TOKYO ZONE Episode 4 Ton Otoko Unveiled

Story by Heroquester2018 on SoFurry

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#5 of TOKYO ZONE Episodes

Akane creates a Robot, but everything has a Price

Note: I Changed Waizu's name to Kashikoi.

In the dojo of the Pagoda, Mai, Sakura and Tafu were training with Kashikoi. The furry fighters have been training for at least six and a half years from now, but have not mastered everything yet.

"Where is Akane today?" Kashikoi asked the three girls.

"Oh, I think she was building something." Mai replied to him.

Then Akane came into the Dojo with something to tell to the others.

"Ah...Akane-chan, what have you been doing this time?" Kashikoi asked her.

"Oh...just working on my latest invention, Mai is going to love this." Akane replied.

Akane lead Kashikoi and the other girls to the Lab, as they entered they saw something standing in front of them.

"I would like to introduce you to, Ton Otoko." Akane aroused.

Ton Otoko was a Blue metallic robot with a muscular design, Green and blue color pattern, spikes on the sides of its head and what happened to look like spikes with glowing apple green tips on it shoulders.

"Wow!" Mai gasped, "He's glorious."

"Hello, I am Ton Otoko, your personal body guard." It responeded.

"This is what you have been working on." Tafu said to Akane.

"Yes, let me show you his moves." Akane replied.

As they went outside to the open space near the Pagoda and the forest, Akane had set up some obstacle for her Robot Ton.

"Alright Ton, show them what you got." Akane told Ton, "The fist, show them the fist."

As Ton raised up his fist at a wooden dummy of an Arienn, the Fist suddenly launched out and smashed the dummy into bits as fist returned to Ton.

"Whoah!" everyone watching Ton except for Akane responded.

"Rocket Punch! Make Mai so Happy!" Mai cheered out.

"That's just one of his abilities, Ton show them what you got." Akane instructed.

Ton then showed them his Palm Lasers and Electricity shooting spikes.

"So what does he run on?" Tafu asked Akane.

"Long life super comparator battery." Akane replied.

"Where did you even get that?" Tafu questioned to her.

"Well, I made it myself." Akane replied.

"Wow, you must be a genius at making robots." Tafu said.

"I know, but I used the metal from the Meteorite to create his armor plating." Akane replied.

"So how did you forge the metal?" Mai asked.

"You don't want to know." Akane told her, "Ton, Wings."

Suddenly a pair of blade like lings came out of Tons back like light sabers.

"Wow, he can fly to?!" Mai asked happily.

"Yes, He can, but the wings are kind of like light sabers." Akane replied.

"So he can used them to cut too?" Mai questioned.

"Yep." Akane replied.

"Awesome." Mai cried out.

"Akane, are you sure this, Machine you have created can help us?" Kashikoi asked her.

"Yep, I gave him a scanner capable of finding anything." Akane replied.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Where do you even get those things?" Tafu broke in.

"Well, I use my intelligence, while you and Mai only watch TV TOKYO all the time!" Akane shouted at her, "But anyways, let's go find the Canisters before the Arriens do."

Later at Ivan's apartment, Ivan was watching the news thinking to himself about the four furry fighters. Suddenly he felt the wing coming out of his window. When he went to look outside, he saw the Robot that Akane had created.

"Holy S--- it's a Mecha!" Ivan shouted out.

Also behind Ton's back was Akane.

"Oh hi there Ivan, it's been a while science me and my friends rescued you." Akane said.

"Yeah, I guess so, but did you build that by yourself?" Ivan asked.

"Yep." Akane replied, "I used Arrien tech to build him."

"Well then, why did you come here?" He asked.

"Just to see if you were okay." Akane replied, "And to tell you that Tafu wants to know if you could vist."

"Well, I just got 8,750 yen this week, so I could spend some time with her." Ivan responded.

"So are you going to?" Akane asked.

"Yep, but how are we going to get there?" Ivan questioned.

"Well get just get onto Ton's back and I will take you there." Akane told him.

"Alright then, are you sure this is safe?" Ivan cautiously questioned as he got onto Ton.

"Well, kind of, but I think you might be okay." Akane said without knowing anything.

As Ton started to head towards the Pagoda, a roar came out of nowhere.

"What was that?" Ivan asked.

Suddenly the Purple Mutant Dragon from the first episode came flying towards them.

"It's Eldritch!" Akane shouted out!

"Eldritch?" Ivan questioned.

"Yeah, we encountered him when I went back to the city when we turned eighteen." Akane explained, "He happens to be a mutant that will attack anything."

"A mutant?" Ivan asked her, "How come it looks like a dragon but you are half human?"

"I think it depends on what it once was." Akane explained.

Suddenly the Mutant was going to shoot out its fiery breath at them as Ton dodged the flame.

"TON! Hammer Fist!" Akane commanded to Ton.

As Ton did a U-turn, Ton punched the Mutant right in the face as the Mutant fell right out of the sky.

"Few, that was unexpected." Akane replied to Ivan.

"Yeah, but where are we going to go now?" Ivan asked.

Sometime later, Ivan and Akane got to the pagoda where the others were, but there was a big surprise for them. There were a lot of the Japanese military soldiers and they were after the others. Suddenly one of the soldiers threw a molotove at the Pagoda as the building was set on fire.

"Oh F--- they found us!" Mai cried in terror.

"Shut Up Mai! Where getting out of here!!!" Tafu shouted out at her.

"What do we do Akane?" Ivan asked in terror shaking.

"We let Ton fight." Akane replied, "TON! ATTACK MODE!!!!"

As Akane and Ivan got onto the ground, TON then Charged at the Military men and attacked them.

"I'll get the others, you and TON get rid of them!" Ivan yelled out.

As Ivan went into the building to rescue Akane's friends and Kashikoi, Akane and TON were fighting the soldiers. Kashikoi and the girls were trapped in the burning building.

"Don't worry I'm here to help." Ivan told them as he was rescuing them.

"Who is this?" Kashikoi questioned.

"There's no time for that, let's get out of here!!!" Mai shouted out in terror.

As Ivan led the way out of the building, he didn't notice that one of the soldiers were using a sniper rifle, and that person was going to kill one of the Girls or even Kashikoi. Meanwhile outside, Akane noticed the soldier with the rifle as she commanded TON to attack that person. But, when that happened, the soldier's finger pulled the trigger and shot Ivan in the head.

"IVAN-KUN!" Tafu shouted out.

As it started to rain, it felt like the most depressing part of the act.

"AKANE!" Tafu shouted out, "None of this wouldn't have happened if you built that F---ing Robot!"

"Well excuse me, it was supposed to help us but-." Akane replied angrily.

"WE DON'T HAVE A HOME ANYMORE!" Mai interrupted.

"SHUT UP MAI!" Both Akane and Tafu Shouted out.

"FINE, IM OUT OF HERE!" Akane shouted out as she got onto TON as TON flew away with her.

"Akane, wait!" Kashikoi shouted out. After that tragic event, Mai, Tafu, Sakura and Kashikoi had set up a burial ground for Ivan.

"Sorry Ivan, but this wouldn't have never happened if Akane put us into this mess." Tafu cried out.

"It's okay my daughter, we all have a losses." Kashikoi told her.

"HEY!" A familiar voice shouted out, "I found something."

As they turned their backs around to see who it was, they were in for a shock. It was Akane and TON, they had come back. But why did they?

"Akane?" they questioned.

"Yep, it's me." Akane told them, "I found something when I was flying with TON."

As Akane lead them to what she had found, the four were going to be in surprise.

"Where are we going?" Mai asked.

"Oh don't worry Mai-Chan, you are going to like it." Akane told her.

As they were lead out of the forest, they were surprised to see another city, not inhabited by humans, but by other Mutants like our Furry fighters.

"Whoah! It's like Tokyo, but with Mutants as the residents." Mai gasped with discovery and excitement.

"You see, a stroke of misfortune can lead to a luck fortune." Kashikoi told the four girls.

"Yeah!" Mai shouted out with joy, "Hello new city, here we come!"

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