Apocalypse, Ch. 7

Story by horsewriter on SoFurry

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A young man volunteers for a sleep study, and wakes up in a strange lab transforming into a wolf-girl....

It took a week to sell all the cars I had keys too, and I used the time to read the owners manual for the bubble car.

It turned out that bubble cars where fusion powered, absorbing water into an on-board fuel tank when they passed through clouds or it rained, and then using electrolysis to separate the water into oxygen and hydrogen. The hydrogen was used for the fusion reactor, and the oxygen was stored for life support at high altitudes and when in space!

It seemed the bubble car could travel to any location on Earth at hyper-sonic speed, and even to the Moon....

And all you had to do was set a destination and it would fly you there, the on-board computer handling all the navigation and talking to the automated air-traffic control systems of the destination for you, and then even landing for you.

The bubble car was an incredible find. One night after making love, I asked Greg what we should do with it. He suggested taking it to Washington D.C. or New York and selling it, then buying a house there and settling down. Then he smiled at me and kissed me.

"We could buy a small mansion and get married!", he suggested.

"Married?!", I blurted out.

He kissed me again. "I love you, Sam", he told me, looking into my eyes.

Oh God. He loved me?!

"We could live in splendor in the big city, and start a family together, and be together for the rest of our lives!", he told me. Then he licked my muzzle.

Start a family together?!

I stared up into his eyes and his grinning face. Behind him, his tail was wagging. What was I supposed to tell him? I thought about it for a moment.

"Greg", I told him, "don't you think it's a little early to be planning a family?"

He looked at me for a few seconds, his smile fading, his tail wagging slowing to a stop. Then he smiled and his tail started wagging again.

"You'll come around", he told me. Then he cupped my right breast in his hand, rubbing it and sending tingles through my body at his touch, and then he put his muzzle to my nipple and sucked.

God, it just drove me crazy when he did that.

"Greg, you horny bastard", I breathed, and lowered my hand to his sheath, caressing it until I felt his penis come erect in my hand.

And then he climbed atop me, and we made love again.

The next morning, I awoke to birds chirping and early morning sunlight filtering in through the shutters on the windows. Greg was sleeping peacefully beside me, so I woke him up with kisses and licks to the muzzle, nose, and ears.

It was strange to be in a girls body: I was, I thought, really starting to like Greg. He was handsome, muscular, and caring. A real man, I realized. And of course, my body was attracted to him....

But did I love him? No, I thought. And certainly not enough to want to have his children....

Greg stat up, stretched, and yawned. He looked at me and said: "Sam, I have a real treat for you today."

"What's that?", I asked.

"I want you to meet my parents", he replied.

Meet his parents?

I looked at him and smiled. I had been planning on going to the lab and trying to fly the bubble car back to Riverside.

"But what about the bubble car? We where going to...."

He put a finger to my lips.

"It can wait a few hours", he said. "Let's get dressed. Their right across town."

So we got up and got dressed, got into the van, and drove across the bridge to the other side of Riverside.

Greg's parents turned out to live in a rustic wooden home on the very edge of Riverside, little larger than Greg's cabin, with about an acre of well tended garden out back.

We pulled up into their front yard, and got out of the van. Greg walked up to the door and knocked. "Mom, Dad, I'm home!", he shouted.

And older female uplifted wolf with graying fur and wearing a flower-themed dress answered the door. "Greg!", she said, and kissed him. "Come in!"

And then she noticed me. "Who's your friend?", she asked.

"Mom, this is Samantha", he said. "She's my girlfriend."

"Oh, how wonderful!", the woman said, holding out a hand for me shake. "I'm Ellen."

"Samantha. Pleased to meet you". I shook her hand.

"David, come here!", she shouted over her shoulder. "You son is here with her girlfriend!"

Then she opened the door all the way and invited us in. We walked in.

Inside it looked like a home from the wild west. There was a fireplace, an iron wood-burning stove, a dining table with four chairs, and there was an old break-action shotgun on the wall next to a hand-painted portrait of President Wallace. The air smelled of dog, with male and female scent, and fresh bread.

The bedroom door opened, and an old dark-furred uplifted wolf with traces of gray emerged. He stared at me with his deep amber eyes, and walked up to me. He put his hand out and sniffed my muzzle. "I'm David", he said.

"Samantha", I replied, taking his hand.

"Are you two hungry?", asked Ellen. "I just baked some bread."

"That would be great, mom", said Greg, and she ushered us to the table and then went to the stove.

The three of us sat down. There was a moment of awkward silence.

Then Ellen returned with a loaf of fresh bread and a jar of strawberry jam. Now,_I thought, _I know where Greg get's that jam....

Ellen served us fresh bread and jam, and we began to eat.

"So... where do you work?", asked David, looking at me.

"I... sell cars", I replied, thinking quickly.

"She found an old ruin with a bunch of working cars, dad!", exclaimed Greg.

"So your a Restorationist them?", he asked.

I nodded, not knowing what a Restorationist was.

"Oh, how exciting", said Ellen. "You must have fought a lot of mutants then."

I didn't know what to say to that.

"I try to stay safe", I replied.

"We have a bubble car, and it works!", Greg blurted out. "Where going to Washington D.C. to sell it!"

"A bubble car", murmured David around bites of bread. "and it works?"

"Well, it's just sort of floating there, so I guess it works", I told him.

"And you two are an item now?", David asked, taking another bite of his bread and jam.

Greg and I looked at each other.

"I love her, dad", Greg, said, tail wagging.

I barely restrained myself from face-palming.

"And do you love Greg?", Ellen asked me.

This was getting really uncomfortable, really quick. "I'm working on it", I answered.

Ellen smiled at me. David stared.

"You must be pretty good with a gun", David said, "slinking around the ruins and all...."

And I was caught. I'd been skeet shooting once, with a shotgun, and my parents had bought me a BB gun when I was a kid, back when I was in the boy-scouts....

"Not really", I told them. "I mostly rely on stealth."

Greg was looking at me, probably wandering why I didn't have a gun when we had first met....

"But I lost mine in a fight. I need a new one", I lied. Damn, but that was close.

We finished our bread and jam.

"Come, let me show you our garden", Ellen said to me, getting up.

So I got up too, and we started walking towards the door. Greg started to follow me, but David said "Son, I want to talk to you", and stopped him.

Ellen and I walked out into the back yard, into their blooming full-acre garden, leaving Greg and David behind.

Ellen picked up a bucket. "Let's pick strawberries and talk", she said, handing me the bucket and grabbing another for herself.

Here it comes, I thought,I'm about to get the third degree.

She led me up to a row of strawberry pushed and began picking the red ones from among the green.

"So, are you going to make me a grandmother?", she asked.

I sighed. "I only just met him a little over a week ago....", was my answer.

"Mating season is a month away", she replied. "Are you going to stay with him?"

Ah. She was right: in a month or so, I was going to be going into heat. And if sym-cycle had taught me anything, it was that I needed to be far away from Greg when that happened....

"I...", I managed. What was I going to say? I tried for the truth. "I think it's a little early to be planning a family", was my answer.

She looked up at me from the strawberry bush she was picking and smiled. "I thought so. You know, Greg really is a good wolf. I'm sure you'll come to love him."

I nodded my head.

"Is he your only child?", I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Yes", she replied with a sigh. "Greg was an accident. But we love him with all our hearts."

I started picking berries.

"Oh, we buy condoms on the market when my time rolls around", she said with a smile. "But they aren't perfect, I can tell you that from experience", she winked.

Suddenly, I had a million questions to ask: where do you buy condoms? How long where you in heat? What did you think when you found out you where pregnant? What was being pregnant and giving birth like? What was nursing like?

But I knew I couldn't ask them.

So we picked more berries.

"You take good care of my Greg, now, you hear?", she told me.

"I will, ma'am", I responded.

Then we walked together back into the house. Greg and David where there to greet us.

I had to make an excuse.

"Um, Greg and I need to get going", I said. "We have to retrieve the bubble car. It was good meeting you".

I put out my hand for David, and he shook it.

"You two be careful in D.C.", he told us. And we left.

On the ride back, I asked Greg what David had said.

"I don't think he likes you", was his reply. "He thinks your a wild wolf, and possibly dangerous."

"Your mom wanted to know if I would be making her a grandmother", I said back to him.

He licked me on the ear. "So what did you tell her?"

I looked at him for a moment, then told him the truth. "I told her it's too early to tell."

He smiled, and put his hand on my leg, rubbing my fur. "Well, you just take your time", he said.

I sure will, I thought to myself. Because the last thing I want in this world is to have a baby.

We arrived at Greg's cabin, and I went in to get the owners manual for the bubble car, then we came back out to the van, and we got back in and headed off to the lab.

At the lab, we walked into the room labeled port. There was the bubble car, floating there. I keyed the door open and got in, the 3D control panel coming to light. "Take the van back home", I told Greg, "I'll meet you there."

"Are you sure you can fly this thing?", he asked.

"Hey, I read the manual", I responded with a smile.

I looked at the control panel. I wondered how the bubble car would get out of the lab, but the room was labeled "port", so I supposed it would open somehow....

Here goes nothing, I thought, and pressed the icon for the navigation map. Riverside was on it. I touched the Riverside icon, touched "Set Destination", and touched "Go".

The roof of the room slid open, revealing the sky, and the bubble car rose rapidly into the air. Then it accelerated rapidly away as Greg watched me go. In minutes, it was hovering over Riverside.

I touched the "Landing View" icon, and Riverside itself displayed on the screen. I found Greg's cabin, and touched the front yard on the display, making a green circle appear. I touched "Land", and the bubble car dutifully landed in front of Greg's house.

Well, that was easy, I thought. I opened the door and got out, keying the door closed once I was outside, and I went into the cabin and waited for Greg.

In half an hour, Greg arrived with the van. By then, I had dinner ready, and we sat down to eat and had some moonshine. Greg was very excited about going to Washington D.C. and selling the bubble car, so we decided to head there the next day, with some gold in our pockets just in case. Greg and I both had about twenty gold coins apiece that we had saved from the auto sales in order to spend.

I wondered what a modern city looked like in the twenty-fourth century, and what we would find once we got there.

When we where done eating, Greg got up and walked behind me, licking me on the head on ears. Then he cupped my breasts, making me sharply inhale a breath as my nipples came erect and tingles flood my body, settling in my underbelly. Here we go again!, I smiled to myself, and he began to rub and caress my tits and kiss the back of my neck.

I got up to face him, and we both grinned as we started to remove our clothes. We stood before each other, naked, our scents mingling in the warm summer air, his penis growing out of it's sheath, and he said "I really do love you, Sam", and then he led me to the bed and we made love.

Apocalypse, Ch. 8

_A young man volunteers for a sleep study, and wakes up in a strange lab transforming into a wolf-girl...._ I awoke, curled up to Greg in bed in the pre-dawn light, his warm furry body a comforting presence. His scent, mingled with mine, filled the...

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Apocalypse, Ch. 6

_A young man volunteers for a sleep study, and wakes up in a strange lab transforming into a wolf-girl...._ I awoke the next morning to Greg kissing me awake. "Time to get up, Sam", he told me. I smiled at him, remembering last night. I watched as he...

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Apocalypse, Ch. 5

_A young man volunteers for a sleep study, and wakes up in a strange lab transforming into a wolf-girl...._ I awoke from a frantic dream I couldn't remember, suddenly confused as to where I was. There was pale white moonlight shining through the open...

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