
Story by Ripper Equidae on SoFurry

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A little more of a snapshot of my thoughts of "daily life". This time focusing on the consumption of alcohol. A little bit of a U-turn on "Sleeping Together" where I implied that the boyfriend and I don't have sex, in this particular universe we do just not regularly or on a whim. I still don't have a boyfriend IRL and I don't really need one, I have my technology to pass the time.

As always, comments, votes and faves muchly welcomed.

Alcohol. A strange set of

chemicals. Too much of it is usually viewed as damaging to one's health in the

long term and waaay too much of it is lethal, especially if pure. Too little or

none of it at all and people assume you're of a particular religion where

alcohol is usually avoided or that you're a health nut. I'm a student at a

veterinary university and I have almost no social life. Why? I don't want to go

out and, for want of a better expression, piss what little money I have down

the drain. I'm not in any of the sports societies either, it's generally

expected that you enjoy sports, are good at them and don't just like to play

recreationally. Plus there's no sports that I'd be interested in like say,

curling.It's usually the sports clubs

that go out on "socials" and end up getting very, very drunk. Why? You're

wasting money on very expensive drinks for a temporary slowing down of synaptic

transmission all to do damage to your liver, kidneys, brain and invariably you

end up feeling like utter crud in the morning. I do have a drink (out of a can)

every once in a while but I don't enjoy it, I tried to make beer and pizza a

weekly thing and you know what? I love the pizza but the can? Feels like a

chore. I'm now trying to stop entirely or take it down to say, one can a month

if not less. If I want to go out and "have a drink" I'll go out to a quiet pub,

enjoy a pint, chat for a couple hours with the present company and then go

home. No picking up traffic cones, vomiting in the street or getting awkward

sex with some undesirable stranger for me. No fun? Please, I just have a

different kind of fun that happens to be niche enough that nobody understands

it. Besides, there's nothing worse than being the only sober fur in a room full

of drunkards.You can understand then, why I

get tetchy about my partner going on socials with his work when I'm away

studying. He understands my views but I've never been out with him, never seen

exactly where it is they go and what it is they do. I don't see if he's up to

anything but I suppose that's where the element of trust fits in. He's never

texted me saying he feels like crap and seems to enjoy drinking in much the

same manner I do. Yet, alcohol can make people do dumb stuff and that's why I

worry. CTRL + S pressed on my keyboard I sigh, rub my equine temples and go

grab a cup of tea. Yes, tea. Nice tea too, Earl Grey, probably much less

damaging than alcohol. I'll see if he can Skype and I'll ask him, because why

not? I don't suspect him of anything, I'm just curious. I send him a message on

my phone and as the tea sits brewing the device chirrups at me, hooray, he's

free.Remove teabag. Add soy milk.

Wander back to room. Boot up PC. Login to Skype. Hey handsome, how are you?

Load up browser for a small game we play to pass the time while talking and I

wait a few minutes until he brings up work and the social being cancelled

tomorrow, kind of a relief on my part."Say hun, where is it you go on

these outings? You've never told me." I ask, briefly looking to the camera with

my ears and eyebrows perked curiously. I see in the corner of my screen him

grin and chuckle slightly."Oddly enough the same pub I'm

fond of taking you to, planning a date or something?" I laugh and shake my

muzzle as on screen other people try to work out who the mafia leader is in

this turn based game, it's me, sssssh don't tell them."Nah I just wanted to see if I

happened to know it. Still quiet as usual when we go in?""A little busier with us in there

obviously but it isn't too bad, you'd probably still like it. Come with us at

Easter when you're back up and I can introduce you." Eeeeeh, he wants to

introduce me to work colleagues...eeeeeeeeeeh. Evidently he saw the look of

distaste on my muzzle as I catch his ears momentarily drooping. Even his in

game character disproves and frowns into the gathering of furs."Cmon hun, you don't have to

drink and even if you wanted to we can walk home you know. Not like driving is

an issue.""It's not that, just kinda

worried they might disapprove of me." They know we're partners and aside from

random meet-ups in supermarkets and such I've never met any of his colleagues."I talk about you a lot, they

know more than you might think. Heck some of them are gay too you know and they

know all about how you like it when I squeeze your-" He's cut off midsentence

as my screen flashes red, I miscalculated how much someone knew and the

werewolf in game has killed me off to try and win himself. Of course this

caught me by surprise, as does his admission and I get the standard equine dinner

plates."You talk about when we had

sex?!" Shying up I lower my voice, trying to respect my flatmates and also not

embarrass myself in the process since they probably might've heard that."Relax hun, they were talking

about it during a social and asked me if there was anything we got up to, I

didn't give them graphic detail just that you liked that and I did too." I huff

and give the camera a disapproving look, tail swishing angrily behind me."Alcohol makes your muzzle far

too loose...I'll have to give you something else to make it that way when I come

back.""That's what I was betting on."...Bastard...he won the game.