Tales of Airethe 3: Welcome to Redclyffe

Story by Serafoxxy on SoFurry

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#3 of Tales of Airethe

The bandit and her companion arrive at Redclyffe Estate. What happens next, only time will tell

Even from a distance, Alysa can see the twinkling lights of Gornmont. A city whose central industry is composing of mining and quarrying. it has changed little over time, even though, as she and her prisoner draw nearer, they can see the towering lattice work that stands tall above the rather squat stone buildings that indicates the presence of an airdock. From the vantage of the rising road, Alysa can also spot a second route that runs down to a shallow valley below where a railyard is located, several idle locomotives resting as they bellow forth feeble clouds of steam.

Only when she within sight of the city walls is Alysa intercepted by several men on horseback. They ride down from the gates of the town, dressed in the double breasted leather armor and carrying the heavy rifles typically wielded by soldiers. Every town has some kind of constabulary or watch and these would likely be representatives of that force. By the light of the waxing moon do these shadowy shapes gradually solidify as they come closer and closer.

'Let me do the talking, my dear,' Mira says, running the tip of her tongue along Alysa's lower jaw before patting the horse's neck in front of her, causing the animal to slowly come to a halt.

Alysa lowers her head, concealing her face in the shadows that fall around them. "Mira I am trusting you not to betray me for we will both pay dearly should that happen". Normally this is where the blonde would press her pistol into the back of the woman making her point deathly clear, however Mira has already seen Alysa kill her husband in cold blood and should know that she will not hesitate to do the same to her.

She is surprised that her horse responds so suddenly to the woman's touch and without hesitation. This causes her to question just who this woman might be for the horse beneath her is well trained and will usually not respond to the demands of strangers.

This is the moment where Mira will either prove that she is trustworthy or will condemn the woman behind her to certain death. If she is paying attention she would notice the normally fearless blonde shiver as the shadowy shapes move towards them, knowing that if they are lawgivers or oathkeepers they will surely know who she is on sight.

Rather than frightened, Mira seems impishly amused but assumes a look of mock shock.

'My dear lady of the crossroads, I would not betray you with your pistol at my back yet I know you would not harm me. You have done me a great service this night and I'll not forget it.'

She slides off the saddle and to the road, striding gracefully towards the guardsmen, two of whom place their hands upon the sabres sheathed at their sides and two more who take aim with their rifles at Alysa while the one that remains urges his horse slowly forward.

'Lady Armonde!' the mustached, slender man exclaims. 'We expected you hours ago! Where is your lord and his carriage?'

Mira glances back at Alysa and then nods gravely to the man on horseback addressing her.

'Captain Reynard,' she says softly, bowing her head, 'we were set upon by bandits in the woods. Had not this kindly woman come to my aid with her sword and pistol than I would have surely perished at their hands.'

Captain Reynard peers curiously at Alysa. 'If it is the word of Lady Armonde, then surely it must be true. You have my gratitude as one charged with guarding this city and its citizens' He places his hand flat against his brow, palm facing Alysa, and gives her a salute.

'We managed to scavenge what items the bandits did not take,' Mira explains, raising her face to smile at Captain Reynard. 'This woman deserves a great reward for coming to my aid and I intend to do so once we are permitted to continue to Redclyffe.' There is an archness in her tone that prompts the guard captain to immediately nod and signal to his men.

They part to either side of the road to allow Alysa to pass. 'Once more, fair lady,' Captain Reynard states to Alysa as she passes him, 'we are in your debt.'

Alysa nods silently, not daring to speak as she rides forward, offering her hand to pull Mira into the saddle in front of her once again. She cannot imagine what is going on and why this woman is protecting her after she killed her husband, the man must have been cruel for the woman to behave so towards his killer.

"M'lady, we should continue on to Redclyffe, surely you must be exhausted and I would hate for you to get a chill from this night air as you are sorely unprepared for this weather, the sooner we get you somewhere warm, the better" she says, her concern for the woman clear in her voice as she speaks, hoping to sound like a stranger who is merely protecting a fragile creature rather than the cold blooded killer speaking to the woman who encouraged her act.

'Do not worry, my beauty,' Mira sighs as she smirks at the guardsmen as they pass. 'Redclyffe is quite welcoming and you have an open invitation.'

She falls silent as she lays her head against Alsya's shoulder and nibbles lightly on the woman's neck. 'You are likely wondering why I'm so cooperative. I'll tell you. My husband, despite his appearances, was a brute and a fiend. My mother demanded I marry him for the good of the family fortunes and so I did but I wished to retch each and every time he laid his sweaty hands upon me. It is not as though I have not known the touch of a man but you've seen the poor specimen that he was. You cannot blame me for wishing to be free of him.'

She catches a thin membrane of Alysa's skin between her teeth and tugs lightly. 'You are truly beautiful, my lovely. Does not this comely creature have a name by which I may address her? Or shall she remain unknown and mysterious, even as my tongue teases her sex and causes her to call my name.'

"A-alysa" she whimpers as the woman's teeth catch her neck, the thought the woman's words place in her head cause a sharp breath and the bandit's lips find the woman's forehead "my name is Alysa M'lady although I would not suggest speaking it aloud near anyone for I am not the innocent and honorable creature that i seem to be, there is more than your husband's blood on my hands".

She pulls the woman closer to her, wrapping her coat around them both to stave off the chill as she once again coaxes her horse into a canter "and the noble animal beneath you is Jax, the only man I will ever trust".

"But surely M'lady you knew that not all was as it seemed with me, and if it is your wish for me to do so I shall release you at the gates of Redclyffe and shall be on my way, I do not wish to be any trouble to such a lovely creature, at least no more than I have been. I shall consider your husband's death my good deed for the day and require no payment for my services nor for assuring your safety afterwards, I leave the decision at your discretion M'lady" and with that the bandit falls silent once again, simply holding the woman by her waist and keeping her close.

'Then it is well met, Alysa,' Mira replies before turning her head to look down at the horse and strokes his mane softly, 'and Jax.

'Though I may appear to be young, my years have been filled with many experiences. I knew you for what you were; a woman of unbroken spirit and unbridled passion, a fierce and independent creature, not like these docile noblewoman who smile politely in person and whisper venomous gossip among themselves with the subject is absent. You're a rare kind, my sweet Alysa, or have you traveled so far to know this? Oh, and the moment I saw you, I knew what you wanted and I knew I could give you so much more.'

The stone wall that runs along the mountainside, seemingly to prevent the city from collapsing into the valley below, is broken by a high arched gate atop which sits the gatehouse. As with most cities, the gates are opened by colossal clockwork, with counterweights and pulleys. As the steel grid of the gate is already swung open wide, it is a simple matter for Alysa to pass through it.

While the lower levels of Gornmont are mostly stone hovels or cottages, likely the homes of the workers for the nearby mines and quarries, the further Alysa travels along the diagonally ascending roads, the more lavish the estates become. At one point they pass a wide street lined with buildings nestled tightly next to one another but Mira urges Alysa continue until they take a narrow lane that divides from the main road and winds around the side of the mountain. It is a sheer drop should the horse miss his step but the route is still wide enough to be less than treacherous.

Barely visible among the copse of trees that encircle is a grand red brick building with peaked rooftops and a tower that overlooks the cliff face to the expanse of forest below. An iron fence is set across the road before them but Mira simply smiles at Alysa and then emits a shrill whistle that causes Jax to shudder and whimper beneath Alysa. The sound is still ringing in the bandit's ears when, from the base of the trees, a massive shape emerges.

Alysa had been told stories about trolls but she had never seen with her own eyes, even on the miles of streets that composed Viktoron. They are creatures of loathsome appetite and wicked temper that feed upon the flesh of men. It is their presence that parents whose dwellings lay near the wilderness invoke when they wish to make their children behave.

Nearly twice Alysa's height, with a hunched back and gnarled, wart infested skin, the sinewy giant lumbers forward. Despite his wide thick lipped drooling jaws and his flat, monstrous nose that rests between sunken eyes and heavy shelf of a brow, the troll is still dressed in a fitted leather reinforced waistcoat and slacks with armored kneepads. His long, muscular arms dangle to either side of him, nearly dragging his wickedly curved claws on the ground.

Mira gestures to the troll, who growls in a somewhat menacing fashion, before moving closer, seizing the spiked iron poles that compose the fence, and pulling open the gate.

'You must forgive Ogyr,' Mira says as she looks directly into Alysa's face. 'He is my mother's servant, not mine, but he abides our presence and follows our commands as she has instructed.'

Patting Jax on the head, Mira nestles back against Alysa as the horse starts forward without being prompted by Alysa

Alysa is still puzzled by the woman's words and moreso by the appearance of the troll, however her apprehension dissolves as the woman explains. Having never seen one before Alysa is captivated and slightly repulsed by the creature's appearance and is more than slightly relieved when Jax continues forwards through the gates.

"I assume this is your home then M'lady?" she asks as the horse trots past the troll seemingly unbothered by the creature's presence. She pulls the woman a little closer against her and kisses her forehead again. "And if you shall have me M'lady it will be my home for as long as you request my company and no longer"

Alysa is growing used to the feeling of the woman in her arms and is in no hurry to relinquish her prize and as it seems that the woman has intentions of securing her safety she is not in a position to turn down her advances and is in fact curious as to what treasures might await her should she remain in this woman's company.

'This is Redclyffe,' Mira demurs with a hint of mirth. 'It is my home now.'

Her smile widens further. 'You are most welcome here, my dear Alysa. I've been dying for some decent company. Believe it or not, my husband was not terribly fond of conversation and I've run out of topics to discuss with my manservant and the troll. I know you'll eventually wish to leave but, before that time, I intend to make the most of your presence here.'

Once through the gate and past the troll, there is a short paved lane that leads through the trees to a circular driveway that is enclosed by a tangle of wild brambles that grow rather recklessly around what seems to be a disused fountain. The mansion itself is even bigger up close, at least three stories high but the tower is easily twice that height and stands out above the evergreen grove that covers the estate in deep shadows.

'Welcome to Redclyffe,' Mira states, pointing towards a high arched entryway with a pair of large, iron reinforced double doors. Standing there is a strikingly handsome, pale skinned gentleman with dark, somewhat long hair and a grim smile upon his nearly flawless features.

'You have returned, Lady Armonde,' he says tersely, 'and without Lord Armonde of his carriage.'

'Yes,' Mira replies, gliding down to the ground from the back of Jax and landing gracefully on her feet. 'He's dead, Dakrom. Come, my dear Alysa, allow me to show you around.'

Dakrom narrows his eyes and turns around slowly to speak at Mira's back as she strides towards the doors. 'Dead? How is it he is dead?'

Halfway pivoted towards Dakrom, Mira scowls. 'He is dead, Dakrom. The details are not important.'

The pale, sly looking man darts his eyes at Alysa and then back to Mira. 'Mother shall not be happy.'

'Mother is never happy,' Mira sighs wearily, 'now come along, Alysa. I wish to give you the tour.'

'And who is this?' Dakrom asks, raising an eyebrow and giving Alysa an undeniably charming smirk, his green eyes glittering much in the same way as those of Mira.

'She is a guest,' Mira answers tersely. 'And that shall be all your questions for now. See to her horse, Dakrom.'

Alysa is usually not one to obey orders but something tells her this woman means business and she slips out of the saddle, patting Jax's mane affectionately. "now you behave yourself Jaxy no causing trouble with the other horses" she laughs as she walks over to stand next to the strange woman.

"As you wish M'lady" she says, eyeing the man curiously before looking back to the woman at her side with a smile. "I would love to see your home and I assure you I will always be happy to engage in conversation with you whenever you desire, I am sure that we will have much to discuss".

Beyond the doors of that manor is a grand hall with a high vaulted ceiling from which hangs a magnificent chandelier composed of brass rings adorned by crystals which cast glittering shafts of light from the burning lanterns in their midst. A central staircase divides in two directions and, to the right and left, there are doorways to other corridors while two slightly smaller rooms adjoin the entrance, one of which appears to be a sitting room with darkwood panelling and various paintings hanging on the walls and the other, a parlor with two plush looking sofas and a long table where tea or aperitifs would be served were it the proper hour and had Alysa been an expected guest.

Alysa has been in houses of similar size but the only one in which she spent any time was the orphanage and that carried with it unpleasant memories of abusive wards and other cruel children. Nevertheless, it had been a crucible in which she been tempered and made stronger.

Still, the resemblance is undeniable, even if the design and layout are much different. It is the lack of comfort, perhaps, the sense of coldness instead of hospitality. For some reason, Alysa feels unwelcome here, as if she had intruded of her own accord rather than by invitation.

'There are thirty rooms,' Mira says, folding her hands together loosely. 'Nearly forty if you count the workshops in the tower. My husband, you see, was an investor. He had inherited a rather large sum from partial ownership of one of the local mines which, as it happens, had been a successful venture. Now, thanks to you, I own all of this.' She grimaces slightly. 'That is, once the lawyers have decided all the details.'

'It is nearly dawn and soon the servants shall be awake but I'm exhausted so I may retire for the day and perhaps arise near evening. You are welcome, if you like, to wander the manor but, first, let me show you to your room.'

'Are you certain you would not wish me to do so?' Dakrom asks as he slips from the shadows that have gathered in the parlor. He moves so swiftly and silently that Alysa had not the opportunity to notice his arrival.

'That is not necessary, Dakrom,' Mira replies, her eyelids flickering languidly. 'I shall show her to her room. I may be the lady of the house but I am hardly entirely worthless.' She lifts the hem of her skirt by tugging on the length of her gown and begins to climb the stairs.

'Oh, yes,' she comments thoughtfully, 'we shall need a lantern.' Approaching one of the two lanterns set up the ends of the bannisters, she takes it in hand by the brass ring on the top of it and lifts it up, casting her face in a yellowish pall.

'I neglected to even ask, my dear,' Mira addresses Alysa. 'Are you hungry? I know we have not eaten in hours.'

'I've had my evening meal,' Mira replies with a smile, 'but I shall be retiring soon as the journey has wearied me. I could prepare something for you if you like or you can wait until the servants awaken and bid them for the same. Lemia is the matron and she will make any arrangements you require.'

'I could prepare something for her,' Dakrom suggests casually, his innocent tone obviously concealing some ill intent.

'No,' Mira says firmly, walking down a few steps to stand above Dakrom. 'You will tend to your concerns. Madame Alysa is my guest and I shall see to her needs.'

The lady of the house and her manservant lock eyes. Alysa has not spent much time in the homes of the wealthy and privileged but she does have experience deciphering the motivations of others and there is something amiss between these two. In her observations, Alysa has never seen a manservant be so brazenly contrary to the word of his mistress.

'Dakrom, you shall tend to your duties and yours alone. If the larder is empty, that is because you've not been properly motivated to ensure that our stock does not run out, skulking about the house instead of going out and tending to your tasks.'

Mira tosses her head back, brushing a hand through her silky black hair. 'Now, you shall leave Madame Alysa be. If she has some need, she shall tell me directly.'

Once more, her lips purse in her coy smile as her seductive gaze falls back upon Alysa. 'Is that understood, Madame Alysa?'

Of course M'lady" Alysa purrs softly, something about the way the woman is looking at her makes her want to blush and shy away like a schoolgirl but she manages to resist, settling for nervously raking a hand through her blonde hair.

It was clear to the young woman that there was something strange at work here and she would need to watch her step carefully, especially where the man was concerned as he seemed to have his own sinister intentions.

'Good,' Mira replies as she turns to continue up the stairs, stopping at the center landing where two heavy steel suits of armor stand, presumably empty, while, between them, a tall wooden clock dolefully tolls the sixth hour, the brass pendulum within it swinging back and forth. Along the clock face, there is a secondary dial that displays the sun and the moon, with the moon now setting and the sun rising. 'It is well that we understand each other. To your duties, Dakrom, and then you may rest.' She stands there waiting for Alysa to follow her.

Alysa follows the woman up the stairs silently, not bothering to look back at the strange man. She is not used to riding through the night like this but she must admit the distraction of the woman's company made everything bearable. "Thank you for your hospitality M'lady, it is not often that a woman of my profession gets to enjoy the company of such a treasure as yourself".

'Oh, such sweet words, Madame Alysa,' Mira says, slowly walking up the steps to her right, the form fitting gown hugging the lush boundaries of her hips and backside, on full display for Alysa. 'But you've already charmed me, my dear. I love a woman of action and purpose. You so rarely find such a lady these days among either the aristocracy or the common folk. You have strength of spirit and beauty of body in equal measure. It is you who are the prize, Madame Alysa. I am the one who is honored to have you in my home.'

She turns about as she reaches the upper landing. 'Not to mention you did kill my husband for me, so that has earned you a place here.'

As a child in Damora, Alysa had swiftly learned to become a killer. Not a murderer, necessarily, as her victims were usually the rather large and, when gathered in groups, vicious rats that would breed under the docks as well as the occasional giant spider that might be hiding in some otherwise empty warehouse. From vermin, she would later graduate to those of more wicked disposition than she who would attempt to victimize her or the younger girls who looked to her for protection. Especially in Viktoron, where the tall buildings cast long shadows, there were unspeakable, unspoken crimes that were prevented because of Alysa's deftness with a blade.

Upon becoming a stalker, Alysa had been trained to be an even more formidable warrior and had spent some time tracking down those bestial creatures that still haunt the wilder regions of Angalon and may lay low travelers or wanderers. Even so, until Jothan, she had never truly be forced to commit murder. Whenever she and Jothan had cornered a criminal unwilling to surrender, her partner had taken evident pleasure in employing his pistol, even before Alysa could react. She is, after all, not without some mercy, though she uses it sparingly and only on the innocent or deserving.

Holding up the lantern, Mira leads Alysa down the high arched corridor, which is lined with paintings between the occasional door. Above, the ceiling is decorated with faded frescos depicting an aerial battle but not of airships. The creatures locked in combat may be dragons, which are almost entirely mythical here in Angalon, and only madmen or liars claim to have seen them now.

Beneath her feet is a heavy carpet that swallows the sound of her footfalls and thus the gloomy passage is almost entirely silent as well.

Alysa can't help but stare at the beautiful and agile creatures captured in the frescoes above her. She has heard of dragons of course, but only in the fairy tales and legends she heard as a child. Her inquisitive blue eyes scan over the painted creatures, her imagination captivated by their freedom.

She cannot help but wonder if she is yet again a bird in an elaborate cage, trapped and bound not only by her own desires and weaknesses, but by the will and whim of the woman she now follows, after all the woman could turn her in at any moment. But hadn't she had her chance with the guards? Why did she not tell the truth? The thoughts spin through Alysa's head as she walks behind the woman silently.

Finally, passing still more rather faded portraits of unknown individuals whose faces may be obscured but still, rather unsettlingly, retain the stark white of their eyes, Mira halts at one of the dozen doors along the walls, this one at the very end of the hallway, and opens it.

Within lies a rather regal and spacious bedroom, boasting not only a large bed but a wide window that allows a splendid view of the valley and the train depot below. To the left of that is a bureau drawer and a small desk. There is also a small sofa along the wall opposite the bed and a tall wardrobe just to the right of the entrance.

'If I were not so exhausted from the night's adventures,' Mira says, her innuendo hardly hidden, 'I would ask you to join me for a bath. As it is, I must retire but I shall certainly need one when I awaken.' It would not take a clever mind to comprehend the invitation.

'Until then, you may wander freely in the manor. The tower is off limits as it is in a state of disrepair and thus not safe to explore and the cellars are locked to keep the servants from stealing from the wine stores.' Her eyes sparkle. 'You can only terminate so many hirelings in this town before you run out of available options so it is simpler to keep them from temptation.'

Alysa nods and smiles at the unspoken invitation. "You shall of course find me at your service when you awake M'lady, I am hardly in a position to vanish and I am certain that Jax is content to take advantage of your stables and their relative comfort at least for a few days and far be it for me to deny such a loyal beast his rewards".

With another rake of her slender fingers through that long blonde hair she smiles, levelling her blue eyes back on the woman with just a hint of that wolfish hunger, "unless you've need of my assistance M'lady I shall leave you to your rest and explore a little. But I shall be sure to return before you awake in case you have need of me, in any form".

Nodding, Mira favors Alysa with a wry smile. 'You and your steed shall be quite safe within our care.' Her long, pale fingers play with the amulet that rests against her exposed breastbone, the swirling black smoke inside the green gem suddenly shifting much more swiftly.

Then she bows her head and turns away to walk down the hall, pausing only to give a reminder. 'Speak to Lemia if you need any. She is the matron in charge of the other maids or you may ask after Alaric, as he is the butler. Rest well, Madame Alysa. You may need your energy.' She winks and walks off, talking the lantern with her, the circle of light surrounding her slowly fading as she disappears into the darkness down the hallway.

Alysa silently blows a kiss after the woman as she leaves, looking around the room. Even as a Stalker she had been unused to such splendour and she was sure that her exploring could wait. It has been a long time since the rogue could sleep without keeping one eye open for danger and with Jax safely stabled and in the care of the woman's servants, there was little else for her to do.

She walked over to the bed, sitting on the edge of it with a smile as she mulled over the implication in the woman's words. The idea that this could be simply an elaborately gilded trap quickly fades.

With her mind for the moment at ease with the situation, the bandit kicks her boots off and stretches out on the bed, savouring the comfort of the luxurious blankets as sleep claims her.