
Story by Doctor Otter on SoFurry

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#8 of Tail Underground

The Darkness covered the rooftops as the night progressed on. Yet, all was not silent as the young ninjitsu master wolf bounced off of each rooftop, making her way towards the Tail Underground again. Many things ran through his head as he tried desperately to get away from Arca's palace.

'why couldn't I...' the wolf thought, 'why couldn't I kill him?'

Suddenly, another shadowy figure appeared out of the corner of his eyes. He stopped suddenly looking in the direction of the figure, but saw nothing. He knew better then to keep his guard down as his hand slowly went for his sword.

Suddenly, he felt two blades at his wrist, keeping him from pulling his sword out of his sheath, "Now now assassin... we don't want you to loose your hand now... do we?"

The wolf narrowed his eyes gently as he looked for a possibly way out, slowly grabbing a shingle in his free hand, "So I was being followed... and how dare you call me an ASSASSIN!!!"

With that, the wolf through the tile towards the figure behind him, but hit nothing, but it gave him a chance to slip away and unsheathe his sword, standing at ready for another attack. He stared at the shapely figure of a black leopardess in the exact same clothes he wore.

The young leopardess stared at the wolf, "No wonder why Lady Boss favors you to become the next Grand Master..." the woman said.

Ikage's eyes grew wider, "No... it... it can't be... Lady Jade... you weren't supposed to be here..."

The leopardess known as Lady Jade stared at the young man with her green eyes and smiled under her mask, "Yes Nightshade, your maker will be glad to see you again... WHEN YOU MEET HER!!!!!" and with that, the woman dashed quickly at Nightshade, her sai twirling furiously through her fingers.

The Wolf quickly blocked her attack to his throat by placing his sword between the two crossed sai, causing him to slide back from the sheer power of the blow.

"So it's true... you did always want to kill me Lady Jade... I saw it from the day our Grand Master took me in from within those green hues... you despised me the entire time..."

Jade looked at the wolf and laughed slightly, "No Nightshade, that was then when I was an upstart whelpling, now i have no hatred now, just the desire to do my DUTY!!!!!"

With that, the leopardess used the leverage of the sai to suddenly shove him into a wall, slamming him hard into the wall and leaving an indentation.

"Then why are you here?! Why are we fighting like this Jade?" the male asked, staring into her eyes, knowing they are the portals to the truth for all ninja.

Jade smiled again underneath the mask again, "Lady Boss sent me to make sure you don't do anything stupid like try to assassinate Arca... and she was right... leave you men alone for five minutes and you'll go on with your macho manuerisms about revenge and the desire for blood." she taunted.

The wolf's eyes grew red with fury as he suddenly pushed with his sword, causing the leopardess to nearly slide off the edge of the roof.

"WHAT WOULD YOU KNOW ABOUT REVENGE?!?!?!?!" he screamed loudly as shadowy smoke emited from his body.

The Leopardess smirked slightly, "Using your trump already Ikage Nightshade?! YOU TRUELY ARE A FOOL!!!!!" She screamed tossing several shurikens at him, but all of them being blocked with ease.

Little did Ikage know but this was a diversion as the leopardess leaped from her possition and then stabbed both sai into his shoulders, feeling the blades slide just between the shoulder blades, but only going into his flesh and no farther.

"Ikage you truely are a fool... do you realize what you potentually have done... you let out word that spies and assassins are loose in Arca, how do you think this will effect our lord Xing of Han-Ma?!?!"

The Wolf stared at the leopardess, starting to get weak as he fell to one knee, grunting softly, "You've no idea how much pain that man caused me... to be seperated from my love... he took EVERYTHING I held dear..." he said painfully.

Jade's eyes opened wider in a fury she had never known, feeling compelled to drive her sai deeper, but she couldn't do it, she couldn't bring herself to do it.

"Ikage..." she said softly, "do you really want to know what I was thinking when you first arrived to the White Lotus?" his ears picked up as if to hear more clearly what she had to say. She gently pulled out her Sai and dropped them to the floor, sighing heavily as he looked to him, gently pulling off her mask, "When I first looked at you... I first thought 'That is a nice piece of ass...'" she chuckled to herself thinking, "Boy how I was naive back then... but then I realized I could never have you Ikage Nightshade, or should I call you Hunter Vale from now on?"

Ikage looked at her, taking his mask off as well, "so you saw us..." he said.

Jade gently nodded softly and looked to him, "Lady Kaede Jade... the name I was given, the name I have used all my life, and yet... I've two names to call you... I never knew your pain Ikage... I never knew how hard it felt to loose a home... sure we White Lotus must cut all ties with family members, but... it's nothing compared to loosing a way of life, loosing a country..."

Ikage gently looked into her eyes and smiled, placing his paw to her cheek, "Lady... I didn't know you had these feelings for me..."

Lady Jade gently looked to him and shook her head, "Water under the bridge now Ikage... I've all but killed my desire for you..."

Ikage then slowly leaned towards Jade, "No?" and with that their lips met for the first time. Kaede's eyes flew open in surprise and then fluttered closed sighing gently into the loving embrace of two lovers lips.

She had never felt this way about anyone before, so close, so alive, so feminine, it was all too much to take in at once. Soon the two's lips parted and they stared longingly into each other's eyes. Ikage slowly sheithed his sword and gently stood up, turning to return to HQ.

"IKAGE?!" she screamed suddenly getting up to follow him, "But... I thought... I thought you were a Tail Raiser..." she said softly to him.

Ikage turned back to look at her, "Just because I'm a tail raiser, doesn't mean I still yern for the company of a female every once in a while..."

The young leopardess smiled gently, perhaps he hadn't killed his carnal desires as he thought he did. "So..." she began and looked to him, "To the Underground?"

He nodded and not saying a word, resheithed his sword and bounded off in the direction of the Underground. Lady Jade simply stood there, sheathing her sai and shaking her head smiling, "That man... always a show off..." and with that, she bounded off after them, hoping she'd help the team how ever she can.

Dark Confessions

Within the Bamboo forests of the Chang Province of Han-Ma, Vergil slowly strolled silently through. This would be where his master who had taught him his sword style would live, being trained from the time he was eighteen to now. It had been thirty...

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Cult of Shadow

Dawn breaks over the country of Arca as Jubei gently rolled over in the bed he stayed in, his eyes slowly open to greet the day. He sighed gently as he sat up in the bed, in the nude. He looked to the window and shook his head, rubbing the sleepiness...

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The Dark Caster series

The lightning struck outside with such ferocity in the darkness outside of Arca's castle. The then still young King Arca sat upon his throne, staring at the two that had been brought to him for judgement, a young wolf and a young tanuki, Bound and...

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