Out Of His Element

Story by OreoTheWolf on SoFurry

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Based on an RP between a friend and I. It's my first story, so be gentle with your criticism.

  • * * As I lay on my knees, in the darkness of my mistress' room, I could only occupy my mind with disbelief at my current predicament. I was friends with the folfess for quite a while. We had a lot in common, but me being gay wolf and her being a female, sex was not a topic we often discussed. Until one day, I let loose too much information: "Damn, I wish I could find a master. Someone to dom me." "I'm a dom", she replied. I heard the sound of a door mechanism turning. Suddenly, I was blinded. Someone had come into the dark room I was kneeling in and had turned on the light. I blinked a few times, and once my vision returned to me, I saw her standing before me. She had, for the most part, a typical fox fur pattern. Red, white underbelly, black gloves and socks. However, each paw digit was colored white. Her paw pads were a light pink color, and she had a tuft of white hair. Perhaps her most defining characteristic, however, was a black, star-like shaped pattern in the fur around her left eye. She must have noticed my boner, because she looked down at me and smirked, starting to slowly walk towards me. I felt myself whine softly, tucking my tail in between my legs. Without hesitation, she took her footpaw and placed it on my thigh and laughed to herself. Her laughter rang out in my ears, making me whimper pitifully, her paw so close to my hard member. "Awwww... poor baby", she said, a grin taking shape on her muzzle, a giggle accompanying it. Her footpaw moved from my thigh and grazed my cock, making it wiggle back and forth. I gasped, maw open wide and eyes closed, as my hardness bobbed and twitched. She laughed at my reaction, wiggling her toes against my aching cock. I began to pant, my cock betraying me, getting too excited as she teased me with her foot. Suddenly, she removed her foot from my dick, making me shiver and whine, the sensation removed. I felt a drip of pre ooze from the slit of my wolfhood, making a small strand hang from the tip. I felt her footpaw push gently against my chest, her toes wriggling, paw pads caressing my chest. I let out a soft murr, and I could swear I could feel her smirking at me despite my eyes being closed. Her foot slowly moved up my chest until it reached my neck, and then I felt her remove it, only to feel her toe tap on my nose. "Open." I opened my muzzle obediently, waiting for her next command. Almost immediately, her entire footpaw was pressed roughly against my open muzzle, filling my nose with the scent of her paw. She murred loudly to herself, laughing once again. "Lick them clean. Be a good boy." That was it. She had said "good boy". I was hers now; she had said the words that I live to hear. I moaned and gasped, replying to her as much as I could with my lips pressed against her foot. "Yes, Mistress." I stuck out my long, lupine tongue, running it up her paw. I started at the heel, moving it ever so slowly upwards, over her paw pads and up to the tips of her toes. I licked eagerly at her paw pads, swirling my tongue around the flesh, murring at the taste. After a few licks, I took a toe into my maw, closing my lips around it and suckling on it, swirling my tongue around it. Once I was sure it was clean, I slid it from my muzzle, the slick paw digit plopping free from my lips with a pop. I heard her murr approvingly above me, and I opened my eyes to see her smiling at me. "Mmmm, Good boy." The folfess wiggled her toes in front of my face, giggling to herself. I felt myself blush again as she taunted me. She pressed her foot to my chest once again, sliding down this time. I murred again, her toes sifting through my soft fur. She slowly slid her now well-lubricated paw across my throbbing cock, smirking. I writhed and gasped, her cold, wet paw meeting my hot flesh. My cock dripped more pre onto her paw, the organ pulsing and throbbing, begging for more, making me close my eyes again and whine. Her paw was removed from my shaft, her giggles making me blush. "Feel good?" All I could do is fold my ears down, the blush burning the inside of my ears. I nodded softly, whining as I played her game. "Yes, mistress... it feels wonderful..." She laughed at me and hovered her footpaw over me, pressing a single toe onto my tip, pressing down towards the ground. I groaned as she slowly bent my shaft, making me pant, my breath coming in short gasps. "What a fun little wolfie toy you are..." Suddenly, she let go, my stiff shaft springing back up roughly, slapping my stomach. I whined, my body jerking once in response, the sensation both painful and stimulating. Another laugh assaulted my ears... she was obviously having a grand time at my expense. "Oh, someone liked that, didn't they?" "Yes, mistres-AHHHH!" My reply was cut off abruptly by her teasing; a toe claw gently, slowly moving up the underside of my cock. I writhed again, the slightest of sensations creating the most immense of teasing. I whined, I gasped, and she laughed, enjoying the show. She raised an eyebrow and smirked, and even before she opened her mouth, I whined again. "It seems you're getting rather..." Her spread toes gripped my cock tightly, jerking her paw towards herself roughly, giving a rough stroke to my sensitive organ. "...excited." Another laugh belted from her, accompanied by a murr. Her foot started to swiftly move back and forth on me, stroking me with her footpaw. I moaned loudly, at last getting the sensation I've craved, writhing around on my knees, finding it hard to stay upright. Each stroke made my cock throb painfully, my toes and fingers splaying with each glorious stroke. As soon as it began, it ended, her paw removed from me and her back turned to me. She fiddled walked over to a table, returning shortly with leash, which she promptly attached to the ring on my collar. She tugged on it roughly, and I whined softly. "Come on, get on all fours. Like a good boy." She jerked on the leash again, and I went with it, landing on my handpaws. My tail remained tucked in between my legs, looking up at her and awaiting her next command. "Come with me..." She yanked on my leash once again, starting to walk around the room. I followed her as close as I could, my wolfhood bobbing heavy between my legs, making me whine softly; which must have been her plan, because she heard my whine and laughed to herself. Suddenly, she stopped abruptly, and I almost bumped into the back of her. She put her footpaw on my back, giving off another laugh before pushing down, making me fall flat on my stomach, my cock wedged painfully between the floor and my stomach. A yip escaped my mouth, followed by a groan, my cock throbbing back against my tummy. She laughed yet again, walking around to the back of me and kneeling down. She cocked a paw back, swatting it hard against my rump, enticing another yip and a pitiful, weak whine from my throat. "Awwww, poor baby..." I felt her lift me up, putting me back up on my knees. "Seeing as how you've been a good boy, I'll give you a reward." Her hand appeared in front of my face abruptly. "Lick it good. Fingers, too." Nodding, I obey immediately, lapping my tongue against her palm. After a few good licks, I stuck each finger in and sucked on it one at a time, making sure to get the entire surface area of her paw wet. She murred approvingly, removing her paw from the front of my muzzle. "Good boy." I felt her fingers wrap around my length. Instinctively, I tried to thrust forward, gasping and whining, trying to receive some sort of pleasure. I began to pant, my heart rate increasing. My knot started to form and she took notice, squeezing down on it, eliciting from me another moan and from her, another laugh. Suddenly, she stopped, putting her muzzle to my ear. I could feel her warm breath as she whispered to me. "You're not cumming until I say so." I whined, knowing the game she wanted to play. Still, I nodded obediently. "Yes, mistress." She began to paw at me furiously, and I immediately felt my orgasm try to build up deep in my loins. I tried to hold myself back, my thighs shaking as I attempted to obey the folfess' commands. "Mmmm, I bet you're getting close, huh? Bet you can't wait to release..." She rolled her thumb over my tip, and I let out a loud whimper. My body jerked violently as she teased my tip, making it hard for me to reply to her. "Yeessss... mistr-AHHH-sss..." With that, she pulled me backwards into a laying position. She went around to the front of me and laid down below me, grinning up at me with an evil grin.. "Awwww... bet this this makes it harder for you?" Her tongue flicked out of her muzzle, licking up the underside of my cock. I saw stars, my toes flexing. She kept up her assault on me, licking at my cock, forcing me to bite my lip down to try to keep myself under control. Without warning, I felt her lips wrap around me, her muzzle and throat engulfing my whole length in an instant. I cried, thrashing around on the floor, my cock throbbing desperately in her gullet as I tried to fight off my climax. As immediately as the sensation hit me, it passed, removing me from her maw. She began to gently stroke me again, looking up at me and giggling. "Getting more difficult? Wanting to desperately cum all over my paw? Awwww, poor baby... tough it out." Once again I was jammed into her muzzle, another loud moan escaping my lips. She began to bob her head up and down on me, making me clench my paws, my whole body shaking from my fight to keep from cumming. I felt her lick at my tip, her tongue dancing along my slit. I began to cry, the torture being too much to bear. "Mistress, please, please let me cum... I'll do anything... please..." She removed me from her mouth once again, taking my cock in her paw and tapping it against her lips, making me gasp and tense. "... Anything, huh? Awwww, can't hold out?" Her tongue flicked out against my head again, making me throw my head back and moan. She began to massage my balls in her other paw, making me murr softly. "Mistress, oh god... I can't... please..." "Whining like a little bitch? Awww, my little bitch wolfie... cum for me." And with that, her paw began to stroke me furiously. My eyes rolled back in my head and I moaned my lungs out, writhing on the ground. I felt my balls draw up close to my body, followed by warmth rising up my shaft. Suddenly, I held still, my cock giving a few dry pumps before shooting my cum straight up in the air, globs of warm wolf jizz coating her paw. I almost passed out there. My toes flexed, I panted, and I continued to cum. I heard her giggle and murr approvingly, stroking me gently as my climax tore through me. Soon, I was left still save for the heaving of my chest, my softening wolf dick dribbling the remnants of my orgasm on her paw. I opened my eyes to see her bring her paw to her mouth, licking my cum from her hand. I heard her murr softly as she tasted it, which made me smile a bit. "Good boy." Her paw found it's way behind my ear, scritching me a bit before moving under my chin, resuming the scritching. I murred and felt my tail wagging ever so slowly, finding it hard to keep my eyes open. She smiled. "Tired?" I nodded weakly. "Awwww..." She opened her arms invitingly, and without hesitation, I flopped into them. I rested my head on her big, soft bosom, closing my eyes and allowing myself to rest. I felt her paws rub my back, her claws sifting through my fur. And there we stayed: the big gay wolf and the folfess that owned him.