Apocalypse, Ch. 5

Story by horsewriter on SoFurry

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A young man volunteers for a sleep study, and wakes up in a strange lab transforming into a wolf-girl....

I awoke from a frantic dream I couldn't remember, suddenly confused as to where I was. There was pale white moonlight shining through the open window, and I could see everything in the room in detail despite the darkness, and the air smelled of dogs, men, women, and sex. I felt an unfamiliar weight on my chest, and looked down a long dark-furred muzzle past a black nose at two furry B-cup boobies on my chest, their pink nipples jutting slightly from the fur.

My head spun for a moment, and then realization hit me: I'm still a wolf-girl, and this is still the future, and it's no dream.

I let that sink in for a moment.

Then I yawned and sat up in bed. Beside me, Greg stirred slightly. I looked down at his manly, wolf-like body and smiled. Last night we had done it twice! God, sex as a wolf-girl felt so good....

I shook Greg's shoulder until he snorted and woke up. "Come on", I said, "it's almost morning."

"Oh! Good morning Samantha", he looked up at me and smiled. Then he got out of bed, and went to put on his trousers.

I went to my backpack, and pulled out clean clothes. I'm probably going to have to do laundry soon, I thought, probably the old fashioned way....

We got dressed, and Greg made some bread with strawberry jam for us, and we headed out to fish beneath the starry sky and waning moon.

We caught a lot of fish, and ate our bread and jam, and then it was mid-morning and the fish had stopped biting. So we loaded up our catch into the van, and I let Greg drive us to Solarville. We traveled the thirty kilometers in less than an hour, plodding along and passing the much slower carts and wagons. Finally, we reached Solarville. And as we traveled through the neighborhoods, something struck me that I hadn't noticed before: although all the houses where wired for electricity, and maybe one in fifty had cars, there where no satellite dishes or TV ariels.

The free market was lit by electricity, though, and even had muzak! But I didn't see anyone with a portable radio or TV, even though I always saw shop-keepers watching TV or listening to the news at flea-markets back in my era. So I asked Greg to sell the fish while I explored, and I noticed that some shops did have small game consoles and music players going. But still, no TV?

I decided against asking anyone why: I didn't want to stand out. And besides, maybe the book would explain when I got home.

I went back to Greg. We finished selling our fish and went home, driving my strange, radio-less van.

We arrived at Greg's place, and went in. Greg put some more wood on the fire to warm up our left-over stew, and I took my history book out to the back porch and started reading. Greg joined me, with his pipe, and started smoking.

After 2170, the dictator began to build a massive robot army, complemented by ranks of mutants, uplifted animals, and Inheritors. And then he sent it first into Canada, and then into Mexico, annexing both nations in a matter of years. Then he went even further south, swapping up Honduras, then Panama, then into South America.

In 2240, he declared the "American Union", and changed the flag to what it was today: a green field with about a hundred stars, each representing a conquered state.

By 2270, something else major happened. Europe, which had become majority Muslim due to immigration and a declining European birth rate compared to a booming Arab one, declared itself to be a Caliphate and instituted Sharia law.

Mutants and uplifted animals where declared blasphemous, and those that could not escape where rounded up and slaughtered in a kind of second holocaust. Europe was now a human state. And Christians and Jews where forced to pay a tax or convert.

Then the Caliphate declared it's intentions to spread around the world in a new Jihad.

This didn't go over well with President-for-life Wallace, but nothing was done about it. Then, the Caliphate began to infiltrate sleeper cells into the American Union, which became apparent in 2285 when mutant telepaths and clairvoyants working for the government began to reveal them. So Wallace infiltrated Europe back, and a new Cold War began.

Then in 2299 came multiple nuclear terror attacks on American Union shores. The government was the target, and it was almost decapitated, but Wallace had changed his itinerary at the last moment, and was out of the capital when it happened.

He then declared war on the Caliphate of Europe, and America's robot armies flew across the Atlantic, exterminating everyone they could find. Thus started World War IV. The Caliphate sent it's own robots to America to kill civilians in revenge, but in a year, the Caliphate had lost half it's population, and decided to use it's nukes.

There was a nuclear exchange, with America using dirty thermonuclear bomb designed to cause fallout and radiation deaths, this time using long-lived isotopes in their warheads such as cesium and cobalt. Radiation spread across the globe, causing more death and mutation in the human population. It also made hash of the radio and TV channels, along with radioactive metal particles blown high into the atmosphere.

So that's why no radio or broadcast TV, I realized.

In addition, every satellite and space station in orbit was destroyed, and Earth's orbit became a cascading debris belt, too hazardous to place a satellite in.

So that's why theirs no satellite dishes, I thought. No satellites anymore!

The book said the lunar cities where also destroyed, their domes crushed by space-to-surface missiles.

The war ended in a cease-fire.

Finally, with communications gone and the electric grid once more down do to EMP attack, America was once more rebuilding.

God, that was depressing, I thought.

I closed the book. The sun was setting, and my stomach grumbled as I smelled the stew cooking. So we went in and ate, then went back on to the back porch in the twilight and drank moonshine and smoked weed.

After awhile, Greg started getting frisky with me, licking my ear and kissing me. I smiled to myself: he wants to do it again!, I thought, and started returning his affections. Soon, our tails where waging as we made out and felt each other up, and I started to get all hot and tingly again, my nipples coming erect.

"Let's go inside and get naked", I suggested as we broke away from a kiss. Greg nodded, and we went inside and stripped.

We stood in front of each other, gazing at each others nude bodies, our scents co-mingling in the evening air. Greg's penis began to protrude from its sheath, and a delicious shiver passed through me; I felt a sudden urge to touch it, to taste it, to have it in me again....

Staring at him, I suddenly realized I was wet downstairs. God he was a handsome wolf-man, especially when naked, and just looking at him that way made me horny....

I took him by the hand, and led him to bed, climbing in on all fours. He got in behind me, and I looked back at him, swishing my tail aside, revealing my wet pussy. He put his hands on my hips, and penetrated me, making me gasp in delight, and then he was fucking me, and soon I was crying out in pleasure, my tits bouncing and swaying and jiggling to his thrusts. God, I couldn't believe how good sex felt as a girl! Finally, he brought me to a howling orgasm, and a few minutes later he growled and came himself.

Then he dismounted me, and we cuddled up together in the warm afterglow of sex.

"Sam, don't ever leave me", he said to me, looking me in the eyes.

"I...", I didn't know what to say to that. I mean, it's not like I had any plans. I licked him on the nose. "Don't worry", I said. "I'm not planning to go anywhere...."

He smiled at that.

Because I don't want to give up having sex with you..., I thought. Becoming a wolf-girl was the most erotic thing that had ever happened to me, and getting laid was _so_much better than being the one doing the fucking....

But as we lay there, I wondered what I was going to do next. Perhaps, I thought, I should go back to the lab, and give it another look. Maybe take a second car and sell it.

That sounded like a good plan. I had found seven sets of keys in the barracks lockers, so that meant seven cars. I wondered how much money that would bring.

Maybe enough, I thought, to afford a nice house in Solarville, with electricity and running water. But what will I do for a job when the money runs out?

Indeed, what was I going to do in this new world?

I sighed, and began to give Greg a rub-down. Maybe, with my van, I could make it as a merchant?, I thought. It sounded like a good plan.

Then slowly, Greg came erect again under my careful ministrations, and we made love again.

The next morning, Greg and I awoke at the same time, yawning. He kissed me, told me "good morning, Sam", and we got out of bed to go fishing.

We caught our usual two-dozen fish, and got into the van for the drive to Solarville, Greg at the wheel again. And I began to think about my plan to take the other seven cars from the lab and sell them, so I brought it up with Greg.

"Greg, I know where to get another car. I want to try to sell it in Solarville", I told him.

"You do? Well, let's go get it! Unless it's in the ruins with all the mutants, that could be dangerous."

"No, no ruins or mutants. Just a lab with a parking lot full of cars. We'll go after we sell the fish. I'll show you where it is."

"Sounds like a plan. A working car is worth a lot of money."

So we drove into Solarville, went to the free market, and found a spot to sell our fish. I asked Greg if he knew anybody that would want a car. He said no, but the town had an auction site for horses, mules, wagons, and electric vehicles.

I asked him how much he thought we could get for the car, and he said fifty to a hundred gold pieces. I didn't know how much that was, but it was gold, and it sounded like a lot.

I asked him how much a house would cost with electricity and running water, and he said "about five hundred gold, if you bought it outright."

So... seven cars would just barely cover the cost of a house. It sounded like the beginning of a plan. But still, what would I do for a job? I couldn't fish - Solarville had no river running through it. Maybe I could buy a farm? Or use my van for deliveries, and become a merchant....

Suddenly, Greg asked me: "Why? Are you planning on settling down in Solarville?"

I looked up at him. "Maybe", I replied.

He smiled down at me and said "Well, why not stay with me?"

"Well, I do want to stay with you", I told him, thinking "and fuck all night long...."

Then I added: "But your place has no electricity or running water."

He frowned. "Yeah, but it has no bills either. Not even taxes. I'll bet Solarville has taxes...."

No taxes? That surprised me. What was left of America seemed more and more like a libertarian paradise or the old west every day.

"Well", I said, "you can always sell your place and move in with me. Maybe get a job in town...."

I rubbed against him.

"Yeah, I guess I could...", he replied.

So we sold our fish, Greg bought a small bag of food, and we got back into the van, this time with me behind the wheel. "I want to show you the car we're going to sell", I told him, and he nodded.

So I drove back to Riverside, and got onto Highway 199, turning right. I asked Greg if he knew where the highway went, and he said "to the ruins of Indianapolis, but don't go there. It's full of devolved cannibalistic mutants."

I nodded, and took us out into the countryside, past the bombed out houses and cars, and sure enough there where road-signs counting down the distance to Indianapolis. Eventually, I found the turnoff that led to the lab.

I followed the road, and by mid-afternoon we arrived at the lab parking lot where I gotten the van from.

Greg stared at the cars. "There all in perfect shape!", he said, "their worth a fortune!"

We got out of the van. I took one of the seven sets of keys from my purse, one with a remote on it, and pressed the button. The lights on a four door sedan with solar panels on it's roof flashed. "That's our target", I said, walking up to it.

I tried the keys on the door and it opened. I tried the ignition key, and it powered up, the 3D display lighting up. It was another ethanol / electric hybrid, the battery fully charged, the tank half full. Again, with no radio or navigation system.

I handed Greg the keys to the van. "Follow me back", I said. He nodded and got into the van. I pulled out of the parking lot, and onto the road, and Greg followed me. Together, we headed back towards Riverside, and the cabin.

On the way, I thought about the mysterious lab. Had I missed anything when I searched it? What was the giant floating gold sphere? Was there more on the computers? And_who_ exactly was it that had transformed me, and why?

The last question really vexed me. I decided tomorrow I was going to have another crack at the lab.

And so we arrived at Greg's cabin as the sun was setting, and parked on the front lawn. We went in, and made dinner: fresh fruit and bread, and the last of the stew.

Greg poured me some moonshine, and took out his pipe, lighting it, puffing and passing it. And we both got pleasantly buzzed.

Then he suggested we take our clothes off. I smiled at him and nodded, thinking "here it comes again!"

We took our clothes off, and I climbed into bed, looking up at him, smiling. He climbed into bed with me, and I asked him to suck my nipples and rub my pussy for me. He smiled and put his muzzle to my right breast, licking until my breasts flooded with warmth and my nipples came erect. At the same time, he reached down between my legs and began to rub my pussy, building warm tingles in my underbelly, making me wet....

He took my erect nipple in his mouth and sucked, sending a pleasant electric current running through me straight to my pussy, and I moaned. Then his finger found my clitoris, and he gently rubbed, making me yelp as a bright bolt of sensation flew straight to my brain. The he was sucking my tits and rubbing my clitoris as I squirmed and moaned, yelped and panted. God, my tits and clitoris where so sensitive!

Then he said "I can't take this anymore...", and he climbed atop me, getting between my legs. Then I felt him penetrate me, pushing his warm, stiff erection into my wet vagina. Then he was humping me, and soon I was thrashing in bed and crying out in ecstasy, finally cumming with a long, drawn-out howl. He finished with a growl, and laid down beside me.

I lay there, trying to catch my breath. That had been intense, and I wanted to do it again. So I gave Greg a rub-down and a massage, making him moan in pleasure, until he was erect and ready to do it again. Then we did it a second time - and this time he made me cum twice - and finally we where exhausted and slept.

The next morning I awoke to Greg licking me awake, caressing my muzzle, ears, and nose with his tongue. I sputtered and woke up. "Come on, sleepy head, the fish are biting", he said to me.

I yawned and went to put clean clothes on, while Greg pulled on his same old trousers. Where going to have to do laundry, I thought.

Greg made bread and strawberry jam for breakfast again.

Then we grabbed our fishing gear, and headed down to the pier. As we fished, I thought about how much my life had changed since I had woken up here, and how lucky I was to have met Greg. I thought of our love making, and how I wanted it to go on forever. And I wondered about my future, and what I would do next. Finally, I wondered who the people where who transformed me, and why.

We caught our fish, and loaded them into the van. Then Greg took the van, and I took the sedan, following him, and we headed to the free market in Solarville. There, we sold out fish in about two hours, and by afternoon we had stopped at the BBQ place to eat, then drove on to the auction house.

The auction house wasn't really a house, it was a big complex of animal barns and parking-lot's for vehicles and wagons and carts. It had a modern-looking one story brick business building out in front with a well kept lawn, and huge parking lot full of hitching posts and quite a few horses, along with parking spots for cars.

We parked, and walked into the business building, where we where met with air-conditioning and a modern electronic office, with black pyramid 3D computers and several giant 3D screens showing the auction. Upon entering, a large sign read "new customers to the right, finalization and banking left".

We went right, and stood in a brief line with two mutant farmers, both grossly disfigured, until we could talk to a clerk. We told her we had a "brand new hybrid sedan" for sale, and she called an attendant from the motor-pool to help us, a young gray cat-man. We gave him the keys, and he drove it back into the storage lot, and scribbled a number on it's windshield with a marker. He then made out an invoice for us back in the office, and asked what the starting bid would be.

I told him one hundred gold, and he wrote that down. He told me the fee for selling the car was 2%, and I agreed. He asked us if we wanted to stay for the auction, which would be around four o'clock, and we said sure. He gave us badges so we could get into the auction barn. We asked hiim to show us where that was, and he took us.

It was a downright huge barn, with bleachers for hundreds on one side, and an auctioneers stand on the other, with a lane running through it. There where concession stands serving hot-dogs and pop-corn, and we got some popcorn for a copper piece and sat down with the crowd as the auctioneer , a lion-man, did his spiel and horses, cows, and occasionally wagons and carts where guided down the central lane from a line outside the building.

I got a good idea for what what prices where like over the next two hours. It seemed a gold piece was worth about one hundred dollars in my old currency, and a silver piece about ten, although a silver piece was considerably larger than the dime-like gold pieces. And the copper pieces we where selling our fish for seemed to be worth about a dollar. I wondered how Greg had been able to get by on a little more than ten dollars a day before I had showed up and doubled our catch. But then as he liked to say, he had no bills to pay....

Then finally our car came up for auction. A "2315 Ford Delta hybrid ethanol, battery, and solar sedan with 23,000 kilometers on it, in excellent shape." It sold for one hundred and five gold pieces in a swift series of bids.

Greg asked me how much of the money was his, and I told him we would share it, and use it to buy a house. He nodded at that, smiling, and patted my hand.

We went to finalization and met the buyer, a tall handsome man with no deformities and sparkling blue eyes. He paid by check, drawn on the "First Bank of Solarville", which had a tiny office in the building. So we went to the bank office, and opened a joint bank account to deposit the check.

They took pictures of us and scanned our retinas, then printed out two bank ID cards. We withdrew just enough money to pay the auction house, two gold and three copper pieces, and we went back to the van and drove home into the setting sun.

At the cabin, we ate dinner, and then made sweet, sweet love for a few hours before sleeping.

I got Greg to fuck me _three_times!

As I lay in bed, before drifting off to sleep, I vowed that the next day I would re-explore the lab.

Apocalypse, Ch. 6

_A young man volunteers for a sleep study, and wakes up in a strange lab transforming into a wolf-girl...._ I awoke the next morning to Greg kissing me awake. "Time to get up, Sam", he told me. I smiled at him, remembering last night. I watched as he...

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Apocalypse, Ch. 4

_A young man volunteers for a sleep study, and wakes up in a strange lab transforming into a wolf-girl...._ I was asleep and I was dreaming. In the dream I wore a white wedding gown, and people where throwing rice. Beside me was Greg in a fancy suit....

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Apocalypse, Ch. 3

_A young man volunteers for a sleep study, and wakes up in a strange lab transforming into a wolf-girl...._ I awoke the next morning curled up with Greg as he snored lightly. His arms where around my belly, his hips against my butt, his head against...

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