nearly hypnotic as the fox relaxed in the mid-afternoon sun. It was the first full day he and his friends were spending on vacation, and...

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Stephan's Father

Stephan‘s Father Stephan stood alone, cold, and silent. His arms hung loosely at his sides, and the three small lilies in his paw felt like weights. The breeze rustled his fur and tail. His heart said it was impossible but his eyes showed...

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